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Finish-itis, anyone?

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I started this as a topic on Ravelry, but thought it would be fun to see what you all had to say...


Lately, I’ve been suffering a bad case of finish-itis. I have several WIPs that just need to either be a) sewn together, or b) finished up with the finishing touches. Some aren’t entirely my fault, as I’m still waiting for yarn to come in to finish some, but others are defnitely a case of blatant procrastination.


Last night, I FINALLY made myself sew up the brown sweater I’ve had sitting around for months now. Now, ask me if I’ve woven in all the ends yet. :rofl


Do you all have this issue?

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Yes. I remember Darski created a CAL once and I got somethings done. I thought maybe of creating one for August. To work on some WIPs that I have laying around. That way I don't have all these WIPs when I'm doing last minute Christmas gifts and I could even start a few of those if I finish the WIPs. But...


I may want to start something new... :lol


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All the time! Congrats on getting it put together.


I cannot seem to get anything completely done this week. Then again, I have always disliked weaving in ends and whipstitching. LOL. I love to crochet but hate to do any type of finishing that it involves, including blocking.

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I have this HORRIBLY! I have so many projects laying there, unfinished: My Central Park Hoodie, afghans, a 4T lamb sweater I started for my now six year old son. All I have to do with that is block and sew it together. And make a hat. I *might* finish it in time for my 9 month old nephew to wear it.... :blush A doll dress. A shrug. Those are just a couple things off the top of my head.


That's why I like dishcloths and potholders. I always seem to finish those.

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I have a terrible case of this!! I have several projects that either need to be sewn together or ends woven. 2 afghans, several amis, 2 wraps, some squares, and a pillow for dd...just to name a few. :sigh One of the afghans is even for me, and I just cannot push myself to finish weaving the ends. I've been using dh's afghan instead. :blush

And, of course, knowing all of these things that need to be finished, I find another pattern that I like and start that....and the cycle continues. :lol

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Come and join us in the In August I Will CAL. I made my list and I'm sticking to it. It does help. I'll tell you though, I learned a long time ago not to leave ends go until I am finished. I hate weaving them in and I never get to them. :devil


Now as soon as I finish a color I weave them in right away and trim them. It only takes a minute or two and it's better than contemplating hours of work. :yes I'm joining squares when I have enough to do two rows. Right now I'm working on a ghan with 35 squares. I got ten done so I joined those two rows. If I do it that way the putting together part goes quicker too.

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I suffer from it also. I've got lots of things started that I've yet to finish... lol but actually started a new project and finished it within a week (hat for my son).. some it's cause I don't care much for the colors, others cause I need to get more yarn but mainly cause my crocheting time is limited and it's also the time I get to spend reading in peace (son is in the terrible twos and doesn't like not being center of attention) so it's a fight between the two as to which one I do (lately reading has been winning LOL)

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I have this HORRIBLY! I have so many projects laying there, unfinished: My Central Park Hoodie, afghans, a 4T lamb sweater I started for my now six year old son. All I have to do with that is block and sew it together. And make a hat. I *might* finish it in time for my 9 month old nephew to wear it.... :blush A doll dress. A shrug. Those are just a couple things off the top of my head.


That's why I like dishcloths and potholders. I always seem to finish those.



I had to laugh when I read the part I highlighted above. I am SO glad that I'm not the only one who does things like this, and with me, it doesn't begin and end with my crochet projects. It extends to ALL areas of my life! For example, on 9/11 we happened to be visiting family who lived in Staten Island at the time, so we were able to walk down to the end of my cousin's street and see right across the harbor to the devastation. I took pictures. Not with my digital camera, mind you, but with a regular 35mm film camera. The film is STILL in the camera! I kid you not!


I also have (or had, I should say, I haven't seen them now in a couple of years so they may have been inadvertently tossed out) a pair of bellbottoms that I bought for my cousin and did a LOT of beadwork on them for her. They turned out gorgeous, but of course, now I had to pack them up and mail them to her, and so they were put on the "to do" pile. I made them SEVEN YEARS AGO, and as I said, it has been a couple of years now since I saw them, so they may have inadvertently gotten tossed in the trash during one of DH's closet cleaning binges, but I SWEAR, I really did make them!


This is why it is such an accomplishment for me to participate in the swaps, because I start them, I finish them, and I actually MAIL THEM! YAY ME!! :yay

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I think this is a "disease" that begins once you pick up a crochet hook. It travels fast and is very contagious among the crochet community. :fever

You may be able to "go into remission" for a while, but eventually it comes back to haunt you.

There doesn't seem to be a cure.


I have had it for several years. Between my addiction to yarn and finish-itis I am in deep trouble. :help


My husband doesn't understand and I am glad to see others are in the same boat as I am. We need all the support we can get - thank goodness we understand each other. :hug

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I figure life is too short to be spending time on something I don't enjoy. I used to be compulsive about finishing what I started even if I hated it. Not any more. I"ve freed myself from that obsession. :clap


My DH is very tolerant of my crochet addiction. But, he doesn't like stuff all over the house. (Can't blame him, the crochet bags and projects get out of hand. :blush ) I figured there is no point having all this stuff sitting around if I'm not going to work on it.


My UFO's were getting so out of hand I went thru them all and decided if I really wanted to finish them. The few I really wanted to finish I set aside. Then I frogged all the others and put the yarn back into my stash to use for something I want to work on.


I've got a firm policy at this point. If I don't like it it goes.:devil

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Yeah, someone was right, when they said crochetville was the support group. I have done more crocheting, and knitting since I found this site.

I have done alot better with my finish-itis since I commit to several charities. I do better when I do the small stuff. I have every size of hook, every size of knitting needle, straight, circular, now I have most of the sizes in looms. I am 70 yrs, now how in the world can I use all of that stuff. Over 200 skeins of yarn, of all sizes. I must have every color, and size of everything, I might need them for a pattern. Oh, :think, I am such a mess!!! :blush Thanks to everyone out there, for being there for the rest of us nuts!!!

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My issue is that I keep starting projects or finding things that I wanna make, but I have NO time right now to finish any of them (but I have time to complain about it here.. hehe) And some of my stuff I've had for months. Just a few more days then I'll be free to crochet.

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