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I Need an Opinion Regarding Allowing Someone to Post My Pattern to Another Site

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I received an e-mail from someone asking if she could post one of my patterns to a website where she runs a crochet-a-long. She said that she would post a link to my blog where the pattern can be found, but some people have trouble with links and she said it would be easier to post the pattern itself. She promised to give full credit for the pattern to me. I just don't know about allowing someone else to post the full pattern on a website I have no control over. What do you think?

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I know we are all sharing and caring people, but I don't think you should allow someone to post the full pattern on another website you have no control over. A link is better and I don't know why that wouldn't work. That's my opinion, I vote no. :)

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If you don't know this person or don't know of her reputation from others, I would recommend not granting this request. What would you do if you decided you didn't want her to host it any longer, but she refused to take it down?


I know we encourage members to post their own patterns here at Crochetville, so please don't think I'm being hypocritical by recommending you not grant permission to post it (if that's what you are comfortable with). At least here at Crochetville, if you post a pattern, even though you can't delete your actual post, you can edit the post to remove the pattern at any time. (Not to mention, I hope we have a good enough reputation by now that members would trust us to remove any pattern they posted as soon as they asked.)


But, the more places you allow to post your copyrighted patterns other than on your own website, the greater the chances that other people would decide that since it appeared in 3 or 4 other places, that it would be okay for them to post it too, without asking you for permission.

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I have to agree with what the others said. Mainly though I think you knew your answer before asking you just wanted your friends to confirm you are right. You are a smart wonderful person remember to go with those gut instincts. You know when something feels right if it doesn't feel right then it isn't worth doing no matter what it is. I believe in your choices. :hug

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If you're not comfortable with it, I don't think you should do it, either. If you're selling the pattern, certainly you should not. But I think it's flattering that they want to make your pattern for a CAL, and if it were me, I'd seriously considering agreeing. You posted the pattern and made it available because you wanted people to be able to make it, right? And they politely asked permission, and will give you credit and link to the original pattern? (You might ask the site owner to remove the full pattern, leaving only the link, when the CAL is finished.) "Used with permission" is a banner to anyone who sees the pattern there that they sought and received permission to post it, and I wouldn't personally be afraid that somebody would think it was "okay" to post it without permission. Anybody could go to your site and lift it from there, anyway, if they wanted to. I don't think allowing fellow-crocheters to use your pattern for their CAL really increases that risk.


Open-hearted, generous crocheters have shared this craft, teaching each other skills, writing new patterns, and passing it on from one generation to another for a long, long time. Don't let a few people who break copyright laws keep us from continuing that sharing and generosity, and making our cyber-community as warm as it can be.


Sorry--just to had to make a case for some old-fashioned goodwill. I respect anyone's right to make their own decisions about their own patterns, but it makes me sad that suspicion and distrust always seem to drive the course.

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I would also allow a link but not the actual pattern like Amy said what happens when people see it there and some where else and so on and if you ask to take it down you don't know that one it will happen or where else it has been posted

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This is going to sound like a contridiction to my previous post but I do agree with Karen too, to a point. The thing is about this whole thing, for me, is one must go with their instinct. Of if it feels right share it if, or in this case let her post it on her site, if it feels different then don't let them.


As an example I tat. I have come up with some of my own designs and even some gadgets to help tatters. Some of these are free on my site, some are used in online tatting classes. One pattern has been printed in a guild news letter, I don't belong to that guild. You see what I'm saying. However I have patterns that I can't tell you why other than it doesn't feel right to share them for free or cost that are mine so I won't share those. I go with my gut.


I think we need to listen to ourselves on the choices we make as what feels right to us. There is to much peer pressure in the world and the world has gotten smaller with the internet. I need to get off my soap box sorry. LOL This is a big issue for a mom with teens facing peer pressure and learning to become adults.

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Of course, opt for whatever you are comfortable with, Jeanne, but I see no less generosity in sharing your pattern

via a quick-as-a-wink link :2magic After all, you are not denying anyone access, just requesting that they use the door - A common practice with pattern-sharing from what I've seen over the years.


And just for the record...I truly deeply do appreciate you and all who so generously share patterns :hug That they're simply a click away certainly makes my day!

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For me, it would depend on the pattern. If it's something that anyone with a little experience can come up with, like this:


then I would say sure!, but leave my copyright note on the pattern.


If it took a lot of work to design, like this:


then I would say no.

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