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Some good clean fun?!

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Groceries done, cleaning 2/3 done, baking delivered to neighbours, DD's golf club head cover done just now (turned out cute, but pom poms are always challenging), last choir practice done. :c9 Nothing but holidays for me now! :clap:elle :yay I'm so happy. I'm not going anywhere but church from now until Monday. :D My long winters nap.


I vacuumed two levels today and mopped the floors. I cleaned 1 bathroom. DD and I went sledding. It was so fun and she had a blast!


Joanne - We had grilled cheese tonight too. With sweet potato fries. Yummy! One day to go :yay


LeeAnn - How did the baking and laundry go?


Marisa - WTG finishing the graph ghan :nworthy


Beth - Hope you are enjoying having your DH home.


Mary - Enjoy those grandkids and take it easy on your back. Good thing your DD is there to help.


:hi to everyone else! I hope everyone had a great day. :hug

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Good morning!

the last day in Paradise till Monday!!!!


Colleen- Enjoy your "long winter's nap"- got a kick out of that!!! We have a christmas luncheon at work today so that will be nice- and I can't wait till the end of the day! I really have to get the flannel'ghan sewn together- so that is my project.


I haven't done any baking- although I do have the ingredients to bake some cookies- but the afghan is a priority- and I'm not good at crocheting and baking at the same time! Maybe next week I'll bake cookies for New Years!!!


Off to get ready for Paradise- I hope you ALL have a wonderful day!

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Well, my house is relatively clean, all the regular cookies are baked. I still need to bake gluten free. I need to wrap a lot of gifts (but at least I started.) Mom got her package finally, and the vest fits perfectly, and Dad likes his slippers. We have a very special friend coming over today -- she's my twins favorite -- my dd's best friend, and my ds's girlfriend. Everybody is off work. It should be a good one!


Joanne, have a good day in Paradise. I hope you enjoy your break.


Colleen, love the long winter nap quote. You are so clever. Enjoy your rest time.


Stacy, I hope you are staying dry.


Mary, I hope you are not hurting now. Enjoy your GK's.


LeaAnne, Do you get some time off for Christmas?


LeaAnn, Way to go, finishing all those baskets. They are a great idea. I'm glad they sold so well for you. How is Kathi's business doing?


Marisa, My sister is a big Steeler fan. I made her a yellow, black, and white striped afghan, and a pillow. She has a bedroom totally decorated in Steelers stuff.


Sarah, is Keith excited about Christmas? Are you? Does he remember much from last year? He's so very young. What a fun age. Everything is new and magical.


Vicki, dodge ball at TKD? Eeeeek! I wouldn't want to be facing a projectile in the hands of a martial artist... It sounds like your life is still going full-pace.


Shannon, is your little darling Jenna excited for Christmas? What's on her list this year?


Stay warm and dry! and have a great day!!! Happy Christmas Eve Eve.

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Good Morning dear besties!

Joanne-one more day! You can do it! I bet that flannelghan is calling your name.:lol I always get super excited to finish a project and probably lose more sleep than I should.

Colleen-A long winter's nap sounds just fantastic! Did you already celebrate x-mas?

Beth-how sweet you are! Having a special friend over is always fun.

I did bake yesterday, but am going to bake another batch today to take to the in-laws and my parents. Dh and the kiddos love these cookies. They are biscochitos-a Mexican cookie, it is a family tradition and recipe.

off to get ready for another bake off. Hugs n squishes!

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Hey there all!


Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. Christmas is almost here! Is everyone ready? I'm to the point where if it gets done, great. If not, oh well. I started feeling bad last night, and it's gotten worse today. My voice is just about gone. So, I'll be resting and working on feeling better, instead of the planned "running-around-crazy" that was on the agenda today.


I hope everyone is well and I'll be back to do individuals later. Love you guys!!

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Shannon- feel better!!!! And no stressing about the holidays. As long as Janna is taken care of- that's all that matters!


Beth- Sounds like you had a lovely day planned for today!


LeeAnn- I'll have to look up those cookies- sounds very interesting. Yes, the flannel'ghan is calling my name- but it will have to wait to be answered until tomorrow morning when I'm fresh and rested and there is good light!!! We don't have to be to my DD's MIL's until 4. I also should bake at least one batch of cookies- or two- probably choc chip and peanut butter with hershey kisses on top.


My scarf gifts were a hit!!! I put them in a bag with a number on each bag and had them each pick a piece of paper with a number on it out of a hat. They each then got the bag that corresponded to the number that they picked. They all loved them and it made me feel so good. One of my co-workers wants me to start making some more- and fingerless mitts and she said I could sell them at work next fall. I had many people coming over to me saying I hear you made scarves- so I guess they really liked them and were telling other people! I felt really good inside!!!


Well, my friends, off to read for a bit- taking a crocheting break tonight!


Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Eve Eve!!!

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:hi, all!


I am taking a little break from cleaning, and wanted to drop in to say hi!


Gifts are done (except some wrapping:blush), groceries are bought. All I have left to do is to make 2 pies, finish the wrapping and clean 2 more rooms.

I am working tomorrow from 9 - 4. I don't really mind, because I have the day after off:cheer We are having my MIL, BIL and my mom for Christmas dinner. My mom is sleeping over on Christmas night. :c9


Marisa- can't wait to see your ghans!

Beth - WTG on the baking! what gluten free goodies will you make?

Mary - I hope your back feels better!

Shannon - Feel better, girl! And you are right... it's done enough! :wink

Joanne - enjoy your booky night! What are you reading?

Colleen - :cheer:cheer:cheer for your long winter's nap! You are so organized, and sound so relaxed!

LeeAnn - Speaking of organized...:nworthy! You sure sound like you are getting to really enjoy the season! Your cookies sound really yummy!

Sarah - Is Keith all ready for the Big Man to come? I hope you all have a wonderful time with him!

Vicki and Stacy - :hi and :hug!


...I guess I better "Git to gittin'" :lol


Love, peace, and :hug:hug:hug:hugto you all! :manyheart

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Hi Ladies

This is the only chance to get at a computer for a few days. We are heading out early tomorrow morning and wont be back til Monday sometime.

I hope each and everyone one of you have a very merry christmas. Enjoy the little kids and the big kids and family that you share this day with.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Running around like a chicken with it's head cut off... Should be back to normal by Monday... Unless I'm needed to babysit next week... Then it'll be a week or so (waiting to find out if Doug's Step-Dad is having to leave next week or the week after, if it's the week after Doug's Mom is off) Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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Hey all!


The rain finally stopped, and I got my shopping finished today. Just some last-minute stocking stuffers. Everything else is wrapped, even Isabella's birthday gifts. I feel ahead of the game! :lol The girls and I started cookies tonight- already made chocolate chip and thumbprint, with dough in the fridge for ginger snaps and gingerbread men. I also need to make some peanut butter for dh and Mia- the recipe doesn't have flour so they are fine for her. ;) I'm not really feeling it this year, though. Not sure why :think, just don't really feel like making them. Eva sure is having a blast, though. :yes Isabella is too cool to help this year. :( That makes me sad- maybe that's why I don't feel like making them. I also think stupid George is on the way, that is also probably affecting my mood.


I've caught up with everyone, but have to take the cookies out, so I will be back later for individuals. Love and hugs to all of you!!! :manyheart:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hey ladies,


I'm still running around trying to finish all that needs to be done before I leave for work in the morning and I will head to my parents straight from there. I have just about everything done, just need some clothes to take with me :yes Crochet bag is packed, presents are done and odds and ends that have to go are packed :clap I'm tired so heading upstairs, but wanted to share the pic of my sister's graph ghan, I actually finished it while at work today :eek


Have a wonderful and safe holiday if I'm not back before then :hug :hug :hug


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Morning and Merry Christmas Eve!!!


Marisa- I am simply amazed at the amount of crocheting you got done for this Christmas!! You did it!!!! The Steelers ghan is simply amazing!!!:cheer Beautiful!!!:yes A work of art!!!! :manyheart (can you make me a NY Yankee one? :lol)


Stacy- Glad to hear the rain has stopped- and wtg on getting baking done- even if you aren't "feeling" it- I'm not either- hence the procrastination in not doing it! I may or may not bake up a batch today- but first need to finish the flannel'ghan (and by the way- you siggy says that you need to make one for me- how's that coming along? :lol:lol:lol) Just Kidding!!!


Mary-Merry Christmas to you and your family- and safe travels.


Colleen, LeeAnn, LeaAnne, Sarah, Vicki, Shannon, Beth- Merry Christmas Eve- off to get coffee and start sewing!!!

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:2snowman:wreath:santa:ctreeThanks Stacy and Joanne, and Joanne.....I think a yankees one would just be painful :rofl I did manage to pull off xmas :D Now I need to do a baby afghan for my sil who's due in a month and was already told if she held of another week, they wouldn't stop it, but has not yet started to dilate :think


Have a safe and blessed holiday everyone, I'll get back in at some point this weekend, just not sure when :lol

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I finished the flannel'ghan!! Just want to finish up a scarf that I started for DD last night- doing it with 2 strands- black and red- so it'll be done quick!


Have a wonderful Christmas Eve everyone!:ctree:wreath:santa:sheepxmas


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Great work, Joanne!! Your 'ghan looks exactly like the one I made for Isabella last year. :lol And I hate to tell you but your flannel'ghan will be a bit late. :wink:lol When's your birthday again? :rofl


Today I need to make french bread, for dinner at dh's aunt's house tonight. The gifts from my mom should arrive today, too. I'm thinking of letting the girls open them today instead of tomorrow, because I've found they can only handle a certain amount of gifts before they just get tear the paper off and toss it aside. :think I'll have to give my mom a call to see what she thinks.


Off to make breakfast! Love and hugs to all! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning, and Happy Christmas Eve! Yesterday was a bloast! My twins' special friend went to pick up my MIL to go see the lights, and got in line when everyone was passing out hugs. She even got a peck on the cheek from Grandma when we dropped her off, so I guess she's officially part of the family now! It was a good night.


I need to rush -- we have to leave pretty soon for the in-laws get-together. I want to share a pattern, though, that I"m trying to make last minute and secret for my 6'6" son... Here is the link.


Marisa, love the Steeler's ghan. My sister wants to adopt you.


Joanne, your flannelghan is great!


Hugs to all, enjoy your special day! Better responses are forthcoming.

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Top of the morning!

Marisa-Awesome and I mean AWESOME afghan! You did a great job! Your sister will be soo excited! I am so in awe of you, you finiahed alot of projects in a short amount of time. WTG! Have a fun filled holiday!

Joanne-WOWZA! Beautiful! looks so cozy and warm! So proud of you! You finished that in record time!

Stacy-I'm not feeling the baking today...ugggh. I have one more batch of cookie dough in the fridge...I don't want to...help????? Ok, guess I should quit complaining and get to it.:lol

Beth-that is soo cool that dear friend is officially part of the family. Neat!

My kiddos were allowed to open one gift today..thank goodness! They were driving me crazy. Dd opened her Mind Flex, it's complicated, but she is having a blast with it. Ds opened a Mario game for his Nintendo DS Light, he is beside himeself. :yes

have a great Christmas Eve friends! I plan to tidy up, bake and crochet!

hugs n squishers!!!

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Merry Christmas friends! I am wiped out, but pushing along. I've got spaghetti sauce in the slowcooker and need to make noodles soon. We are leaving for the church at 4:00, so DD will need something in her belly before we go. Time to go get myself ready so I can get the family ready and fed before we go.... What I really need is a nap. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! Thanks for the gift of friendship.


Marisa - Love your graph afghan! Good job! You are amazing!


Joanne - Your FG turned out great! Looks just like mine will....someday :blush



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Beth- Those elf slippers are just too cute!!!


Stacy- I hope your mom says yes to opening her gifts! They'll be more special that way! Happy baking!


LeeAnn- Happy baking to you too!! I opted to forgo the cookies- I'll make them for New Years instead. I always let my girls open a present on Christmas Eve- they loved it!!!


Colleen- Good thinking to make sure that DD is full before church- Have a very Merry Christmas!!


Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! (I just had to say that) LOL

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Beth, thanks for the link. The slippers are so cute! And I had a good giggle that they are for your 6'6" son. :yes


Joanne, oh, well since it's in October, I have plenty of time. :lol And I just read that your scarves were a hit! That's fantastic. :h5 I know that felt wonderful to hear. I made one for Isabella's teacher, then I saw her at Trader Joe's yesterday and she was wearing it!! She said she went to a party the night before and had so many compliments on it. I was on :c9.


Colleen, good thinking feeding the family before church. :yes Hope the service is wonderful.


Leeann, how did the baking go? We haven't finished the gingerbread men, I'm thinking we'll do that tomorrow. I did make a loaf of french bread and loaf of garlic bread. :drool I love fresh bread- it smells so yummy!


Shannon, hope you are feeling better today. :hug:hug:hug:hug


Sarah, Vicki, Mary, LeaAnne, Marisa- Merry Christmas to you!! Hope you all have a wonderful family-filled day!

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Good morning to all and Merry Christmas!!!:gift:ctree:wreath:sheepxmas:santa


Hope that you all have a wonderful day whatever it is you have planned and that Santa was good to each and every one of you and your families!!


Stacy- I know you felt so warm in side when you ran into the teacher at TJ's and she was wearing the scarf!!!! My DD and SIL told me that I should start selling some of the things I made. My DD said look Mom how much better your crocheting is now! She loved the cowl, hat and fingerless mitt set, and the washcloths I gave her- Plus she LOVES the Granny Stripe ghan. Her BF LOVED the Flannel'ghan!!! As soon as he opened it he said- WOW- A Yankee blanket!!!! :manyheart


We had a wonderful Christmas Eve except that my SIL got stuck working a double shift due to call-outs. He's back at work this morning at 6 and hopefully will get off at 2 and not get stuck working a double again!!!


DD and her BF slept over my house and headed out at 5:15 or so for VA to his sisters - They are the "Santa Delivery Service" from his Dad and brothers for his nieces and nephews. Her BF is one of 8 children!!! His mom, grandma and his sisters and 2 of his brothers live in VA. So they have about a 5-6 hr drive. They were going to head out last night, but we talked them into sleeping at my house and heading out first thing this morning! I packed them up some food and coffee for the trip and I'm glad they opted to leave this morning!


I hope that all of you have a wonderful day!!! Thanks for the gift of your friendship!!!:hug

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That must have been a wonderful sight Beth!!!


My DD and her BF are now safely in VA!! They had no traffic and made it to his sister's house in 5 hours..so happy that they listened to me and left early this morning instead of late last night!


I spoke with my oldest in Boston and she and her roomie are having a nice quiet Christmas- with a real tree this time (it's a first in the 6 years she's lived there)


My youngest will be coming over around 4- hopefully with my SIL!!


Having a wonderfully, relaxing day at home- just love it!!!

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It was quiet here at Christmas! I hope everyone had a magical day. We got some of that fluffy white stuff, actually, we're still getting it. It may make the grocery shopping a bit tricky, but I should be able to at least get to one store.


Be safe, and have a great day, my Besties!

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