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LOVE PDF Downloads!

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I don't like them. I have to print the patterns all out and then put them in folders or binders. I'd much rather have a book. If I had a laptop I probably wouldn't care, but I don't and hubby doesn't think I need one so can't get one.

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I back them up on my flash drive. I don't print them all out because I am making an effort to "go green". I can keep the pattern up when I am crocheting since I have a laptop and it sits right on my ottomon while I sit in my comfy chair with:hook and :yarn

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I'd rather have a book or a magazine. I like being able to work on my crocheting anywhere, especially if there is limited space like on the train, etc. and I don't have to worry about battery time as with a lap top. I have a lap top as well as a desktop pc and prefer to print out any patterns I like from the internet. But as for buying downloads like they have at Annie's Attic and e-patterns, I feel pretty much that I'm just throwing money one way. I've purchased two patterns that way and totally dislike it.


I like being able to sell the pattern book or magazine when I no longer have a use for that type of pattern, so I get money back on my investment if I want. I also like the idea of the patternbooks I have being 'someday' antique pattern books sitting in someones collection.


I love looking through the antique pattern books I have. It's just not the same looking at them on the computer.

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I love pdf files since you can save them and print out later. Also many free patterns come that way too which is nice to print your pattern right away your not constantly changing size to print it. You can save them to disc or flash drives and I make a color photo to go with the pattern it helps with visual when working with the pattern especially if directions are confusing. I even use it for my own designs.

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I have a love/hate relationship with these! I ordered a couple I thought I really wanted from a site, and when I got them, I didn't like them. No return.........:sigh. I guess if I'm not sure, I'll try to order the actual book so I can return it. I don't like not being able to look through the book first, or seeing all the patterns in it, but on the other hand, if I really love it, I can be crocheting in minutes!

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I love patterns that I can download and print from the Internet but I prefer to copy them into a work document (not pdf format). I like to change the font and spacing so that the pattern is still readable but condensed. Why print out 6 pages when you can fit it on to 4 pages? I also like to be able to make notes or changes (using a different color ink) to a pattern after I've made the item. Using a different color of ink for modifications keeps the integrity of the pattern plus it lets me know what I did the first time in case I want to make it again.


I always print all the copyright information on the pattern and add the link where I found the pattern to the bottom of the page. I want designers to get the credit they deserve because with out them I wouldn't get the opportunity to make so many fun things! :hug

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I LOVE them! I have tons of them on my laptop and backed up on my flash drive. It's SOOOOO much more convenient than books (or printing them) because I can just click the search option on the folder and find the exact pattern, or type of pattern I am looking for. Plus it's nice not to waste all that paper and ink printing patterns that I may or may not use.


I always make sure to name each file with the exact name of the pattern plus a descriptor word if the name doesn't already contain one. For instance, the pattern I'm working on now is called "Regency Square", so I added to the name so it would be sure to come up in any search I would do to find the file. It's now called "Pineapple Regency Square Afghan". Oh, and the other thing I do, any pattern that I am currently using, I make sure to save a shortcut to that pattern on my desktop for easy location. :hook

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I love the fact that I can search a lot easier through the digital format than I can a hard copy. I am in the process of organizing the paper form and it is a bit exhausting....I just didn't realize all the patterns I have printed out and how unorganized I am. :blush

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I just didn't realize all the patterns I have printed out and how unorganized I am. :blush


That's exactly why I don't print! I KNOW for a fact just how unorganized I am. I would never find a thing! I'd just have to end up re-printing what I need each time I needed it! LOL


I do on occasion print a pattern, or a portion thereof, if I know I will be away from the computer for a while such as when we are traveling... where all those bits of paper are now is anyone's guess. :lol

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