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hi all!


Joanne-WTG on the mystery ghan! pics?


Colleen-pics? Good job finishing those fingerless gloves, now I want to make another set...thank you for the motivation!


Marisa-happy dance! you finished your project! Good work, can't wait to take a looksie at it.


Today felt like forever, the shop wasn't busy, tomorrow I am only going to work for 2 hours. 12-2. The family is going with me and we have a few errands to run.


before I forget, here's the link for the granny ripple.



hugs n squishes!



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Good morning!


WTG on finishing the fingerless gloves already Colleen!!!:clap:clap Are they the ones with the cables? Can't wait to see pics of them!!! I looked at the pattern last night- Intermediate- mmm. Wonder if I'm up to that yet?


I'll get pics of the ghan later when there is more light---I still have some ends to weave in, but will leave them till Wednesday when the last clue comes out- I'm curious to see if they have any new and exciting ways to do that?:think


LeeAnn- the link didn't work for the granny ripple- I know there are some links that the Ville puts *** in - there is a reason for that , but for the life of me I can't remember right now- guess I need my coffee for the brain to kick in!


Stacy- Hope you had a good Thanksgiving with your bil and family!


Beth- Is it Nutcracker weekend--or is that next weekend? Again, need my coffee!!!


Marisa- WTG on finishing the spiral ghan!!!:clap:clap I do believe you are going to get all your afghans done!! WTG:clap



LeaAnne, Vicki, Mary, Shannon, sending warm wishes your way.:hug


Have a great day everyone!

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Joanne - I think you would do fine with these mitts. The only tricky part is when you do the little cable detail and it's just two rows. You work back a few stitches behind a stitch or in front of the stitch. It's a little tricky but once you get it, it's easy peasy lemon squeezy. Otherwise it's just sc and hdc. I like the mitten pattern in that magazine too, looks fun and funky. My only concern is I might lose interest somewhere between 1 and 12 hexagons and then never do the joining :lol:blush


I'll try to get pics up later. Right now I'm getting DD ready to go to holiday woodworking with DH and then I am off to my annual craftshow at the school up the street :c9

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Joanne - I think you would do fine with these mitts. The only tricky part is when you do the little cable detail and it's just two rows. You work back a few stitches behind a stitch or in front of the stitch. It's a little tricky but once you get it, it's easy peasy lemon squeezy. Otherwise it's just sc and hdc. I like the mitten pattern in that magazine too, looks fun and funky. My only concern is I might lose interest somewhere between 1 and 12 hexagons and then never do the joining :lol:blush


I'll try to get pics up later. Right now I'm getting DD ready to go to holiday woodworking with DH and then I am off to my annual craftshow at the school up the street :c9



Have fun at the craftshow!!! And wonder what DD will be making at woodworking? Sounds like a nice thing to do with her Dad. Easy peasy lemon squeezy for you maybe!!! But I think I'll give it a whirl. If I can't get it, then I'll make another pattern -one that I've done before, but I do like the looks of the cables.!


Posted my ghan pic on the Bernat Mystery CAL.

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Marisa - Your Thanksgiving dinner sounds delicious. What are the Italian dishes you have at Thanksgiving? I cannot imagine having Turkey and an Italian meal. I'd be so stuffed, but it would be sooo good.


Well today has been just what I needed. I've done a couple loads of laundry, picked up the house a bit, baked oatmeal raisin cookies. DD and I painted some ceramic Christmas decorations and she put our little village up. She really enjoys the crafts and I've been wanting to do some crafts other than crochet lately, so that was a perfect way to spend a cloudy, cold day at home! Now if I could just think of something for supper. I'm thinking soup and leftovers.


Well, we have homemade egg noodles as the pasta with meatballs and brischole (sp?) which is a meatball mixture wrapped and tied in a very thin piece of steak that's been beaten to h**l and back again :lol


I finished the Bernat afghan!!! Now I can begin something new! Just a few more ends to weave in and it's done!! I liked the Mystery part of doing this afghan- it was fun waiting for the clue each Wednesday and doing this with others. I wouldn't do mitre squares again- I probably should have frogged them and done a large square for the corners, but after all the hours spent making the mites I left them. It's not perfect, but it's mine!!


Have a good night everyone!


:clap I'm going to head over to the bernat cal thread to see if you posted a pic yet :yay


hi all!


Marisa-happy dance! you finished your project! Good work, can't wait to take a looksie at it.


Today felt like forever, the shop wasn't busy, tomorrow I am only going to work for 2 hours. 12-2. The family is going with me and we have a few errands to run.


before I forget, here's the link for the granny ripple.



hugs n squishes!




Can't get the link :( I'll post a pic of my spiral ghan from my phone after I finish catching up here with posting...phone's too slow for that if I don't have to do it that way :lol


Oh yes, I almost forgot to tell you....the ground is covered in snow here for the first time this morning. Starting to get into the holiday spirit.


Going to check you your pics Joanne.


We are also getting some flurries this morning, but nothing that is sticking :(


Have to take a ride later to pick up more of the orange that I ran out of last night :( I looked at walmart when I went out with my mom at midnight black friday, but apparently our walmart does not have vanna's choice yarn :( So off to wilkes barre we will go later to a craft store, about a half hour ride which is the closest :eek But then my parents will go to the children's place there too to look for an outfit for the new baby that my sil sent the link for yesterday. Mom's been looking for something splashy for the new baby to come home in.

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Joanne-:wooyour afghan is fantastic!!!! I love the colors, very calming. They go perfectly together!


Marisa-:tupthe spiral is soo cool! I have never seen an afghan in spiral form. It is awesome! I hope that you find your orange yarn. :wink


Colleen-a craft fair? Oh my, that does sound like a slice of :c9We haven't had snow yet, but the weather man says its coming. Sorry I forgot to answer your question, Kathi's shop is full of jewelry, rugs, shawls, collectibles from other countries-mainly Chile and Argentia. You are getting those mitts done fast! The pattern that I use is mainly sc's and hd's,...I think:think but it is easy.


Couldn't sleep, the kiddos are up too, they are laying in their beds relaxing. I tried another link for the granny ripple, if you scroll down, it has the pattern link. It is a free pattern, can't understand why it didn't work. I hope that ya all can get to it, it is one of my fav's.


best get my tush in gear! The family did not tidy up yesterday...so have a little mess on my hands. BBL!

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Marisa - spiral afghan turned out great =0)


I'm not on much right now cause I'm spending a lot of time in my chair. The less I move the less I cough right now =0( Only doing what HAS to be done. And even though I want to put my Christmas decorations up I'm having to wait cause I just don't have the energy. Most I've managed is to get Christmas Bears out.


Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Back to my chair for me. (and no I'm not crocheting anything, even that takes too much effort)

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Good morning and Happy Sunday! Last day off till at least next Sunday (fingers crossed I'm off then) It is sunny and crisp out there but no snow in our forecast, but I do like the smiley snowman so for any of you with snow- this one is for you-


Colleen- I was going through my stash and came across some Christmas variegated "I love this cotton" I had bought last year @ Holly Lobby, so I figured this is the time of year to make something with it. So I made a potholder and will make a matching dishcloth- fingerless mitts will have to wait. Hope you had fun at the craftshow and that DD had fun with her dad at the woodworking class!


Sarah -Sorry to hear that you are still under the weather! Feel better soon!


LeeAnn- Thanks for the link to the granny ripple!! This one worked and I saved it.


I spoke to my oldest yesterday and she was telling me that she is so happy that she doesn't have to fight the crowds travelling back home today. I think she may opt not to travel on Thanksgiving weekend anymore- she said she feels so much more relaxed knowing that she doesn't have to spend an entire Sunday (due to so many travelers) getting back home. We'll probably plan to get together a weekend or two before Thanksgiving like we did this year. It was lots of fun and best part- no stress!!!


Well, off to get my caffeine and get this house looking Christmasy!:ctree:wreath:gift:candycane:stocking

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Your post made me smile Joanne, especially the snowman. Glad you had

fun with your Christmas cotton! Enjoy decorating.


We still have snow. Just enough to cover the grass. It's amazing how much that does to make me feel more Christmas-y. Craft show was lots of fun. Lots of beautiful stuff. I bought DD some barbie clothes and I got a bracelet for my sister's Christmas gift and one for me too :D I think doing a table at a craftshow is officially on my bucket list. Not sure when it will happen, but someday. I think one of my resolutions for 2011 will be to play around with some new crafts. I'm excited!


DD enjoyed her woodworking. DH and I went to the first of the 3 work Christmas parties last night. It was the big one with dinner and dancing. It was fun. I didn't know many people there, but it was nice to go out all dressed up.


Hi to everyone else! Have a funtabulous Sunday!

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Good Morning!

Joanne-oohh you are decorating! That inspires me!:P Kathi brought me a gift-a tiny black tree-I love it! It fits perfectly on top of the entertainment center...now just have to get those decorations out. Do you put up a real tree? Your cotton dishclothes sound so pretty.:hug

Colleen-Christmas parties are fun. I haven't gone to one in a few years. But maybe this year??? I would love to run a booth at a craft fair-this would be like a dream come true.

Yesterday we stayed at Kathi's much longer than anticipated-but all in all it worked out. I did get 2 more orders for soap baskets. :cheer:clap and I just recvd an email from HL with a 40% and only $2.98 for shipping. I have to order more soap. I was planning on driving up to Pueblo on Tuesday but with this new add, I may just end up ordering online. I also wanted to order a few skiens of the sparkly yarn...hmmm...ideas.

not much on the agenda for the day-tidied up yesterday, so just have to spot clean. BBL!

hugs n squishes!

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Hi Everybody!


Snow already!!! :eek I guess I should not be so surprised. I remember trick-or-treating in the Snow when I lived in Ohio. I guess I'm just spoiled living down here. I do miss the snow once in a while, but we get it every 2 or 3 years, so it's OK.


Colleen, I'll bet you were absolutely beautiful dressed up for the Christmas party! What fun, to have dinner and dancing!!!:c9


Joanne, We put up our tree and decorations yesterday. It's not too much, enough to live around for a month, but it adds something. And I laugh. My middle son did most of the tree decorating, and the bottom 1/3 is basically bare. And our tree is sitting on a table. He just doesn't see WAY DOWN LOW any more! Signs that your child is over 6 feet tall...


Sarah, I'm so sorry you are so sick. I hope the antibiotics help, and you get some energy back. It's amazing that you manage to keep up with an active child, and all the baby- and puppy- sitting you've done while feeling bad. You are amazing.


LeaAnn, nice to get your hugs and squishes. Now if you could squeeze REALLY hard, and make me a bit taller and thinner, I'd be most grateful! I still need to buy candy canes for the tree. I can't wait to sit here with Christmas music playing, and just the lights from the tree... My favorite part of my favorite time of the year!


Marisa, very nice spiral ghan. It sounds like you are flying through your Christmas afghan list! Did you find the orange yarn you needed?


Nutcracker starts on the 4th, so this week will be slightly more insane than usual, but once it is over... Ahhhhhhh! I cannot wait.


Big hugs to everyone! I hope you have a great Sunday!:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Another nice relaxing day in the books!!


Colleen- It made me smile to hear you excited about possibly playing around with new crafts and putting selling at a craft show on your bucket list! Dinner and dancing sounds wonderful and I'm glad that you had a good time.


Beth- I :lol about your DS decorating the tree and the bottom 1/3 being bare!!! Good luck with this week- sounds like yours will be busy like mine!


LeeAnn- that is so cool that you got some orders for your soap baskets:clap:clap How exciting for you!!


We only have a small table-top tree up again this year! I have just enough decorations out to make the house festive- I put out my favorite things- the rest are in their totes! DH is very happy with the look- he never liked all the 'clutter' as he called it! I actually like it too!!

Since I put out my favorite decorations, it is perfect!


And today DH was a real sweetheart!!! He washed the bathroom floors, the kitchen floor, cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen and vacuumed all the rooms!!! He made my day- so by the time I was done decorating, he was done cleaning and we chilled the rest of the day.


The Giants won:clap:clap so we were both very happy about that.


Stacy- I hope you had a good weekend at BIL's!


LeaAnne- Missing you around here and hope you and the family had a very nice Thanksgiving! Did you have to work Black Friday?


Mary-:hug to you- and hope you and DH are doing ok!:hug


Shannon and Vicki- Sending good wishes your way


Marisa- Did you find the yarn you needed for the orange ghan. And looks like your Eagles are going to lose which is good for my Giants. It's about time the Giants won and Eagles lost!:lol


See you all in the AM!

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Hello Ladies!


Beth-that is too funny about your tree! Your ds was a good sport. Good luck and energy this week! you can do it!


Joanne-your dh was on the ball! Cool! I haven't decorated, next weekend. I was too lazy today and crocheted. It was super fun.


Dh is still working on the closet, he hurt his shoulder a few months ago and has tried physical therapy to no avail. He was hurting, so made him soak in the tub with bath salts. :lol I am going to make him a set of manly soaps since I don't think he wants to smell like Japanse Cherry Blossom.:devil


back to crocheting!


extra hugs n squisheeeesss!

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Good Monday Morning!


LeeAnn- I think that is a great idea to avoid the Japanese Cherry Blossom soap for DH!! I can empathize with the shoulder- mine has been a little achy- I think from sewing the afghan together! I worked on a one hour neckwarmer using Wool Ease Thick and Quick last night.http://goodknits.com/blog/1-hour-neckwarmer/. It's 85% done- and taking me a little longer than an hour- but that's because I was tired!


Hope you all have a wonderful Monday- it's time for me to get ready for a 'fun-filled' week in Paradise!!!

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Good morning!

Not much going on here. Laundry, cleaning, tidying up, going to go over my x-mas gifts/lists to make sure that I have everything then have to go grocery shopping.

Joanne-thank you for the wonderful link! Soo many patterns, I just want to make everything-mitts, ghans, scarves, neck warmers, washclothes...oh when can I just crochet all the time?:think

Back to cleaning. BBL!

Have a great Monday dearest friends!

Always, hugs n squishes!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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I'm in a grrrrrrrr mood, and don't want to share it with you. I hope I will get back to "normal" after this weekend is over. For now, must rush about like decapitated chicken, to get everything done before I start tutoring, then go to work... Love my life....

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hey ladies, just a quick check in to let u know im still kickin lol on my phone so some text talk may slip in :blush internet still a mess and spoke to a few people today :angry i'll try to check in again later after work :xfin found the orange yarn and am just about done with the orange ripple. :clap im on the third and last round of the border :yay


ok, c y'all later

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Hi Ladies

I just finish doing a craft show on the weekend. I didn't do all that good. I have another one coming up this weekend so I hope I do better.

I have not caught up on what everyone has been up to. I have not been on the computer for what feels like ages.

Dh thinks he broke his finger so he is at the Doctors and Iam going to get dinner ready. We are having BBQ steak tonight. I don't think we will be able to BBQ much longer. We got snow here while I was at the craft show and DH had to snowblow. It melted pretty good today, itwas nice and sunny here.

I hope everyone is well, and I miss you all very much.

I think about all of you everyday.

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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Hi friends!


Just a quick fly-by to say :hi!! (Hey, that rhymed!!) Thanksgiving was nice- we went out to dinner because BIL still doesn't have a stove. Everyone joked with the waiter (who, of course, didn't know) that I burned the turkey so we had to go out. :lol We came home Sunday, and sadly, as soon as I walked in the house, I wanted to turn around and walk right back out. It was trashed. :angry:sigh Just terrible...I ended up doing laundry, taking a shower, and going grocery shopping, then spending most of the night in my room, working on a project for my health class.

I have to pick up the girls in a few minutes, come home for a quick snack, then off to dance and sports classes. Dh has class tonight, and my project is due tomorrow, so that is what I will be working on while he is gone. I can't wait until school is done so I can :hook:hook:hook. I will only have 1 week to work on teachers' gifts but I know what I am going to make anyway, so it shouldn't be too bad.

Well, I must run- hopefully bbl to check in with everyone!! Love and hugs!!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hey there ladies :hi


Home from a not so great day at work :( Just kind of a bummy one, but of course better now because I'm home :lol Going to work on the last round of the border on my orange ripple and hope I finish this evening....it's a slow going round and it's a big afghan :think


Stacy - good luck with your project tonight :yes


Be back in a bit.

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I'm in a grrrrrrrr mood, and don't want to share it with you. I hope I will get back to "normal" after this weekend is over. For now, must rush about like decapitated chicken, to get everything done before I start tutoring, then go to work... Love my life....


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