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LeaAnn, what scents did you use, and how do you like them?


Joanne, I honestly wouldn't want to go back to college. I was constantly sick, stuck in an abusive relationship, and working my way through -- it wasn't a social experience for me -- I didn't have time or energy for that. I wouldn't want to give up my life now, though. I love my kids, my friends, my crochet.


Stacy, :think we're supposed to remember things on our schedule??? I just got a call reminding me that I'm getting "the girls" squished tomorrow, right after I arranged a special tutoring session a little too close to that time for my comfort. Time to reschedule the tutoring...


Welcome home, Sarah! I hope you get a nice break before you go back. Those children are so lucky to have you to help them out -- give them stability and love when their grandmother is not available. It's a sacrifice on your part, but I am proud of you for doing it!


Colleen, I never heard of a Christmas gum drop cake. Could you explain it a bit to me? :drool You bake the most wonderful things. I'm sorry it fell apart. Isn't that the sign of a very tender, moist cake, though? I'm sure it was still highly delicious!


Busy busy week. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and the break I'll get then.

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Hey girls!!


It's already been a long day and it's only 3:15. :yawn I made it to everything on time, thank goodness. :whew The yoga prof. let the class out 20 minutes early, so I had to rush, but I made it. Isabella got her award and then was too cool to take pictures with us. :( Dh told her she had to, because she's never too cool for her parents. :lol After the award ceremony, I went to Trader Joe's for a special dinner (orange chicken) and Von's for dessert (Drumsticks ice cream. :drool)

Came home, and there was a letter in the mail from the school nurse saying that Mia failed her hearing test. :sigh I'm torn between relief at finally getting an answer, and frustration that it's taken so long for someone to figure it out! But at least I have something to show her dr. now.

Then (yes, there's more! :lol) I went to pick up the girls, and the little boy who hit Mia in the head with a plastic chair on Monday, today pushed her on the playground so hard that she skidded across the gravel and scraped up her hip. :angry:tryme At least she was sent to the nurse this time. The teacher assured me that the parents would be contacted, but if it happens again, I might go to the principal.

Whew...so I am ready for a nap! Dh and I are going out for coffee later, though, so I guess that's the next best thing. :D


Beth, good luck with your squishy-ness tomorrow. :hug:hug Were you able to reschedule the tutor? And yes- I think adults are somehow supposed to remember their schedules, although I don't know how. :think


Joanne, the employment law class sounds neat! I was actually thinking of taking a sociology class next semester, since there are no prerequisites for any of them. There is one about society and personality that sounds interesting. :yes


Leeann, :yay for no cavities!! What scents do you put in your baskets?


Well, I'm off to get some things done around here. Hope you all have a great evening! :ghug



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Evening all!


Stacy-you are patient! I would have been pretty upset with the school if my child were hurt. Glad that they sent your dd to the nurse. Our ds didn't want to be seen with us when he was in the 5th & 6th grade....but he changed his tune, took a few chats and such. But he knows that good things happen when he's being good. Hope coffee with dh is fun and relaxing!


Beth-schedules and appts. have taken up most of my week. It is difficult to remember everything. Hang in there! I can't believe that you finished with X-mas goodies, I still need those darn tea towels...I don't know why, but I haven't felt like embroidering.


Joanne-how was your day?


the scents that I use for my bath are: Japanese Cherry Blossom, Sweet Pea, Sweet Orange, Pearberry, Pomegranate, Strawberri-kiwi, Coconut, Almond, Grapefruit Blush, Citrus Blend, Peaches & Creme, Cucumber Melon, Invigorating Blend, Vanilla and Green Apple. Whew! I basically make the soap and matching bath salts, bubble bath and crocheted wash cloth. They are selling, I will be putting some in Kathi's shop next week to see how they do. I add Vitamin E and other oils for softness.


I finished cleaning my craft corner!:clap:cheer I made myself do it. And I cleaned out the t.v. room too. I am on a roll! Better get dinner going.


Hugs n squishes!

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Hi all,

LeeAnn- those baskets and fragences sound scrumptious!! Good luck with selling them in Kathi's shop. Great news about the dental appointments!!!!! And finally, kudo's for cleaning up your craft area and your tv room. Can you come to NJ?


Beth- I don't miss the stress of homework and papers, but do miss the learning part of school- As long as the prof was interesting and the class something I was interested in all was good!


Stacy- Wow, poor Mia- give her an extra hug!!! I sure hope they talk to that "bully's" parents! Glad that they found the hearing problem. Enjoy your coffee with DH tonight!

Did you know that the Bux has buy one get one holiday drink free from 2-5 for the next few days? I am going to try and get out of work on time tomorrow so I can get there by 5 to get 2 Gingerbread Latte's for the price of one- or get one Gingerbread Latte and one Peppermint Mocha latte.


Hope everyone had a good day- time to get off of here and get something to eat!!!!

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That sounds so cool, Leeann! Japanese Cherry Blossom sounds :dreaming!! Good luck with them selling in Kathi's store. I wanted to learn soap-making at one point, don't know why I never did. WTG on cleaning your craft corner!! :cheer

And I always thought the "too cool" thing started around 5th or 6th grade like you said, but Isabella has been acting like that for a couple months now, and she's only in 2nd. She's also been kind of mean to Mia lately (although I know that has a lot to do with Roomie's dd, also.) We've had some chats already. She is a fantastic kid, but her attitude needs a little adjusting now and then. :wink


Joanne- YES!! I did hear about that 2-for-1 offer. Dh doesn't like flavored coffees, though, so I'm going to stop and get one to drink, and put the other one in the fridge for the next day. :D:rofl:devil I've been thinking of trying that gingerbread latte. They brought my caramel brulee back, though, and I can't resist!



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Good morning!


TGIF!! Wow Friday came fast ( I could so get used to working a 3 day week- LOL)


Stacy- That's what I'm planning to do also- buy one to drink this evening on my way home and put the other in the fridge for tomorrow. My DD's like the eggnog latte but I've never tried it. I do like the Caramel Brulee too. But this time around I'll be getting gingerbread latte and peppermint mocha---fingers crossed I get of work on time to meet the 5PM deadline (love how they offer this great deal between 2-5PM- NOT)


Hope you all have wonderful day today-


Off to get ready for Paradise!!

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Top of the morning!

Marisa-so happy to see your post! I was hoping that your internet was not down. how are you?

Joanne-coffee sounds :c9 I just had two cups and hope that it will give me energy. I think I am coming down with a sinus infection and took two nighttime meds last night. They make me drowsy. Hopefully I will feel better soon.

Stacy-what's on the agenda for the day?

I am going to work on laundry and tidy up then maybe I can sneak some :hook time in....or embroider:devil

hugs n squishes!

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Hi everyone!


I didn't get my Starbuck's drinks- buy one get one since I didn't leave work till after 5, but you can be sure I'm heading there tomorrow @ 2!!!


Had a busy, but fast Friday- so now it's the weekend and I can relax (that is after all the cleaning i have to do tomorrow morning- and I wasn't home last weekend so there is lots to do) Early start for sure! Can't believe this time last Friday, I was with 2 of my DD's in Boston!!! I miss it!!!!


LeeAnn- If you have a sinus infection, you probably need an antibiotic. Hope you are feeling better.


Marisa- I figured you were having internet issues again when I didn't see your posts. Hope they finally figured out that it could be outside cable lines!! Have a great weekend with your parents- and fun at the Sixers game tonight.


Have a good evening!

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Hey girls! Happy Friday!!!


I went for a haircut this morning- finally found a stylist that will cut it exactly as I want it! :cheer:clap:yay:c9 She talked me into buying a hair treatment, though, and now I feel kinda guilty about it. :blush Afterward I volunteered in Mia's class for their Thanksgiving feast. I also stopped at Whole Foods, which, unfortunately, I was not too impressed with. I bought a couple boxes of cereal and some snacks for our trip. We had planned to take the girls for family swim at the Y, but dh seems like he is getting sick again. We'll see.


Joanne, did you make it to Starbucks in time?


Marisa, glad to see your internet is still working!


Leeann, hope you are feeling better. Did you work on your :hook or embroidery?



Love and hugs to all! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


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Stacy- Hope DH feels better- We must have posted at the same time. Didn't make it in time for the Buy one get one, but it's on my agenda for tomorrow for sure!!!


Didn't know you were planning a trip (or if you mentioned it, I forgot) Have fun!

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HI All!


still feel icky-I went to Kathi's to finish helping her then felt just terrible...so had to sit and relax. Dh came home and gave me meds. He said it's more like a cold, but if it is a sinus infection I will have to see a doc. I don't want to....:-))) but will if I really can't kick it. Didn't get any hook time in, maybe this evening.


Stacy-hope your dh feels better so that you can all go swimming. I gave myself a hair treatment this morning and soaked with bath salts...oh what a life!


Joanne-sorry you missed Bux, will keep my fingers crossed that you can stop in tomorrow.


going to sit and try to hook. Hugs n squishes!

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Oh, we must've posted at the same time. LoL Sorry you didn't get it today, but enjoy your drinks tomorrow! Dh decided as I was about to walk out the door that he wanted to try the eggnog latte. :( So I didn't get my extra drink for tomorrow, and he didn't like his drink anyway. Double phooey! Maybe I'll go back tomorrow. :devil:rofl


Leeann, how nice that you pampered yourself! :manyheart I rarely do. The hair treatment I bought is for home use, but the stylist gave me a deep conditioning treatment there, and let me just say it was soooooooo nice to have someone else washing my hair! :yes Sorry you're feeling crummy, :xfin that it's not an infection!


We are going to BIL's for Thanksgiving, leaving early that morning since dh has class on Wednesday night. I don't think I mentioned it yet since it wasn't final until today. :wink


Well I'd better go. The girls want ice cream and I need to find something for dinner for myself. :lol Good night! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!!!:bday:birthday:bday:cake Sarah!!!! Enjoy your day!!! Hope you get to have some "me" time for your birthday!


Stacy- My two DD's like the eggnog latte- I tasted one of theirs, and I didn't really like it either. Maybe if I had mentioned that your DH wouldn't have tried it! I'm definitely heading there today between 2-5 to get one drink for today and one for tomorrow!


Lots of cleaning on my agenda for this morning:(. Since I was away last weekend, DH took the opportunity to lounge about:lol. I can really see the dust since the sun is shining brightly. So I'll be dusting and vacuuming and cleaning bathrooms and kitchen this morning. I did do laundry when I got back form Boston on Tuesday so I don't think I'll do that today.


I should pour myself another cup of coffee and get this cleaning done so I can spend some time on my crocheting- I have one more square to do for the Bernat CAL and then get to start assembling the squares. DD also wants me to make her a red and black scarf (Rutgers colors) like the one she saw I made my oldest in gold and black (Bruins colors). She and DH are going to the Rutgers football game the day after Thanksgiving and would like it by then. Luckily I make it with 2 strands of yarn together in HDC so it should go quick!!!


Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!:hug:hug

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:bday Sarah! I hope your day is AWESOME! :flower


It's another fun Nutcracker-performance-filled day!!! OK, maybe I'm not that enthusiastic about it. Teaching the girls to make the seals tanked. The yarn is very hard to work with. My experienced gals did great, but the beginners were very frustrated, until I suggested they try with a different yarn. When they could see the stitches, they were doing much better, but the seals will be teeny tiny, and the safety eyes and nose won't work.


I need to run back to the store. The deli was closed early this morning. And I went early to avoid the pre-Thanksgiving shoppers...


I hope you get your Bux, Joanne. Stacy, you deserve to pamper yourself a little. LeaAnn, I hope you feel better soon. Hugs to everyone!:hug:hug:hug

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:bday:bday:birthday Dear Sarah!!!!!!! :bday


Hope you have a fantastic day!! Any special plans?



Joanne, good luck with getting your cleaning done! And with getting the scarf done. If I remember correctly, didn't you make it like strip from the flannelghan? That should go fairly quickly. :yes


Beth, good luck with the Nutcracker. Is this just practice or have the actual performances started already? :think Sorry to hear the seal pattern wasn't a hit. Maybe if they used a chunky yarn, the seals would be bigger?


Colleen, :hi!! Haven't seen you around in a while. Hope all is well with you and your family. :hug:hug:hug:hug


Leeann, hope you are feeling better today. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


It is :rain here!!!! :jumpyay Love it! The perfect day to stop for another coffee. :blush:devil We have a birthday party to attend at 1. It's Mia's friend from pre-school, she is beyond excited and has been dressed to the shoes since 8. :rofl Dh is studying today, and I have some homework to do tonight and possibly tomorrow. So I think our weekend is going to be relatively relaxed. :yes


Time to jump in the shower! Have a great day! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. Just going to spend the day resting as that cough came back when I was staying at Doug's mom's for that week and has been getting worse. See the doctor again on Monday. Did get to go out for a couple of hours on Thursday and used some of the money I got for babysitting this week on myself... bought 2 CDs: Josh Groban's Illumination and Enya's Amarantine plus the Lord of the Rings Trilogoy on DVD(managed to find the LotR used at the local bookstore/movie store so got a deal there). Most I've spent on myself in a LONG time. Keith is sick also with a virus and upper respiratory infection so he's on antibiotics. But he's good when he's sick, he runs around like nothing is wrong at all.


Mary- :hug:hug:hug:hug so sorry for your family's loss


Doug is home from the side job he went to this morning so I may just go back to bed.

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Mary- Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Sorry for your loss.:hug:hug


Stacy- Yes, the scarf was done like the flannel'ghan- good memory!!!


Sarah- Hope you feel better- and enjoy the rest of the day- even if it means taking a nap- it's your day today to do whatever you want.


Beth- How is DS doing with his role in the Nutcracker? And DD? Enjoy- it's one of my favorite shows- think I may listen to the Nutcracker on my ipod later while I crochet a bit.


Cleaning is all done!! Plus I went to the attic- DH needed something and I'm the designated go up to the attic person- :lol:lol So while up there I brought two bins of stuff down and went through them- most of it is going to Goodwill which I'm going to do now- and then stop at the Bux for my gingerbread latte!!!!

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:sickHi all!

Sarah-Happy Happy Birthday to you! Hope you feel better soon! Glad that you were able to spend your hard earned money on goodies for yourself.

Joanne-you were on the ball today! Did you get your coffee?

Stacy-how was the party for dd? I bet she had a great time!

Beth-sorry to hear that the seal was a bust, but on a better note, it's the process not the end product that they will remember. :hug

Mary-hugs n prayers headed your way.:hug

I have been sick.:headache headache, body ache, stuffy nose, congestion, cough....oh the list goes on and on. I am out of bed for a teeny tiny bit but feel like crawling back in. My family has been wonderful taking care of me. I try not to bug them, just a glass of water here and there and meds. Back to bed with myself.

hugs n extra gente squishes!

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Good morning~


I got up at my usual early hour and finished the last Bernat Square and then weaved in the ends for those last 8 squares. I then laid it out and will spend some time today sewing the squares together. I've got dinner in the crock pot (beef stew) and had breakfast. Just need to shower and get comfy and plan to make this a lazy Sunday- crocheting and watching football, and possibly a nap and some reading.


LeeAnn- Hope today finds you feeling better and I'm glad that your Dh and kiddos are taking good care of you. I DID get my bux yesterday- a gingerbread latte and a peppermint latte. I put the peppermint latte in the fridge and will heat it up and have it later this afternoon.


Sarah- i hope the rest of your birthday was relaxing for you and that today finds you feeling a little better- otherwise, I agree you should go back to the doc. Hope Keith is doing ok too!


Stacy- you get your homework done? I saw your post on FB about the Barbie nail dryer -that is insane 200 for a kids toy!!!!! Crazy


LeaAnne- Hope work continues to go well. I see 'your' store is having a nice sale- Vanna's 1.99 and Caron Pounder 4.99!!!! Bet you'll be busy at work!


Colleen- Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts for your new business venture!!!


Beth- How did the Nutcracker go? I did listen to some of it yesterday on my ipod. Just love the music and the ballet!!!


Marisa- Hope you are having a good time at your parents. How's the hair color- and how did the baking go with your Dad?


Shannon- How are you and Janna-ness? Miss you around here---Same goes for you Vicki- how's the headaches? Have you gotten any crocheting done?


Well, off to shower and get comfy.....have a wonderful day.

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