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  1. Today
  2. I'm back. I had computer problems. Only had 1 point since I was here last time. I worked 6 days and was too tired to , but I got the bunnies done anyway. I'm working 6 days next week too (more $$ for ). Now I have to make butterflies for a co-worker, but I can use scrap for them. WTD: + 1 YTD: + 36 Ellie 13
  3. Yesterday
  4. 16 Inch Baby Doll Nightgown
  5. 16 Inch Baby Doll Nightgown
  6. 16 Inch Baby Doll Nightgown This is one of Darski's patterns that isn't on Crochetville. I might have originally got it from her Yahoo Dora group. I don't remember. I need to make one more for the second baby doll. Just FYI if any of you like me bought Mary Maxim digital patterns and lost one and went back to download another copy only to find you can't do it anymore all hope is not lost. You can get them to send you a link to download the patterns. For some reason I had only downloaded, printed, and saved some of the baby doll out of print patterns I'd purchased as digital patterns. I only realized it when I found I'd lost one of the patterns. They sent me a link and this time I was careful to download and label all the patterns so I could find them in my baby doll folder. I had a few previously saved in that folder but now they are all labeled as Mary Maxim so I know where to find them.
  7. Good morning! Just been out at the farm. Getting my list ready of things to get done and projects i want to conquer. My 13 goslings are getting so big. They will leave my bathroom Monday and live at the farm.. I finished a C2C bigger baby blanket. back working on the v stitch blanket.
  8. Going to be busy tomorrow. We are signed up for a golf clinic in the morning. Golf is not been something I ever had a burning desire to do but I did like hitting balls at the driving range. We did keep the women's clubs when we moved.The guy promoting this actually almost made it sound fun. Who am I kidding. I signed up for the free lunch. Then it will be time to head out to our Fri afternoon dulcimer group. Trying to nail down our playlist for Thurs.
  9. Last week
  10. I don't make stuff to sell just to donate or gift but what I find most troubling when it comes to crafting is people who think they are being helpful when they ask for stuff because it gives us purpose. There is a difference between someone wanting to help and thinking you are helping by suggesting someone make something for you because they clearly need a project.
  11. That was interesting. Now, if we could just get people to understand that you can't get something for nothing when it takes time and money to crochet a project. And crochet is not just for grandmas!
  12. I hope you're feeling better today, Mary Jo. It's another pretty day here. I walked the backyard and the weeds are popping through again. SIL is coming over later to spray them. He makes his own super-duper secret sauce for weeds, all organic too. I'm amazed how quickly the weeds disappear. Nothing much going on here still so I just popped in to say hello and have a great one.
  13. Just working on more projects to give away that are quick & simple...what I like best it uses small amounts of yarn & scraps...
  14. Ken Ski Outfit It always seems like the two boy dolls are the most neglected when I start packing up their bags for the donation boxes. This year I'm making an effort to include them more regularly in my crochet rotations.
  15. I'm finding the thickness of acrylic brand yarns is diminishing. I was using a Red Heart yellow I've used for years and I ended up having to use two strands because it was just too thin. It was actually about the thickness of some now no longer available Red Heart Sport 3 yarn I had for the smaller dolls that I'm slowly using up. So it's not even trying new brands my old tried and true brands aren't what they used to be so I find myself increasing hook sizes until it become an issue with being see through or adding another strain, sometime of a lighter yarn if it gets too thick with two of the same weight. That might have been the issue with your shirt. I know I made an outfit I've made countless times and ended up adding rows because it was short and I can only think its the yarn weight. I do love the ruffle though. It makes for a cute finish. I tend to dress bottom up rather than head down. I just find it hard to move outfits over the hair, shoulders, arms, etc. before getting to the fit. As humans we tend to have more flexibility in our upper torso when putting on clothing than a doll does so it is the logical manner to put on clothing. It is also the reason we have more outfits that don't require snaps/buttons in the back because we can move our bodies through the clothing in ways it is really hard to move a doll. As far as buying dolls, I tend to go maximum of 5 years out for storage and cost. At a certain point I don't have room for all the dolls and accessories beyond that point. Also some of the dolls start to become dated and I want the kids to feel like they are getting something new. With some dolls it is less of an issue. Some of the baby dolls haven't changed a look since I started using them. However the 18 inch dolls, Glitter Girls, and Barbies do get retired. I've noticed recently when the Barbies go on sale they will limit how many you can buy. So I've decided camper Barbie is my next go to doll. I was only able to get 3 when they were on sale at Amazon but I had ordered two from Target when they were on sale. Leaving one for my model, I currently have donations for 4 years starting in 2025. I'm currently just about at max capacity for doll storage and 4 years seems a decent supply.
  16. Good morning. Got up early this morning, guess I got plenty of sleep yesterday. Was home sick yesterday. Queasy in the stomach, so decided I better stay home. DH was sick last night also. So up early to get ready for my day. Wanted to drop in and say Hi! Hope you all have a good day.
  17. Good morning! I got the yard mowed yesterday before any expected rain. DS had to again help me with a flat tire. If it rained last night I didn't hear it. Still pretty warm this morning but then a few days of at least slightly cooler weather which is welcomed. Today is just regular catch up house chores. The older DS is coming tomorrow. We'll go to the local restaurant for an adult lunch and then the DSs are getting together to play with a new toy. Guess it's time for breakfast and to get the day started. Hope everyone has a good day!
  18. Hi, me again. I made my trusty dress pattern but for some reason it is super tight. Of course not all yarns are the same, but this is very noticeable. I was going to do the whole dress in the variegated yarn but thought it would be too busy. For those of you who do 18” dolls, do you pull dresses on from over head or up from the legs? I’d hesitate to donate this dress because I don’t want kids to be frustrated. (Unless you think it would fit a smaller doll) Also Chris - just so I understand…do you buy several of the same Barbie all at once (like 20 of the same type at the same time) so that you can make clothes without checking fit instead of getting new ones every year and wondering what changes they made to dimensions?
  19. I love to learn different crochet, DIY and handcrafting techniques by watching demos on YouTube (especially Tunisian/afghan crochet, which seems more popular outside the US). Today, YouTube pushed this educational video that explains why we can automate knitting with machines, but automating crochet is much more difficult and maybe not economically feasible. In a world where AI and assembly lines can partially replace jobs originally done by humans, it's refreshing to know that replacing handmade crochet items is quite difficult.
  20. We hit only 68°F again today (YAY!). So weird. We'll be back in the 90's by next week though (BOO). Not a lot going on here, but I enjoy the quiet. Even my windchime is getting a rest. I do hope everyone is having a quiet day too.
  21. Good Afternoon!!! It’s going to high 80”s today. I’m loving it.
  22. Free (just make the head and your mount) https://www.crochetpatterns.in/crochet-moose-patterns/ https://www.amigurumitogo.com/2015/06/amigurumi-moose-pattern-free.html PAY https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/hogar-the-moose-head-wall-mount
  23. Glitter Girl Easter Morning Dress
  24. Glitter Girl Easter Morning Dress
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