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:hi Marisa!!


It's so good to hear from you! I love the photos you posted, but most especially the business card. It is really happening, girl! I am so happy for you. :cheer:cheer:cheer The baby blanket is beautiful, too. I've often wondered how it would look if an RR were left (or made to be) ruffly, and you did a fantastic job. :h5 Fingers, toes, and eyes crossed that you hear good news from your bank.


Joanne, sounds like you had an awesome birthday trip. :clap The button-and-thread shop sounds heavenly. :c9


Beth, :clap for going back to bed, and waking up refreshed! If I go back to bed in the mornings, I always wake up feeling grumpy. Enjoy your "almost day-off." :hug


Leeann, how's it going? How is your ds doing with his homeschool work? Is your position almost over? Will you be returning again next year, or do you have to re-apply for the same position?


Did I tell you all that we have a creature living in the crawl space above our bedroom? Well, I left a maintenance request and spoke to the manager because it was scratching around midnight or 1 a.m. for about a week. The noise stopped after the heavy rains so we figured it was probably rained out of it's nest. Well, last night dh woke me around midnight and we heard it scratching from inside the WALLS this time!! So I will be making a phone call to the manager once again, because she hasn't sent anyone out yet. Dh (who is an electrician) said that rodents in the walls cause more fires by chewing on the wiring, than hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes combined. :eek Not cool.

Today has been busy with school. After I pick up Eva, we need to run to the grocery store. I made an awesome, super-yummy chicken salad last night, but dh took some leftovers for lunch today, so I don't think he'd be happy to see leftovers again for dinner. :blush:lol


I better scoot. Love and hugs all around! :hug:hug:hug


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Hi, I'm home!!!


Had an amazingly beautiful trip back home- the foliage was gorgeous with the sun shining down in Mass and northern CT- even more so than on Friday when I drove up to Boston!! It's truly amazing how Mother Nature can create such beauty!!!!



Marisa - It was such a great surprise to see your post!!! I'm so happy that things are working out and that you are getting settled. Love your business card--it's official!!! And the RR is so pretty!


Stacy- Oh, I don't like the thought of rodents in the wall- I sure hope that they send a maintenance guy out quick!!!!!


I'm going to post the pic of the RR I gave DD and then I need to unpack and do my laundry. I'll try and get back on later!!!


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Good evening ladies!

Marisa-its soo good to hear from you! I am so very happy for you! Everything is coming together nicely. The business card looks so elegant and wonderful and the rr....yummy for sure! I hope that things settle down for you some but know that you are in great hands.

Beth-ohhh laaaa laaaa...going back to back sounds like a wonderful fantastic awesome idea! I am terrified of lil pets, but my kiddos would be so happy with something small.

Joanne-glad that you are home safe and sound, that sure was a fast trip! wowza! Back to paradise for you?

Stacy-uggghhhhh, hopefully your landlord can fix the rodent problem as it can be surely dangerous and kinda freaky. Glad that you had a better day today. Sometimes running around is so painful.

My season at the Migrant wil be ending here in the near future, maybe a week or two left. Then I will begin looking for a part time job, but not sure when I will start that exactly as I want to spend time with ds and craft too.:devil The bazaars are spread out, one in Dec and one in November. I am looking into a third one in Dec. I am hoping to sell gift baskets, soaps, candles, crocheted mitts/scarves and maybe a shawl or two. Must get cracking crocheting, the soaps are alot easier and faster to make.

My ds is doing well homeschooling, we are looking into getting him into Taekwando. He had taken lessons a few years ago and wants to try again..we will see, all of this running around has left me zapped...but I know that he will benefit from all of it.

Going to work on set of fingerless mitts as I want to get a head start on them.

have a great night friends! Hugs n squishes!

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Just lost my post for the second time today... frustration is building, so I'll just say hi, love Joanne's rr, wish LeeAnn luck with all her crafts, hope Stacy gets rid of the uninvited guest in her walls, and am glad to hear from Marisa.


Good day today. I'll try again tomorrow. Maybe my fingers will hit the right buttons then, and I can send a real post.

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Good morning!


Stacy- Any word from the maintenance guy re: your creature in the walls? Hope they come soon. Here's to a good day today- with no weirdness or anything!!


LeeAnn- Did you get a chance to make the fingerless mitts? I'm glad to hear that DS is doing well with the homeschooling and TKD sounds like it may be a great thing for him to do--especially since he is the one suggesting it.


Beth- Hope that today your posts don't get lost again today. I know how frustrating that can be. Is this weekend the craft show with your afghans or is that next weekend?


Marisa- I can't tell you enough how good it was to see a post from you yesterday. I'm glad that things are coming along and I've got fingers/toes crossed, and prayers and positive thoughts that you hear and update from the bank.


Well, it's time to scoot ad get ready for Paradise. The good thing? It's only a 3 day week and then I'm off again!!!

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Good morning there ladies :hi


I had to jump on the computer to print a form for medicare so decided I'd check in while that was printing, although it finished about 10 minutes ago already :eek


My banker was here today with one of his co-workers to set up my accounts and credit card processing. No word yet on the resubmitted loan request :xfin I'm pretty much at the point where ALL of my savings is gone!!! And the credit cards are going up, but I guess it's par for the course. I'm very lucky to have my family behind me with this. I just hate asking them for money to pay my bills :( I'm ok with living with my sister and her bf and am even ok with her paying for me to join them going out, but I really do hate needing my bills paid too, which is the point I just hit. But anyhoo, it is what it is and I guess I gotta go down before I come up :think


My reception desk should be coming today and my computer software tomorrow :jumpyay Then I'm still waiting for a table, stim unit, and a couple small things. I need to call today about getting new fire extinguishers and having my fire emergency lights batteries replaced. Then I think I'm ready to schedule my inspection :xfin


I'll try to jump back in a bit later, but it's soooo great to be back with y'all :hug :hug :hug

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Glad to hear that the office is coming together- and yup- you gotta go down before you can come up. I remember when my bro was setting up his practice (he's an optholmologist)--they were in debt for a while- but it all worked out, as I'm sure it will for you too!!!


My DD invited me over for "birthday dinner" tonight- she made beef stroganoff and it was yummy!!! I got lots of Ryan time!!! He was in good spirits despite getting 2 shots today- and he's now 12 lbs 6 oz. All his newborn clothes have been packed away already.


See you all in the AM!

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Good morning!


Wow- it's Thursday already!!! I could really get used to a 3 day work week!!!


It's rainy outside and getting cooler--but no complaints after the perfect weather I enjoyed while away!!!


Hope you all have a good day!

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hi everybody, Not much to report here -- I tutor, therefore, I am. I got more information about my craft bazaar, and I'm not really excited any more. There was supposed to be a street festival going on in the neighborhood, but that was cancelled due to legal reasons, and I'm in a small room upstairs. I hope everyone tours the whole building. i thought we'd all be in a big room, and my display would be seen from across the room. Oh well. Live and learn.


Joanne, a 3-day week does go by quickly. I like the fall weather, even all the rain we're getting. After all the smoke from the swamp fire, it's nice to breath clean air.


Marisa, so great to hear from you. It sounds like everything is coming together nicely for you. I hope you get good news about the loan soon. Any idea when you will be able to open for business?


Stacy and LeeAnn, I hope you are having fun with your children, not working too hard, and taking time to crochet!

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Top of the morning ladies!

sorry I was MIA yesterday, wen to bed early as I was just burnt out. I feel much better today.

Beth-bummer about being upstairs, hope you get lots of folks walking thru. Will they do a lot of advertising?

Joanne-those three day weeks are wonderful. I bet you are happy cuz it's almost Friday. yippeee! Case I forgot to tell ya, the rr is beautiful! You do such great work!

Stacy-how's it going? hopefully you are getting a little bit of down time inbetween school and family.

Marisa-so happy for you, I know it is a long road, but you will get there. :hug:hug

We are going to a training in Walsenburg today, kinda of end of season get together...awating my ride. They have a small yarn shop in the town we are going to, hopefully the ladies will let me run in and play for a few minutes.

We looked into Taekwando, it is Mon and Wed evenings, with Boys Scouts, Bowling and Honor Choir, it was be pretty stressful to add something else that is requiring a lot of attention. Ds is ok about not joining, he doesn't want to be stressed out either, so we shall wait and see.

Other than that, nothing new, finished one mit the other night and am taking the second to work on today, maybe I can get it finished. I am hoping to make at least 5 sets of them, must get cracking, also thought of sewing a few bags, what do you all think? they are much faster.

off I go! hugs n squishes!

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Hey ladies :hi


It's so nice to be able to come in a little more regularly :yay


My parents are coming up for the weekend so I'll have my dad work on the desk. I started the drawers yesterday, but they weren't sliding smoothly so I decided to stop and wait. The rest I can't even pick up. My software came today, but I won't put it on the computer until the desk is set up since the computer is not connected right now. I definitely do not want it on the temperamental laptop :eek I'm still waiting on a table and a therapy unit, then I'll have everything :yay The fire extinguisher people are coming on tuesday and then I can call for my inspection :clap


So Beth, hopefully I'll be able to start seeing patients the last week of the month :xfin We'll have a grand opening in November, which my mom is all over :lol


I'll be heading over to Newark, NJ the last weekend of the month for my continuing ed seminar too, so just a tad bit busy!!!!


Tonight I'm getting a haircut and I'm a little nervous about going somewhere new, but we shall see what happens :lol


Not sure if I'll be back today, but if not, I'll surely be in tomorrow :wink

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Hi all


Busy day in Paradise--Boy am I glad it's Friday already tomorrow!!!


Beth- Too bad about the craft show--hopefully people will find you upstairs!!! I sense the disappointment!!!! Hope your day went ok


LeeAnn- Definitely make totes if they are quicker to sew!!! I want to find time to play with my new "used" sewing machine that my co-worker gave me. Her DH makes costumes for local theature groups and had an extra machine which he kindly gave to me. I need my middle DD to come over and give me a quick lesson or two--but she is so busy with her grad school classes and work so who knows when that will be!


Marisa- Good luck with the haircut....hoping we can meet up when you are in Newark!!! That would be so neat to see you again!!!!!


Stacy- HOpe your day went well today- any word on the creatures in the wall?


Off to relax for a bit......see you all in the AM

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Good morning, and happy "I love yarn" day.



Joanne and LeeAnn, Happy TGIF, too.


I hope you all have a good one. I'm planning on getting the cleaning done that needs done for company tomorrow, getting a lasagna in the fridge, making pizza dough, tutoring, taking care of kitties (we get a bonus day! :heart) and crocheting to celebrate "I love yarn" day. how about you?

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Good morning!! TGIF!!!! Happy Yarn Day!!!!


I'll be heading out to Paradise in a bit and then I have a busy day ahead of me- two meetings today and I have to do some training---I'd much rather be playing with yarn today!!!!


Hope you all have a good day!!! Beth- Have fun with the kitties!!!

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Happy I love yarn day :manyheart


Well, I love my hair and the guy was so energetic and funny (and my appt was 8pm :eek ) I wonder how he keeps it up all day :think It's pretty much the same style but was getting shaggy so he took a bit off the back and cleaned up the rest to blend better.


I'm going to head up to sam's in a bit to get the paper towel holder for my bathroom so I can have my dad hang that up too. We're on the home stretch here with getting everything done. I'm hoping to get my inspection by the end of next week :xfin


Not much else going on right now and I think I'm trying to procrastinate doing something :eek So, I guess I must be going :think

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evening all!


Joanne-glad that Friday is here and that the weekend is started. Yippee! How was your training? did you get it all done?


Beth-your day sounds perfecto! Company? yea!!!! How fun!


Marisa-so happy to hear from you and also that your hair cut came out nice. Nothing worse than a bad haircut. I know you will be up and running soon.


Today was another busy one, we are getting ready for a possible Fedreal Review next week, stressful and a little overwhelming, getting all of the classrooms in tip top shape is quite a chore. whew!


Going to sit and enjoy the rest of the evening with yarn and hook. Happy Yarn Day my friends!


hugs n squishes!

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Happy Yarn day almost coming to a close!!!


Had a busy day- and traffic was awful coming home. But thank goodness it's the weekend!!!


Glad you like your haircut Marisa! Enjoy the time with your folks (and don't work your Dad too hard);)


LeeAnn- I sure hope you get a little down time this weekend- you've been going like crazy!


Stacy and Beth- Hope you both had a good day!


Now , finally, I'm going to pull out hook and yarn. I did take a trek to Michael's to use my gift card- and got some yarn to make scarves for the gals that gave me the gift card!!!!

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Quick pop in to wish you all a good Saturday--it's cleaning time for me (got to make up for being away last weekend!!!)


Then later on going to meet up with a couple of friends for coffee/crochet We'll miss Marisa, though:(

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Hello Everybody, and happy I still love yarn day. OK, so it's not real, but it should be.


Joanne, enjoy getting your cleaning done, then relaxing.

Marisa, so glad you liked your hair cut. Did you find your new stylist?

LeeAnn, hope you have fun with your kiddoes after your busy work week.

Stacy, i hope all your girls are healthy, and you have a great weekend.


I need to finish cleaning, too. I want to take my daughter to a nearby seafood festival this afternoon, but I need to finish several things before I can go.

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Taking a break from cleaning- just for a moment...


Beth- Have fun at the seafood festival!!! It sounds like it will be a good time!!!


My DD in Boston is going to a book festival today! (sure wish that would have been going on last weekend)


Mmmm---time to look and see if there are any festivals going on around here!!!

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Hello hello!

Beth-your day as always sounds wonderful! What crochet goodies are you working on?

Joanne-I get you got all of your cleaning done and are relaxing with hook and yarn.

My ds and dh went camping. Ds had bowling this morning then they left from there. They will be coming home tomorrow, they are also going rock climbing and on a hike...whew! so glad that I am able to sit home and relax.

Dd and I are spending time together, crafting. :c9:c9 I have felt very tired and a little overwhelmed, it's nice to get a break.

Back to :hook, I have 2 sets of fingerless mitts...working on a third.

hugs n squishes!

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After the cleaning was done, I went to meet up with two friends and we crocheted and chatted and I had a pumpkin spice latte!!! The time just flew by!!! While we were there 2 different ladies came up to us and started chatting--it's amazing how crocheting brings people together!!!


After that I decided to just go ahead and get the grocery shopping done. I really don't like going mid day on a Saturday, but then thought it would be nice to have NOTHING to do tomorrow (except for laundry, but I don't count that) So I dragged DH along and we stocked up since the cupboards were pretty bare.


I finished my swap partner's second gift and also finished a scarf for our fundraiser at work. Tonight, I think I'm going to start the scarf for my DD with the gorgeous Debbie Bliss yarn she bought.


LeeAnn- It sounds like you and DD will have a wonderful time crafting together. Enjoy it!!!

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Good evening, friends!


Sounds like everyone is enjoying their weekend!


Beth, I hope you made it to the seafood festival.


Joanne, your crafty meet-up sounds wonderful! Have fun with your yummy yarns. :manyheart


Leeann, how nice that you get to spend some one-on-one time with dd. And that you both are crafting. Has she tried soaps yet? What kind of craft does she enjoy?


Today we got up bright and early, dropped off Eva with my IL's, and headed to Occupy L.A. Dh has been itching to go, and I was on the fence about taking the kids. It has been peaceful here since the start, thought, so we took the older two. Mia had a blast- everyone kept stopping to take her picture. :think She thought we were in a parade. :lol I don't expect them to know why it's happening, but I think it's a great lesson in standing up for what you believe in.

We went out to dinner, and now dh is napping, while I should be doing homework. I have to work tomorrow, so I really need to get it done tonight.


Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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