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quick post. Will post more after I get kids in bed in a couple of hours... just letting you all know I'm alive but not sure about my sanity LOL and it's only the second day, first day by myself (Doug was with me yesterday) I'm here until the weekend...


My quote in my signature has never been truer LOL

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Evenin' all!

Joannnnnneeeee-I miss you!!! I know you are busy, but please know that you are missed. :hug

Marisa-glad that you had a slow Monday at work, but sometimes the day drags on and on. :yes Still plugging away on the ghan, now I have the fever to finish it! Will you be watching any games this evening?

Sarah-hang in there! Taking care of kiddos is hard work, but so worth it! How old are the kiddos?

Stacy, Shannon, Mary, LeaAnne, Beth and Vicki-missing all of you too!

Took my auntie shopping then stopped at a friends house to visit. It was nice to have grown up conversation...I miss that. Waiting for dh to get home so that we can eat dinner. I made homemade refried bean burritos for the kiddos and green chile to smother on dh's burritos...yummy!

hugs n squishes!

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Just got in about 1/2 hr ago from DD's house- It was great not having to cook for dinner and having dinner at DD's house (left-overs from the party) but can't believe it's already almost 8:30!! So I'm going to try and get another square done while I watch the World Series and then call it a night.:crocheting

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Ok all the kids in bed, including the puppy who's is asleep in her bed on the floor next to me LOL... Now I can respond to everyone =0)


Marisa - Glad you had a nice visit with your parents and pizza is always good. Sounds like you had a busy day yesterday. I actually miss dressing up for Halloween =0(


LeeAnn - I'll be here until Saturday. Hannah is 7, Zack is 5 (but he has speech and developmental delays which makes it a little harder to understand him, thankfully his sister is able to translate) My son is 4. Hannah and Zack are in school during the day so it's not so bad. I'm mostly here in case something happens at night since their grandma is working nights this week and to pick them up from school while she sleeps during the day. It's just the time between when they get home from school and go to bed that's hectic. My son is not used to playing with other kids as much so this will also be good for him. And I sooo know what you mean about missing adult conversation...


Colleen - Sounds like a fun day for you all =0)


Joanne - glad you were able to go over to your DD and eat. I agree any meal you don't have to cook yourself is great =0)


Beth - Yay for new yarn. Your days are always so busy. Don't know how you do it all.


LeaAnne, Stacy, Mary, Shannon - Hope you all had a safe and fun Halloween.


Today wasn't so bad. It was pretty much like being at home with Keith until I had to go get the other kids from school. That was an adventure in itself. Personally I think they need a traffic cop directing the traffic from the parents picking up their kids as it was a madhouse. And yeah the puppy is being more hassle then the kids. At least the kids will pick up their own messes. Puppy isn't house-broken yet.


It was kinda cute when the kids decided to play "trick or treat" using one of the bedrooms as the "house" They would go knock on the bedroom door and one of the kids would be in the bedroom handing out mega blocks as "candy" There were the usual fights you get between kids, mainly the boys. Neither is really used to sharing so this is a learning experience for them.


Well I'm off to work on Keith's blanket and read until I'm ready to go to bed.

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:hi :hi :hi!!!!


I miss you all soooooo very much when I am not here! Every single night I think about popping in just to see what you all are up to, but by the time the girls are in bed, I am so tired I usually just crawl into bed myself.

We've been fighting the lice situation again. :yuck I have read plenty of info on the internet and I am armed and ready for battle- each girl has had her hair washed with tea tree oil shampoo (thanks for that tip, Colleen!) and blow-dried every night for the past week. :eek Apparently they can't live in heat past 115, so blow-drying and heat styling great options.


Mia has been completely gluten-free for a week and she is doing very well. :yes No more diarrhea :whew and she said her tummy doesn't hurt anymore. (Colleen, I think it was you who mentioned you knew someone who tried a gluten-free diet for a while and they turned out not to have Celiac disease- Mia has more symptoms than just the diarrhea, or I would look toward food allergies or something else in her diet. I also don't use MSG, aspartame, or anything I can't pronounce. :lol Which is what lead me to believe it could be CD.)


The girls had a blast trick-or-treating last night. They each got about a bag full of candy, and I let them have their usual "as much as they want" until the end of the night. Funny- when candy is actually allowed without limits, they really only eat like 5 or 6 pieces each. :lol We made sure to brush their teeth really well last night! I will post pics on FB sometime soon! I hope. :blush


My midterms went well. I don't find out until tomorrow and Thursday what I got, but I am positive that I won't be disappointed. :D The spring schedule comes out soon, I am actually thinking of taking a full load next semester but we'll see what fits into my (and the girls) schedule. Eva can only stay at school until 1 p.m., due to her age (youngest in her class) and some of the afternoon classes end at 1:35 or 1:45.


Well, I hate to drop by and just talk about myself, but Jorge just walked in and I am so ready for bed. I spent most of today cleaning the girls' room, doing laundry, and hunting for ballet slippers. I still can't find tap shoes so that is on my agenda for the rest of the week. My mom is coming tomorrow, too!! :clap:cheer:yay Can't wait.


Lots of love and hugs to everyone!!! Hopefully I can stop by and read up on what you all have been up to later in the week. I'm sure my mom will be busy with the girls quite often. :lol



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Good morning!


Stacy: It was so nice to wake up and see a post from you!! You sure are one busy gal and I give you mucho kudos!!!! It's not easy raising 3 young girls and going to school!!!! I was happy to see that Mia seems to be doing well on the gluten-free diet!! And fingers crossed that the lice situation is under control and will be gone soon.


Enjoy your visit with your Mom!! How long will she be visiting? You must be super excited!


Sarah- By the time you read this you will be one day closer to when you can go back home. It's great that Keith is having some social interaction and it was really cute that they were playing "trick or treat"!


LeeAnn- It sounds like you had a nice time with your Auntie and your refried beans burrito dinner sounds yummy!


Beth- Hope you got through your busy Monday ok. Did DS get to register for next semester?


Colleen- It's quite cold down here in NJ too, but not as cold as by you! I'm so not ready for winter weather!!!!


LeaAnne, Vicki, Mary, Marisa, Shannon- Hi to all of you!


Today is voting day in the US so I'm going to stop and vote on my way into work. After work I'm heading to the university where DD is going for her master's since her BF has an art show opening at the school. Probably won't get home till at least 7 or possibly later!


Have a great day all!!!!

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Good morning, and where's my coffee???


Today is a huge day here! My oldest child gets to vote for the first time!!! It's also my anniversary - 20 years.


Joanne, my son forgot to register for class yesterday. He wants to do it today, but I'm more interested in him voting. My husband and I are fighting over whether he should vote first then register, or register then vote. I told him that voting is just today. He can register for classes tomorrow.


Stacy, I'm so glad Mia is feeling better. Poor baby. I have been there. Congrats on the great midterms. I know you CAN do a full load, but don't try to do too much. Your sanity is important.


Sarah, for all the frustration, it's probably good for Keith and for your niece and nephew to spend time together. Hang in there!!!


LeaAnn, Have you finished the afghan yet?


Marisa, Do you like slow days at work, or do you prefer the faster paced ones?


Mary, thinking of you. How do you like the cold?


Colleen, I love the idea of the University students collecting for the food bank. That's awesome!


LeaAnne, I hope you are loving your job, and your chicks aren't missing you too much.


Vicki, I hope you are headache free today.


Shannon, thinking of you!


Crochetaholic, get any cleaning done??? Do you have any kids? Do you work outside the home? Are you a student?

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Well, kinda busy here last night and this morning :D




I already voted here :yes That was the first thing I did, set my coffee pot and headed out :lol It's only across the street. Came back and my coffee was ready for me and I made some bfast, yummy!


I finished my 16th clue #5 bernat square last night :clap:yay So now have 3 clue 6 squares to catch up for this week before the next clue tomorrow, which I'm not sure I will :think I think I have company coming later which will throw a wrench in my crocheting :lol


LeeAnn - Last night I watched the World Series and a show off my dvr (which is overwhelmed right now :lol ) How nice to take your auntie shopping and visiting :manyheart


Sarah - Sorry the puppy is worse than the kids :hug And you're right, it's good for Keith to be with the other kids :yes


Stacy - Glad to hear from you and that your exams went well this week :yes:h5 I'm sure you'd do fine with a full load next semester, but don't bite off more than you can chew :think Don't get upset if something doesn't fit right :hug :hug Take what works with all your schedules and that you're comfortable handling :soap Good luck with the lice situation, sounds like you got it under control :yes and :yay for your mom coming tomorrow :D


Joanne - Have fun at the art show!!!


Beth - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! And :yay for dd getting to vote for the very first time :clap As for your son, no need to argue....they are both important tasks to be done and there is definitely enough time in the day for him to get both done so it shouldn't matter which order they get done, just so long as the both get done :yes:hug Oh, and I prefer the busy days :yes however, it is nice to have a slow one thrown in there once in a while ;)

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Is it really morning? How could that be? Feel so very tired today....I am waiting for the coffee to kick in.

Marisa-you are on the ball! Voting right away, smart gal! I will go do that this afternoon before picking up the kiddos. I have a few errands to run. I like running errands in the afternoon, it gives me something to look forward to and ensures that I will not turn into a complete hermit. :yes

Beth-maybe your ds can do both? I bet that will be alot of driving around, is there any way he can register on-line?

Stacy-sooo good to hear from ya! you are keeping busy busy busy! I can't believe that next semester is right around the corner...wow!

Colleen-have you been working on any more scarves?

Joanne-so happy to see your post this morn'. Have a great day at work and wonderful evening!

Sarah-hang in there! it will be good for ds to be around other kiddos. :hug

LeaAnne, Vicki and Mary have a great day! BBL!

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LeeAnn - it's not the kiddos that are bugging me... it's the PUPPY. Kids are kids, but at least they clean up after themselves and when you put them to bed they stay there. Puppy decided midnight was playtime last night and wouldn't be quiet until I put her outside and had her run around outside cause I wasn't about to let her run around in the house and make puddles or messes when I was half asleep.


Stacy - sorry you're dealing with lice. That's no fun. It's good to hear from you =0)


Joanne - hope you have a good day.


Beth - Happy Anniversary Hope you have a great day.


Marisa - YAY for the squares.


Colleen, Mary, Vicki, LeaAnne, Shannon and anyone I might've missed hope you all have a good day. :hug:hug:hug to everyone.


I voted during early voting so don't have to worry about that today. Which is good cause the weather is thunderstorms today. Keith is having a blast playing with the puppy right now. Things will be mostly quiet until I go get the kids. Zack at 2:30, Hannah at 3:30 then things will get loud cause they'll be cooped up inside due to the weather. Kids playing I can tune out thanks to when I worked in the kids department at Barnes & Noble, but the puppy's bark is a little harder to ignore. This puppy is reminding me of why I prefer cats. =0)

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Hi all,


Just a quick stop in to see what was going on today!


Kudos to DS Beth for Voting for the first time!!!! And i hope you had a wonderful day- Congrats on 20 years ! That's awesome!!!!


I'll check back in again in the morning before work but it's already getting late and I want to finish the last of the Clue#5 squares tonight!!! Had a great time at the art show, but it's been a long day-


And yes, Marisa, I voted--on my way to work this morning!!!


See you in the AM

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Just dropping in quick to say hello and good night :c9:lol


It was a busy day at work and my internet didn't want to work when I got home, of course....seems to be the story of my life right now :( Of course I called and they are scheduled for next sat the 13th...that's if I don't seek out new service by then :think I'm going to check out clear over the weekend. I was looking online, but want to speak with someone so will head to the store :think Maryann uses it for her laptop with a mobile usb connection, but I need a wireless home network....I need my wii to connect so I can play with my nephews :lol;)


I'm exhausted, so off to bed with me :yes

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Hi Everybody!


Thank you all for the anniversary wishes, and for the congrats to my son for voting. Everyone in the room applauded when he put his ballot into the box.


New mattress - Gooooooooood! A cat woke me up 15 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off, but I slept soundly the rest of the night. I don't ache like I did with the other one.


Joanne, I am excited to see what the Bernat mystery CAL is making. I'm glad you enjoyed the art show. That sounds like fun.


Marisa, boo for not having your internet up! Your nephews miss you on the Wii, I'm sure. That certainly made me smile. What a cool way to connect with family! How old are your nephews?


LeaAnn, are you done working until the migrants come back? How lovely to get the holidays off!


Colleen, Yummm. Where did you go for dinner? Was it good?


Sarah, I hope the puppy is learning with you helping there. I hope the kids are enjoying their time together. I hope you are maintaining your sanity!


LeaAnne, How is work? How are the chickens dealing with you being out of the coop more?


Mary, I hope the autumn weather is treating you OK. I'm thinking of you.


Stacy, when does your semester end? Have you signed up for next semester yet?


Vicki, I hope your headaches are under control. Has the stress at school gone away any? Does that contribute to the headaches? Is there any anti-stress activity (like yoga) that could help?


Shannon, thinking of you and your family, too!


Love you all! :flower

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Good morning and Happy Hump Day!!!!


Clue # 5 is done!!!! I'm so happy to have those out of the way!!! And this week there is only one large granny to make so I'll get caught up by next Wednesday's clue.


Beth- That is so cool that everyone applauded for DS when he voted. DH has been saying he thinks we need a new mattress....I think we just need to flip the one we have and see .... Happy to hear that you slept soundly!


Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Nothing on the agenda for today other than work. So if I can get out on time tonight I'll be ready to sit on my badorkus and crochet!


Marisa- What is Clear? I'm wondering if it isn't the outside cable? That was what it ended up being with my intermittent internet connection. We had to keep re-booting the modem- but when they replaced the outside cable--voila! Haven't had a lick of trouble...KNOCK WOOD!!!


Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Nothing new since last night :lol I have a sixers game tonight and boy are they off to a BAD start :( But that means I won't be back until the morning now since I just won't turn on the computer when I get home. Probably won't take the bernat clue with me since I'd need every color :eek But we'll see how I feel about when packing up to leave for work :think


Beth - My nephews are 2 (as of yesterday), 4, and 6, with a little girl on the way in feb. They live in Phoenix on the other side of the world :( So we have limited resources for bonding. The wii is great because we can all play together....the kids in Phoenix, my sis and her bf in Pittsburgh, my parents in the Poconos, and me in Philly :lol We all have one and it's really fun when we all play together :yes


Joanne - Clear is a newer wireless company and only available is several of the larger cities right now, Philly being one....maybe only a year old or slightly longer. They have the home setup or an 'on the go' which is what mary has for her laptop with a usb wireless connection that could be picked up anywhere in a certain coverage area. I do live in the area so figured it might be worth it to check it out at this point. I've been going back and forth with the cable people for about 2 months now :eek I'm even more frustrated now that had ran the wire from the modem to my computer and I realize the tech is doing what his supervisor told him to do in this situation. I call the company, customer service tells me they're sending a signal to my modem and getting a very poor response so it's probably the outside line. The tech comes, checks the signal with his little doohicky machine and the signal is fine :think So of course it's still doing what it was and I told him running the wire will make no difference that I've had my old laptop pulled out right next to the motem and plugged up with the ethernet and it DOESN'T work!! Why in the world would connecting it to a different computer make it work....they were just convinced it's my computer and I've told him over and over it's not just one computer. I have 3 computers and a wii hooked into :think Over 2 months, they've been here 3 times and it's not fixed yet, and not only is it not fixed, but they are not listening to me about the problem. When I called last night, the girl told me I have a 78% signal loss and they need to address the outside line. I told her that everytime I call y'all tell me the same thing and every time the tech comes they do or say something different. So 2 months later and a 4th visit scheduled!! It's just wrong and yet another saturday morning has to be spent sitting around for the cable guy :( Unless of course I like the Clear thing :think I'd rather not switch the entire cable situation to comcast if I don't have to :no I guess I better get my dvr shows caught up :lol Oh well, such is life...nothing like paying a fortune for a service that is not working properly :(


Sorry Joanne, there was no way to shorten it :lol bet you're sorry you asked by now :rofl


I hope everyone has a great wednesday!!!! and GO SIXERS!!!! :cheer

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Morning all!

Marisa-what a situation! Oh my gosh, I would be frustrated too. I will hope and pray that your net is fixed soon. Nothing is worse than terrible customer service. Have a great time at the game!:hug

Joanne-that is good that you get to go home after work and crochet. I have been doing alot of that lately. :devil

Beth-yes mam! I am finished until May-June, I am thinking of subbing but still haven't made myself get out there to fill out apps and such. It really isn't that hard, but I am just being lazy. WTG! For ds voting!

I finally finished the baby ghan last night, I will post a pic as soon as I locate the camera. :lol

My kiddos have Early Release today, so will have them home this afternoon.:c9 we are going to make a bananna bread...yummy! Other than that, just going to tidy up and get my soap goodies out to make soap for x-mas and then figure out what else is on my list.

Sarah-it is so nice of you to help your in-laws out and housetrain their pup too! I have never had an indoor dog, ds is allergic to dogs but we so wanted one. :D

Colleen, Stacy, Vicki and Mary-hope to hear from you soon!

have a great Wednesday friends! hugs n squishes!!!!!

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Wanted to share the pics of the latest projects. I was looking thru my list and think that I will start on another scarf/fingerless glove set. I am thinking those are great gifts to have on hand.

Thank you for taking a looksie!

hugs n squishes!





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Nice projects LeeAnn! You are making great use of your time now that you've finished work. ;)


Not much new here. Had a good day. Both volunteer jobs, errands and some time at the park after school. I did some vacuuming while dinner cooked but I want to go finish that now.


I hope everyone had a great day!

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Colleen I am sorry I didn't get on here yesterday. I thought about you a couple of times yesterday and I wanted to call you, then I would get busy with the GKIDS. So Here goes..............



Happy Belated Birthday Colleen


From your friend

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Colleen, I'm so sorry I didn't realize your birthday was Nov. 2nd. :blush I hope your day was very happy!!! It may be late, but you have my warmest wishes for a :bday and a year full of :sun and :flower


Mary, so nice to hear from you! I hope you are enjoying your grandkids


LeaAnn, thanks for sharing the pics! Very nice work!!! I love the glove.


I hope everyone has a fun day. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Wow, sorry Colleen!!!:bday:birthday:bday:birthday:cake Hope you had a great Birthday!!!! Did you do anything special?


LeeAnn- Your projects are looking great! Your hook HAS been very busy!! Love them all!!!!


Mary- Good to see your post. Hope all is well and that you are enjoying time with your GK's! Your craft show should be coming up soon, I think- good luck with it!


Beth- How's the vest coming along?


Marisa- Hope you had fun at the game.


Stacy- Hope you are having fun with your Mom in town!


Everyone else- Have a great Thursday!

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:waving friends!


I hope you are all doing well... Please know that I really miss you all more than you could imagine.


I wanted to drop by quick to wish Colleen a belated :bday, and Beth a belated Happy Anniversary! :blush I am so sorry that I wasn't here to wish you both the most special of days on time... :loser

I hope that you had days that are as special as you are :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Joanne, Marisa, LeeAnn, Stacy, Sarah, Mary, Vicki, Shannon - please accept some big I miss you too :hug:hug:hug:hug!


I promise to be back soon, meanwhile, please know that each of you are in my thoughts, and that I hold you all in my prayers


Here are a few more:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hugfor everyone!

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Colleen - Happy Be-lated Birthday.


Kids and puppy are keeping me busy. Keith is sick. He was running a fever last night and has been up since 3 a.m. So I'm a zombie right now and am guzzling coca cola trying to stay awake. Can't wait until I can put him down for a nap.

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