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Is It Me Or Does It Seem Like A Lot Of Members Are Entering Fairs This Year?

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way to go , at the fairs you can enter almost anything,I also am doing the fair,but I do canning items this will be the 1st time I enter any crochet work and I am look forward to it its a fun thing my GD started 3 years ago is is 6 and has placed each year,this year she is entering here sun flower its 7foot 6in tall and it will be ready just in time for the fair in sept.so what kind of art do you do? me I have only placed 2 times and my jams are the ones that win I didn't do jam last year but the prize winning peach jam is done for the year.good luck on your art and let me know how you do good luck always


PIF everyday even if its with a smile Jane

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I think a lot more members ARE entering fairs this year, that is one of the great things about Crochetville, we encourage each other to try new things, increase our skills and be proud of our work as well as encouraging each other to show others what joy we get from crochet.

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Until I became a member here, I didn't even realize that you could enter items into the fair. I always assumed that the fair was for children to enter (don't know how I got that impression).

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It does seem that more member are entering items to the fairs this year. I think it is great. In a way the whole community enters and waits with them. :) I fondly remember the Addison County Fair in Vermont, the craft builting would be where I would head for first to see all the neat creations. I only entered, one crewel piece, once in the New York State Fair. Out of 500 entries in that catagory I got an honorable mention, which I thought was pretty cool considering how many entries there were :P The Texas State Fair is just to big and to far (up in Dallas) to think about. I don't even know if they have arts and crafts judging. There may be some local fairs but I don't know of them :(

But Congratulations to all who have entered this year, you all are winners in my book :D


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Our state fair doesn't even have an entry for crochet. They have a craft tent with items for sale, but no contest. And it is down in Augusta, NJ. granted not as bad as traveling from Austin to Dallas, but still not something I would want to do for the fun of it. Oh well.

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Part of it for me was the fact that we couldn't go anywhere on vacation this summer. Working on my project was a pleasant distraction. Our fair doesn't start for another 40 days, but the projects have to be turned in now for judging. It sure was hard handing over my blanket to people I've never met before!

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Someone once told me that if nobody ever entered anything in the fairs that there would be no fair. Fair time my favorite time of year and I don't want to lose the excitement of the county fair. I have entered the last 2 years and one of my projects has won best in show each year. My husband was active in 4-h growing up so he is always supportive of my enteries. For our state fair, you can only enter if you have won county. This is the first time I have received best in county so I am excited for the state fair in less than 2 weeks. I am loving reading about everyone's success at the fair and art festivals. Keep up the great work everyone and keep sharing your stories.

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I've entered a crochet project in every fair since I was 14-15. I really do enjoy all the blue ribbons (and the occasional red ribbon). It's so much fun to have something to show for my work. This year I'll be entering some knitted items. My first time ever for the knitted things. Can't wait to see how that goes. Our fair starts on wednesday so I'll have to have my stuff in by 7pm on tuesday.



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this will be my second year entering the fair.I won a few ribbons last year and I was so excited.I also sew and knit so I will be entering some of those items too.I love going to the fair and seeing all the handcrafts and the animals and of course the food.There is a ladies church group that has a tent and they serve homemade pies.....absolutely the BEST strawberry/rhubarb pie I have ever tasted....Mmmmm now I'm getting hungry

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