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Some good clean fun?!

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Beth, don't I always post FB pics? :rofl How exciting that your dd is buying a new computer! :cheer:clap I assume that means you won't have to share one anymore?


Joanne, your dd's afghan sounds beautiful! I love those colors together. Your day off sounds wonderful! Hope you didn't drown in emails when you returned to Paradise. :hug:hug


Marisa, :hug:hug:hug to you and your mom!


Leeann, I bet you are relieved for the end of the school season! Can't wait to see the pic of the Hershey's kiss hat. :yes


With the Olive saga...it turns out that she favors me over dh lately :think, I guess because I'm home more? Anyway, she hasn't been having accidents, because she is now willing to do her business when I take her outside. :cheer:cheer:cheer

Let's see...I had class today, and our exam grades will not be ready until next weekend. :( Dh called around noon to say he was at urgent care because he had ear pains and dizziness. The doctor said he didn't know what was wrong with him, and sent him home. :angry:angry He is staying home tomorrow to hopefully see our ENT.

That's all the news from here. I'm off to :hook for a bit before the bedtime routine starts. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Happy Friday!


We are tracking Hurricane Sandy here in NJ- the storm track is not looking good and we may just get pummelled by this storm- hoping that the storm tracks further out to sea than predicted right now. Not supposed to hit until Monday into Tues- but who knows- first they were saying Sunday-Monday-


Off to get ready for Paradise!

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Top of the morning friends!


TGIF for sure! Whew! It sure has been a busy week.


Joanne-hope and pray that the storm scoots past you all really quick, it must be scary. Any plans for the weekend?


Beth-that is awesome that your dd is getting a new puter, is she super excited? Are they keeping you busy taxing then around? What crochet projects are you working on?


Stacy-hope your dh is feeling better, did they figure out what was wrong?


Marisa-how's your mom feeling? Sure hope she finds relief soon.


Yesterday I got up early, had a few orders to fill and laundry...lots of laundry.. I stayed busy all day, it's amazing how much housework I am behind on. I am on the last load of laundry. Will go toss it in just a minute. Today I have to make a huge batch of unscented sugar scrub, this way I can fragrance and color when I need to. The scrubs sell really well online. :cheer I also have my Christmas molds out, ready to be put to use. Last year I didn't get a chance to get everything listed on Etsy, but this year I am hoping to do so.


Other than that, nothing interesting. I did read the Hunger Games, it was great! On to the second book.


off to work I go. Hugs n squishes!




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Good morning!


Joanne, :xfin that the hurricane bypasses you, or at the very least hits with minimal impact. :hug:hug:hug Stay safe, my friend. Do you keep emergency supplies on hand, just in case?


Leeann, your post is so upbeat and cheerful! I love it! It must feel nice to work on home stuff after such a hectic work schedule. :hug:hug:hug:hug


No news on the ear pains...my dh is being a "typical" guy and not going to the doctor. :shrug So he is just resting today, and doing homework.

There is a Halloween candy-gram fundraiser going on at the girls' school. You pay 50 cents and fill out a card with a friend's name and classroom number, and the 5th grade passes out lollipops at the end of the day, along with the card. Yesterday I gave Mia a dollar and she sent two to her friends. Well today I gave a dollar each to Isabella and Eva, and they sent them to each other, to Mia, and Isabella sent one to her teacher. :manyheart:manyheart I love that my girls are so loving to one another.

I stopped for gas, picked up a few things at Trader Joe's, then went to get dog food. Now I need to jump in the shower and ready, dh and I are meeting FIL for lunch again. We had such a blast last week, I'm glad we get to do it again.

Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Well, my patient called me back on Tuesday and told me to just go ahead and head out. She was feeling good and would reschedule for next week. So I came home Tuesday. Mom had the colonoscopy which showed the whole thing is inflammed and all biopsies just showed the colitis as well, no dysplasia :clap They discharged her last night and I wish they still would have kept her. Her stools are not yet forming and she just makes it to the toilet. Granted we only have the upstairs toilet in our old house, there isn't one on the main floor at all :no


She got new meds again and I just picked them up, so have her going on them. I brought them the scripts last night because I knew they had to order this new one for the c diff since it's expensive and don't keep it on hand. She also got 3 others, 2 of which are new. I told her to leave the laundry and I'd do Sunday on my way back through. She tried to fight me on that but then I said I can do mine too and go back to Pitt with clean clothes :devil So she said ok then. Trying to get her meds straightened out as there is a nice list of them :sigh One thing I noticed is that they have her on the c diff medication (different ones for a few weeks now) and probiotics, but have them taken at the same time....now medication is not my forte but it would seem that taking a good bacteria and a pill to kill bacteria at the same time would be very beneficial :think So I now have her taking the probiotic a few hours after the other, agreed to by the pharmacist (whom my brother went to school with) and my sister :yes


I'm hoping to meet up with Joanne and Saturday, but not sure how the weather will play out. We didn't get to meet last year on this weekend due to a snow storm.


Well I didn't write down notes and just breezed through the posts, so I hope everyone's doing well.


Oh I forgot, my mom weighed herself this morning and is up 2 pounds :woo She was sooo excited!

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Marisa, that's great news about your mom. I hope she feels better every day. I hope your weekend get-together goes OK..


Stacy, I hope your dh is doing OK. I love that your dd's sent each other candy grams. And I'm really glad that Olive decided you are worthy to take her outside. Pups -- gotta love them.


LeeAnn, how nice to have time to get the house caught up and play with your crafts and soaps. It's a good idea to keep the unscented, uncolored item on hand, so you can whip it up as needed. Are your kids doing anything for Halloween this year?


Joanne, I certainly hope Sandy misses both of us! It is so gray and windy here today. We should feel the effects by Sunday here.


Since LeeAnn asked, I am making a hat/scarf/mittens set for my oldest sister for Christmas. I have the hat done, and the scarf about 2/3 of the way done. If I sit down and work on it, it wouldn't take too long to finish. I am just kind of hooked on a computer game right now, and play that way too much.

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Hiya friends!


Joanne-hope you are doing well and that the storm passed you. Been thinking of all of you and praying that everything is well.


Marisa-how fun! That you get to meet up with Joanne of course. Hugs to you! How is your mom feeling today?


Beth-you are right, I am loving staying home! Being my own boss is fantastic. Your scarf and mitten set sound wonderful. I really need to get cracking on x-mas gifts.


Stacy-your dh should just go in, it could be something serious. How sweet and caring of your dd's to be so thoughtful. I love it!


The kiddos went to the inlaws for the weekend. They picked them up last night. After that dh and I had a quiet dinner, and I worked on more soapies and a few candle tarts..I couldn't keep my eyes open so went to bed early. We are headed to the lumbar yard for more supplies as dh is still working on the deck. Finished putting together another order, off to deliver. Hope we can stop for lunch.


BBL! hugs n squishes!

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Hi all,

Long day- was at the grocery store at 6AM to stock up on some things- non-perishables and water- the overnight night crew was still stocking- and there were no crowds. We had checked our battery supplies and were well stocked on that. Was at work by 7 and didn't get home till about 3:30 (?)-then DH and I secured the patio furniture- brought in the umbrella, took the small grill in to the garage- and I took down the few Halloween decorations I had out.


Marisa texted me that her class was going to go longer today so they can leave early tomorrow. So for the 2nd year in a row- Mother Nature interfered with our meet-up! We were busy getting everything ready anyway- I have laundry on- because if power goes out who knows for how long? This is a very huge storm headed our way- and all we can do is be prepared. Mother Nature is what she is- but I'll be glad when it's all over. It's definitely not going to miss NJ- and I am very relieved that as much as I'd like to live "at the shore", I don't! There are already some mandatory evacuations taking place along the barrier islands of NJ and more evacuations tomorrow for coastal towns.


DD and SIL bought a generator today ---they are very hard to come by- and sold out in the local stores- but SIL has a friend who knew someone that worked at a generator place and he called my SIL to see if he wanted the last one. At least they'll have some power for their fridge if the electricity goes out- which I anticipate during this storm.I'll be surprised if we keep our power!


I'm putting together a 'go' bag in the event we would have to leave- just important things, (like birth certificates, medications, some clothes- and of course some yarn!) Maybe being prepared will have the storm push out in another direction--kind of like taking an umbrella with you means it won't rain! LOL

I've got my laptop, ipad and iphone and nook all charged up. If we are without power for days, though, not sure how long they last!


be back in the AM!

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Hey ladies!


Joanne, sorry to hear your meetup with Marisa was postponed yet again. I sure hope the storm ends up not being as bad as they are saying. :hug:hug:hug Sounds like you are prepared, though. That was nice of SIL's friend to call and ask about the generator. I'm sure that will be very helpful, especially with Ryan. :yes


Leeann, sounds like a wonderful start to your weekend. Did you stop for lunch?


Beth, :xfin that the storm misses you, too! Or causes minimal damage if it does hit. Which game are you hooked on?


Today we just vegged at home for most of the day. Dh went running in the morning, and Isabella and I went to pick up our new glasses around 4. Then we went out for lunch and stopped at the Halloween store, but they closed right as we arrived. So we went to the dollar store instead. :lol Anyway...so I guess we are going to watch a movie. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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It's so quiet. I pray that Joanne and Beth are okay! :hug:hug:hug:hug


Leeann, how was your weekend without the kiddos? Also...do you have snow? A couple friends from CO have already mentioned getting some, but they're close to the Denver area.


Marisa, I saw that PA is getting hit with some of the storm, also. Praying that you all are safe there, too!


We've had a few small earthquakes today. I pray that they are just aftershocks from the one in Canada. :xfin

My in-laws came over for dinner tonight, and the girls showed off their costumes. Sometimes they come trick-or-treating with us, but MIL's knees are getting worse, so this year I don't think they will.

I am going to get cracking on Mia's Halloween bag- she chose a pumpkin pattern, so it should be easy and quick. The other two haven't asked yet, so I think I'm set with just this one.

Love and hugs!

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Good evening friends!


Whew! Sure was a busy, productive weekend. Sorry to see it end, but am looking forward a teeny tiny bit of relaxation some time this week.


Joanne, Beth, Marisa-hope all of you are ok, being a little worried but am praying that everything has passed and that you and your loved ones are safe.


Stacy-we haven't had snow here in Alamosa, but the temps are dropping by the day. Brr...I still haven't pulled out my winter clothing, I am in denial. :lol That is so cute that your dd's modeled their costumes, it goes by sooo fast. I can remember when my ds was into holidays, now that he is a teenager...not so much. :blush


I finished the holiday soaps, just have scrubs, and bubble baths to do. I am creating gift baskets-in a few holiday fragrances on top of my regular gift baskets, hoping that they sell sell sell.


The kiddos came home this afternoon, they had a great time. While they were gone, I cleaned the house, and most importantly my craft area..oh my gosh! It was pretty scary. I also did an inventory of the baskets/containers that I do have so that I have a better idea of what I am creating. This makes the process much easier for me.


Started on the Kiss body, figured out a pattern and cut it out. Have it pinned ready to sew first thing tomorrow morning. Going to finish tucking in the ends on the hat, then I will do a TADA. :lol


off to weave in those ends in. Hugs n squishes friends! Hope you are all safe and sound.

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Just checking in- still have power- but the winds have really kicked it up a notch or two or three. It's going to be a long night.


i worked from home for a while since it kept my mind busy and there is a lot to do since we are in the testing phase of the project. The four of us who are the core Project Team were all working-


Off I go to try and spend a little time with hook and yarn.......

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Joanne, thanks for checking in! I'm glad to hear you still have power. I've been watching the news coverage...so very sad. :xfin and praying that it doesn't hit you hard. :hug:hug:hug


Leeann, sounds like your weekend was very productive. :cheer Did you finish the Kiss costume? Can't wait to see it! Long and ugly story here, but Isabella ended up getting some zombie swamp-type monster costume. I didn't like it, but dh took her out to buy it. :sigh I guess that's what Halloween is for, right?


Marisa and Beth, love and hugs! Thinking of you and praying you and your families are okay. :hug:hug:hug


Today I didn't do much of anything. :shrug I did go to the park to play tennis for about 45 minutes, then came home and took a shower. Straightened up a bit, then went shopping to find Mia's "high heels" and wig. I found both for $15! :cheer:clap That was a huge relief. The girls had their Y classes today, then came home and made dinner...oh, and cleaned up an Olive mess (MIL fed her some chicken last night and I guess it didn't agree with her)...okay, well I guess I did do a lot. :lol:lol:lol

I need to go finish Mia's basket. Eva asked for one once she saw Mia's...:ohdear:xfin that I can get it done in time!

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Hi all,

I am alive and well. We had power most of the storm -- the repairman came to fix some power fluctuations the neighbor called about, and everything went dark for about half an hour. We also have a leak in the roof. Part of the dining room ceiling collapsed. I am so sad -- it's the only room that didn't need painted, and now it needs repaired and painted. Besides that, and a sick cat, we are all fine.

Joanne, I hope all is well with you.

Marisa, I hope your trip home was uneventful. So sorry you missed your meet-up with Joanne.

LeeAnn, you have been a very busy girl. i need to pop over to your website to see your new goodies. I regret that I can't afford to buy a lot fo your things for presents.

Stacy, your dd will be an adorable swamp monster zombie. I hope Halloween is a lot of fun, and the quakes were small and are over.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Joanne - cut and paste alert!


I'm back in Pitt and think the last time I was here was Friday :think I left Friday night to head over to Newark, Kathy and I just hung out at the house in the evening catching up and watching tv. We left for the seminar Sat morning and we took both cars since I had plans to meet Joanne and Kathy had some work to get done. After meeting with Joanne, we were meeting with another friend for a late dinner....the one that got married earlier this year. So we had a lot of people that traveled to the seminar and as Joanne said, they decided to stay an hour over on Sat to get us done an hour earlier on Sun. There was a couple from Toronto who got a call on Sat that their Sun flight was canceled and they were able to pick one up Sat night and they had to leave the seminar early. So, Joanne and I didn't not get to meet up then as she had a lot to do for preparations. Kathy and I met our friend and a few others for dinner and it ended up being a late night. Had to be back at the seminar on Sun by 8. Around 10, headquarters that hosts the seminar called and said they were starting evacuations in the area and that we should end the seminar so everyone can get to where they were going. Well, on that note they also weren't giving the full 12 credits for the seminar then and everyone started to have a canary! So the ultimate decision was to stay and finish the material, but all the little extras were cut out to make up the time. We were out then by 11 and they did give the full 12 credits :clap Driving from Newark to my parents was not bad, but I was tired. Had dinner with my parents and then we just layed around all day dozing in and out of sleep :lol


My mom is feeling a bit better and seems a little more energized. I think she is holding more in. Although she's still going to the bathroom too frequently, it's starting to show some type of formation (not every time, but it won't be a quick fix) so I think that also gave her a mental boost as well. She was supposed to have her dr appt yesterday, but they postponed until tomorrow.


It started to rain there on Sun, but not bad. Yesterday morning it was rainy and windy as I was getting ready. My dad came home from work so he and I went for breakfast/brunch before I was leaving, they were driving him crazy because of the storm and he felt like they were going a bit overboard :lol Let's just say he works for the maintenance of the power company :eek Anyhow, by the time I loaded the car and then we went to eat it picked up considerably. So I left around 11:30 and of course had to stop in Hershey to meet Delaney on my way back. I hung out for about 40 minutes before a big gust came through and I decided that was my cue. She is so tiny and sweet :manyheart


The trip between Hazleton and Hershey was not great, but also not horrible. I got back to Pitt around 6:30 and the trip from Hershey to Pitt was just horrible, as I expected. There was a considerable amount of traffic still and some trucks were still speeding like crazy but for the most part, everyone driving was pretty respectful and patient with the slower moving people.


I got up and went to the gym this morning, although I really didn't want to. Steph told me to skip today, and I said I already skipped the whole last week :lol Tonight is supposed to be the first meetup for the Knit the Bridge group in my area. Not sure if anyone will show, but I'll stay and see. Ummm, I think that brings us up to date. Pitt is supposed to get the bulk of Sandy today and tomorrow. I have a river across the street that has a tendency to flood with these larger storms, but I'm thinking it will be alright. After the last one a few years back they build a wall around the front of our building and have sand bags now blocking off the walkways around the wall to the buildings just in case it does come up that far.


Beth - So sorry to hear about the leak and dining room ceiling, but thankfully everyone's okay :yes What computer game has you hooked?


LeeAnn - How nice for you and dh to have a kid free weekend to get stuff done :yes


Joanne - Hope all is going well for you :hug


Stacy - Hope you're alright with those earthquakes, even if they are small :hug

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Good morning friends!


Thank you all for checking. I was worried about all of you and all of the folks affected by hurricane Sandy.


Joanne-can you go back to work? Glad that you heard from your dd's and that they are ok. :hug:hug:hug


Beth-so very sorry to hear about the ceiling. :hug:hugThankfully none of you were hurt. Will it be repaired soon? I bet you all want to get it done before winter sets in.


Stacy-your dd's sound soo cute! That is soo funny that your dd wants to be a zombie monster. How did they turn out?


Marisa-oh my! your mom sure has had a run with it. Glad to hear that she is feeling somewhat better. How are you holding up in your neck of the woods?


I have been as busy as a little elf. I am finally getting items listed on Etsy..whew! It sure has been alot of work. Here is a peak of the new goodies and of Celine in her Hershey Kiss Costume. She was super excited this morning. Best of all, she made the Honor Roll 4.0..:cheer:cheer:clap


For some reason I can not attach the photo of my dd, but I was able to post it on FB.


off to work I go, have a custom order. hugs n squishes! Happy Halloween dear friend.



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LeeAnn, your products are gorgeous, as always, I will pop over to FB to check out your dd in her costume when I'm done here. I am positive it's a great costume. You are so multi-talented!


Marisa, glad to hear positive things about your mom. I am glad to hear you are home safely, and that you got all your credits for the seminar.


Joanne, I hope all is well with you.


Stacy, I hope Halloween was a blast for your dd's! Do you take them out trick-or-treating, or does your hubby?


Well, my coffee pot is sad and lonely and feels neglected this morning. I need to show it my love, and get ready for the day. I hope you all have a great one!


Oh, I am working on the mittens for my sister's Christmas present. I am making it up as I go, trying to stay with the fpdc, bpdc pattern I've used so far. I am stuck on the thumb (No, I did not say I am sucking my thumb...) Gotta get my artistic daughter's input.

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Top of the morning friends!


Beth-glad to hear that you are able to crochet and take your mind off things, your mittens sound adorable. :manyheart:hug


Joanne & Marisa-hope that electricity is turned on soon. Hang in there!:hug


Stacy-how was your Halloween out with your dd's?


Last night we took dd and my brother out for about an hour, they had a good time. Ds just walked along with them as he has declared that he is too old. They all decided it was their last time..whew! I feel tired today, but going to get started on a few gift basket goodies.


Will check in later. Hugs n squishes!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much going on again. This morning I went to a meeting with my local chamber of commerce which was actually quite fun. Everyone was really nice and they are an active chamber :) So I'll have to try to get to the gym later :yes


LeeAnn - I saw Celine's pic on FB and she was just adorable :manyheart and WTG for the 4.0 :clap Your holiday products are cute, I love those little stockings!


Beth - I hope your mittens are coming along and you figured out how to get the thumb :xfin


I didn't lose my power thankfully. I think we're supposed to get snow later today and overnight, but it's not supposed to amount to anything :whew

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TGIF Friends!


Woohooo! Now that I am not working it still feels great to have the weekends off.


Marisa-that is great that you are networking, I am sure that it has helped your business grow. Have you had time to hook? Nice that you are not without electricity, that would be tough.


Beth-how are you? What is on your agenda for the day?


Joanne-how's it going in your neck of the woods? Is there a lot of clean up to do?


Stacy-what's a happening? Anything exciting?


Yesterday I was a tad bit lazy. I worked on products but then just sat and read. I am on the third Hunger Games book...so addicting! I am not letting myself pick it up today...too much to do! I want to get the house cleaned so that I can have the weekend to do other fun things.


My etsy orders are slowly climbing up...wohooo! I am almost ready for my bazaars, still have lip balms, body spritz and a few holiday sugar scrubs to create but I should get some of them done today.


Off to work I go! Love that I can work in my pj's if I want to. Hugs n squishes dear friends!


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Good morning ladies :hi


I went to the gym last night and slept in this morning. I think I might be getting sick, my head feels a bit hazy today :think


LeeAnn - awesome that you finally get to slow down a bit, you really needed it. Enjoy your day and I hope is as productive as you anticipate....well as long as you really don't pick up the book :rofl I've had some time to work on my panel for knit the bridge. I haven't done much else this week though with my hook


Joanne and Beth - Hope you are both doing well over on the east coast :hug


Stacy - Have a great weekend. Do you have any exams coming up?

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Hey friends!


Leeann, your holiday goodies are beautiful, as always! You are so creative. I love your dd's costume, also. Glad to hear they enjoyed themselves while trick-or-treating.


Beth, so sorry to hear your ceiling collapsed. :ohdear Is it covered under insurance, at least? :xfin I hope!


Marisa, I'm so glad to hear your mom is feeling a bit better. And that you made it home safely and got all the credits for the seminar. It's a good thing they wised up to that- it's not like you all were willing the weather to be crappy. :lol And :clap:clap for meeting Delaney! How is your friend feeling? I hear you on the working out- last week I did so well, going to the park for tennis and rollerblading. This week- I went Monday. :(


Halloween was a busy, busy day. The girls' school had a parade, then we came home for lunch/dinner, then went to the IL's. They trick-or-treated for about half an hour in their neighborhood, then we went over to our old neighborhood and went for about an hour. Every single girl agreed when it was time to go home. :eek:eek I was sure someone would object, but they were all ready. They didn't get a large amount of candy, but we go in that area because they get to see some of their friends from school. I think that's what makes it more fun. :yes


Yesterday, we had issues at school...I went to pick them up, and Mia had gotten into a fight. The boy we had problems with last year punched her in the eye, and in reaction she punched him in the chest. Apparently the mother of the boy heard about it before I did, and hurried to tell the teachers about our issues last year. By the time I arrived, the teachers agreed that Mia somehow was at fault because she was playing in the wrong area. :think:angry When I asked why she hadn't been sent to the nurse (or the boy to the office) I was told that there were 3 different stories and they didn't know who to believe, so they just let the whole thing go. I was so furious that I didn't want to go see the principal all hot-headed, so I decided to wait until today, to calm down first. But Mia woke up in the middle of the night with food poisoning, and no way was I going to drag her into the principal's office with a bucket in tow. Dh is supposed to be home before I have to leave to pick up the other girls, so hopefully he can stay with her while I get it sorted out. The kids are in different classrooms this year, so there really is no reason for them to be together at all.

I need to scoot and take a shower. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Hello everybody. Happy Weekend!!!


Stacy, so sorry to hear about the drama at school. I hope your food-poisoned child feels better soon. That is no fun. I'm glad the girls got to see their friends on Halloween.


LeeAnn, you are such a busy busy bee. Irt seems like you are really taking advantage of being off work right now. How nice to have your own business.


Marisa, I hope you are feeling better. My family had snow today in Ohio. Did you get any?


Joanne, I hope you get your power back very soon. Are you able to go to work?


Well, today is our 22nd anniversary. We are going out to dinner tomorrow to celebrate.


The mittens aren't going well. I tried to do the thumbs twice.

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Thanks, Beth- she was better by about noon. She is the one who gets sick the least, and when she does, she recovers very quickly. :yes Sorry to hear your mittens aren't working out. I try to avoid bpdc and fpdc when I can, so no ideas here. What did your dd think? Happy anniversary! Hope you have an awesome time tomorrow night. :hug:hug:hug:hug

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