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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning!


Woke up early and then went back to sleep for a bit! Felt good-I guess I needed it.


Beth- The Nutcracker is magical! How perfect that you have a dusting of snow to add to it! Sorry to hear that there is a dancer giving your DD a hard time- but I'll bet she looks beautiful when she is up there dancing!!! How proud you must be of her and of your DS!! Kudos to him!!! Where are you going on your Field Trip tomorrow?


Marisa- Today is definitely a day to stay inside- I'm going to crochet and watch football- after I figure out what's for dinner and maybe make some soup for later in the week. I was just thinking ---when you move to Pittsburgh, will you be a Steelers fan and a Penguins fan and a Pirates fan? I guess you will still be a Sixers fan, though since Pitt doesn' t have a BB team!! Enjoy your day


LeeAnn- that's so neat about your sister- glad things have been worked out. Yay for selling her some things!!!


Mary- Hope the craft fair went well!!


Time to get something to eat so I'll just end with a hi to Colleen, Stacy, Vicki, Shannon , LeaAnne and some:hug:hug:hug

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Morning all!

Joanne-crocheting the day away sounds like the most perfect of days! Can I join you? I hope to get lots of hook time in...or at least give it a whirl. :lol

Marisa-that would be soo neat to have your own business! How exciting! Will you be closer to your parents?:think

Beth-so happy to hear that all went well, that girlie that is bothering your dd should be bitten! :eek (just joking, see! That's what happens when you work with little ones!):rofl Help! I have started acting like a toddler!

Sarah-you do have an eye for decorating! We have not put up our tree yet, this afternoon. I need help, any way that you can fly on down to CO? :manyheart

The kiddos spent the night at the in-laws, I didn't want to decorate without them, so am awaiting their return. We did however drive up to Pueblo. Joannes!!!! Can I just say that I love Joannes! OHHHH mmmmyyyy Gooosssh! Talk about fun! Bought four big skiens of the boucle self patterning yarn in different colors. I can't wait to play and of course we stopped at HL...for soap dye and a new soap mold. What a blast! I'm still on :c9 but must get myself back to reality and start crocheting.

have a great Sunday friends!

hugs n squishes!

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Thank you everyone. =0) Added more pictures to the album... This time from Doug's Grandparent's house as that's where we were decorating yesterday. Today we are home cleaning so we can finish decorating here (I'll post those pics in the album once I'm done). So off to do dishes I go


LeeAnn - :lol hmmmmm I've never visited CO, driven through but never actually visited ;)


I do the helping out with inside decorating for the kids. Doug's Grandparents aren't able to decorate themselves anymore unless it's small things. Things like the lights and trees are too much for them so Doug and some of his cousins have taken over doing it since we always go there for Christmas Eve to do gifts.

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Hey ladies :hi


I didn't quite have the lazy day I though I would. Once I started moving, I just kept going but got alot done today :yes 3 loads of laundry, changed the bedding, cleaned everything, including the turtles, cooked 2 meals so I have lunch during the week, helped my sister with a calendar we're making our parents for xmas and now we're waiting for my SIL to add pics of the boys to it, dishwasher's run, kitchen cleaned up and leftovers put away :yay:whew


NOW, I can sit and crochet a bit and I'll take a break from that to do some office planning stuff :think


Joanne - I root for my sister's teams 2nd. I will always be an eagles fan first and foremost...have been since 9th grade when I first started watching football :yes I can be swayed on hockey, especially since the baby pens minor team are up by my parents :lol As for baseball, first comes the red sox :yes Actually, they'll be in pitt in june and we're going to 2 of the 3 :clap The phillies will always hold a dear spot in my heart as I've grown to love them as well since I've been here, which will probably happen with the Pirates too, even though they stink.


LeeAnn - It will actually be 3 hours further from my parents :eek But near my sister :hug However, my parents will probably move that way after my dad retires since there's nothing else holding them in our hometown and they really do like Pitt too :yes

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LeeAnn- it always feels good to get crafty things at the store!!! Hope you got to do some crafting today!


Nice Pics Sarah- and have fun at Christmas in the Park.


Marisa- Sounds like you had a very productive day. That's so cool that you are going to see 2 of the 3 Red Sox games in June. I have to admit I do like Fenway Park, and do like the RedSox- but first and foremost Love the Yankees! (I'm not sure I'm supposed to admit that I like the Red Sox too- but I really, really love Fenway- and I really, really love Boston)


The Giants played awesome today and I'm happy to report I've almost finished 1 strip of the flannel'ghan- Went back to the original plan to make that for DD's BF instead of the RR- I was having trouble with 2 strands on a RR, not any problems with 2 strands on a Flannel'ghan.


Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday!

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Hi Ladies

Iam home. The show was not very good. This is it for shows now til next year. I need to get some christmas presents made and then get everything wrapped.

First thing tomorrw Iam going to CLEAN MY HOUSE. It is in bad need of cleaning. Anyone want to help????? I wont say no.

I have not got a chance to catch up yet with what everyone has been up to. But I will.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Keith had fun at Christmas in the Park. Though he was more interested in playing on the swings and slides and watching the nearby track for trains. He didn't really pay much attention when Santa came in by helicopter. I spent most of the time holding a space in the line to see Santa so we wouldn't be at the tail end of the line while everyone else kept an eye on the kids so they could go play. One of these days I'll get caught up w/ everyone and get caught up here at home too..... Here's a pic of Keith.


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Good morning! Welcome to Monday!


That's a cute pic of Keith and Santa, Sarah. I guess you've probably learned by now- there is no "catching up" when you have kids!!!:lol:lol


I finished one strip of the flannel'ghan last night- 4 more to go- I weaved in all the ends of the first one. That's the game plan- make a strip, weave in ends, and then when the 2nd strip is done, I'm going to join strip #1 and #2- I like the way the midnite blue and white look together- and now he'll love the NY Yankee colors!!!


Off to get ready for Paradise.


Have a good day everyone!:hug

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Hi friends!


Sorry I haven't been on in a few days. My grandma passed away on Saturday afternoon, and I've just been kind of floating around since. I crocheted and ate chocolate for most of the day. Yesterday was Mia's dance recital. She did okay, forgot she was supposed to dance in one of them, had a meltdown right in the middle of the second one, but danced in the tap number. We went out to dinner afterward. Today I have been on the phone with my mom most of the morning. I'm not going back to MI for the funeral, so my mom has been calling and trying to include me in the decisions that I can help with. After class I need to get into the garage and find my photo albums to see if I have any I can scan and send to her for the photo boards.


I've been keeping up with everyone, just haven't felt like posting. Please know that I think of you all every day. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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HI all!


I keep trying to post and the computer keeps eating it...grrr.


Stacy-so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Extra hugs n squishes.


Joanne-you are flying on your flannelghan. WTG! I finished another set of fingerless gloves, but they are too small. They fit dd, she is super excited! Going to try another set with a larger hook.


Sarah-yup, stop in anytime you are in CO, the weather is always a little crazy, but would be thrilled to meet ya. :-)


Marisa-how's the progress on the last ghan going?


Mary-so happy to see your red post, sorry to hear that you did not do so well this last sale.


today has been a little hectic. I took my great Aunt shopping and then have been trying to keep up with the laundry and housework, going to try to get a few minutes of hook time in. BBL!


hugs n squishes!

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Hi friends!


Sorry I haven't been on in a few days. My grandma passed away on Saturday afternoon, and I've just been kind of floating around since. I crocheted and ate chocolate for most of the day. Yesterday was Mia's dance recital. She did okay, forgot she was supposed to dance in one of them, had a meltdown right in the middle of the second one, but danced in the tap number. We went out to dinner afterward. Today I have been on the phone with my mom most of the morning. I'm not going back to MI for the funeral, so my mom has been calling and trying to include me in the decisions that I can help with. After class I need to get into the garage and find my photo albums to see if I have any I can scan and send to her for the photo boards.


I've been keeping up with everyone, just haven't felt like posting. Please know that I think of you all every day. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


So sorry Stacy, will keep you and your family in my prayers :hug :hug :hug :hug:hug:hug

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Stacy- So sorry to hear about your Grandma! Memories live on forever, though. Hugs and prayers to you and your family!:hug:hug:hug:hug


Ready to call it a night- I made the "Bella" scarf tonight- tomorrow it's back to the flannel'ghan!


Hugs to all!

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Quick good morning and wishing everyone a pleasant day!


Nothing new to report since last evening! Other than I promptly fell asleep after reading 3 pages of my book!


Hugs, again Stacy! Hope you find the photos (saw on FB that you can't find them)


Beth- How was the field trip?


Colleen- How goes the new business venture?


Marisa- Have fun at the Sixer's game


Sarah- Did you get your place decorated?


LeeAnn- Hope the computer treats you better today!!! Seems like the too small fingerless gloves worked out well- and that DD got a nice treat because of it! Did you manage to squeeze in some hooky time?


Time to get ready for another day in Paradise- and a cold one at that too!!


Have a good one!

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Hi everybody. I read all the posts, but my brain isn't functioning yet, after the Nutcracker overload, so I'm sorry if I don't respond well.


Stacy, :hug:hug:hug I am sorry for your loss. It's kind of extra hard right around the Holidays, and when you can't go back to Michigan. I wish I could give you more comfort. You and your family are in my prayers.


Joanne, my wonderful twins decided they wanted to do a field trip to the ballet studio, and help the mistress put up all the props and costumes from the Nutcracker, kind of a behind-the-scenes what happens after a performance day. And she was tickled that they came and helped. And it's all done, so classes could run smoothly -- nothing in the way.


Mary, it is good to hear from you. I'm sorry your show didn't go as well as we hoped. What's the weather like in God's country now? Any of the white fluffy stuff on the ground?


Colleen, I am thinking of you. How is your business coming along?


LeaAnne, how is work? Are the chickens doing well?


LeaAnn, it sounds like you are keeping busy. How are the Christmas presents coming along? What are you working on?


Marisa, Pittsburgh is almost home for me! I'm from Canton, Ohio area (out in the sticks, though.) When I fly home, I fly into Pittsburgh. Good luck with your own business.


Sarah, awesome pics. I thought Keith was scared of Santa. I'm surprised he wasn't mesmerized by the helicopter. sounds like there were lots of other cool things to keep him occupied.


Vicki, I hope you are headache-free.


Shannon, missing you.


Yesterday was one thing after another, and not many of them planned. But today should be better.


Have a good one!:hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much new here to report from last night :think Sixer game tonight, so won't make it back until the AM.


Joanne - I also only read a few pages last night :blush I was out like a light :lol


Beth - Thanks :hug Hope you have a good day today.

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Marisa - Enjoy the game.


Beth - I hope you are relaxing a bit now that Nutcracker is over. Glad to hear it went well.


Stacy - I am sorry for the loss of your Grandma. It's nice that you can be part of everything even though you are not there. :hug


Joanne - Sounds like you needed the sleep. What are you reading?


Sarah - Cute pics of Keith with Santa and the decorations. Sounds like the Christmas fun is starting early. How is Keith's pink eye, all cleared up?


:hi to everyone else!


To those who asked, no luck yet on getting any business. I'm still talking to a couple families about child care, but nothing on that front either. I suspect that could come through eventually, it's just a matter of time.


We have a day at home today. I've got laundry to do and the vacuuming. DD wants to go to the library and that sounds like a perfect outing to me.


I have been crocheting, which is nice. I made myself a scarf which I'll try to get pics of soon. I've started the golf club cover.


Have a great day friends!

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Top of the morning all!

Joanne-another scarf, that's great! Are you almost finished with most of your projects?

Marisa-I was tired last night too, didn't sleep well but didn't want to get up either.

Beth-how sweet of your twins to help out, what awesome kiddos you have!

Colleen-glad that you found your crochet mojo. Can't wait to see pics.

Sarah-how are you doing this week?

Stacy-are finals almost here/over?

I finished the second set of mitts, and they fit! wohoo! Going to make a matching scarf-they will be another x-mas gift. Today I am going to wrap gifts and see where I am as far as needing to make more. I know that I am going to make my sister a set of the mitts with the matching scarf...golly gee! I thought I was almost done.:think

hugs n squishes!BBL!

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