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Good morning ladies :hi


I won't make it back until tomorrow, sixer game tonight....we play chicago, so wish us luck :xfin


LeeAnn - Did you make it to book 3 yet?


Stacy - I got about 3 1/4 rows done on the baby blanket last night AND read a chapter of my book :clap


Joanne - I think you're supposed to get more snow than us so it probably started between when you were here and now since we have a covering here :think I'm with you TGIF!!!! I'm gathering up my crafts for work and the game. I anticipate work to be slow for at least the morning because all the patients will wait to see if the snow will let up before trekking out :yes I have a few things to finish up so hopefully I can get them out of the way to have the weekend to work on the baby blanket :xfin

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Morning!!!!I can't figure out why, but I keep getting an error when I log on to Crochetville, and my messages keep bunching up. The Smileys will not work either...hmmmmJoanne-Tomorrow will be TGIS. :-))))) You are so fast at crocheting, I bet you will have another flannelghan finished in no time. Your yarn shopping sounded fun, I have a few skiens of Homespun, I was going to make a wrap with it,..just have to get to it. I haven't crocheted as much because I have been reading, but I need to get back to it.Marisa-I am on book 3....oh my! I really get distracted with them. :-))) but am loving it! Have fun tonight! Glad that work will be somewhat slower for you today. I love baby ghans! I have one in my stash just waiting for news or a new arrival.Stacy-Hope mother in laws car is fixed. I bet Mia is missing her sisters but how nice to get you all to herself. ;-0 That is so neat that you have a Michaels and Joanns and HL...I wish we had craft stores closer than Pueblo, but at least they have them in Pueblo. Beth-how ya doing? Looking forward to the weekend?I have a few things to do today, going to finish packing my sisters goodies. My 7 year old nephew called and said, "Aunty, can you please send me craft things to work on? My mom doesn't have a single thing in our house!" soo sweet, of course I will package him up goodies. He loves to craft and is in heaven when he visits. I let him create whatever he wants using ribbon, yarn, beads, fabric, wire...he's very creative. My sister doesn't have the time or energy to craft. poor little guy. off with myself! hugs n squishes!

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Still waiting on the computer. Looking like we're going to have to get a new monitor. But of course Doug is in no rush so he's letting the guy mess with it.... Grrrrr.... So I'm still computerless and starting to get tired of it as it's not easy to go to the library to use a computer with Keith in tow as I won't leave him by himself in the kids section and there isn't an adult computer in that area. So hope everything is going well with you all. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to everyone. =0)

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Sarah- I wouldn't last a day without my computer- LOL- Hope it gets fixed soon!!


LeeAnn- that's wierd that your posts are bunching up and the smiley's don't work for you- did you PM Amy S?


Had a good day even though it was busy. And the snow didn't amount to much and the commute home was the best Friday commute home I've had in a long time!!!


Off to figure out dinner. Just wanted to pop in and say hi to all- and send some hugs to everyone!!!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!


Colleen- Happy Birthday to your DD!!! Have fun with the birthday party!!!


Going to do a small amount of my usual Saturday morning cleaning before heading out to paradise!


Have a great day everyone-off to get cup of coffee and start cleaning!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I hope everyone has a great weekend. It's snowing here now, but we're not supposed to get much, just an inch or 2. I have no plans anyway, but not that that would stop me :lol I'm just crafting today. I need to do some laundry, BUT I also need to go get some dryer sheets, which I'm just not up to. I think I have one little dryer sheet left in that box :lol So I'll have to choose my load wisely :rofl


LeeAnn - I don't know why your posts are doing that :think I'm with Joanne, pm Amy :yes And that's so cute with your nephew, he'll be soo excited to get that package.


Sarah - :hug :hug :hug for the computer issue. Maybe you should hit dh over the head with the broken monitor :think:devil


Joanne - Here's hoping that paradise moves along quickly and smoothly today :hug


Colleen - Have fun with the bday party!!!! :yay


Beth - I hate those sinus headaches :hug :hug :hug Hope it goes away soon!!!

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And here's some eye candy :drool


The baby set for my new niece due this month.


Hat made for a little girl, the daughter of a friend that saw me and Mary crocheting at one of the sixers games last month (Oh, BTW they won last night and against chicago :yay:clap )


A progress pic of the baby afghan, I took a close up so you could see it.


And lastly, 2 of the snowflakes for the combo challenge thread.





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Hi Ladies

Well it is still snowing here. It is not packing snow, just light fluffy stuff.

DD wants to do 7 craft shows this year. My hooks will be flying for sure. I change a bit of the pattern for the kids sweaters and now they are working up very fast.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Hi all,

Home from Paradise, laundry is going- one load in the dryer and one in the washer with one more to do after that. Tomorrow I'll do the sheets


Lovely projects Marisa- I love them all!! That baby set is so precious!!! You are so talented!!! It's snowing here- and sticking to the roads- I passed a 4 car accident on my way home from paradise about 2 blocks from my house- nothing bad- but still- I'm glad to be home!!


Watching the Saints vs Seahawks game and going to pick up the scarf I started last night to de-stress from a busy day in Paradise


Hugs to all!

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Hi all!!


Relaxed day here, but much going on, if that makes sense. Isabella went to roller derby practice with Roomie's oldest, and she loved it!! Roomie said that she did very well and even got compliments from the coach. Dh said she may be able to do that and soccer, but we will have to see what the schedule is like- I am the one chauffeuring, after all. :lol We took down the tree, dh chopped it up and put it in our yard waste bins. Ran to Trader Joe's for pizza, I burned the pizza, then I ran out to Papa John's to get more. :rofl Dh is thrilled with the outcome of the Seahawks game- he has been a fan since he was like 5 or 6. I also did 2 loads of laundry and they are just sitting on top of the dryer, waiting to be folded. :blush


Mary- 7 craft shows!! Yowza! Your hooks will be smoking for sure! :hug:hug:hug Don't overdo it though. How is your back feeling these days?


Joanne- don't forget I already said I have the yarn for your flannel'ghan. :wink You really need to reply to my post on FB about me making something for 5 people- you will be guaranteed to have it this year! :rofl


Marisa, your projects are beautiful! Your hooks are flying, too! I'm am so envious of you all who can actually finish a project. :lol


Sarah, sorry to hear your computer still isn't working. It is difficult to take small children to the library, especially if you need to use the computer. :xfin that dh will get it resolved soon.


Vicki, Shannon, Colleen, LeaAnne, Leeann, Beth- hope you all are having a wonderful weekend! Lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to you all!


Dh wants coffee and doesn't understand the coffee press :shrug so I guess it is up to me. Maybe I can actually work on a project after it is done! *gasp* :lol Good night!

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Happy Sunday- and on the 7th day ----rest!!!!


Watched two great football games last night (sorry about the Saints loss Shannon), but good football game non-the-less.


Thought of Vicki with the J-E-T-S win last night!


I started another flannelghan while watching the games and also worked on a scarf to take a break from the two strand hooking. I'm hoping to cram in a lot today of things I want to do like work some more on the flannelghan, the scarf, read a bit, watch some football, and do the dreaded cleaning.(Ok, the cleaning is not what I WANT to do, but what I HAVE to do :lol)


So, I think the best thing to do is get some coffee, and then get the cleaning out of the way. Thankfully I did the laundry except for the sheets last evening!


Hope you all have a great day- whatever is on your agenda today.

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Up early for a sunday and for me lately. I've been sleeping in quite a bit. Probably up because I fell asleep near the BEGINNING of the Jets game :eek So definitely got quite a bit of sleep :D


Yesterday I did some more of my baby blanket earlier in the day and then later sewed 4 mitred squares together from the bernat cal. I figured I need to start getting it together :yes Didn't read at all yesterday though and didn't do much else than that. I had a nagging headache all day and just didn't feel great. So far, no headache since I've been up :xfin


I hope everyone has a great day and is able to get some hooking in :devil

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Sometimes what you need is sleep- although for the life of me it seems to not be on MY agenda- 5 hours or so and I'm up and wide awake!


But the good thing is I'm 90% de-Christmased!! Tree and ornaments put away as well as most of the decorations. Just need to get one more container out of the crawl space to fill it with the rest and I'm done!! Taking a break for another cup of coffee!! As soon as DH gets up, I'll strip the bed and wash the sheets and then I can run the vacuum. Already did the dusting since that's a quiet activity!!!


Have a great one!


Football- Ravens at 1 today- I'll be rooting for them since Ray Rice was my favorite player from Rutgers. Also rooting for the Eagles for Marisa in the 4PM game! Can't wait for some relaxation time!

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Well Joanne, I think i'll be rooting for kc since balt is a pitt rival and the only time I go agaist pitt is when they play the eagles :lol


but of course


GO EAGLES!!!!! :cheer :cheer :cheer



Go RAVENS:cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer

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Good morning. :coffee I watched the Saints/Seahawks game yesterday, and I was very impressed by that one run -- how many tackles did that man break? Amazing. And I'm not a football fan.


Marisa, your projects are lovely!!! I like them all, but the hat with the flower on it is So beautiful!!! Great work!


Joanne, sounds like you are getting the dreaded work out of the way as quickly as possible, so you can enjoy your day. I hope it's a good one. You have to get 2 days worth of weekend out of one day! Maybe you should stretch first...


Mary, I'll bet God's country is just lovely with a blanket of snow. And seven craft shows! That sounds like a lot. I hope they go well for you. I think my friends are finally convincing me that I should sell my things. I just need to find an outlet for them.


Colleen, I hope the birthday party was a big hit. I'd love to hear details.


Stacy, what fun and exciting things are you doing with your girls now? I can't believe your daughter was doing roller derby. I thought that was pretty violent.


LeaAnn, I hope you are having a fun weekend. What craft projects do you have going on now?


LeaAnne, I hope you didn't have to work all weekend. How are the chickens? What's up in your coop?


Shannon, thinking of you and Janna-ness. I can't wait for the next pics you share of your projects.


Sarah, Booooo for not having a computer. I cannot imagine trying to concentrate on the computer at the library while keeping an active little one happy. Good luck to you!


I hope you all have a great Sunday. I am going to the grocery store, then relaxing with my projects. I hope to make a hat today, then finish a scarf I'm making, then concentrate on my wrap. We'll see how that goes!

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Good morning!


I am awake but still in bed. The girls came in about half an hour ago asking if Daddy went to work. They were happy to find him in the living room. :yes


Beth, that man broke 6 tackles. Dh replayed it about that many times to make sure I saw every one of them. :rofl And yes, adult roller derby is rather violent, but the junior league is not allowed to be (out here, anyway.) They skate at halftime during the major league bouts, so they don't practice or play with the adults. My only reservation is the clothing they wear- it is skimpy and inappropriate for kids, IMO. But she can wear leggings instead, so nothing gets tangled in her skates- it's just a matter of convincing her to wear them. They are too *girlie* for her. :lol


Marisa, sorry to hear you felt crummy yesterday- I hope you keep the headache at bay today! :hug:hug:hug:hug


Joanne, sounds like you have a busy but relaxing day. I like cleaning early in the morning, when it's just me and my coffee. :yes Have a great day!


I need to go take a shower and get ready for my Michael's run. I want to be there when they open, to make sure I get the colors I need. :D

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Good morning!


I am awake but still in bed. The girls came in about half an hour ago asking if Daddy went to work. They were happy to find him in the living room. :yes


Beth, that man broke 6 tackles. Dh replayed it about that many times to make sure I saw every one of them. :rofl And yes, adult roller derby is super-violent, but the junior league is not allowed to be (out here, anyway.) They skate at halftime during the major league bouts, so they don't practice or play with the adults. My only reservation is the clothing they wear- it is skimpy and inappropriate for kids, IMO. But she can wear leggings instead, so nothing gets tangled in her skates- it's just a matter of convincing her to wear them. They are too *girlie* for her. :lol


Marisa, sorry to hear you felt crummy yesterday- I hope you keep the headache at bay today! :hug:hug:hug:hug


Joanne, sounds like you have a busy but relaxing day. I like cleaning early in the morning, when it's just me and my coffee. :yes Have a great day!


I need to go take a shower and get ready for my Michael's run. I want to be there when they open, to make sure I get the colors I need. :D

Have fun on your Michael's run~ what kind of yarn/colors are you getting?

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Thanks Beth, the pattern for the hat was pictured with a flower, but the link to the flower pattern they used wasn't available anymore. So I kinda went off the flower square we did with the bernat cal and it worked out well :yes


Stacy - Still good on the headache so far for today. About to get moving with my chores here so hopefully it will keep away once I start moving :xfin Have fun at Michael's.

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I found out the coupon I received the other day is only good from 1 p.m.-7 p.m., so I guess I won't be going right away. I need black and yellow for BIL's 'ghan (he's a Steelers fan) and purple for mine. I bought off-white to go with it, but I'm not really liking the colors together. I think I will just get the purple and return the off-white until I can find another color I would like to use. I found out that BIL and family will be here for the SuperBowl so I really need to get moving on his! Maybe I should just send it to Mary- she can finish it in a day. :lol:wink


Marisa, I hope the headache holds off. :hug:hug:hug


The girls all woke up looking for Jorge, but now somehow they ended up in the bedroom, giving me a sticker necklace. :think

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:jumpyayHi friends! It's working! So excited, don't know how it fixed itself (computer) but glad that I can now type without it freaking out.

I missed all of you!

Joanne-combining a weekend into one day is exhausting! But how fun that you can crochet and relax. 5 hours of sleep? wow! I need at least 7-8 to function properly. Have you always been that way?:hug

Marisa-ooohhhh laaaa laaaaa! That was eye candy at it's finest! I just ooooohhhh and aweeeed! Thank you for sharing. The baby set is so precious! The hat, now how sweet was that? I would take pictures of the little girl wearing it, if they allow it. How cute! I am on book 4 of the Potter collection...I think I can, I think I can! It is super long! How's the headache? I hope it goes away for good.:hug

Mary-7 shows??? :eek you are going to be busy! how fun tho!:hug

Colleen-happy late Birthday to your dd! How was the party?:hug

Stacy-yarn shopping sounds :c9 I just love yarn! How sweet of your girls to wake up and look for dad!:hug

This weekend was not what is was suppposed to be....:think Friday night my dad had a seizure and ended up in the Emergency Room. He is ok and was released but long story short, I had to sign him and out and agree to take him to dialysis yesterday and take care of him. So didn't go to bed till Saturday morning at 3:30 a.m. Then dd woke us up at 6 with a terrible sore throat. Dh took her to the doc and she had strep throat...:eek had to get her meds and get her taken care of and get my dad to dialysis and back home as well as take care of a few errands for him. Sooooo didn't get to go to Pueblo.:blush but glad that everyone is feeling somewhat better. My mom is on my bad list for right now..but I will deal with it later.


so, today I am going to relax. I need to clean up a bit and package up soap. Friday I had made a huge batch of Love Spell soap and Berried Treasure...oohhh the smells are heavenly!

Best get the house tidy and another cup of coffee. Hugs n squishes dear friends!

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Stacy - head is still feeling good today :clap:yay


LeeAnn - :yay for smilies and spaced out posts :rofl Oooo, the 4th book is a goodie :yes I will try to get a pic of her wearing the hat, but I don't know when it'll be :think Sorry about everything with you dad and dd. I hope they're both feeling better :hug :hug :hug Enjoy your relaxing 'me' day today :D

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LeeAnn-Oh, what a weekend you have had! And I hope he and your DD are feeling better and that the strep doesn't make its way through your house.


Glad that the smilies and the posts are now working properly!

I didn't always need 5 hrs of sleep- but I think I got used to about 6-7- but as I get older, the less sleep I need- plus with working- I want as much awake NON working time as I can get! LOL


Marisa- RAVENS are going to win the first game!!!! Go RAVENS


Almost time for your EAGLES!!!

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