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Sorry I didn't stop in yesterday. I started working on the Steeler's ghan first thing, and kind of didn't do anything but tutor, cook dinner, and crochet. It was a very nice day. I got the Steelers ghan done, and have the first square done and the second square coming along very nicely for the 4 granny squares afghan. I didn't pick up the star. Yeah, it's for the Cowboys, but my friend who is a people watcher says they are very popular here, and I'm selling out. I think I need to do an Eagles one -- Michael Vick's home is in Hampton, and he's extremely popular here - local boy makes it to the big time thing. As my dd washes the afghans and checks for loose ends, we are photographing them. I will post them later.


Joanne, are you babysitting at work again this week? that must seem to come around quickly.


Stacy, voluntolding at the kid's school - sounds familiar. I hope you have a good time. How nice that your wee one is coming out of her shell. Good score on the shirt.


LeeAnn, hugs to you and to your friend. I hope the news is good.


Marisa, we are thinking of you! I hope things are going well for you.

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Good morning!

What a late night!!! The Yankees game lasted until midnight- and then flipped to see the Red Sox collapse in the bottom of the 12th. Now it's on to playoff baseball starting tomorrow night (thank goodness it's a Friday night since game doesn't start till 8:30 or so and I can sleep late on Saturday)


Beth- Yes it's my week of being the "late babysitter" and it does seem to come around very quickly. Next month I get to work late 6 days instead of 5--aren't I lucky?:lol


WTG on finishing the Steelers ghan and good luck finishing the Eagles one.....mmmm I still haven't heard about a Giants ghan:devil :lol

Can't wait to see the pictures of them!!!


Off to get the day started---at least at the end of today DD is coming over for a bit. Something to look forward to----that and an early night of sleep!!!!



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Good morning, all.


Wow. Joanne must have been running late today if I'm the first one to post.


I have been working on my two current afghans. the star is about 2 feet from point to valley. My goal for today is to finish the third square in my 4-square afghan, and attach it. I am at least 1/4 of the way done with that square. I may be taking kids to miniature golf this afternoon. My oldest has a grandpa-sitting job for the evening. It's pizza night, and I got some premade gluten free crusts yesterday, so I'm all set. Mmmmmmm, peppers and onions and sausage... Life is good!


Joanne, I'm sure on your late week, it seems a long-time coming, but Happy TGIF to you! Do you get to see Ryan this weekend? How do you get 6 days of late nights coming up? That certainly doesn't seem fair.


Stacy, How are your girls doing with school? How are YOU doing with school? What's Jorge up to these days?


LeeAnn, is work and crafting keeping you busy? How does your son like bowling? Is your daughter doing band or choir, or both?


Marisa, how are things? We miss you, you know.

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Good morning, all.


Wow. Joanne must have been running late today if I'm the first one to post.


I have been working on my two current afghans. the star is about 2 feet from point to valley. My goal for today is to finish the third square in my 4-square afghan, and attach it. I am at least 1/4 of the way done with that square. I may be taking kids to miniature golf this afternoon. My oldest has a grandpa-sitting job for the evening. It's pizza night, and I got some premade gluten free crusts yesterday, so I'm all set. Mmmmmmm, peppers and onions and sausage... Life is good!


Joanne, I'm sure on your late week, it seems a long-time coming, but Happy TGIF to you! Do you get to see Ryan this weekend? How do you get 6 days of late nights coming up? That certainly doesn't seem fair.


Stacy, How are your girls doing with school? How are YOU doing with school? What's Jorge up to these days?


LeeAnn, is work and crafting keeping you busy? How does your son like bowling? Is your daughter doing band or choir, or both?


Marisa, how are things? We miss you, you know.


Yes, Beth, I was running late---:lol But finally, it is here!!! TGIF!! And your pizza sounds YUMMY!!!


It just worked out that way- there are 4 of us! I'm sure November/Dec I'll be on the short end!! (I'll make sure of it!!)


Didn't get home till 7--and just finished dinner and getting ready for Game 1 of the Playoffs!! GO YANKEES:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap

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Evening all!

Sorry I have been MIA, life has been hectic, stressful and somewhat upsetting.

Kathi is doing well, she is out of the hospital and at home recovering. She is in good spirits. So far all of the tests are negative for more cancer, she will still have to undergo Radiation but is extremely positive about the outcome. I am so blessed to have such a good friend. Thank you all for the warmest wishes and prayers. :hug

Joanne-TGIF! yippee skippy! Any big plans for the weekend?

Beth-can't wait to see your ghans! Oh my, you are finishing fast.

Stacy-great deal on the shirt! I love a great bargain.

My kiddos are doing better. On Wed, ds came home from school extremely upset, the children are just not nice and have been bullying him, we have decided to Home school him and have registered him in an on-line program thru the state of CO. Dh and I both took the day off from work yesterday to straighten things out and get our heads straight. It is difficult to think straight when your loved ones are hurting so much. So far, we are beginning lessons, it was a drastic decision but one we had been leaning to for quite some time. I will go into more details later, I am happy to report that he is feeling less stressed and more at ease.

My dd has been accepted into the Honor Choir, she will be starting next week. So happy for you.

Marisa-miss you, hope all is well.

I finished the rectangle granny ghan and delivered it today, can you all believe, I forgot to take a picture of it? Gosh!

going to sit and relax, hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Good morning and welcome to a Soggy Saturday! The Yankee game was suspended after 1 inning due to the rain that decided to come yet once again!!! Very disappointing. My DD's BF was at the game and they are resuming the game 8:30 tonight (of course that depends on whether the rain stops)


He would be able to use his ticket for tonight's game, but he can't go since he and DD are going with my youngest DD and SIL to a friends wedding. I feel bad for him, because he is a die-hard Yankees fan and knowing him, he'd rather be at the game then at the wedding.


I'll be watching my grandson when they go to the wedding--and then tomorrow my DD's BF is giving an artist talk at 4 so I'm planning to go to that. Other than that, the weekend is full of the usual cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry and hopefully some crocheting, baseball game and football game watching!!


LeeAnn- I hope that it all works out with the homeschooling for your son. It sounds like this was a good decision if you say that already he is more at ease and less stressed. It's definitely not easy being a parent and doing the best things for your children. Congrats to your DD on being accepted into the honors choir! How exciting!!

I'm sure your rectangle granny ghan came out beautifully- all of your work is so nice!!


Beth- How was that pizza last night? I did another round on my RR--I really hope to finish this weekend--still have those pesky ends to weave in too! It's coming to Boston with me next weekend so I have no choice but to get it done. I'm in the scarf swap so want to get busy with that!!!


Stacy- I saw on FB you took the kiddos swimming! That seems so funny from an east coaster that they went swimming on the last day in Sept! Not swimming weather here--at least not outdoors. MY DD and BF were thinking of joining the "Y" which has a pool--they live across the street from one-


Off to get the day started!!

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Joanne, It's too bad that the game was rained out. I hear ya - my hubby would much rather watch a game than go to a wedding, no matter whose it is. Enjoy your babysitting, and good luck working on the rr. The rounds go so slow towards the end. I have been working in ends as I go, so I don't get stuck with a lot of them all at once. I'm also making big, chunky stripes, so I don't have many ends to deal with.


LeeAnn, welcome to the world of homeschooling. It is a delightful situation, one I highly recommend to parents who are fond of their children. You qualify.:manyheart My dd was bullied very badly in 4th grade, which is one of the reasons we started homeschooling. Can he be home by himself during the day?


Stacy, I hope you are having a fun weekend.


Marisa, thinking of you and wishing you the best.

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Hi all!


Joanne, it's too bad your SIL can't make it to the game. I am sure he'd much rather be there than a wedding! :lol Have fun babysitting, and at the artist talk. I think it's so awesome that you attend his activities to support him. :yes


Leeann, sounds like you made a great decision with homeschooling. It's fantastic that your dh thinks it's a good idea, too. Hopefully your ds will be much less stressed now. :hug:hug:hug:hug I'm happy to hear that Kathy has a positive attitude. I'm sure it is difficult to hold that stance in her situation.


Marisa, thinking of you and praying that you have heard good news from the bank. :hug:hug:hug


Beth, your photos on FB are beautiful! You sure do work fast. :yes smart idea to weave ends as you go. As always, pizza night sounds delicious. Did Shrimp Boy attend?


We have a couple of fun days, I think. Jorge is in Seattle this weekend, for the Seahawks game, so it's just the girls and me. Last night, we went swimming at the Y. The water was freezing, despite it being an indoor pool, so Eva and I only swam for about 1/2 hour, while the other two stayed in for almost 2 hours, until the pool closed. :lol Today we ran some errands in the morning, cleaned a bit, and decorated for Halloween, before heading to Chuck E. Cheese this afternoon. Unfortunately, I came home to a rather rude note on my door, stating that Olive is howling the entire time we are gone. I was simultaneously embarrassed and ticked, because while I had no idea about this and I feel absolutely terrible that my neighbors are subjected to it- the way the note was worded was incredibly rude and condescending. The end of it basically said my dog is a large breed and she needs to be exercised 2-3 hours a day and if I am not able to do it, then I shouldn't have that breed of dog. :tryme:irk I'm debating whether to leave a note by the mailboxes, but I should probably calm down and sleep on it first.

Anyway...we are about to watch Rio, and the girls want to have a camp-out in the living room. I also have lots of homework to do, so I stopped to get a coffee on the way home. :yes


Have a great night!! Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning ladies,


I'm here, I'm here! I've been crazy busy and my parents are out this weekend. We got my whole office painted. Now I need to organize and start putting things away. I have to order stuff and get the carpet cleaners in too. I just wanted to stop in to tell you I'm still kickin and soon I hope to be back with you. My loan was denied, but I'll be taing from someone different at the bank tomorrow to discuss other options. So I have a

Some things to prepare for him that he needs extra.


I guess that's about it for now. I'm sure I could go on forever, but just using this time that my dad and I are sitting here just Having a coffee and getting re


Ready to head over to the office to finish up the things I need him to do since they're leaving around noon.


Love and miss you ladies

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Marisa, good luck getting everything ready. I hope you get the loan. :xfin


Stacy, I am sorry you got the rude note. I don't understand how kids can swim in freezing water. It sounds like you had fun.


Joanne, did you have fun babysitting during the wedding? How is your favorite grandbaby doing?


LeeAnn, are you having a wonderful weekend? I sure love to hear you and Stacy tell about your adventures with your kids. We went miniature golfing on Friday, and had a great time. Well, I sat and crocheted, but it was fun to watch the kids getting along so well. They needed an outing.


Today is grocery shopping, bill paying, finishing the next afghan, tutoring, and hopefully, working on the blue star some more.

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Good morning!


Stacy- Oh my, sorry to hear that Olive is not behaving- (or so the note says), and that was kind of rude! On a happier note- it sounds like you are squeezing in a lot of fun time for you and the girls, plus getting homework done!!! Do you have the weekend off work? How did the girls like the pumpkin french toast? (saw that on FB)


Marisa- Sorry about the loan but I continue to think positive thoughts that everything will work out for you! Your parents are awesome to come out again and give you a hand! How's it working out living with your sis and her BF? Sounds like you have been super, super busy- and I'm so glad to hear from you. I miss you around here!!!! Hugs, and more hugs!!!!


Beth- Love, Love, Love the afghans you posted on FB- they are fabulous!!! I really should try one of those corner-to-corner ones someday!!! I didnt' do anymore on the RR- I made 2 hats- that I'll donate to the bake sale/craft fair that our dept is doing in November. We always do a bake sale in Nov for a charity- and this year decided to add some crafts- so I made quite a few coffee cup cozy's (easy and quick) and yesterday decided to do a few hats in Thick and Quick yarn that was in my stash since they too work up easy and quick!!!


LeeAnn- Hope you are getting a little time to relax this weekend-- you had a rough week and could use it, I'm sure!


I had a wonderful time with Ryan and my DD and SIL had a great time at the wedding so it was a win-win for all!!! And Rutgers won their game, and the Yankees won their game--- so it was a GOOD day!!!!


The sun is shining this morning- and the air is crisp and fall -like !!! I LOVE it!!!!


Have a wonderful day!!!

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heeelllooooo Ladies!

Thank you all for the words of encouragement, Homeschooling seemed scary at first, but we are trying to get organized so that we can get into the swing of things. The school counselor and teachers have all called to speak with both ds and I, they have made the transition much smoother. Ds is ok staying home alone, dh comes home for lunch to check on him and dd gets out of school every other Wed at noon. I will also be finishing up work, he has about 15 days with out me. I can see the change in him, he is motivated and willing to work. He has taken quite a few exams and is really doing super, I am so proud of him!

Joanne-your evening sounded like a real treat! How fun! That rr is still calling my name to be finished, just haven't had a chance. I do miss those calm days, can't wait to slow down a bit.

Beth-an outing to play miniature golf sounds just perfect! Your ghans are beauuuuttttiiiffffuuuullll! I especially like the corner to corner ghans, do you follow a pattern?

Stacy-so sorry to hear about Olive, not nice I tell ya. Do you feel better after sleeping on it? Swimming is so much fun, but my bones hurt when the water is cold. Everytime I read aobut your stopping for a coffee, I want one. :devil

Marisa-so sorry to hear about the loan, it will work out, I just know it!

I am happy to say on the crafting front that I am almost finished with the applique, I stopped Friday evening for a quick lesson on the border and binding...whew! I am hoping to work on it this afternoon.

Yesterday we went out and bought a desk and chair for ds. We had to re-arrange the living room, t.v. room and my bedroom. Uggghhh had to clean and such, but ds loves it and has taken to his new space quite well, he's even willing to share. :yes

off to rinse the dye out of my hair, multi tasking as always.

Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Whew, boy am I tired! We took the dogs to the dog park early in the morning and stayed for over an hour. I really wanted them to be tired when we left for the museum (hopefully to wear out Olive, so she wouldn't howl.) Well, it seems to have worked- she is just plopped down on the floor, sleeping. :lol There is a huge, grassy hill at the museum, which leads down to a gorgeous garden and fountain, and we took a picnic lunch with us. The girls had a much more fun there, than they did looking at the art. :yes Though I kind of figured that would happen.


Hope you all are having a great Sunday! The girls are all finished taking showers, so now I guess it's my turn. Be back later!



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Stacy, it sounds like you had a good weekend. It's always nice when you get to have fun with the kids. Enjoy it -- they grow up so very quickly.


LeeAnn, Way to go on the applique. I am excited to see the final product. What a great gift for your hubby. It sounds like homeschooling will be great for your son. It made a huge difference in my dd. She was bullied, too. The corner to corner afghan is from http://www.crochetpatterncentral.com


Joanne, I'm loving the fall weather, too. My dd pointed out that she was zipping up her jacket, and I was running around in a tee shirt. Ohio blood, you know. This is perfect weather. Some of the kittens we care for need surgery, and they are having a craft show to raise money for them. They are the most adorable, sweet, beautiful kittens ever. I may take a break from the never-ending afghans to whip up something for them.


Mellie, thanks for stopping by. Come and chat with us. We are a great group of friends, always looking for new friends to add to our list. Can't have too many friends...


Marisa, thinking of you. I hope your new office is coming together well.


Can't sleep. I took some cold medicine, and it's making me hyper. :hyper Gotta love it. I am not coughing, and I can breathe. Great stuff.

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Good morning!!


Wow Beth- you were up early--but at least you can breathe which is always a good thing!

Woke up this morning to a very noticeable chill in the air. I am not turning on my furnace yet though- It really did wake me up--Fall is in the air--and I too love it!! Good day for both our teams yesterday!!! (and for my 2nd team, the Ravens (because of RU alum, Ray Rice)


Mellie- Forgot to say welcome yesterday too- Hope you pop back in!


LeeAnn- i'm so happy to hear that DS is doing much better now that you've begun homeschooling him! I, too can't wait to see a pic of the finished applique.


Stacy- Hope Jorge had a good time at the Seahawks game--they play my Giants next week!!!! Sounds like you and the girls had a great weekend! Oh, and guess what I made for breakfast yesterday? Yup- French Toast (and I, too put a little pumpkin spice in it along with cinammon---it was so good!!!) I couldn't get it off my mind after you mentioned making it!


Marisa- Hugs and good, positive thoughts coming your way!


Oops- it's now 6:14---gotta run and get ready for Paradise- Tonight is the craft club at the library though and I'm not working late. Also, it's a short week for me since I'm off Friday to head to Boston!!!!!


Have a good day all!

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Good evening, friends!


Joanne, hope you enjoyed your time with the craft club. How fun it must be to sit around, chatting and crafting with others! :manyheart And double :clap for no more late nights!


Beth, glad the cold medicine helped. It's sweet of you to whip something up for the kitties, too. Your hooks must be smokin'! :yes


Mellie- come back and chat any time! :hug:hug


Leeann, How thoughtful and concerned of the counselors and teachers to call and check on your ds. I can't believe you are almost finished with the applique! You are a quick crafter, also. :yes Any more soapy fun in the works?


Marisa, :hug:hug:hug Hope all is going well on getting the office cleaned up.


Well, class was cancelled today, due to illness, so I just ran errands until it was time to pick up dh. I also cleaned out my car, which took quite a while- I didn't realize what a mess the girls had made in the back seat! :eek After school, we took them out for frozen yogurt.


Oh, Jorge just called and he forgot the parking pass- I need to go take it to him. Hugs all around!

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Good day ladies!

How is everyone this fine Monday?

Joanne-ohhh laaaa laaaa! Crafting with fellow crafter is always something wonderful to look forward to. I bet you had a great time! And a short week too? Awesome!

Beth-thank you so very much for sharing the pattern. I think I have made a teeny tiny afghan before, but can not recall for sure. I can't wait to try it out.

Stacy-kinda nice that your class was cancelled, gives you a little more time to do other things. Do you have to make it up?

Today was an ok day, my ds is really catching on to the online process and is really loving it. Tomorrow we go into his school to meet with the principal and to check him out officially....grrrr.

going to sit and relax, just now finished helping both kiddos with homework.

hugs n squishes!

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Good morning!


Stacy- Glad you had a little "break" from school giving you a chance to catch up on some other things! Craft club was fun- I worked on a scarf and then finished it while watching the Yankee game. It would have been great if the Yankees could have won. They are now on the brink of elimination from the playoffs if they don't win tonight.


LeeAnn- Good luck today meeting with the principal. I'm happy that DS is enjoying the online schooling!!! What craft did you relax with last night?


Beth- What have you and DD decided to make for the fundraiser for the kitties?


Marisa- Thinking of you!!!


Off to get ready for another day in Paradise. Make it a good one!!

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Good morning,


Joanne, The crafting club sounds like fun. I am thinking about making a scarf for the kitty craft sale. What pattern did you use? good luck to your Yankees.


Stacy, an unexpected day off -- sounds blissful. Cleaning out the car -- not so much -- and isn't it amazing how the men manage to suck the free time right out from under you? I hope you didn't have to go far to get your dh his parking pass.


LeeAnn, I'm hoping for a great meeting with the principal. So glad your son is picking up on the process.


I worked last night, finished one hat for the sale, and started a second one. I'm making animal themed hats, except the first one was an alien. the second one is going to be a frog. the body of it is made, just have to make and add the eyes. I hope to make 2 items a day between now and Friday for the sale. I may keep making small, fast items for my sale. It feels great to finish things quickly.

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Good morning,


Joanne, The crafting club sounds like fun. I am thinking about making a scarf for the kitty craft sale. What pattern did you use? good luck to your Yankees.


Stacy, an unexpected day off -- sounds blissful. Cleaning out the car -- not so much -- and isn't it amazing how the men manage to suck the free time right out from under you? I hope you didn't have to go far to get your dh his parking pass.


LeeAnn, I'm hoping for a great meeting with the principal. So glad your son is picking up on the process.


I worked last night, finished one hat for the sale, and started a second one. I'm making animal themed hats, except the first one was an alien. the second one is going to be a frog. the body of it is made, just have to make and add the eyes. I hope to make 2 items a day between now and Friday for the sale. I may keep making small, fast items for my sale. It feels great to finish things quickly.


It does feel good to finish quick things! I made 2 hats this weekend with Hometown USA and Thick and Quick yarn-- bulky yarn equals fast project!!!


I used the Shelly scarf pattern for my scarf http://www.crochetme.com/media/p/89470.aspx


Hope everyone had a good day- I treated myself to a mani/pedi after work and just getting ready to watch the Yankees!! Do or die tonight for them!!!

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Hello hello!


Joanne-so happy that you were able to treat yourself to a mani/pedi, you deserve it! do you like nail polish? I love polish! Can't be without it! One of my co-workers is excelent at nail art and comes up with the most amazing designs. yesterday she had newspapaer printed nails. She showed us how to do it, can't wait to try it.


Beth-2 small projects in one day? Amazing! You are flying right along. I bet you are getting more and more excited for the sale.


Today is our 14th wedding anniversary. Dh bought me a craft bag for all of my sewing supplies filled with yarn, chocolate, a card and a Knook. I had read that Stacy had recvd one for the swap but had not looked into them. I had no idea what they were. It is pretty neat! I have been working on a scarf since last night, it has been a little slower than crocheting but I think I am getting it.



Oh, before I forget the meeting with the principal went ok, dh was upset because the school is not taking responsibility for anything, instead they are blaming it both on ds for not speaking up and the other children for mis-behaving....grrrr....I put it out of my mind because I know that we made the right decision for our family. :yes


Back to crafting...hugs n squishes!

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Happy Anniversary LeeAnn!!! What a wonderful gift from your DH--seems he knows you very well!!!!! Enjoy the knooking-- I saw one of those in Walmart! I don't think the principal would want to take any of the blame- because that means he wasn't doing his job. Glad that DS is settling into the homeschooling!!! And be proud that you did the right thing for him!!!


The Yankees won last night!!!! Which means a shortened night of sleep for me--and now it's really late so I've gotta scoot and get ready!


Have a great day one and all!!!

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Happy Anniversary LeeAnn and hubby. I hope your day was beautiful. Your gift sounds awesome. How nice to get something so crafty.


Joanne, congrats on the Yankee's win. Way to keep it alive. I hope your day in Paradise goes quickly so you can get some rest.


Stacy, Thinking of you. Is your Wednesday schedule busy?


Thanks, Joanne, for the shelly pattern. I may give that one a try. I'm making a couple of the homespun ruffle scarves. I made a no-pattern scarf (dc, ch 1, dc) and I made the alien and the frog hat. I want to make a skunk hat and a few more scarves. I also have some projects I made before that didn't really have homes, so I will dontate them as well.

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Happy Anniversary, Leeann and hubby! Your gift sounds awesome. The Knook is really fun, and it will move along faster after you get the hang of it. :yes Any fun plans for tonight?


Joanne, :yay for a mani/pedi! You deserve it, especially after your long week last week. :yes Oh, guess what? Trader Joe's has pumpkin spice coffee! I didn't buy it, but I had a sample and it was yummy. I thought of you immediately. :D


Beth, you are on a roll with those projects! Good luck getting everything ready for the weekend. I'd love to see pics of those hats. :yes I've tried a couple, but can't get the eyes right. :think What kind of surgery do the kitties need?


Today was long. I was up by 4:30 after having a dream that someone stole my car with the kids inside. :eek Of course I knew they were fine, and ran outside to make sure the car was still there. :blush Spanish was not cancelled today, so I had that, then met with my sociology group, to work on our paper. Then picked the girls up and ran to Target for some odds and ends. I made bean soup in the crock pot this morning, so that is all ready. Dh is grilling hot dogs for the girls. I also need to finish the editing of the paper, and send it to everyone in the group, plus the professor. So I should probably get going. :lol


Have a great night! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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