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Some good clean fun?!

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Joanne - I'm kinda glad kc lost after they showed some unnecessary roughness :(

I agree-- I don't like when teams do that ! Karma- you know??


And I was listening to the post game and Ed Reed, the Baltimore player whose brother ismissing- they think in the Mississippi River- was very emotional at the end. The team gave him the game ball. What a heavy heart he was playing with so I'm really, really glad the Ravens got the win!


Now, on to the Eagles! I'm with you and DH is for the Packers.


Go Eagles! (did you EVER think those words would come out of my mouth?):lol:lol

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I agree-- I don't like when teams do that ! Karma- you know??


And I was listening to the post game and Ed Reed, the Baltimore player whose brother ismissing- they think in the Mississippi River- was very emotional at the end. The team gave him the game ball. What a heavy heart he was playing with so I'm really, really glad the Ravens got the win!


Now, on to the Eagles! I'm with you and DH is for the Packers.


Go Eagles! (did you EVER think those words would come out of my mouth?):lol:lol


It's music to my ears :lol:yay

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Good morning!


Marisa- Sorry about your Eagles loss- they join my Giants in the offseason. Now next weekend is The Steelers vs the Ravens. My heart says the Steelers will win, but I've still got to root for the Ravens and Ray Rice!


Hope you all have a good Monday. I am liking how the flannelghan is working in three colors. I stopped it for a while and worked on the scarf- I need to break up 2 stranded hooking with 1 strand hooking.


Stay safe and warm- and Shannon- how is the weather in Lousiana? Are you getting the ice/snow that is hitting the south?


Thinking of you all!


Mary- I hope all is well with your wrist. Saw on FB that you fell in the kitchen and hurt your R wrist. Hope it's not broken!!! Let us know how you are doing!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I worked on my baby blanket yesterday, stitched together some of my bernat cal mystery afghan that has been waiting since having to make my nephew's xmas ghans, and read 2 chapters of my book last night before bed :D


Tonight me and mary have an event with the sixers to attend at a sports bar that should be fun and since it was an rsvp, it shouldn't be crazy packed :think So, I might not make it back in until tomorrow morning.


Joanne - It's ok, it turned out to be a pretty good game and I don't know what happened to Akers (he's usually on point) and I must admit that the Packers were the superior team out there and deserved the win :angry My Eagles now need to worry about rehabing all their injured players from during the season to get ready for the next!!!


Catch y'all later and have a wonderful monday :hug

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Good afternoon all!


How's everyone today?


Marisa-you are going to be one busy gal today! Have fun tonight!


Joanne-I don't blame ya, I like to squeeze as much as possible into my days too. How's the flannelghan coming along?


Been cleaning.....deep cleaning. Shampooed the couches and washed the cushion covers, swept, mopped, cleaned bathrooms and the kitchen. I just felt the need to clean. :lol going to clean out the fridge tonight and finish up laundry but other than that, going to read for a bit.


must run and pick up the kiddos. Hugs n squishes!

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HI all,


The flannelghan is coming along- I'm on the 2nd strip and hope to work on it tonight. I like it with the 3rd color- and think it will look ok


I also want to try and read a little tonight. We are supposed to get another snowstorm tomorrow night into Wed! Hope it is all cleared up by Friday!!!


Off to get something to eat, but just wanted to send hugs to all!

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My wrist is really bad. I have a cast and I have to go to a surgen in 2 weeks. I didn't break it but I moved a bone out of place. My mom and I are going to dd's on sunday to babysit for a week, so if iam not here you will know why. Typing is really slow cause Iam right handed and that is the one I hurt. Also means I can't crochet.

Talk to you later

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My wrist is really bad. I have a cast and I have to go to a surgen in 2 weeks. I didn't break it but I moved a bone out of place. My mom and I are going to dd's on sunday to babysit for a week, so if iam not here you will know why. Typing is really slow cause Iam right handed and that is the one I hurt. Also means I can't crochet.

Talk to you later

:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug This must be so hard for you!!! I hope the 6 weeks go by without too much frustration on your part. I hope you enjoy babysitting, too.
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Good evening ladies :hi


I got home about an hour ago and decided to check in before crawling into bed ;) I forgot to cut and paste from the our house thread :eek


Let's start with the fact that Mary was sick today :( She came to work 2 1/2 hours late and then I just made her leave because 1. There's no sense trying to work like that because you'll be of no use to me or anyone else and 2. the rest of us don't want it! :lol


So, I decided to go to the sixers event by myself :yes I wasn't going to, but sucked it up :lol I met 3 young ladies that work as sales reps and found them to be enjoyable company. It was at an interactive sports bar with several video game stations set up and was pretty cool and alot of fun. We were watching others play the new Michael Jackson dance game for the wii and although we played along behind them, it didn't count for anything :lol So, now I want the game :lol I'm about to go order it from amazon since walmart isn't carrying it in our store and plus it's $10 cheaper anyway :yes Jrue Holiday and Evan Turner were there and it was nice to see them out in that environment away from the game. One of the girls I was chatting with was actually Evan's tutor in college :lol They were both playing rock band, and then jrue played the dance game, but evan said he has no rhythm and just watched that one :lol


All in all, I'm glad I went, even by myself......oh and bonus, the food and drinks were free :D They had out stuff for cheesesteaks and chicken cheesteaks (this is philly after all), hot wings, chicken fingers, and chickie's and pete's 'famous' crab fries, which btw I'm not fond of and I don't know who declared them famous :think Salad was great too. Since I didn't have to pay for anything, I left my bartender a nice tip to which he was quite appreciative so I'm thinking people weren't leaving tips at all :(


Next home game is tomorrow night, so we'll see how Mary's feeling. The other doc is also coming out with us :clap:yay We had to pull him with a crow bar ;) And we'll be going regardless of the snow, unless they cancel, which I don't anticipate since we went last year to one game in over a foot of snow :eek There weren't many people there that night and I think it happened to be around Valentine's day, whatever saturday that was.


Well, I'm off to lala land ;) See y'all in the morning

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Good morning,


Marisa, sounds like you had a fun time. I hope Mary feels better soon.


Mary, I hope the week with the grandchildren helps time go by quickly. It's hard to imagine you without a hook in your hand. A grandchild on the lap sounds good, though.


LeaAnne, is work keeping you busy? Are your chickens involved in any sports this time of year?


LeaAnn, Do you have much white flaky stuff? What crafty activities are you up to now?


Stacy, how are our girls? Are you enjoying your break from school? My son started last night with his nutrition class. I am looking forward to learning with and from him.


Sarah, I hope you get your computer working soon. I miss hearing from you.


Shannon, did you get hit by that ugly weather? How is everybody?


Today I need to get the house company ready (but it's male teen company, so it doesn't take much work.) I'm thinking very hard about giving in, and letting the bed swallow me again. It's calling to me very loudly. Can you hear it?


Guess I should go. I'm going to try a cup of coffee. It may drown out the sounds of my bed... And give me energy to conquer the vortex of gravity over the bed...

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Good morning!


Mary :hug Wow- six weeks at least in a cast! I hope that the time babysitting will help lessen the pain. Good luck at the surgeon in 2 wks. :hug:hug:hug


Beth- Did the bed or the coffee win? I have no choice but to let the coffee win every morning! I did get a good night's sleep last night though- I was in bed by 9:30 and slept about 7 hours which is a lot for me!:)


Marisa- Sounds like you had a blast last night and I bet you are glad you went! Hope that Mary is feeling better today. That dance game for the Wii sounds like a lot of fun!!! Enjoy yourself at the game tonight.


LeeAnn- You were sure on a cleaning tear yesterday- and all that deep cleaning!!! I could sure use some help here- so if you have nothing to do ;)


Stacy- It must have been nice to have the kiddos back in school yesterday! Did you get your yarn at Michael's on Sunday?


Colleen, LeaAnne,Sarah, Shannon...hugs to you all


Snowstorm heading our way late this afternoon so my hairdresser switched my appointment to today. I was scheduled tomorrow after work. We'll see how the snow pans out and whether it works out for this evening or not.


Have a wonderful day- stay safe, stay warm.....and remember your vitamins!

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Ooooo Joanne, thanks for that vitamin reminder!!!! You know for a daily thing, it should be second nature by now, but I'm soo bad at remembering them :(:blush I hope you're able to get to your appt today :xfin I also need mine colored too.


Mary - take it easy and don't start pushing yourself too soon and make it worse :hug :hug :hug


Beth - :rofl So I read your post and when I read you asking LeeAnn about the white flaky stuff......before I thought snow, I though dandruff :eek:rofl I've been sitting here laughing my butt off since then and am now wiping the tears from my eyes, so thanks for the completely unintentional laugh :blush


We have the game tonight so for real today, I won't be back until the morning. I hope everyone has a great day and stays warm and safe with all these storms roaming around :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug

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:tiredTop of the morning or day...whew! had to drag myself out of bed.

Joanne-hope the storm passes quickly and that you have safe travels.

Beth-how ya doing? did you get back to bed?

Mary-so sorry to hear about your wrist, awww...is there anything that you can do without pain?

Marisa-your night out sounds just wonderful! You are brave! Going out by yourself! Hope Mary feels better. Mailed out your package today. :hug

other than cleaning not much going on, haven't crocheted in about a week, I have a few projects calling my name but reading is funner for now!

bbl! Hugs n squishes!

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I can't do too much of anything right now. My arm is aching and I am not happy that I cant crochet. This is just day 3 and I am about ready to cry. Iam just realizing how much I do crochet and I miss it very much.

Dh moved my computer upstairs for me so I dont have sit in the basement.

TALK to you later


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Hey girls!


Mary, you poor dear!! :hug:hug:hug:hug I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for you not to crochet. I guess that means I will not be sending my flannel'ghan over for you to finish. :wink Just kidding. :lol How sweet of dh to move your computer upstairs so you don't have to hang out in the basement.


Marisa, sorry to hear Mary was sick. Hope she is feeling better soon. Glad you had fun at the Sixers event, even though you went by yourself. I had a good chuckle @ wondering who declared the crab fries famous. We have a "famous" taco stand over here and the tacos are rather disgusting, so I wonder the same thing sometimes.


Joanne, good luck getting to your hair appointment tonight. I did get my yarn- 6 Caron Pounders for $16 plus tax! :yay I love coupons and sales! :manyheart I'm only on the second strip of BIL's flannel'ghan- I just can't get into it this time around! Probably because I keep getting interrupted every time I try to work on it.


Leeann, glad you don't have any flaky white stuff! :lol Sounds like you were on a roll with your deep cleaning- wanna come over and do mine now? :D


Beth, did the coffee or the bed win? Coffee won for me this morning. I'm sure you don't need to do too much cleaning for teenage boy company- they don't notice that kind of thing anyway. :lol


Sarah, Shannon, Vicki, Colleen, LeaAnne- hope your week is going well! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


I am about to get ready and take Mia to the doctor yet again. :( She has another ear ache. I am going to take the papers we received about her school hearing test and demand that something be done this time. I've always settled for "well, if it happens again..." It's happened too many times, and I know for a fact that her hearing is getting worse. I'd like to start out with allergy testing for foods and indoor allergens and see where we go from there. I am convinced that she has several food allergies (and the other ped. thinks the same thing) so please keep your fingers crossed that we make some kind of progress!


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Ahh, Beth, I can see why they are distracted. Your dd is beautiful! :manyheart Is that a photo from the Nutcracker?


Leeann- my computer is now acting funny and not letting me format my colors or anything! I wonder if they're making some changes to the 'Ville or something? :think I can still use smilies, though. Odd.


Joanne, hope you made your hair appt.


Well, I took Mia to the doctor. We finally got a referral the ENT- looks like she will need her tonsils out. The doctor wouldn't send her for allergy testing because she said if it was a food allergy, she would get a rash. I know that isn't always the case, but I am just happy to see the ENT. We can finally get some answers! Also, she's still bugging me about the nasal spray- I'm starting to think she has stock in the company.


Anyway...gotta go help the girls with their homework, then get dinner started. Tomorrow I am going with dh to his dental appt.- his first one in years, and he is very nervous. Then I am hoping we can go to the eye doctor so I can get my exam. I just noticed one of my contacts has a small tear in it. Not cool.


Love and hugs!!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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HI all!


Back again! No snow but it is freezziiiinnngggg! 21 F all day, last night was a whopping -20F. brrrr..


Joanne-hope you had a good day and were able to get your hair done.


Stacy-our ds had his tonsils taken out when he was 8, he had strep throat all the time. We also had an allergy test done on him, he is allergic to about 30 different things and only one food allergy. I hope they finally listen and help ya all out. I mailed your package today. :hug


Mary-I wish that I could help ya, is there any way that you can do another type of crafting?


Marisa-have a great time tonight!


Beth-how were the teen boys? your dd is beautiful!



best get to dinner, I am waiting for the pressure cooker to do it's thing. Have a good evening friends!


hugs n squishes!

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Good morning

Beth- The pic of your DD is stunning. What a beautiful young lady she is!! Gorgeous!

Did you get any snow? We got about 8 -10 inches I'm guessing. It is a winter wonderland out there now- and I'm so HAPPY that I can work from home and don't have to trek out in it today. My company has a delayed opening at 10, but I'll take working from home any day of the week rather than have to get out there and shovel and get on the road for what would be a lousy commute. Personally, if I didn't have the option to work from home, I'd be taking a personal day.


Stacy- Glad that you can finally get Eva to the ENT!! Were you able to get an appointment?


LeeAnn- Wow -20 is FREEZING!!! We had temps in the teens yesterday and that was cold enough for me, thank you very much!! What did you make in the pressure cooker.


LeaAnne- Thinking of you in MA- my DD emailed that they are getting a blizzard in Boston - her office is closed today- they had made the decision to close before she left work yesterday- she was relieved about that. Hopefully the roads will be good by Friday!


Mary-:hug to you my friend!!! I can only imagine the frustration. I'm hoping that babysitting next week will be a nice distraction!


Marisa- How was your game last evening? How much snow did Philly get?


Everyone- have a great day!

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Leeanne Iam very limited to what I can do. I have been crocheting for 38 yrs now, Iam reallt missing it. I can't do any thing with my left hand. Iam starting to get cranky also. All I can do is sit and watch T.V. and that is not alot fun.

I think the next 6 weeks are going to be the hardest for me.

I hope everyone is having a great week

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Leeanne Iam very limited to what I can do. I have been crocheting for 38 yrs now, Iam reallt missing it. I can't do any thing with my left hand. Iam starting to get cranky also. All I can do is sit and watch T.V. and that is not alot fun.

I think the next 6 weeks are going to be the hardest for me.


I hope everyone is having a great week

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


:hug:hug:hug Do you like to read? I can get lost in a good book and it may help the time go by quicker. Just a thought- and hang in there and if you need to come in and vent your frustrations, we' re here for you!:hug:hug:hug

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:morcoffee Morning!


Joanne-so glad that you can work from home, how scary and dangerous it is when the roads are so icy and slushy. :hug I made homemade burritos for din din. Had to make the beans in a rush. The pressure cooker is just the right gadget but still scares me. :yes




Beth-what's a happenin'?


Marisa-do you have to drive in to work today? Hope the roads are clear.


I stayed up late reading...whew! I finished it! Off to book #5! The kiddos have Early Release today, so happy! best get them out the door.


BBL! Hugs n squishes!

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