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Some good clean fun?!

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Joanne - A good day for a swim after work for sure! Enjoy it while you can. That drink sounds delicious :P I'm sure if someone helped you with your pattern you could figure it out. Maybe if you and Marisa meet again she could help you? :think


Marisa - I'm sure your results will be in tomorrow :xfin Your appt with the new Doc is on Thurs, right?


LeeAnn - I'm so sorry to hear that your dad is so sick :hug I hope with the dialysis tomorrow he starts feeling better. Good luck tomorrow with that little girl. I hope you can get her happy.


Sarah - My DD talks in her sleep when she has a fever.


I'm home from my walk. It is still quite warm out, but it was a good walk. Off to cool down on a leather couch :lol

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Extra hugs and squishes to you LeeAnn! Sounds like a tough couple of days- and hope your dad gets to his dialysis- it's not good to miss dialysis!


And yes, it has happened to me- the not knowing what yarn you have!!! Thats when I finally organized it in clear totes- but I still end up buying something I already have!


Hope you get to RELAX tonight!



Stacy- thanks for the mini chat on FB! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLFRIEND!!!!!


Back to the RR - Yanks winning 9-2- so the night is good ----so far at least! LOL


Cya in the AM!

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Colleen- I was thinking the same thing- Marissa can help me with the sunflower square!!! Great minds think alike, I see!!!!


Good for you going for your walk even in this heat. Hope the leather cooled you down- LOL


Night again- for real this time- LOL

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Wow!! Thanks for all of the birthday wishes! You girls are the bestie-est!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug I had a great day. Got into the class I was on standby for, and also the health one from yesterday!! :woo:woo I will probably drop the standby one, though- it interferes with the yoga class I am signed up for on Thursday. It will all work out somehow! :lol

Eva did not have a great day- she cried as soon as we got to the school, and I ended up staying for almost an hour and a half! :eek I know it will get better, once she gets used to being there. She was most upset that she wasn't in her class when we arrived- all of the kids gather before breakfast in the class next door and she wasn't happy. But when I picked her up the teacher said she did really well for the rest of the day. :clap


Joanne, I had a toffee mocha frapp this morning! GMTA! :lol:lol:lol Maybe I will try an iced one tomorrow- Roomie gave me a Starbucks card for my birthday. :manyheart


LeaAnne, hope you enjoyed your pool time. :cheer:cheer


Colleen, the science class sounds neat! I love when kids like un-mainstream stuff. :yay


Mary, sorry it was so hot. :hug:hug:hug It's hot, here, too- I promise I didn't send it to you! :lol


Shannon, thanks for popping in to wish me a happy birthday! :hug:hug:hug You've been checking in quite a bit- you can't ruin your streak now! :lol


Leeann, :rofl @ your yarn story!! How funny that dh thought to ask if you had the yarn. He's a keeper. :lol I hope you can help that little girl adjust to being in school. :manyheart I hope your dad feels well enough to make his dialysis tomorrow. Extra :hug :hug and squishes to you and him!


Sarah, sorry Keith is still sick. I hope he feels better soon. :hug:hug


Beth, I agree with Leeaan- your kids are very lucky to have you to help them get around! I hope you made it to all of your destinations today. :hug:hug


Vicki, I hope work went better for you today. :hug:hug:hug


Scooby doo, where are you, girl?! Miss you! :hug:hug


Marisa, :xfin and toes crossed that your results come in tomorrow! :hug:hug:hug


Well, I am ready to go take a shower and hang out in bed. I went to bed at 8 last night because the migraine would not go away! My neck is very stiff today and the headache is starting to come back. See you all in the p.m. tomorrow!



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Night dear friends!


I was able to work on the granny ripple! :cheer:clap going to work on it for awhile more before calling it a night.


Thank you all for the extra hugs and squishes, it was just what I needed!:yay:);) You all just make my day!


night and have a good Hump day!

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I got a nap. And I've figured out why Keith's fever is persisting. It's cause he's aggravating his sinuses cause he wants to sleep on his crib mattress on the floor which puts him right next to the a/c vent in the floor. I just took his crib mattress away cause I also figured out WHY he keeps falling out of bed. He puts his pillow with the Thomas the Train pillowcase on it so that the blue thomas (all trains are thomas to him, they're just different colors) is on the edge of the bed then puts his head on the blue thomas. So if he rolls over he falls off the bed. Well I made him pick up all his toys so if he falls off the bed he won't hurt himself on them again.


We'll see how this goes. I think I'm going to have a cranky child tomorrow.

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hi, all!


Just wanted to stop in and say goodnight, and to wish you all a wonderful Wednesday!!!!




LeeAnn -I hope your dad starts to feel better!

Sarah - I hope Keith feels better, and is not too cranky tomorrow

Stacy - glad you had a nice birthday, and that your classes are getting figured out!

Colleen - a day at home to catch up on chores is what I need to do too!

Joanne - looks like another pool day on tap for us... are you ready for Earl?

Beth - hoping that Quicksilver is running cool and efficiently delivering inventions to and fro :wink

Mary - :fan:fan:fan I am trying to send you some cool air! :hug

Marisa - How are you holding up there, lady? Are you hanging in? I hope you get your blood work back early!

Shannon - What are you up to, chickie? It's great to see you back here! :U:U


Well, it's time for me to head off to beddy-by-lows! :lol

Stay cool :fan, and I will see you after my cleaning is done!


p.s. who's coming to chat?????

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Quick check in to say good night :c9


LeeAnn - Yes I have done that with the yarn before :blush I hope your dad feels better after he gets his treatment :hug :hug :hug Good luck helping the little girl adjust.


Colleen - WTG on your walk :clap You're right, my appt is thurs :yes


Joanne - I sure will help on the square....I may not find it as quick though, but we'll get it ;)


Stacy - :yay for getting 2 classes. Hopefully school goes better for Eva tomorrow :xfin and your headache feels better in the AM :hug


Sarah - I hope your theory works out with Keith :hug :hug :hug


LeaAnne - :c9

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Good morning and Welcome to September!!! Can you believe it- it's September already!!!!


I am NOT ready for Earl- Earl can just go away!!! I do not like hurricanes- had a bad experience with one when my 3 DD's were little and the winds from a hurricane knocked down the wires and they hit my car- putting a nice burn mark across the hood, only to find them land on my front porch. Thankfully, the power company was up the street working on something else and cut the power rather quickly. At least where I live now all my wires are underground!


I guess tomorrow I'll "batten down the hatches" so to speak- take in the pool stuff, the deck umbrella--or maybe, just maybe...Earl will head farther out to sea?


I have my hair appointment tonight after work so I'll cya all later- I'll try and be on for chat!


Have a good day one and all!!!!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Trying to wake up, but it's not working out that well :eek


Joanne - Thanks for all the reminders this morning since my brain is not yet functioning....sept, earl, chat :lol


I hope I remember chat later :xfin I think I'm supposed to have company tonight though, so I'll be hit or miss for this one.

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:coffee How are my favourite ladies to have coffee with today? Like Joanne said, it's the first day of September, the original Cabbage Patch doll's birthday. :lol The things that stick in your mind. :lol


Stacy - :yay for getting the classes you wanted! So how many total are you taking? Are you going full-time? I hope Eva has a better day today. :hug She'll get used to the routine soon enough. :yes


LeeAnn - Thinking of your dad today. I'm also thinking about you and that little girl. I hope you and her hit it off.


LeaAnne - I hope you get lots done today. DH's coworkers gave him their pics of Boston, so he showed them to me last night. Very nice. I dropped the hint about going next summer. He says so long as he can come with me. :think Do you think I can teach him to crochet by then? :rofl


Joanne - :hug I hope we can say Goodbye Earl before he gets to NJ. I'm going to have the Dixie Chicks in my head all day. Have a great day at work! What kind of coffee are we having today?


Sarah - I hope Keith gets better soon. :hug


Marisa - I hope you managed to wake up :lol Have a great day!


Mary - Cooler days are on the way. Hang in there. Just two more days of heat...and then comes the rain (probably remnants of Earl), but we need it.


Shannon - Don't go to far friend, we like having you around! How is Miss Janna doing at school this week? Any pics of that granny ripple? Can't wait to see it :hyper


Beth - I hope your driving schedule is lighter today.


Vicki - I hope your week is going better. :hug


Well, I'd better start my laundry and get this house clean and tidy. We have another hot sunny one today. I think I'll fill DD's pool for a splash later on. One week today is her first day of school. :eek

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Good morning, I think. The coffee is still percolating, so I'm not sure of much yet. :tired


Yesterday worked out well, taking oldest ds to work. I set up his surprise 18th birthday party at the bowling alley next to the pool where he works. They know him, they like him, and they are going to take care of "Pool Boy." It's not until the end of the month, but I want to get dates and times set, so I can invite everyone.


I need to get my front porch Earl-proofed. My dh is supposed to come home Friday, which is when Earl should be visiting, so :xfin that Earl cooperates. I am stronger when my dh is with me. I don't want to go through a hurricane without him.


Colleen, enjoy your last week of summer. I hope your dd enjoys her splash time today.


Marisa, my mind isn't awake yet, either. Does Earl pose a threat where you live?


Joanne, enjoy your hair appointment. Do you think you'll get some pool time today?


LeaAnne, are your chickens eager to go back to school? How about the mama hen? I still need to make all my lesson plans, and we start Tuesday.


Sarah, I love that all trains are Thomas. Keith sounds sweet. How did he sleep? Did YOU get any sleep? Is his fever any better?


LeaAnn, how big is your granny ripple going to be? Does it already have a home planned? Are you going to actually keep something you make, or will dd come and claim it, too?


Stacy, I promise, Eva will adjust to school quickly.


Mary, I hope you get some relief from the heat.


Vicki, Shannon, and Scooby, I hope your day is great!


My darn cat (not sure which one) tried to climb the pantry,and knocked over a stack of soda cans. One broke, another was punctured, so it was sending a spray of soda all over my kitchen. My fault -- I should have shut the pantry door. But at least I know where to start my housework for today -- kitchen floor it is!


I need to get that up before it gets worse... Have a good one everybody!:hug

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hi, friends!


I have my chores done, except for the vac'ing, which might just wait... it is HOT, man!!!! :sweat. The air is thick, too... I feel badly for any child playing sports today. Especially if they have asthma. It's dangerous.



Beth - sorry about your mischievious fur babies! Yikes! I hope you got it all cleaned up before it turned into a real "sticky situation"! I will pray for DH to make it home safely. I am also praying that Earl turns a bit more east, and we all miss the brunt of it! :clap:clapfor planning "pool boy's" birthday party! And :xfin for your lesson planning!


Colleen- I hope DD enjoys her last few fleeting days of her first "summer vacation" I am glad that we still have a week here, too. I am not ready:eek. We still have some shopping to do. Jamie and Lindsey need their couple of outfits, and then there's the school supplies...I am sure to feel better next Thursday, when they are all off to where they are headed!


LeeAnn - prayers for your dad today! and lots of :hug for you! I hope that you return from work today with a big :U, and that your new friend greets her momma with one! :cheer:cheer I suspect that you are just the girl for the job! :wink:tup


Joanne - take it easy getting your hatches battoned tonight. Don't overdo it too much in this heat! Stay cool, and stay safe!


Marisa - Enjoy your company tonight! And in case i don't "see" you, please know that you are in my thoughts as you head to your appointment tomorrow! I am praying that they easily uncover what is going on...:hug:hug:hug:hug


Stacy - Did you have fun at school? How is the homework load? I hope it's quite manageable for you!! It's so exciting that you have gone back:U and like Beth said, your little cherub will settle into school just fine. :hug:hug & :cheer:cheerfor you, friend!


Vicki - I hope that you are having a better middle of the week than you had a beginning. :U


Mary - :fan:fan:fan.... :(.... I wish those were real, so I could help you cool off! Like Colleen said, it's only a couple more days for us to be :sweat:sweat our badorkuses off! The outlook for the weekend looks divine!


Sarah - I hope that Keith had a better night, and that you managed to catch some zzzz's! Be careful not to run yourself down... promise?


Shannon - i hope you get to come by today! :U:hug


Well, Joanne started the reminders list:

September, Chat, Earl....

I will add 2 more:

vitamins, and 2 days left till WIP week!


Make today wonderful, friends, wherever the day takes you, and I will "see" you tonight!

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:ohdear DD had a friend over today and my DD behaved so badly (bossy, selfish, whiney). The other little girl was very easy going, thank goodness. DD has been sent to her room for the rest of the afternoon and will not be watching TV or playing toys for a while. On the bright side, I now have a couple hours of peace and quiet around the house to get supper started and the laundry folded.


LeaAnne - WTG getting your chores done :tup


Beth - How exciting, a party for "pool boy". Have fun with it!


I'm off to fold laundry and chop veggies. Maybe if I work quickly I can crochet or read.

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Hi Ladies

Here are some :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for everyone, take as many as you need.

Lastnight I went to bed early because I was not feeling well, heat, headache and upset tummy.

This morning it was headache, heat, and upset tummy again.

I should be here for chat tonight.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Quick fly by!

Home from the hairdresser, dinner over- and I'm tired!!!! This heat is draining! Didn't do much new with the hair- color and trim!


one more day of work and then I'm off for 5!


DH is in a yakky mood right now- so I'll try and BBL !

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:hi LeaAnne, I'm here too. I hope the heat breaks for you soon. Here's a nice cool hug :hug


Funniest thing just happened. I went to change the kitchen calendar to September...it was still on July :rofl Must be summer!


DD ended up napping this afternoon. I'm not surprised. She was a trainwreck. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. She's already asleep again. One too many playdates I think.

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Yes, there are just so many kids to play with and such great summer weather. I need to learn to say no, but I always feel like I have to return the favour of a playdate.


How are all the chickens in your coop today? What else is new?

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so how are you hanging in with this JULY heat?! :rofl... wait... did i change mine yet?


:rofl I have my "mom" calendar and it was right on schedule. It's the one the "rest of the family" (AKA DH) follows that hadn't been changed. :lol

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Joanne-that is soo funny that your dh is in a yacky mood. :rofl I love it! I am tired too...I am going to sit in a few minutes and do not plan on moving except to :hook:yes I too have to color my hair....just have to get around to it...why??? oh why??? why must these things have to happen? :lol

Colleen-is dd in a better mood? I was thinking of you today while at work, thinking wonder what Colleen is doing? Have you worked on your flannel 'ghan?

LeaAnne-summer is winding down for ya:eek the back to school shopping always leaves me feeling a little frazzled. Did you get to work on your bobbles?

Mary-did it cool down :blinkI loved the little fans that LeaAnne posted! too cute!

Marissa-how was your day? do you have Monday off?

Stacy-how are classes going?

Sarah-hope Keith feels better soon. Have you finished any new projects?

today went fairly well, my little gal calmed down and became attached to me:c9 of course I fell in love with her and just couldn't put her down even if I wanted to. She awoke from nap and would not let anyone else hold her...when I walked in, she opened her arms and fell asleep. :D I think she just needs time to adjust to the center and the teachers. I am glad that she is doing well but miss preschool too.

other than that, not much going on. My dad is feeling under the weather, two of his friends that were going to dialysis passed away, it left him feeling depressed and discouraged. Poor guy.

going to sit, will bbl!

hugs and squishes and extra hugs!!!

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Oh LeeAnn. Your post made me so happy and so sad at the same time. Your little friend sounds so cute and I'm glad you managed to calm her down. I'm so sorry to hear that your Dad is down. That must be so hard to lose friends, especially when he's not feeling well himself. Here are some extra hugs and squishes for you :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug Thanks for thinking of me today. That makes me :) Your dad is in my prayers. :hug:hug:hug:hug

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:hi, LeeAnn! glad to hear that the little girl got attached to you and that you made her day happier!


Colleen - I hear you about reciprocating playdates.... I am the same.

nothing much new here... i did manage 2 rounds on the lace and bobble today!:cheer

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