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Lost Project!!!

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I lost my crochet project! It's the weirdest thing. I was working on a crochet shrug, from this booklet, crochet shrugs. lol it's a little bolero looking one with a chain loop edging around the body and neck of the shrug and cuffs. anyways, i startd it last week. got a great start on it . got the back done, adn one side. was about to start the other side and the sleeves, but i've lost the whole package. yarn, hooks, and booklet. what the heck! lol

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I do that.. like this morn.. i gatherd all 5 kids shoes (or so i thought) I came out and placed everyons shoes n clothing in their desgnated get dressed spot. I look and chey my 4 yr old was not getting dressed.. i asked where her shoes were n shesaid "gone".. her 6 yr old sis likes to hide clothing when I'm not lookin so i told her she better get the shoes where she hid them.. She insisted she didnt... Iranted n raved tht theshoes better turnup. I look n look NO SHOES so i had to get her play shoes....


I went bk to bed when they were on thebus.. woke up a few hours later and went to the playroom.. and loe n behold by the sock drawer r her shoes LOL.. I swear i ooked there.. but I must not hve looked good enough.. I know the kids didnt do it cause their not allowe in the laundry area

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I've been there and done that. I was embroidering a pillow when I was around 16. Went and babysat for the neighbor....worked on it all night....went home. Couldn't find it after that. Never did find it. I guess somebody else got it and finished. I at least hope so. I hate to have had it end up in the trash somewhere. Hopefully you will find your project. Good Luck!

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I was making crochet heart pins for Valentines Day, when I lost the tote bag with hooks, yarn, pattern, etc. We looked everywhere :think. It turned up a year later in my parents attic, mixed in with the Christmas decorations they had put away :lol.

Ellie 13

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:cheerI was once told that St Anthony is the Patron Saint of lost things.

At the time I was looking for something which was very important to my mother, her false teeth.:hook

I went back into her room, at the resthome, without even getting around to asking St Anthony to help me find them and I had the urge to look under the mattress at the foot of her bed.

You guessed it, there they were.

:thinkWhy they were in such a wierd place I will never know but that was where I found them.

Why the staff had not found them after several days I will never know either because they had to make her bed every day.

Lets just say I was very happy to find them with or without the help of St Anthony.


Maybe it is worth a try for finding crochet goodies.


Have fun.


PS: OOOPs, I see it worked, even before I wrote this reply. I need to read all posts in a thread. Glad you found it.

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:cheerI was once told that St Anthony is the Patron Saint of lost things.

At the time I was looking for something which was very important to my mother, her false teeth.:hook

I went back into her room, at the resthome, without even getting around to asking St Anthony to help me find them and I had the urge to look under the mattress at the foot of her bed.

You guessed it, there they were.

:thinkWhy they were in such a wierd place I will never know but that was where I found them.

Why the staff had not found them after several days I will never know either because they had to make her bed every day.

Lets just say I was very happy to find them with or without the help of St Anthony.


Maybe it is worth a try for finding crochet goodies.


Have fun.


PS: OOOPs, I see it worked, even before I wrote this reply. I need to read all posts in a thread. Glad you found it.



Colleen, I am with you about praying to St. Anthony. My mother taught us this when we were little, here is what I say.


Something is lost and can't be found, please St. Anthony look around.


My 23 year old even says it when he can't find something. He lost his pager for work last week, looked high and low for it. The next day after praying to St. Anthony, the pager was found in the ambulance that he had driven. They were paging it, and nothing, Michael started praying and there it was.

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So glad that you finally located your lost project, ButterflyGirl!

I know how frustrating that can be as I lost a finished project just the other day, and, as usual, ended up finding it front and center in an area (closet shelf) that I had looked (er, overlooked?) twice before!...Often referred to as "If it were a snake..." syndrome? ;)




Well, I've had my furniture eat hooks but never a whole project :lol yours must be yarnivorous :devil




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  • 2 weeks later...

Let me tell you what I did.

I lost a whole sack of yarn. I could have kicked myself.

I was in process of getting things packed to move to another house, and I put things in trash bags. I know that yarn for that project was in a trash bag. I must have put it out for the trash. I was so mad.

I couldn't find it anywhere and had to go repurchase all that yarn for that project.

So be careful what you put in a "trash" bag as you most certainly will think it's trash and throw it out, if you don't check first to see what is in it. Like I didn't do.

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