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Good morning and welcome to Sunday- day of relaxation, crochet and Football for me!!!


Stacy- Did you get your homework done? I would have been on the fence about taking the kids to the Occupy rally---glad it was peaceful!! I chuckled that Mia thought you were in a parade!!!!! Have a good day at work!


Beth- How was the seafood festival? I couldn't find any festivals around here but that's ok- I took care of everything that needed taking care of and now today can be a relaxing day!


LeeAnn- What crafty goodness did you and DD work on? I'm sure you finished another pair of fingerless mitts. I need to start a baby blanket today. I thought the baby shower was in 2 wks that I'm going to--but it's next Saturday!!!!


Marisa- I hope you didn't work your Dad too hard---although I'm sure he's loving helping you out! Desk put together, paper towel hanger done? Each day of progress is bringing you closer to the inspection and then "OPEN for BUSINESS"!!!!


Have a wonderful day, one and all!!!

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Happy Sunday!


Joanne, it's such a lovely day. Are you sure you want to spend it inside watching TV?


Stacy, are you getting your homework done? Good luck with that.


Marisa, I hope you made a lot of progress on your office. It's getting close!


LeeAnn, yes, please share what crafts you did with your dd.


The weather was perfect for the seafood festival, but it was so crowded, I really didn't enjoy it. I told my dd that we'd go on a hike and get some seafood from a restaurant next year. There wasn't much crochet on sale at the craft/art section of the festival.

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Hi all,


Beth- You are right- it is a gorgeous day out today!!! So I went outside this morning! Went to the outlets since I need some pants for work- It's an outdoor outlet mall. I had gotten a birthday coupon and was able to pick up 4 pairs of slacks that I really liked and fit well.


Watching the Giants game and crocheting- and checking in here!


I started a baby blanket since I have a shower to go to next Saturday. I thought it was 2 Saturdays away!:eek I'm making the bubbles baby blanket which is easy and quick with 2 strands of yarn.


Back to the game....and after that, DH and I are going to go outside for a walk!

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Hi Everybody,


So quiet here this weekend. I hope everybody was enjoying some wonderful weather. It was perfect here this weekend. Makes me want to go apple picking, but I don't have the time.


Joanne, I hope Paradise goes well for you today. Are you working on anything in particular, yarn-wise right now? I started making scarves in team colors for the sale. I need fast, easy projects right now. I'm making my own pattern -- sure someone else has done it before since it's simple -- but it's fun, and turning out quite cool. Unfortunately, I messed up the early rows, trying to get it figured out, so I had to frog the whole thing late at night. But I know what I'm doing now, so I'll be able to whip out at least one a day now.


LeeAnn, did you have a fun weekend? It must be stressful getting ready for a federal inspection. I hope that goes well for you. How are all your shops doing?


Stacy, are midterms over for you? My kids' semester is half over officially tomorrow. My son is done with one class, but another 8 week course starts tomorrow.


Marisa, did you get a lot of things done this weekend? You know we are all :cheer for you.


Off to start the day... Where's that coffee???

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Hey ladies :hi


I only have a minute, I have a webinar with my web site people at 5 :eek It was a busy weekend and I had a few issues to deal with today. Then my computer didn't want to turn on, but luckily it did since the desktop is not set up yet. My dad put my desk together on saturday and they sent to wrong piece for one of them so it wouldn't fit together right. I talked to a few people and we were able to figure out what happened. The downside is that it has to be taken apart and repackaged to go back to them and meanwhile they got the right one being sent out right away. Dad and I are thinking the wrong piece is NOT being taken apart to go back so are trying to figure out if it will make sense anywhere :think


Then the heat wouldn't come on, which is gas so my dad checked the heater for a pilot light, but there isn't one it's a different type of starter thing like on a gas grill which was 'arking' :think Anyhoo, I called the gas company today and after being on hold for a while and then being told they'd call me back until they looked into this a bit further, found my gas was never turned on a month ago :eek So, they'll be out tomorrow :whew I don't think they realized that there were four of us in the building all with the same address :think


Be back tomorrow

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Good day ladies!

Joanne-did you have a good day in Paradise? I bet you are getting ready for little Ryan's first holidays?

Beth-yippee skippy for the end of one semester! Your new scarf adventure sounds exciting!

Marisa-hope the gas is turned on tomorrow and that your new piece for your desk comes soon.

We had a relaxing weekend. dd worked on origami, she made a few boxes and baskets. She also made a snowflake and painted it. Together we played Jinga and watched Disney movies. She's such a sweetheart! I was also able to crochet, finished the last set of mitts and am working on a scarf to match.

Great news! One of the shops that has my goodies consigned has asked me to teach a crochet class....woohoooo! So excited! Get to do what I love to do, share it with others and get paid. She also sold several of my lotion bars and soaps. The lotion bars in her shop are in little tins, so cute! And....my new scents came in today...popcorn garland, Santa's Workshop, peppermint to name a few..can't wait to play.

We did not have our Federal Review, we may just miss the window. No complaints here.:devil

Ds had his counseling session this evening, he is going to start going once every month or bi-weekly. He is working on letting things "go", slide off his back. I know this is something that he struggles with but hopefully he can get the hang of it.

going to sit and relax before calling it a night. Hugs n squishes!

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Good evening friends. :yawn


I am pooped. Mia had her pre-op physical this morning, and the girls' school had a fundraiser at the skating rink this afternoon, so we went to that. Stopped by the Y to find out which soccer team Mia is on, and also to speak with the dance teacher about missing next week. Capped the night off with a not-so-quick stop by my old-man friend's house to drop off a book he lent to me. The girls are all in bed now, and I am waiting for dh to come home.

Midterms are this week- I have 3 on Thursday. :eek Thankfully the astronomy lab does not have a midterm, so even though that class is also on Thursday, it won't be as stressful as the rest.


Joanne, Beth, Leeann, Marisa- sending lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug to each of you. I will reply individually tomorrow, when my eyelids are not threatening to slam shut. Love to all! :manyheart

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Good morning!


I had a fun time at craft club last night- The ladies who come regularly are all so friendly and helpful! We get there when we can- usually around 6:30 or so and stay till the library closes at 9. The time just flew by!!!


Beth- Scarves in team colors is a great idea!!! I've been working on some Shelly scarves for the fundraiser bake and craft sale at work November. I also started Bubbles Baby Blanket on Sunday afternoon after I looked at my calendar and saw that a shower I thought was 2 weeks away is actually THIS Saturday!!! I worked on it iast night, and am confident I'll have it done in time! Then I want to start a ripple afghan, just because and continue to make some scarves/hats/cowls for the fundraiser.


Stacy- What a busy day you had yesterday!!! No wonder your eyes were ready to slam shut!!! Good thing you are young!!! Good luck on your mid-terms- I know you'll do great!!!!


LeeAnn- It sure sounds like you and your DD had a fun time crafting. What fingerless mitt pattern are you using (if you can share?) That's wonderful about teaching crochet---I'm so excited for you!!!!!


Marisa- Sounds like for every step forward there's always a little bump along the way. My fingers/toes are crossed that things continue to move in the right direction and that the inspection can happen this week. How was the webinar?


Off to get my day started early- I have a few things I want to get done without constant interruption at work, so since I'm up anyway, I'm going to head in early and have some peace, quiet, coffee and do a little work


Have a wonderful day!

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Morning all,


Stacy, you sound exhausted. I hope you get some rest. If midterms are this week, I hope next week will be slow and easy for you.


Joanne, some times first thing in the morning is the best time to get stuff done. I like to stay up (when I'm not too tired) when my hubby goes to work, so I can have a couple of uninterrupted hours to get a lot done. This morning, gravity was too strong. I'm still not out of bed. I'm sitting here, under the covers in my pj's, enjoying life. I do need to get moving, though.


LeeAnn, the crafting with dd sounds wonderful. I wish my dd shared an interest with me. Most of the things she likes to create are beyond me. I can't draw. I can't sculpt. Some times, I'll sit in her room and crochet while she sculpts or draws, though, and that's a lot of fun.


Marisa, sorry about the desk mix-up. I hope you get the replacement soon, and it's just what you need.


Well, today should be pretty laid back. I need to get my daughter back and forth to school, and I need to run into the ballet studio briefly. Besdies that, it's an off day. I guess I need to get into some real clothes, though...

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Hi all,

Quick stop in before I pick up the hook and yarn and work on the baby ghan!


Hope you all had a GREAT day! Mine was busy but good---and I did get a lot accomplished before the "troops" started heading into work!!!

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Happy Hump Day!


I finished the baby ghan except for the border which I'll do tonight!!! Glad that is done so I can work on some more scarves and cowls for the fundraiser.


Hope you all have a good day- it's a wet soggy one here and I'm not looking forward to the (longer) commute into work. But at least after today--there's only 2 more days till the weekend!!! (and it's supposed to be sunny and dry)!!!!

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Good wet morning to you all. I hope your day goes well. So far, I've fed cats, and brought in the "outside" cat who was ready to curl up on my bed, out of the rain. He was inside for 8 hours yesterday.


I have been working on scarves for the sale. I have four done, and one half done. I found the easiest stitch that's making the coolest pattern. It's two colors, alternating rows, sc, ch 1, where you sc into the ch 1 of the previous row, then skip the sc of the previous row. The pattern is very cool. And to make it easier, I'm leaving the ends, and adding fringe.


Joanne and LeeAnn, happy hump day. Joanne, you certainly are finishing that baby blanket fast.


Stacy, good luck this week. When does Mia have her surgery?


Marisa, good luck with your office.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Sorry I didn't get in at all yesterday :( It was a busy day. My gas did get turned on, the guys came to service my fire extinguishers and emergency lighting, and my sister's bf came to put in a receptacle for me (he's an electrician) :clap


I'm hoping that the right piece to my desk comes today and that I can get it together. I know that I won't be able to connect the pieces or move them around by myself though :( I'm just physically not strong enough :( (and I don't consider myself a weakling :lol ) So, I told my sister's bf that I may be calling him back for that, which he's fine with to help out. He just got laid off, as he usually does around this time of year, but being part of the union he doesn't have to actually go out looking for a job because they keep a list or something like that :think When hours are available he picks up everything he can :yes So, now he gets to help me and my sister has a list of things for at the house to get done too since she doesn't bother him with things during the 'working season'. I won't bug him too much, just with the stuff that I really cannot do alone and that should be it now since my dad was here and we were all getting as much done with his help. OK, I'm rambling.


I got my credit card processing machine yesterday, so I have to call today to get it set up. And I got some insurance credentialing stuff, but it's all on cd-rom so I have to check that out today too. I got my degrees/certificates/awards/license hung yesterday. I still have a couple more things to hang, but not crucial right now. Once the desk is done, I can set up my computer and download my software. Then I'll be calling for the inspection :xfin


I'm working hard in the evenings on the housewarming gift afghan I'm making, which is for saturday evening. I think I'm going to have to pick up another skein of yarn, but since I can't remember the exact color, that will have to wait until tomorrow.


LeeAnn - How exciting to be teaching a crochet class...you'll be great :yay How did ds' counseling session go yesterday?


Stacy - Good luck with the midterms....3 tomorrow :eek Now, I'm figuring I missed something in all of my rushed reading lately......what kind of surgery is Mia getting? :hug


Joanne - Lots of bumps, but thankfully nothing too crazy :whew All pretty minor and am just taking one step at a time. The webinar went well and I learned how to navigate the website to change things, add stuff, remove stuff, put on pics, stuff like that.


Beth - I hope you got all of your errands done yesterday and that you get another fairly relaxing day today too


I'll try to get back in today.

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Good Morning ladies!

Joanne-wow! Can't believe that you finished your Bubbles ghan already, :D You are on the ball! Getting things done early is usually my goal too. :hug I know that you are so happy its Wed, me too.:c9

Beth-your day of relaxation sounds perfect! You deserve it! That is so awesome that your dd likes to sculpt and paint, so does mine. She likes just about everything but has a difficult time getting into crocheting, but I am optimisitic. :hug

Marisa-oh my you have been one busy gal! Your bus. is coming together quite well, I love your positive attitude. :hug

Stacy-poor Mia, when will the surgery be? Thinking of you and your midterms and sending good juju's your way.:hug

Counseling for my ds has gone well, Cristopher is ready to be weaned off. He is truly focusing on positive thoughts and self assertion. It is a one step forward two step backwards kind of thing. Being that he can be downright impossible at times, I look forward to the positive guy. When he's happy and in a good mood he's sweet and caring guy but when he's upset he can be quite unreasonable and hard to reach. The strategies that he has learned will benefit him in so many ways but changing one's thoughts and reactions to things is difficult.

I have the day off from work today.:cheer:cheer:cheer The electric company is working on the power lines, so they gave us the day off,....so excited as I have been soaping...yup, came up with a whole new line. So excited! Will post pics just as soon as I can take them.

off to get the day started with laundry, cleaning and schoolwork and soaping.

hugs n squishes!

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Finished the baby blanket---to be honest, it's on the small side- made it to be used in a stroller or car seat without being too bulky. I put a simple sc 3ch sc every other stitch border around it. I'll try to get pics up Saturday morning in the light before I pack it up for the baby shower.


Beth- that scarf pattern sounds so cool. Is there a pattern for it somewhere? If not, how may chains did you do? It sounds like a fun one and I like that it is working up quick. I could make a few more for our work fundraiser. One of the other supervisors had the scarves out yesterday on her desk cause she was taking pics of some of the crafts for our flyers and one of my scarves is already "sold"--the girl wants it held for her and she'll buy it at the craft show. Our charity this year is the Food Bank in our county


LeeAnn-- Hope you had fun 'soaping' today. Glad to hear that DS is doing well---and hopefully will continue to do so!


Marisa- That's great that things are all coming together.Hopefully the desk piece came. Fingers crossed for a great inspection--and then before you know it you'll be open for business!!!! What afghan pattern are you making?


Stacy- Good luck on your midterms tomorrow!!


Since I'm posting so late tonight- I probably won't post again in the AM so let me just wish you all a very Happy Thursday!!!

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Joanne, will we get to see a pic of the baby blanket? Sometimes a smaller size is more useful, as you said for a stroller or car seat blanket.


LeeAnn, hooray for a day off from work! I can't wait to hear about your new soaps.


Marisa, things are moving a long. I am happy for you. It won't be long at all before you are open.


Stacy, extra good thoughts going your way during mid-term day. I hope everything goes well for you, and you get to relax this weekend.


OK, here are some pics of the scarves. For my favorite one, I used a J hook and chained about 194. It's 50" long. I prefer the 60" length, but I crocheted those with smaller hooks (218 chains including the turning chain.) They ended up a little stiff. I didn't use a pattern, just sc, ch 1, sc ending with two sc in a row. I switched colors every row, leaving the tails to be fringe. I added more fringe when I was done. LAZY, easy scarf.



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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I'm waiting for fedex, my desk should get here today :xfin I spent the morning on the computer running update after update after update.....you get the picture. It took forever since it's my desktop and hasn't been on in a while. Once that was finished, I downloaded my office software, but can't really play with it until I get a patient :think:lol


LeeAnn - How was your day off yesterday? Glad to hear that ds is doing well, and you're right, it's difficult to change how you react to things since it's not something you typically think about but is automatic.


Joanne - :yay for finishing the baby blanket. The one I'm making is in the new issue of crochet today (that I now conveniently get on my nook) but I don't remember the name of it off the top of my head, but it's square and textured :yes I'm enjoying working on it because it changes up the stitches. I have to run over to pick up a skein after I leave here today though because I ran out of a color :(


Beth - Awesome scarves :manyheart I love them with the colors :yes


Stacy - Sending positive thoughts your way today :hug :hug :hug:cheer :cheer :cheer

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Hi all!


Beth, I know I already mentioned it on FB, but your scarves are awesome-ness! :yes


Marisa, :xfin that your desk is delivered and all of the pieces are there.


Joanne, WTG on finishing the baby blanket. That sure was quick! How exciting it must be to know one of your scarves is "sold" already. :yes


Leeann, :yay for ds focusing on good thoughts and self-assertion. It certainly isn't easy for anyone, but it sounds like he is making great strides. :yes Can't wait to see pics of your new soapy fun!


Well, my spanish prof. postponed our exam until Monday, which is the day of the surgery. So I will have to go in on Tuesday and take it. Dh is taking the day off, so he will stay with Mia until I am finished. I got a 60% on my soc. exam- very, very disappointed. :( I thought I did a better job than that. Tonight is astronomy lab- no midterm for that one, thank goodness. Tomorrow I need to study all day for the anthro midterm, and probably will take it tomorrow night, or Saturday when I come home from work. I can't wait to be done- I need some hooky time! :yes:lol


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Joanne, will we get to see a pic of the baby blanket? Sometimes a smaller size is more useful, as you said for a stroller or car seat blanket.


LeeAnn, hooray for a day off from work! I can't wait to hear about your new soaps.


Marisa, things are moving a long. I am happy for you. It won't be long at all before you are open.


Stacy, extra good thoughts going your way during mid-term day. I hope everything goes well for you, and you get to relax this weekend.


OK, here are some pics of the scarves. For my favorite one, I used a J hook and chained about 194. It's 50" long. I prefer the 60" length, but I crocheted those with smaller hooks (218 chains including the turning chain.) They ended up a little stiff. I didn't use a pattern, just sc, ch 1, sc ending with two sc in a row. I switched colors every row, leaving the tails to be fringe. I added more fringe when I was done. LAZY, easy scarf.


Can I just say that I LOVE all of these scarves!!!!:manyheart

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I'm waiting for fedex, my desk should get here today :xfin I spent the morning on the computer running update after update after update.....you get the picture. It took forever since it's my desktop and hasn't been on in a while. Once that was finished, I downloaded my office software, but can't really play with it until I get a patient :think:lol


LeeAnn - How was your day off yesterday? Glad to hear that ds is doing well, and you're right, it's difficult to change how you react to things since it's not something you typically think about but is automatic.


Joanne - :yay for finishing the baby blanket. The one I'm making is in the new issue of crochet today (that I now conveniently get on my nook) but I don't remember the name of it off the top of my head, but it's square and textured :yes I'm enjoying working on it because it changes up the stitches. I have to run over to pick up a skein after I leave here today though because I ran out of a color :(


Beth - Awesome scarves :manyheart I love them with the colors :yes


Stacy - Sending positive thoughts your way today :hug :hug :hug:cheer :cheer :cheer

Is it the Vintage Baby Blanket in CT? I like that one and marked that as one to try when I have a little more time!!!


Next weekend you'll be in Newark right?

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Hi all!


Beth, I know I already mentioned it on FB, but your scarves are awesome-ness! :yes


Marisa, :xfin that your desk is delivered and all of the pieces are there.


Joanne, WTG on finishing the baby blanket. That sure was quick! How exciting it must be to know one of your scarves is "sold" already. :yes


Leeann, :yay for ds focusing on good thoughts and self-assertion. It certainly isn't easy for anyone, but it sounds like he is making great strides. :yes Can't wait to see pics of your new soapy fun!


Well, my spanish prof. postponed our exam until Monday, which is the day of the surgery. So I will have to go in on Tuesday and take it. Dh is taking the day off, so he will stay with Mia until I am finished. I got a 60% on my soc. exam- very, very disappointed. :( I thought I did a better job than that. Tonight is astronomy lab- no midterm for that one, thank goodness. Tomorrow I need to study all day for the anthro midterm, and probably will take it tomorrow night, or Saturday when I come home from work. I can't wait to be done- I need some hooky time! :yes:lol



Positive thoughts for Mia on Monday:hug and for you and your Spanish exam!!! And Anthro midterm.. Don't fret too much about the Soc exam--it is what it is! You'll be able to pick up the grade by the end of the semester- the main thing is you are in school plus being a great mom AND working!!! You are doing great!!!!

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Here's a pic of the baby blanket--it was hard to get a good picture- it's so dark in here!!! It's really a very pretty blue- I used Bernat Softee Baby - 2 strands together.


Off to finish a scarf (this one is 'sold' too- LOL) When I had given my friend one at work another woman saw it on her desk so my friend told her that I had given it to her. So she told my friend to ask me to make one in the same color (Caron SS in Bone) and she would buy it at the charity sale.


LeeAnn- Hope you had a good day. When is your last day of work?


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Joanne, your blanket is gorgeous! I love the color. Great work. :h5

I had to giggle when I read that you also say, "It is what it is." It drives me crazy when dh says it, but I know it's true. :yes


Off to get ready for class. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning and welcome to Friday!!! :clap


So happy that it's the end of the work week!!!:) Tonight after work I'm getting together with a couple of friends for dinner at Olive Garden. Looking forward to catching up with them- since I haven't seen one of them in about 6 months!:eek It should be a nice, relaxing evening!!!!:yes

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