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Some good clean fun?!

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Hey girls!


Joanne, was dd surprised when you gave her the afghan? I'm sure she was thrilled! Sounds like you're having quite a productive day, too. Thanks for the input on the e-readers. I will probably go with the Nook just because I can go over to the bookstore and actually buy it. I had a terrible experience last year with Amazon when I ordered dh's watch, and I'd rather not deal with them again, anyway.


Leeann, your set is beautiful! I almost asked you for the link again but I saw your post at the last second. :lol:blush Oops. Can't wait to see your wrap, too! Did you help Kathi clean her whole house? That is really nice of you. Sounds like you got a nice workout from it, too. :yes:yes


We did have a nice, relaxing day. :manyheart We went out to lunch after dropping off the girls, then to the Bux. I finished the hat and one mitt while dh studied. Then we went to Wal-mart to do some Christmas shopping. The girls are all finished except for the "Santa" gift- Mia is getting a bike, Isabella wants a rather intricate Lego set that I have to order from Target.com, and we haven't figured out what to get Eva yet. I'm thinking a dollhouse, but I'll have to see if I can make room for it first. :lol Tomorrow will be more studying for dh, I might wrap some gifts, and then clean the girls' room- I cannot figure out where all of the papers come from, but they are all over the floor, desk, bookshelf, etc- and it just looks very messy.


Well, off to finish the last mitt, hopefully I can get them done and maybe post a pic. :D

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Good morning!

LeeAnn- love the scarf and mitt set!!! Very very pretty- and love the color! Did you link the pattern? Or did I miss it? That was really nice of you to clean Kathi's house- and yes, it is strange cleaning someone elses place.


Stacy- Sounds like you had a very productive day! My DD loved the granny stripe- their heat has been acting up- so it was the perfect time to give her the ghan! I did another strip on the flannel'ghan and I'm 3 blocks into the 4th strip. (I'm doing 7 blocks on each strip_. Also started a hat for DD and a scarf for Secret Santa at work. trying to mix it up- so I don't get bored!!


Beth- How was your time at the cafe yesterday?


Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Off to get coffee and start this day!

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:hi everyone! I am not at all caught up with what has been going on with you all but wanted to stop by and say hi. DD had her Christmas Concert at school on Friday and they were so cute. :manyheart This weekend was a busy one. DD went to another birthday party. We had the last work-related Christmas party last night. Things should be a bit slower paced this week, which will be great. ....should be.... :think This morning I am sitting by the tree, drinking my coffee, and watching the snow fall. We're supposed to be getting 5 or 6 inches today, but we'll see. It's never as much as they say it will be around here :lol


LeaAnne - Nice eye candy with the scarf and mitt sets! My gosh you've been busy crocheting and making soap! Did you make all your gifts this year?


I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday. Maybe I'll actually get my hooks out today.

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Hi everybody,


I didn't go to the cafe yesterday, but I did take my dd Christmas shopping. She's almost done -- still has to buy something for me, but it's nice to have that much finished. I have to take her twin out shopping, then we'll just have our stocking items, and we'll be done!!! Yesterday, I spent extra time in the car, since my van had a flat tire in the morning, and I had to drive my son to work so I'd have a car.


Colleen, it is sweet to see the little ones sing! We had 5 year olds in our Nutcracker, as angels. One girl kept spinning around, trying to adjust the wings of her costume. It was Soooooo cute.


Joanne, Happy Sunday! I hope you have a fun, relaxing, and productive day. Keep us posted on the progress of the flannelghan.


Stacy, Good luck cleaning up the girls' room. It's amazing how paper can multiply when you have artistic children!


LeaAnn, why would you clean someone else's house??? I don't clean my house enough... :rofl I hope you aren't too sore from the workout at Kathi's.


Gotta run. Have a good day everybody! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


It is a rainy day here so far. I ran out to wal mart to get more yarn for my rr since I'm now at a stopping point until I get more, but they didn't have the colors I needed :( So I'll go to the craft store after the sixers game this afternoon :yes I think me and Mary were planning on Sam's club already too....we need to find some little gift sets for some people through work :yes Will probably go to the wal mart over there too, which is a super walmart and much nicer than mine :lol


AFter I finish checking in here, I think I'll get some more of my xmas cards done to make good use of time since I can't work on the rr anyway :think


Sounds like we're all keeping busy.


LeeAnn - Gorgeous set you made there :manyheart


Joanne - My mom has an iPad and she loves it :yes but she really only uses it for pictures :lol She really not very tech savvy


Stacy - I hope you get the gifts wrapped while the girls are at the IL's :xfin How was dinner last night? Good luck to dh and his studies. How far did you get on the fingerless mitts for the girls?


Colleen - :hi I sure love the kids concerts, they are just tooo cute when they're small like that :yes


Beth - Sounds like you had an active day with flat tires and shopping :hug :hug :hug

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It really morning right? :lol Didn't sleep well last night, I think I stayed up late crocheting and watching scary t.v. :) Anyhow, finally found the link for the mitts/or wrist warmers. I followed the pattern for the peach set but the second set I wanted to make them longer and wider so that my aunt can push them up over her elbows...she has arthritis and the warmth helps. I chained 45 for the second set and added 3 more rows. It is a super easy, fast pattern, I love it! you can use any yarn, trimmings etc.




Beth-sounds like you will have another busy day. :hug What kind of yarn do you use for your hats? I have Simply Soft Carron, I think that will work?

Marisa-hope you find your yarn! and good luck to your team!:cheerwe have a Super WM here, but the yarn selection is minimal. If I find something I like, I buy as much of it as possible as it may take awhile to be restocked...terrible for my yarn stash! :devil

Stacy-did you get the gloves done? thank you for sharing the link...so many patterns...when oh when can I get to them all?

Joanne-you are flying on your ghan! WTG! we will be here cheering you on!

Colleen-I did make most of my x-mas gifts, except for my kiddos. They are well stocked in the homemade dept. :lol:lol I love being able to give something that I have enjoyed making, but never mind shopping if given the opportunity. :)

I cleaned Kathi's house because her cleaning lady didn't show up last week, she had asked me if I would be interested....thought "ummmm ok, I will give it a try." Wow! I have a new respect for cleaning crews! What hard work! I am not sure if I would like to be hired on perm....but it was a good to experience it.

going to crochet before the family gets up demanding breakfast!

have a great Sunday all! Hugs n extra squishes!

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Oh, Leeann, now why did you have to go and post the link TODAY, when I have to clean the girls' room?! :rofl Thank you for posting it though- I have a ton of time tomorrow when all of the girls are at school. :devil My SIL might like them, with a ruffly scarf. Hmmm....It sure was nice of you to fill in for Kathi's cleaning lady. Not sure if I would do that, unless it was someone that was sick and needed help. I have enough trouble keeping my own house clean! :lol What's on your agenda for today?


Joanne, I must've missed something- who are you making the flannel'ghan for? I'm making one for BIL and I barely have the first strip done. :blush It's just not holding my attention- I think it's because I know how much more work will go into it once the strips are done. That sounds terrible.


Marisa, good luck getting the cards done and finding the yarn you need. Our Wal-mart used to have an awesome yarn section, but they did away with it and now only carry Homespun and RHSS. There is a Michael's in the same plaza, though. :devil


Colleen, sounds like you had a busy but fun week! :xfin that this week is much more relaxed. :hug:hug:hug


Beth, yikes @ the flat tire! How are the inventions doing with their driving skills? :yay for having most of the shopping done.


Dh is going to a study group today. I guess I will clean the girls' room. I keep telling myself that I can do it tomorrow and :hook today, but it would be nice for them to sleep in a clean room tonight. :lol Oh, guess what? Mia's tooth fell out last night while they were at the party. She was eating a hot dog, and swallowed the tooth! Poor thing. She was worried that the tooth fairy wouldn't come since she didn't have the tooth, so dh's uncle gave her a dollar, "just in case." :manyheart


Well, it looks like dh is about to leave, so I better scoot and see what I can accomplish today. Love and hugs all around! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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That's too cute about Mia and her tooth!!


I'm making the flannel'ghan for middle DD's BF- I'm making it in Navy and White since he is a HUGE NY Yankee fan (even bigger than me, I think) I'm on the 4th strip- 4 blocks done - taking a break and started making a pair of the fingerless mitts (Thanks LeeAnn)


Also started a scarf and I'm going between 3 projects now- I know what you mean about the end of the flannel'ghan- sewing!!! I'm taking care of all the ends each time I finish a strip so at least that will be done!!


Dare I say- Happy Cleaning?

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Good Evening!

Joanne-how goes the crocheting? I was thinking of you this afternoon wondering...hmmm...what project is Joanne working on?

Stacy-I know! So many many many patterns and wonderful yarns out there I could be busy for the rest of my life! Did you get your cleaning done?

Beth-how was your day?

I am almost finished with the wrap, just the border. I also cleaned out the fridge, the kitchen and did some grocery shopping...whew! Tomorrow I can finish the wrap and start on the mitts...how fun!

have a good night friends!

hugs n squishes!

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Good morning and welcome to Monday!


I have four strips (out of 5) on the flannel'ghan done-with ends weaved in. Just one more to go!!! I made one of the fingerless mitts from the pattern LeeAnn posted and also worked some more on a Shelly scarf. So nothing is done- but they are all in progress so that is good!!!! It's kind of nice to break up working on the flannel'ghan with other things!!


Time to get ready for my return to Paradise!!! Hope you ALL have a wonderful Monday- if you are in snow- stay safe!!!

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Hi Everybody! :hi


I haven't had my coffee yet -- I was a BAD girl:devil, and went back to sleep after I got my dh off to work. Then my son needed a mom (for a change) so I had to get up and help him with a few things. He's a great kid, a willing worker, a patient teacher, but his organizational skills are seriously lacking! At least he found what he was missing with just a nudge in the right direction.


Stacy, when my dd swallowed her tooth, we sat right down, and e-mailed the toothfairy (at my sister's e-mail address.) Not only did she get a great e-mail back, bless my sister's heart, she also got a little something under her pillow that night. My dd isn't driving very often. She would rather not, and I'm not ready to force the issue. My ds is getting close to the hours needed to move on to the next step. He needs to drive in the dark. Biggest problem right now is scheduling things. The week before Christmas, we are all off, so he should have no problem driving for 3 hours at night then.


LeaAnn (impatiently tapping my foot) when do we get to see the wrap? I think you have been flying through projects. It's awesome!:cheer I did manage to finish 2 hats yesterday. I have 4 more to go to reach my goal for this year. Simply Soft would be awesome yarn for the hats for brain surgery patients. I use acrylics. I even use super saver, but I wash the finished hats with hair conditioner to soften them.


Joanne, you are making so much progress on your projects. I think it's great to break up a huge project like the afghan with other things. And you are making progress on all of them!:cheer


Colleen, Mary, LeaAnne, Marisa, Sarah, Vicki, and Shannon, I wish you a happy Monday! :hug

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Hello there!!!!!

Beth-driving at night is scary for me too:yes I do better now that I have my new glasses but before the lights from the other drivers blinded me and caused me to get a headache. Your dd will get to it soon I am sure. How cute that your son needed your help. My ds is super organized, dd on the other hand is another story. :eek I will start on these hats just as soon as I can. Do you have a specific pattern that you use? I know that they should not be too holey so as to cover???

Joanne-hope your week in paradise goes fast and is fun!

I finished the wrap last night:clap:cheernext thing on my agenda a set of mitts/scarf for my sister. She loves brown so going to use Simply Soft Carron chocolate brown. I think I am going to make it friends! I see a light at the end of the tunnel....then will only have one more scarf, that is if I don't say to myself, "I should make this for so and so"

best get laundry started and the kitchen cleaned up so that I can get back to :hook

hugs n squishes!



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LeaAnn, Bev's Country Cottage www.bevscountrycottage.com is a wonderful website full of free patterns and advice for making charitable items. There is also a great hat-size table that I use to make sure mine are long enough -- I tend to get bored quickly, so I make them short if i don't check myself. Personally, I love http://www.crochetme.com/media/p/88042.aspx without the brim or the flower on top. I make it bigger (using Bev's hat-size table) for adults.


We have snow! It's been coming down all morning, and it's getting colder, so we may actually get to keep it for a while.

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Oh LeeAnn, your wrap is so pretty. I love the greens :manyheart Good job. You are just motoring through those gifts! :clap


Mary - Stay warm. It is freezing out there!


I hope everyone is having a good week. I was motoring through my chores today. I shoveled the driveway, got groceries, vacuumed, and made beef stew. Doesn't look like that long a list, but it took me all day :think:lol


Thinking about you all. :hug

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Hi all,


Wow- You have SNOW in VA, Beth!!!:snow Enjoy it and stay safe. We just have temps that have been dropping all day- tomorrow's high is going to be 20 deg F --:wbrr:wbrr

thanks for those links- I saved them to my favs!!!:D


LeeAnn- Love the wrap-:manyheart you are really getting so much accomplished!!!:clap


Colleen- You did get a lot done today!!:yes How much snow do you have? And let me tell you- Beef stew sounds so yummy!!!! Perfect food for this cold weather!


Mary- Hi- How much snow do you have up in Gods' country?


To everyone else- Off to go get dinner before I watch the Giants football game. I'm taking a break from the flannel'ghan and big hook tonight. Going to work on the 2nd fingerless mitt (it would be nice to have a pair:lol)

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Thought I would pop on before heading off to bed.

Joanne-did you get your mitts done? What color did you make them?

Beth-thank you for the links, will get to hats after another scarf and mitts. Dd came home and begged for a set of mitts for her bestie...oh dear:think so of course have to get those made before Friday.

Colleen-we haven't had snow yet...wierd for CO but I bet we will be hit in Jan and Feb. you accomplished a lot today! WTG!

Finished the scarf/mitts, will take a pic to share with you all in the a.m. It's just so nice to be able to share with others crochet goodies. My family just smiles and nods...but ya all know the work that it takes to finish something.

ok, off with myself! hugs n squishes!

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Sorry haven't been on lately. Haven't been in a good mood and been taking it out on the cleaning LOL (yeah when I get in a really bad mood I start cleaning everything in sight...)


Also have finished most of the decorating. And today took a bunch of pics of Keith. Here's the link, too many to put in a post.

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Good morning!


Sarah- Those are great pics! I do that too---at least something good comes out of a bad mood- a nice clean house!!!


LeeAnn- Wow- mitts and a scarf finished! I finished the other mitt- the color is Vanna Choice toffee. Almost done with a scarf (but it's not for the mitts I made). I'm going to put the mitts I made with the scarf I made in LionBrand tweedy stripes since it has that toffee color running through it.


Its a frigid day out today in NJ- in the teens! Hope everyone has a great day. Off to get ready for Paradise!

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OK, how do you make a link, then have it say "here" or something? I always have the entire IRL posted.


Sarah, :hug I'm sorry you've been in a bad mood. You've had a lot on your plate, with being sick, babysitting, having a sick child, and all the renovations going on. I hope things look up for you soon, but if they don't, :devil you're welcome to come clean my house!


LeaAnn, You have been BUSY! I think it's so cool that dd likes your work enough to ask you to make her bff something. I'm glad you like the links. I hope you find something you like.


Joanne, we didn't get the snow for long, but it was pretty coming down. I am not looking forward to the cold that seems to be headed our way. Are the fingerless mitts a gift?


Mary and Colleen, I hope you are both staying warm and dry and safe! Is it beautiful in God's country with all the snow?


Stacy, Are the girls getting excited about Christmas yet? What does Roomie do this time of year?


LeaAnne, Vicki, Shannon, I hope you are healthy and happy. I miss hearing from you!


Today should be a good one. I need to get some things mailed, including the cards I haven't filled out yet, so I should get busy. I work in the evening. That's all I have planned.

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:soapSince when does the post office stay closed until 9:30 a.m.? What are people with jobs supposed to do when they need to mail something? And the ones around here (except for the main one) close for lunch, too, so ??? I don't have a typical job, so I can go there at 9:30, but REALLY??? I would like to get this over with, so I can get some other things done today, rather than scheduling the trip to the post office for the middle of the morning.


Sorry. Had to rant and rave a little there.


I'm done with my pitiful little handful for Christmas cards, but I'm glad I actually will be sending some out this year. Now I just have to wait.... impatiently... So I can actually cross it off my list.

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We have about 3-4 inches here, and it is still snowing. Not very hard but it is snowing.

In god's country........ the snow is very nice and peacefull. I love it when the snow sticks to the trees. It looks just like a picture post card.

I will take pics when we get a nice day.

Hope everyone is doing good.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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OK, how do you make a link, then have it say "here" or something? I always have the entire IRL posted.


You highlight the word you want to use. Then click on the insert link. Paste the link into the box and there you go. The word you highlighted is now your link. =0)

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I just finished a pair of mitts. My original teacher present idea was a bust (we were trying to make those layered brownie mixes in a jar but the jar wasn't big enough to fit all the ingredients :bang). So, we baked the brownies, will put them in a tin, and a pair of homemade mitts. Done.


I'm baking chocolate chip cookies now. Slowly chipping away at the Christmas preparations. Just baking and some homemade gifts to finish.


It is beautifully sunny here, but the sun is not bringing any warmth. Last I heard it felt like -21C with the windchill. Brrrrr.

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