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Some good clean fun?!

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I finally did some crocheting! I made the first of the last 8 squares for the Bernat CAL. Instead of the flower one that they posted, I just did a simple solid granny using the 4 colors called for. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it!! LOL


Beth- That is so awesome about your DS!! (and I had to chuckle when you posted that his GF thinks it cool) Have a good day- and to answer your question- I think burnt pumpkin could definitely be considered a "manly" color!


LeeAnn- Can't wait to see your wrap!!! Have a great day too!


Well, my DD's are finally deciding to wake up - so let the day begin!!!

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Hi Ladies

Iam home................... :cheer:cheer:cheer 2 weeks is a long time to be away from home. I get to sleep in my own bed tonight.........:cheer:cheer:cheer

I did a fast catchup and I will post better soon.

Also thankyou all for the Birthday wishes. You guys are the best.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Is burnt pumpkin a manly color?


I vote yes! :tup Whatcha gonna make with it?... and WTG for DS volunteering! :applause


Hi, girls!


Welcome home, Mary! did you have a successful show?


LeeAnn - nice wrap!


Sarah - I bet your pics came out great!


Stacy - I hope school is going well, and glad you had a great visit with your Ma:D


Colleen - How are you friend? What's new these days with you?


Marisa - How was your weekend? you had more seminars? did you and your friend get to have fun too?


Joanne - :cheer:cheerfor :crocheting! Have a safe trip home, dear friend! One of these times I will have to come to Somerville and find ya!:lol


Vicki - How's life treatin' you, girl?


Shannon - :hi!!!!


We have a big corporate visit tomorrow, so there has been lots to do for me at work. I do still love it, who would have thunk, huh?!:rofl

...anyhoo... I do :manyheart you girls, and hope your day was FANTABULOUS!



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At Doug's Mom's again. Got to see what a pediatric therapy session was like. Took Doug's step-nephew (Zachary) to his therapy session and it was really interesting to watch what they do to help a child catch up to his age level.


Some things I wouldn’t have thought of and the various uses they have for common things (like shaving cream) are interesting. The therapist was actually really nice (and extremely patient) and was willing to explain what she was doing and why. I learned a lot from the session.


Not something I could do cause I know I don’t have the patience but it was interesting to see how people work with a child to help them. And gives me a great deal of respect for the people doing it cause the patience they have to have is amazing.


Will come back on after I get everyone to bed in a couple of hours.

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Good evening ladies :hi


Work went quickly today and then mary and I went to five guys for dinner and to home depot to pick out paint and carpet for my office :clap We're doing some remodeling and my boss said I could pick whatever color I wanted, and then go 2 shades lighter :lol I ended up with a light green called celery bunch and a medium gray carpet :yes


We also got a new helper today :clap She actually the old receptionist from the other office that the girl we just trained went to :think Very nice surprise and it helps that she already knows our system and processes :yes


Joanne - I know you're having fun at the hockey game!!!! I hope your cousin is doing well :hug :hug


LeeAnn - Awesome wrap and I love the colors, but you're right missy....back to xmas gifts (unless of course you were making one as a xmas gift :think )


Beth - How great of your son to volunteer to help out? And I'm glad his gf is totally supportive and that dad is being a little cautious with the joking :lol And I agree with the burnt pumpkin, I think it's manly....what are you making?


Mary - :yay for being home. I'm sure you'll sleep really well tonight :c9


LeaAnne - I didn't go to the seminar this weekend, but my friend did. We went out for Mexican on saturday night and just hung out at the house, low key. I hope your corporate visit goes well tomorrow :xfin


Sarah - I think it would be very interesting to sit in on that session :think I also think I'm not patient enough to have that job and I surely to commend those that do, and do it well :yes

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Ok kids in bed. Now I can relax a few minutes before I clean up the mess Doug left when he cooked dinner while I was taking Zack to therapy.


LeaAnne - Glad you're enjoying your job =0)


Mary - It's good to be home isn't it =0) Hope you had a nice trip.


LeeAnn - Your wrap is lovely =0) Love the colors.


Joanne- yay for doing some crocheting. I can't wait to see how the mystery project from Bernat that those of you are doing turns out. Glad you're enjoying your vacation.


Beth - Love that your DS wants to do that and that his GF is supporting him =0) YAY for finishing Christmas presents.


Marisa - hope they get your internet working soon.


Stacy - YAY for a quiet day =0) Hope you enjoyed it. Glad you had a nice time with your mother.


Hope you all have a good week and I'll probably post again tomorrow night after I get all the kids in bed. Workers will be in the house during the day so getting on during the day will be difficult.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Nothing new to report since last night :(


Sarah - Hope you have a good day today with everything going on there :yes:hug :hug


I hope y'all have a great tuesday :) I anticipate work to be busy today, but I'll be back in later when I get home :yes

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Marisa-you just have a great day! :hug Thank you for the motivation to keep plugging away. I was looking thru my list and only have the tea towel sets to get to and then the gifts for my kiddos. Not sure what I am going to buy/make them. I will get to them soon tho.t

Sarah-therapy is really neat. Glad that you are home and can sleep in your own bed and relax.

Beth-burnt pumpkin is an excellent color! What are you going to make with it? You are sure getting your gifts made and ready fast! WTG!

Joanne-heading home today? Have a safe trip!

LeaAnne-oooohhh laaaa laaaa! The head tacos are coming on? your displays will be fantastic!

Yesterday I took ds in to have 2 plantar warts removed from the bottom of his foot. I have had a wart on my ring finger for about a year now. I had tried treating it myself but it had never gone away. Anyhow, I was telling the doc that I would have to schedule an appt to have mine removed, he said, "we can do it now" so....he had to treat it 4 times with liquid nitrogen then they cut it off, then they put silver nitrate on it....oh my gosh! Can I just tell you that I felt like my finger was cut off? :eek:eek:eek Very painful! I am still in quite a bit of pain, I should have taken care of this sooner but I am such a wimp. But on a better note, ds did well, he was in pain too, but his were teeny tiny. So just had to zap them.

Today I will be helping Kathi one last time, before she opens. :D And have to get those baskets done. I ordered new scents, so excited to give them a try!

have a great day friends! BBL!

hugs n squishes!

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Hi friends!!


Marisa, how nice of your boss to let you re-decorate your office! Celery bunch sounds like a very pretty color. :yes


Leeann, ouchie @ your finger!! When I was 10 or so, I also had a plantar wart removed from my heel- the dr. didn't put enough Novocaine in it before he took it out, and I felt the whole thing! Yikes...I'm sure your son's foot feels much better with them gone, though. :yes Good luck to your friend and her store!


LeaAnne, so glad to see your cheery posts!! :hug:hug:hug Miss you, girl. I'm glad that your job is going well. Good luck with the corporate visit. How are the chickens doing?


Sarah, glad you got some ideas from the therapist. Yes, the things they do are unconventional, but it's so cool how it helps. :yes


Mary, it's great to see your red writing again!! :yay Glad you had a safe trip. :hug:hug:hug


Joanne, sounds like you're doing tons of fun things on vacation! Glad you're having a great time with your dd's. :manyheart


Vicki, how are the headaches? Is the medication helping? How is dd? Didn't she have her belt test around Halloween? How did that go? :cheer:cheer


I feel very accomplished- last night after dh left for school, the girls cleaned their room (to my satisfaction LoL) then I cleaned the bathroom and my bedroom. This morning I cleaned up the living room a bit, loaded the dishwasher and wiped down counters, and made dental appointments for all 3 girls. :D It will be Eva's first check-up, but she's been with me to all of Mia's so she is familiar with the dentist already. Isabella will have her very first orthodontic appointment next week! :eek I am biting my nails, because I know she needs a mouth guard. Our old dentist said she grinds her teeth (probably while sleeping) but we switched insurance before anything could be done about it.

Oh, did I tell you all that Isabella is receiving an award for outstanding achievement at school?! I am beyond thrilled. Three awards are given out per class, and this is the 3rd year she has received one. :manyheart Unfortunately I realized this morning that the assembly conflicts with a class in which I already have 3 absences, so I will have to talk to the professor. I'm sure she'll be fine with it but I feel terrible because it is my health class, which I really love.


Well, I better get scooting, it's almost time for school. Lots of love and hugs to all!

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:hi everybody. I apologize for zipping in and out of here so quickly, and not talking much. I think things will slow down after the Nutcracker. I hope they will any way.


Here are some hugs I've been stockpiling. If you pass them around and send them back, they will be even more valuable!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Oh, I almost forgot. The burnt pumpkin yarn is left over from the dog pillow I made, and I'm using it to make hats to donate. I just wanted to think I was donating manly hats. Most of them tend to be girly colors.

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Hi all,


I'm back home in cloudy drizzly NJ! I miss Boston already!


We had such a great time together and the days just flew by!!! We made really good time getting home and I'm already unpacked,and laundry is in the dryer.


The game last night was lots of fun. It was Military appreciation day so there was lots of patriotic music and cheering for all the military men and women in attendance at the game. Unfortunately the Bruins beat the Devils, but my oldest was very happy with the win. We went to the North End afterwards and had pastries and coffee--that kind of made it all ok- LOL


Tomorrow will be back to Paradise- and I'll be busy every day! But for the rest of the day, I think I'm going to finish the laundry and read and crochet. It is, after all, my last day of vacation!!!!

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how is everyone? Busy I am sure.

Beth-thank you for the hugs! Back atcha!

Joanne-Welcome home! Here's hoping that tomorrow will not be stressful! Glad you had a great time with dd's. What are you working on as far as crocheting?

Marisa-you would be so proud of me! I embroidered today, almost have 1 tea towel done. I didn't work on it very long, went to lunch with Kathi and then hung out...we didn't work in the shop, but will get back to it on Thursday.

Stacy-Congratulations to dear Isabella! What a smart gal! How exciting!

Marisa-how was your day?

nothing new since this morning, just keeping busy. BBL! off to warm up dinner!

hugs n squishes!

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LeaAnn, I hope your finger feels better today. That sounds very painful.


Stacy, I don't know which would make me prouder, the clean room, or the award at school. You must be a very happy mama!


Joanne, I hope Paradise managed OK while you were gone. Welcome home. It sounds like you had a lovely trip. You deserved it.


LeaAnne, sounds like you are staying busy. I am very proud of your success in your job. Not surprised, just proud.


Marisa, did you have a busy day yesterday? Did it go by fast? I like those kinds of days.


Vicki, How's your head? How is your dd's TKD going?


Shannon, thinking of you.


Sarah, are you home now?


Colleen, I hope things are going well with the tutoring and volunteering, and all the many other things you do.


Mary, good to hear from you. Welcome home! I hope all is well in God's Country!


Work is chaotic, but at least it goes by quickly. I have so much to do that isn't for my family right now, my house is being neglected. Oh well. I can catch up next month.

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Good morning everyone,


Back to paradise for me today! I was able to complete some of the squares for the Bernat CAL- have four more to do than I can start assembling it!!!


I started a scarf last night for youngest DD- she saw the black and gold one I had made for my oldest last year and she wants one in Red and black so I did 2 squares, then started the scarf. Back to the squares tonight.


Hope everyone has a good day.

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Joanne-can't believe that you will start connecting soon! how fun! What size do you think the ghan will be?

Beth-juggling work and family is difficult. It is tiring trying to keep all things afloat. Do you work much in December?

Sarah-forgot to tell ya,the yarn that I used for the wrap was a self patterning yarn that I bought at Joannes. I love that yarn! I am drooling at the possibilities and want to buy more.

Stacy, Shannon, Vicki, Mary, Marisa and LeaAnne-hope you are all having a Wonderful Wednesday!

Today is Early Release, that means that kiddos only have school till 12, but I scheduled their dentat appts. this morning at 10 and 11. They are bummed, but I couldn't squeeze them in after school because the office only stays open till 4, their latest appt is 2. So either way they would have to miss a little bit of school. They went to school and then I will be picking them up.

Ds's toe has a huge blister on it where they treated the wart. He had two P.E. classes yesterday, I think the friction caused the blister to swell. I took him back to the dr.s office, they said he will be fine but he should try not to aggrevate it more. My finger is doing better, it is still an ugly black and purple color but not as painful.

guess I best hop to it! hugs n squishes dear friends!

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:hi friends :hi


Sorry I've been MIA lately. I just haven't felt up to chatting. Too preoccupied I guess. Life has been good and very busy. My tutoring and volunteering are going great. I'm really enjoying the kids. My lead on a job is looking weak, so I have been very busy getting organized to start my own business offering sort of "free lance" office services for small business owners. I am waiting for my business cards to come in and finalizing a few forms and then I will be launching. Wish me luck!


I spent much of yesterday in the kitchen. I did a roast chicken for supper, made soup stock (tonight's supper), and baked my Christmas gum drop cake (which fell apart upon removing it from the pan :grumpy). I need to catch up on housework today, but I was volunteering this morning, followed by errands, and then tutoring this afternoon followed by a Parent-Teacher interview after school. So, I doubt I'll get much done. :lol


I can't say I've been able to keep up with all of you, but I hope your work, home and craft pursuits are going well. :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi all!


Just a quick drop-in before I'm off to school. I have a paper due today, wish me luck. :xfin It is my *first ever!!* college paper. Well, at this college, anyway. But it's safe to say that it's been a few years. :lol I'm nervous because I know my writing is a bit rusty. I am hoping to take my English placement exam in the next couple weeks, so I will be able to register for an English course.

I also need to figure out dinner for tonight. Mia had the most catastrophic meltdown last night because she DID. NOT. want to eat what I made. She cried herself to sleep. :blush Even though it was something she's had plenty of times and usually is the only child to eat it. :eek

I spoke with my professor about missing class tomorrow, and she tried to say I already have 4 absences! (She drops students after the 5th.) I told her there was no way because I know exactly why I was absent for all 3, so she marked me down for the 3 and made a note that I will not be there tomorrow. I have to do an extra article report to make up for it, but that only takes about an hour. Easy-peasy.



Colleen- WTG on starting your own business! I wish you heaps of success! :cheer:clap:yay I'm glad to hear you're enjoying your volunteering jobs, also. How is dd doing these days?


Joanne, welcome back to reality! :lol Can't wait to see what your Bernat project looks like. :D Hey, have you tried the ravioli carbonara from TJ's? I've sampled it twice, and it is soooo yummy! :drool I've had to stop myself from buying it, though, because we're trying to eat healthier meals and the filling is cheese and bacon. :( Maybe just once won't hurt, especially if I make it with a nice green salad. :devil


Leeann, good luck at the dentist! :xfin that the cavities stay away!


Okie dokie, I better get moving. BBL! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


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Hi all,


Stacy- No I haven't tried the ravioli cabonara- but it sure sounds like something DH would love! He loves ravioli. Maybe I'll buy it for a treat- and yes I'll have more salad than ravioli!!!!

That's great that you can miss class- and good thing you kept track of your absences. I'm sure you're "first" official paper at school went well. And good luck on the english placement exams. I miss school- can't believe it's 2 years already since I finished. But all things happen for a reason- I started crocheting after I finished school and then found the Ville and then found lots of friends here. My crocheting habit is fun- but I do miss classes and the interaction with other students. I may look in to some sort of certificate program at Rutgers for next fall. We'll see!


Colleen- Lots of good luck on your business venture. Was wondering what you were up to!!! It was good to hear from you and that is a great idea for a business. Sorry to hear about your gum drop cake!


LeeAnn- Did all go well at the dentist? Not sure of the measurements- but we made 45 8 inch squares and one 16 incher that goes in the middle so it will be a nice size afghan!


Marisa- Hope you have fun at the game tonight.


Mary- welcome back home!!! How did the craft fair go?


Beth- This is a busy time of year, between holidays, work, real life obligations- you were SO smart to get your afghans all made ahead of time!!!


LeaAnne- How did the corporate visit go? Bet they were very impressed with you!


Sarah- That's so cool that you got to sit in on the therapy session. It takes special people to do that kind of work!!


Vicki- How's it going in your neck of the woods> Bet DH is happy, happy happy with the Jets win on Sunday!! How are your headaches and vertigo?


Shannon- Where are you? Hope all is well.


Well, off to finally get some dinner. (and sure wish I had some TJ's ravioli right about now)


Have a good night!

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Good evening, dear Besties!


Sheesh, I just remembered that I have another class tomorrow that runs until 10:50, so I will have to see if I can leave about 15 minutes early to make it to the assembly. :sigh And I'm really thinking of taking a full load next semester? :rofl I can't even keep 3 classes straight.

I'm so tired tonight. I'd like to wait up for dh but don't think that's going to happen.


Joanne, my SIL said the same thing after she finished school- that she missed it and wanted to take classes just to keep going! LoL I have to admit, even though I'm so far behind on my housework, etc- it sure feels nice to have something else to focus on during the day. :yes Did you go for the 2- year program or do you have a B.N.?


Leeann, how did the dentist go?


Sarah, hope you get some time for yourself before you have to babysit again!


I have a climate chart to work on, then maybe some yoga, then bed! Catch you all in the morning! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!!!


Stacy- I have a BA in Sociology. I opted not to continue in nursing but to finish my degree in sociology which is what my major was many moons ago. Its a subject that really interests me. I also took a few Labor classes as electives such as Employment Law (which was actually taught by a lawyer who specializes in employment law- that was one of my favorite classes- I learned so much) Good luck with tomorrow!


Beth- Yes, it is morning and I see I'm running a tad late. Thank goodness the work week is almost over - I could get used to a 3 day work week!!!


Sarah- Glad to hear you are back home for a while!!


Everyone- hope you have a good day- time to get ready here!!!

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Good Day!

How is everyone today? Hopefully well.

The dental appts. went well. No cavities! wooohoooo! I am soo happy! They have never had a cavitiy or tooth problem, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that we can keep it up.

Stacy-college is addicting! I was thinking of going back, but really have to think about it. I know that I want to take a few business courses but have to really really really think because I sure do not miss the stress.

Joanne-That is so cool that you only have a 3 day week! Can't wait to see your ghan, I bet you have been laying the squares out to see what they look like.

Beth-yep...it's morning. I didn't get up with the kiddos, I felt like someone was smashing my head, feels like a sinus headache. But I must get with the program and get my corner tidied up. I have been saying I am going to clean out my craft area, but to no avail....I started yesterday but then was distracted. What is on your agenda for the day?

Sarah-glad that you are home and can take a break from baby sitting.

Finished the soap baskets with the new scents last night. Have them all packaged up and ready to go. Best get moving!

Hugs n squishes!

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