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Some good clean fun?!

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I think I'll jsut have to try the TJ's Pumpkin spice coffee. There's a TJ's not too far from DD up in Boston!! And we both love pumpkin spice! Thanks for thinking of me:hug


Beth- i have couple of friends at work who started the Shelly scarf. They love how fast/easy/mindless it is and how pretty it turns out!!!


LeeAnn- Hope you had a wonderful day!!!!


I had my hair appointment tonight- so now I had a mani/pedi/hair cut/color--I'm ready to turn 56 in a few days now!:lol:lol:lol

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Joanne-I bet you look all dolled up! So glad that your team won! yippeee skippy! The shelly scarf is really a wonderful pattern, I wanted to make scarves for the ladies at work, but do not think I will have time as our season is quickly approaching, but I can make them for next year.:lol


Beth-I bet the skunk hat is adorable! How fun! I am faster at long projects than shorter ones:think:think weird.


Stacy-mmm mmmm good! A cup of java sounds perfect!


The weather here in CO has taken a turn, it is down to 32 F in the a.m. Today it warmed up a tad, and worst of all .....ssssssnnnnoooowww. Ugh, I'm whispering it. yup, scary.


Dh and I did not get a chance to do anything special as they had Boy Scouts last night and homework and and and...Oh my gosh, we have been married 15 years, can't believe that I forgot to add a year.:lol


back to knooking...doesn't it just sound like a Dr. Seuss book? I am knooking with a knook cook book...:devil


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!

Today is my "Friday"!!!!


LeeAnn- I can't believe that you are getting the white stuff already!!! NO, it's only the beginning of October!!!!! We are supposed to have gorgeous fall-like/almost indian summer like weather for the next few days and I'm thrilled!!! I'm so NOT ready for any winter-like weather! Stay warm!! Hope you had fun "knooking"


Beth- I'll bet the alien and frog hat are really cute. I worked on the RR again last night but I was so tired from staying up late the last few nights before watching the Yankees that the repetiveness of the stitches was lulling me to sleep!!! The blanket may just have to get finished while I'm in Boston!


Stacy- I'm glad that your dream was only a dream (but sounds more like a nightmare!) Time for me to bring out the crockpot--that bean soup sounds yummy---now that the weather is cooling I think of using the crockpot- it sure does make things easier when you can home to dinner being made already!!!


Marisa- Thinking of you and missing you---


Off to start the day- it'll be a very busy one with lots of things that I have to finish before I leave work today!!

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Hi ladies!


Leeann, I'm glad you enjoy the Knooking. It is really fun, once you get the hang of it. And easy, too! I can't believe you are preparing for the 'S' word already! :eek Sending some hugs your way. :hug:hug:hug


Joanne, you sound like you are all set for your trip! Any fun outings planned when you are in Boston? Hope you got everything finished at work. :hug:hug:hug


Marisa, thinking of you! :hug:hug:hug


Beth, are you ready for your craft show? :hug:hug:hug


Today has been such a weird day. There is just no other way to describe it. LoL First, Isabella forgot her money for school portraits, so I skipped class and took it to her. She has been waiting to have them done since school started, for some reason. :think:shrug Then I received a call from the school nurse while I was in sociology, Mia had a fever and sore throat so I had to pick her up. We got a dr. appt. right away, and she has strep. Just lots and lots of driving and running around. :whew

Jorge made dinner tonight, though. :clap Grilled chicken and grilled veggies. Yum! Now it is time for me to get ready for class tonight, so I need to scoot. Love and hugs all around!



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Good day ladies!

Beth-hope you had a great day!

Joanne- a trip to Bean town sounds like lots of fun. Will you be leaving tomorrow?

Stacy-those running around days are exhausting! Hope that class flies by and that you are home before you know it.

Today has been a long day, so much to do. I am feeling slightly overwhelmed with everything. Dh has not been able to help as much with chores, kiddos and school functions. I feel at the end of my rope as far as patience is and am just plain tired. Going to take myself to my room because I just can't trust myself to be "nice".

hugs n squishes!

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Hi ladies!



Joanne, you sound like you are all set for your trip! Any fun outings planned when you are in Boston? Hope you got everything finished at work. :hug:hug:hug


Today has been such a weird day. There is just no other way to describe it. LoL First, Isabella forgot her money for school portraits, so I skipped class and took it to her. She has been waiting to have them done since school started, for some reason. :think:shrug Then I received a call from the school nurse while I was in sociology, Mia had a fever and sore throat so I had to pick her up. We got a dr. appt. right away, and she has strep. Just lots and lots of driving and running around. :whew

Jorge made dinner tonight, though. :clap Grilled chicken and grilled veggies. Yum! Now it is time for me to get ready for class tonight, so I need to scoot. Love and hugs all around!



Hope your "weird" day ended up ok. Hugs to Mia that she feels better soon and that the strep doesn't make its way through your family:hug Your dinner that DH made sounds delicious!!!


DD was going to try and get tickets for the Boston Bruins hockey game for Monday which is my actual birthday. Its Columbus Day this year and they are playing at 1. I'd like to go to the MFA and since DD has a season pass and take a guest, it's free for me!! After that, we may head to the to the North End (Italian section) for some cappuccino's and canoli's and since the weather is going to be so nice, probably hang out in in the park there either reading or I may be :crocheting


I'm sure she is happy that my Yankees lost last night so she won't be subjected to having to watch any Yankee games!


Good day ladies!


Joanne- a trip to Bean town sounds like lots of fun. Will you be leaving tomorrow?


Today has been a long day, so much to do. I am feeling slightly overwhelmed with everything. Dh has not been able to help as much with chores, kiddos and school functions. I feel at the end of my rope as far as patience is and am just plain tired. Going to take myself to my room because I just can't trust myself to be "nice".


hugs n squishes!


:hug:hug:hugI think you could use some of these LeeAnn!!!:hug:hug:hugI do that too, sometimes...just retreat to my room where I can re-group! You have a lot on your plate right now and lots of changes going on--Hang in there- and know we are here for you. How is your friend Kathy doing?


I am leaving today and will get to Boston before DD gets out of work---but that just means I can hang out in a coffee shop with some :crocheting while I wait for her! Relaxing weekend on tap and I'm very excited!


Beth- Good luck getting some more things finished for the Kitty fundraiser!! Enjoy your pizza night tonight!!!


Marisa- Miss you around here and hope things are starting to come together for you!

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Joanne, have a great trip to Beantown. I hope you have a fun birthday weekend.


LeeAnn, I remember my full-time working mom days. It was very hard to keep things up. I hope you are managing to take some time for yourself once in a while. I consider it a sanity maintenance situation. Congratulations on 15 years. Funny how you forgot to add one. I'm starting to wonder just how many I've been married....


Stacy, sounds like you had a very odd day. Your dream was so frightening. I would have had to check on each girl, and maybe hug them, if possible, if I had a dream like that. I hope your baby gets well soon. Strep is no fun.


Marisa, hoping you are doing well, and things are coming along for your office's grand opening.


Well, I am going to take some photos so I can post them, show you what I made for the cats.

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Hi all,

I'm safely in Beantown--after a 6 hr drive:eek I stopped to see Ryan before heading out- and he was smiling and happy as could be!!! I then left around 11:15 and usually get to Boston around 3:30 or so. Well, not today!!!! There was a lot of traffic as I got into Mass-- I guess because of the holiday weekend. Anyway, I didn't get to the bookstore/cafe where I was going to meet DD until after 5:eek! Luckily, I still had time to start another scarf while I waited since she gets out of work at 6.


We've finished dinner and may go apple picking this weekend. DD had looked into going and there is no mass transportation that takes you to the orchards. She asked me if I'd mind (especially after spending 6 hrs in the car today). It sounds like it will be a fun outing especially with the gorgeous weather!


She did get the tix to the Bruins hockey game and we're going to the North End for dinner after the game Monday!


Beth- can't wait to see the pictures!!! I really have to take some pics of the scarves I've been making. I was able to pull one out and give it to a co-worker along with a pair of fingerless mitts for her birthday yesterday.


Hope you ALL had a good day!!!

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Thanks. My pics are kind of on the big size, so I posted the rest of them on Facebook. It was fun to do something small and fast.

I just saw them on FB--great job on all of them!!!:clap


Just watched a great pitching duel between the Phillies and Cards with DD- what a great game- and 2 great pitchers. It was too bad that one of them had to lose!

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Good morning!

It's a beautiful sunny morning here in Beantown!


I "slept in" till 7:15! DD is still asleep and it's nice and quiet and I don't have to do my usual cleaning or errand running today!! So, I think I'll use the quiet time to work on the scarf I started yesterday!


Beth- I hope the fundraiser for the kitties is a huge success!!!


LeeAnn- I hope that you have a good weekend and get to take some ME time for yourself!!


Stacy- How is Mia feeling? Hopefully, no one else is coming down with strep! Are you working this weekend?


Marisa- Hugs!


Make it a good day everyone!

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Good evening ladies!


Joanne-so glad that you made it to Beantown safe and sound. your day sounded just :c9 Little Ryan must be growing so fast. Can't wait to see pics of all of your scarves. It is so wonderful to have gifts ready for giving, I love it!


Beth-ohh laaa laaa, your hats are adorable! So sweet! you are sure fast at crocheting, what's next?


Well I did something crazy and yet fun today, signed my goodies up in another shop...ooh my gosh! Have to make another set of goodies to go in there and also signed up for a Christmas bazaar...oh where will I find the time?


Kathy is doing better, her son is getting married tomorrow, she is so happy! I am happy for her and can't wait to spend more quality time chatting it up.


My ds is doing well, he has caught up on homework and is breezing right along. Dd is doing well, she loves her Honor Choir and is practicing for a Winter Program. Dh well, he's been pretty busy. The windshield wipers broke on the car yesterday morning...my fault. I didn't realize that they were completely frozen and turned them on...it was 27 F yesterday and we had snow...uugggghhhh I am still trying to whisper...but it doesn't seem to be helping.


back to soap making, I am hoping that tomororw I can package everything up and deliver on Monday as she cleared out five shelves for all of my goodies. The new shop is called Wild Roses, it's another neat little shop here in Alamosa. I hope I hope that my bus. takes off even more so that I can do that in the winter months instead of looking for a part time job.


hugs n extra squishes ladies!

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Good morning!!!


LeeAnn- SNOW?:eek It was a beautiful perfect day here in Boston yesterday and going to be again today!!! When I spoke with DH, he said it was gorgeous in NJ too!!! I am saying prayers and fingers crossed that your little business takes off so you can spend the winter crafting and creating and don't have to get a part time job!!! I love the name of that shop.


Happy to hear that DS is settling in to his new routine and that DD is doing well also!


Have a great time at the wedding!!!


I finished the scarf I was making and took out the RR I brought up for DD (not finished, because I keep starting scarves:lol) I weaved in all the ends last evening and got 2 rounds done.I think if I do about 4-5 more rounds, it'll be big enough. She really likes the colors and I really want to leave it here for her. So on that note, I think I'll pour another cup of coffee and start:crocheting


Have a great day one and all!

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Good morning all,


Joanne, it sounds like you are having a wonderful time in Beantown. I hope you get the rr done.


LeeAnn, I can't believe you are expanding your business again. Way to go! I am happy that things are going well for your children, and Kathi is doing so well. Congrats to her son.


The fundraiser for the kitties went well. I stopped by after my dd's dance class to take her to see things, and 3 of my scarves and 1 of my hats had sold. There was a lot of cash in the donation box, and the baked goodies were decimated! She is keeping everything, setting it up in another location next weekend to try to make more money. It will cost $1000 to get the eye surgery for the 3 kittens.


My son had a swim meet -- he's done better, but he still enjoys it. I was a timer for half the meet, and got to work with some very nice people.


Have a good one!

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Good morning!!


I finished the RR:clap I'm so glad that it's done!!! I took a picture of it, but can't post it until I get home since I left the camera cord at home.


We had another great day yesterday and more fun on tap for today. And can I just say that the weather has been absolutely PERFECT?:yes


Beth- I'm so glad that the fundraiser went well!!! That's a lot of $ for the surgery for the kitties.:eek Glad you got to work the meet with some nice people- that always makes the time go by much quicker.


LeeAnn- Did you get everything all packaged up to deliver to the shop today? You sure have been one busy lady!!! Hoping to read that you didn't get a lot of snow--it's just too early in October for that!!


Stacy- Love the pics of your dogs on FB. Are they behaving themselves? I see you are doing the scarf swap too- did you get any :crocheting time this weekend? I finished one for my partner in a yarn that she mentioned she liked.


Today we are going to this neat button/yarn shop that I've been wanting to go to. (and there is 20% off yarn through today) They've been in Boston since 1936!! After that, we're heading to the hockey game and then out to dinner! A fun day on tap for sure!!!:manyheart

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Good morning, everybody,


it's been a great day so far. I had a wonderful time taking care of the kitties. They are so sweet. And 3 of them may be adopted soon, so that's wonderful news.


Joanne, how long do you get to stay in Beantown? I hope you have a good time at the hockey game.


LeeAnn, did you have a fun weekend? Did you get any crafting done?


Stacy, how are things? How is your child with strep? Is everybody else staying well? :xfin


Marisa, thinking of you.


I guess I should get some things done today. We bought a bigger glass tank for the pet mice, since they grew a lot since we got them. Gotta get that set up so the girls can move in.

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Had a great birthday!! Went to Windsor button- picked up some buttons and some Debbie Cashmerino DK yarn- and DD bought it for me!!! Even though I didn't want her to pay for it, she insisted. What a treat!!


The hockey game was so much fun even though the Bruins lost!!!


We just ordered some Thai food and for desert we have pastries that we picked up in the North End


Tomorrow I head home and then Wednesday it's back to reality and work!

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:birthday:bdayHappy Birthday Joanne! So glad that you had a fantastic day! You sure deserve the best!


Beth-ohhh the lil kittens just sound so sweet. Glad that all of your goodies sold and that they are bringing in much needed money.


The weekend flew by in a blur...whew! I made lots of soap yesterday for the new shop and delivered it today...gosh, I still need to make more as I have 2 empty shelves.:eek I told the owner that I will take another shipment on Monday and also signed up for two more craft bazaars...call me crazy! yup!!!!


Had another busy day, had to take my car to my in-laws, I broke the windshield wipers. The other day it was 20F and I turned them on to clear off the frost,...they were frozen! Can you imagine? Burnt them out...so bummed. Anyhow, my car should be fixed soon.


Just got home a few minutes ago, going to help ds with homework and call it a night, so tired.


hugs n squishes!

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Hi all!


Just wanted to stop in and say :birthday to Joanne! Glad to read that you had such a wonderful day with your dd. Hockey, yarn, and pastry from the North End? Count me in! I love to read about all of the fun things you do with your dd's. :manyheart


Leeann, I don't know how you do it! :nworthy You're like the Energizer bunny over there. :lol Congrats on expanding your line to yet another shop.


Beth, glad to hear the fundraiser went well. :yes That is quite a bit of money, hopefully you all raised enough to help out! :manyheart I didn't know you had pet mice- are you able to play with them? I know several people who keep rats, and I have heard that they are actually very clean creatures. Are mice the same way?


I'm kind of a sourpuss today. :( It's just been One of Those Days- really long with lots of running around. Thankfully, Mia is feeling better after having 4 days of antibiotics already. :yes

I do have to add that the two highlights of the day were 1) seeing Isabella's face light up when she realized I had found black ballet shoes, and 2) watching Eva dance. She is both a natural, and a ham. :lol She LOVES to watch herself in the mirror as she poses. Other than that, I am so ready for bed. :yawn


Good night, friends! :ghug

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Good morning!!


Thank you for the Happy Birthday wishes!!! It was truly a wonderful birthday weekend that I'm sad to see come to an end.


Wow- LeeAnn- you sure are the 'energizer' bunny just like Stacy said!!! Go, go, go!! Good luck with the expanded business and the craft fairs. When are they? Are you going to sell soaps and crochet items or just the soaps? I didn't know that you could burn out windshield wipers. Hope that your car is fixed pronto!!!


Stacy- Isn't it great to watch your DD's doing something that makes them happy? I'm glad that Mia is finally feeling better. Hoping that today is not 'another one of those days' for you!!!


Beth-. I head home to NJ this morning after dropping DD off at the "T" and getting a nice big cup of coffee for the trek home. I can't believe how fast these 4 days just flew by!!! Fun times, for sure!!!


Thinking of you, Marisa!!!


Have a splendid day everyone

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hello everybody,


I went back to bed after I packed hubby's lunch, and just got up. I feel downright decadent!!! It's a nice feeling.


Joanne, Safe travels. I am so glad you had an awesome weekend. Can't wait to see the pics of the RR.


Stacy, I think we all have those "one of those days" days. I hope today is better. Your highlights sound pretty darn good, though. I still love to watch my dd dance. It's so good to hear that Mia is feeling better.


LeeAnn, you have so much energy. I think it's awesome. Good luck with the new store, the craft fairs, and all your other projects.


Marisa, good luck to you, too.


It's almost a day off for me. I have to transport my dd back and forth to school and work at the ballet studio, but no tutoring!!!

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:birthday Joanne!!!!! :cheer:yay:jumpyay BELATED!!!


So ladies :ghug I miss you all so much, but I now have internet at my office. Actually, I got it in last week, but have been busy getting actual work done and searching for equipment and stuff. BUT, I should be able to get it a bit more frequently now :) My schedule will be different from before for sure. I find it very difficult to get on at my sister's because something is ALWAYS going on and when you finally get to sit, that's all you want to do :lol Plus, her computer is isolated upstairs and typing a decent amount on the nook just doesn't work well.


I got a new phone a couple weeks ago after mine completely crashed and it's a 3D one....I love it!!! :manyheart I made a baby blanket for one of my sister's friends that just had a baby and even have a pic to share with you. It's a ruffley one so couldn't make it lay flat for the pic :no I'm working on another afghan for a housewarming party we're going to not this weekend, but next weekend so :xfin that I can get it done.


I got my business cards today and took a pic of that to share as well, but the camera took a pretty crappy pic.....so no promises, but I'll try to get the one from my phone on later which is crystal clear. I should be getting my reception desk on thursday and later today I have a phone meeting with the website people so I totally have work I should be doing right now getting info together!!! Everything is coming together here and I haven't heard back on an update from the bank yesterday, however, I'm meeting with the guy tomorrow morning to set up accounts so maybe he'll have heard something although it is kind of soon just yet :think


So I definitely cut and pasted the above message with my other thread so I wouldn't have to type it all over again :blush


Beth - very cute hats :manyheart



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