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Quick fly by to say hi (I like that Stacy)


Sorry you came home to the place being trashed...oh, that roomie!!!

Good luck getting your work done for class - I' know you will!!!


LeeAnn- I'm glad you liked the link. Hope you had a great Monday


Marisa- wTG on almost finishing the ghan!!! And sorry about the bummy day at work.


Off to eat something!

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:hi everyone,


Went Christmas shopping today and I am so tired. I am not built for shopping :lol


Beth - :hug Sorry about your mood. Hope this smile helps you feel better. :D


Stacy - :(:angry Sorry to hear the house was trashed. What happened? I hope she cleans it up. Good luck finishing up school. How long a break do you get?


Marisa - Sorry you had a bad day at work.


It sounds like we need to say a big adios to Monday around here.


Mary - Nice to see your red writing. Sorry you didn't do so well at the craft show. Hopefully the next one will be better. Hope DH's finger is okay. My DH put his through the track of his snowmobile yesterday :rolleyes It's all purple and he'll probably lose the nail. :rolleyes They never learn :lol


LeeAnn - Hope your day went well.


That's all from me. Time to veg for a bit.

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quick flyby as I'm just taking a break from doing dishes. I'm feeling a lot better. Was able to sleep last night in BED instead of sitting in my chair. Trying to relax as much as I can as I'll be babysitting this week. Waiting to find out if it'll be Wed night to Saturday morning or Thursday Night to saturday morning....


Hope everyone had a good weekend and has a good week.

:hug:hug:hug:hug:hugto everyone

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Colleen, love the fingerless mitts! The cable detail is amazing. You did a very good job. Was it hard? I hope your dh's finger is OK. That sounds horrible!


Marisa, very nice afghan! It's a great size, the little one will have plenty of time to grow and still get use from it. You have been so busy lately.


Mary, so nice to hear from you. I hope your dh's finger is OK. The bbq steaks sound :drool


Joanne, :xfin that you get Sunday off. It seems cruel to put you back to work after a holiday weekend, and you have to work a long week. They should ease you back into it.


Sarah, hooray for sleeping in your bed, and feeling better! I hope you continue to improve until you are back to yourself. Good luck with the babysitting. It's so good that you are available and willing to help those kids out. I'll bet they need someone who really loves them.


Stacy, did the house get un-trashed as quickly as it got trashed? Oh, that just steams me. Good luck on the paper.


LeaAnn, how is Kathi's shop doing? Are you getting your Christmas projects done? Did you choose a manly scent for your hubby? How is his shoulder?


LeaAnne, Vicki, and Shannon, Thinking of you!:hug:hug:hug:hug:manyheart


Yesterday was worse than I thought it would be. The ballet mistress fainted during her morning class, and had to go to the hospital. That left us down a teacher for the afternoon classes, but it did go well.


Friday is coming!

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Quick good morning to all!!! And yes, it seems that everyone is glad that Monday is over!:clap


Colleen- The mitts came out great!!!! :yes I'm almost done with the neckwarmer and then I think I'll give those mitts a try! (Beth- the pattern is in this month's Crochet Today mag) I didn't do any hooking last night- I read instead- trying to rest my shoulder which is just a little achy-


Beth- I hope that the ballet instructor is ok. And you are right- today is one day closer to Friday! We knew all along that we'd be working this weekend. And we'll be a week behind. We usually convert groups over on the first but that would have meant working Thanksgiving weekend, which would have been thousands of time worse!!!:eek I have to work late tonight since one of the departments has to go "live" on the first so I have to download some things after 6 so they will up and running tomorrow. It is what it is!


Sarah- Glad to hear that you are starting to feel better. Just take it easy since you have babysitting coming up- wonder how the puppy will be this time?


Stacy- Saw on FB that you are working on a project for health class and that you have to do a presentation. You will do great!!!! Take a deep breath and remember to breathe!!!! I say when it's done, you should reward yourself with a nice Carmel Brulee from the Bux!!!


Mary- Hope DH's finger is ok ! Positive thoughts that the next craft show goes better for you.:cheer


LeeAnn- Hugs and squishes!!


LeaAnne- Thinking about you and missing you around here!


Marisa- That ripple afghan is gorgeous. You did a great job! And he'll get lots of years of use out of it!! WTG!!!!:clap:clap


Time to get ready for a LONG day in Paradise. Have a wonderful Tuesday all!

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HIya friends!

Sorry I didn't get on here last night, yesterday was definately a Monday. I cleaned all morning and washed almost all of the laundry. I had to go grocery shopping in the afternoon....well...couldn't find my keys...couldn't find my purse. Turns out I had left them both in the car which was locked.:eek:eek:eek Dh had to come home to unlock it for me. He was not a happy camper...But I did make it on time to pick up the kiddos. :lol

Joanne-Good luck with your long day! I have decided not to do the embroidering but instead a scarf and neck warmer combo. Going to start on them today some time, just have to figure out what yarn to use. Thank you again for the link. How is your shoulder feeling today?

Colleen-you did a beautiful job on the mitts! WOWZA! Thank you for sharing pics. Are they for you?

Marisa-oooohhhhh laaaaaaaaaaaaaa laaaaaaaaaa! What eye candy! Simply Splendid ripple ghan! The colors work so well together. Great work!

Beth-Do you feel better? is your ballet instructor feeling better? can you relax more towards x-mas? Kathi's shop is doing well, she is back in town so will not have to help her for awhile, maybe this weekend.:devil

Sarah-so happy that you were able to sleep in your bed. That must be terrible sleeping in a chair.

Stacy-Good Luck on your presentation and paper!

Mary-oh so happy to see your red post! This weekend you will nail the sales, I know it! How's dh's finger?

My dh is still hurting from his shoulder quite a bit. He has to go see an ortho. but doesn't know when he's going to schedule the appt. I will have to get on him. When they did an MRI they found fluid around the muscle but no tears...hmmm???? don't know what that means.

guess I had better get my tush in gear! BBL!

hugs n squishes!

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Good morning friends :tea


I've gotta be quick because I still have to shower before work and I have to be there in 50 minutes :lol


Thanks for all your wonderful compliments :ghug:manyheart


Beth - I hope the instructor is feeling ok :yes I have been very busy on the crochet front, but it's because I HAVE to or these won't be done in time to mail off for xmas :think


Joanne - I hope paradise goes well today :xfin


LeeAnn - Sounds like you were productive despite leaving your purse and keys in the car :eek As for the fluid in the shoulder, if it's a small amount it shouldn't need to be drained. He'd be able to do some exercises to get it moving in there. Ice always helps too. But definitely get on him about it becuase if it does need to be drained, then he doesn't want to wait until it causes him an even bigger problem then what he already has :yes


OK, I'm off and I have a sixer game tonight so probably won't be back until the morning

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Hi Ladies

I had to take DH to the hospital today to have his finger x-rayed. Thank god he didn't break it. The Doctor said he had never seen a finger swell and bruse so fast without it breaking...... I guess there is a first time for everything.

I have all my stuff ready for the sale this Friday and Saturday. Iam just finishing up some more hats then Iam all set.

Colleen I like the fingerless mitts and I hope Dh keeps all his fingers.

Marisa I like the afghan. You did a great job.

I hope everyone else is well.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Just stopping in to say Hi and let you know I survived my LONG day! I got home a little after 7- after being in at 7:15 this morning! I'm watching the Rockefeller Ctr Christmas Tree lighting special- what beautiful singing!. It's putting me in the Christmas mood!! I love it!!


Mary- Glad to hear DH's finger isn't broken!! Good luck Fri and Sat!!!


LeeAnn- At least you didn't lose the purse- or leave it somewhere other than your car!! I agree w/Marisa- DH should have the shoulder looked at. Mine is feeling a little better - I think another day of no crocheting should do the trick. So I'll be reading my book again after this special is over. I'm reading Mystic River by Dennis Lehane- and I'm loving it-


Have a good night

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Good morning ladies :coffee


The sixers won last night :clap:yay I expect it to be very busy at work today since the last 2 days were pretty slow :think


Mary - Glad to hear that dh's finger is not broken :hug


Joanne - :yay that your shoulder is feeling a bit better :yes


Beth - I'm with Joanne........jealous!!!! :lol


Have a good day everyone. I have to stop at the market on my way home today so I'll get in a bit later. Tomorrow is mary's bday, so I have to bake her cake tonight :D

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Good Morning!

Beth-I am so very jealous too! :rofl I would be sleeping late if I could. Hope your day goes well:hug

Joanne-that was a super long day for you. Do you feel tired today? I haven't read in what feels like forever, I should stop at the library on the way home. Will you be starting a neckwarmer set when your shoulder feels better?:hug

Marisa-Happy Birthday to your dear friend Mary. I love cake!:hug So happy that your team won! What is next on your crochet agenda?

Mary-glad that your dh did not break his finger, I am sure he's still in a lot of pain tho. Poor guy.:hug

Sarah-are you headed back to babysitting today? Hope you feel up to it. :hug

Yesterday was a fun day. My cousin called me at 8 in the morning asking if I would like to go out for coffe at the bux? oh yeah! Happy dance for me! yippee skippy! We had a great time. I tried one of the holiday coffee's...can't remember which one:think but it was delic. then we drove back to my house for my car and yarn goodies. Kathi had called and asked me to open the shop for her. So grabbed my yarn and hoook and off I went. I didn't get home till after 4, but did get dinner made, the t.v. room and the kiddos bathroom cleaned. I washed the walls and re-arranged the pictures on the walls. I am not a good decorator but with the help of my dear friend Rose, I am slowly decorating. :lol so today must get those soap baskets done and a few errands. The kiddos have another early release. :clap

have a great one!

hugs n squishes!

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Mmmmm sleeping in sounds nice :c9 :dreaming My morning volunteer job got cancelled last minute, so I was happy to get some bonus me time. I almost finished my Christmas shopping this morning. Just a couple last things to get. I did a bunch of wrapping too. Now I can focus on homemade gifts and baking and I can stay out of the shops :clap


So, I have to finish a scarf for my dad and I'm going to make a golf club cover for DD. DH found a used set of kids golf clubs for her and I want to make them more girly.


Not much exciting otherwise.


I hope you all had a wonderful day.

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Oh, the golf club covers sound like a great idea Colleen!! And you go- almost finished with your Christmas shopping!!!


Marisa- Didn't you make golf club covers for your aunt/uncle/or was it your mom and dad's neighbor? Glad to hear you had fun at the game- it's ALWAYS more fun when the home team wins!!!


Sounds like you had a great day LeeAnn- my fav holiday drink from Bux is Gingerbread Latte, followed by Peppermint Mocha! Mmmm, I could go for one now, but I'm not going out to get one!!!LOL

I was not too tired today, but I did get to leave at about 3:45 and was home by 4:15 so I got to start my laundry- (sounds like fun, doesn't it? LOL) I will probably try and finish the neckwarmer I started the other night- My shoulder feels a little better, still achy, but I want to crochet a bit since I'm home at a decent hour.


Off to make dinner.


Have a great night everyone!

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Good evening ladies :hi


I feel like I've been on this site forever catching up tonight in a few different threads :think Work was slow today, but of course my paperwork kept me company :lol I baked Mary's cake and it's cooling on the couter now :yay


LeeAnn - Right now I'm working on my middles nephews afghan which is an rr. I started it over the weekend and it's not very big just yet so I need to move on it. I also still have my bernat cal ghan going since I'm only working on that when I'm out and about, it's easily travelable :think


Colleen - You got so much accomplished today :clap:yay And Joanne was right I did make golf club covers. 2 sets, one for my aunt and one for my uncle and each set matched their golf bags :D They worked up quite quickly too :yes I still have the pattern if you want me to look up where I got it from?


Joanne - What a memory you have in that noggin of yours ;) And you even had the people right with your first guess :clap I hope you get to finish your neck warmer and that your shoulder continues to feel better :hug

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just quick post. Not babysitting this week. Hannah has pink eye and they don't want to risk me or Keith catching it. Right now decorating the living room. =0)

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:yay And Joanne was right I did make golf club covers. 2 sets, one for my aunt and one for my uncle and each set matched their golf bags :D They worked up quite quickly too :yes I still have the pattern if you want me to look up where I got it from?


Joanne - What a memory you have in that noggin of yours ;) And you even had the people right with your first guess :clap I hope you get to finish your neck warmer and that your shoulder continues to feel better :hug


It must be the ginko that they have in my Multivitamin for Women over 50!:lol

I did finish the neckwarmer tonight- and put on two buttons. I'll get pics the next time I'm home in some daylight!! Felt good to pick up the hook:hook

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just quick post. Not babysitting this week. Hannah has pink eye and they don't want to risk me or Keith catching it. Right now decorating the living room. =0)

That's a good idea- pink eye is very contagious! Have fun decorating! are you listening to Christmas music while you decorate?

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Hi all!


Quick fly by again. I am mentally drained. :yawn Dh's company is switching insurance yet again :bang and I have been on the phone trying to figure out which coverage to get so we can keep our doctors, etc. Also lots of family issues right now. My grandma is not doing well at all, so I've also been on the phone with my mom often. Stupid George also decided to visit, making me extra-moody.

I registered Isabella for a soccer league! She is so excited. It starts in the middle of January but she is already asking dh to practice with her. Eva's class is taking a field trip to the Aquarium of the Pacific- on the day of my last final exam! :( It's a wonderful opportunity for her but she is only 3 and I don't know if I feel comfortable letting her go without me.


Joanne, glad to hear your shoulder feels a bit better. Good luck with the neck warmer. I thought of you as I started the LB scarf today.


Sarah, I hope Hannah's eye clears up soon! Have fun decorating!


Marisa, yay for Mary's cake turning out! I always breathe a sigh of relief when a cake turns out, even if I am positive it will. :lol


Colleen, it's good to see you! Have fun with the golf club covers. That is a good idea, I bet my dad would like some. :D


Leeann, coffee with your cousin sounds wonderful! My favorite holiday drink is the caramel brulee latte, not that you asked or anything. :lol Sounds like you are having lots of fun at Kathi's shop and that you are cruising right along on your soaps! :h5


Well, I am off to put my feet up and work on a sock monkey for Eva. She asks me every 5 minutes if I've finished it yet. :rofl Poor kid. Have a great night!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Joanne-so glad that you were able to get some hook time in. It does feel good! And you do have an exceptional memory!

Marisa-is this your last x-mas ghan? Gosh, you are crocheting up a storm!

Colleen-glad that you had some "me time". those are the best!

Sarah-oh no! Pink eye? that is good that you are staying home, yikes!

Today was a super busy day. I finished 5 washclothes for the baskets, made an apple pie, meatloaf and a green bean casserole and then made the last two baskets of soaps and bubble bath and bath salts...whew! I am beat! But I wanted to get them done and out of the way.

Best get myself to bed. Hugs n squishes!

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