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Happy Birthday to Eva!!! Thanks to LeaAnne posting that on FB- I forgot!


And early Happy Birthday to you in case I forget in the morning!!!!


Can't wait to hear all about the first day!!!!!!


Off to watch the Yankees (who are getting their badorkus's kicked already and it's only the bottom of the first and it's 3-0 Oakland already...But at 9 I'm switching to The Closer (so glad Kyra Sedgwick won an Emmy) and then Rizzoli and Isles!!!!


Night all!

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:hi friends!


Thank you all for the good luck wishes. :hug:hug:hug:hug I had a great day. I tried to add a class this morning, but there were almost 50 other people with the same idea, so the professor drew names from a hat- needless to say, I didn't get in. I'm actually relieved because it would have conflicted with the girls' first day of school. There's another one tomorrow with the same instructor so I'm going to try and add that one. I'm also on the waiting list for another class tomorrow, which I think I will get into. My geography class today was nice, and sounds like it will be cool.

My birthday girl had a wonderful day at school, too! She looked back at me as I was walking out the door, but I peeked back in and she was playing blocks with another little girl. :manyheart On the way home, we stopped to buy cupcake mix. Dh has class tonight so we are not having a party until Saturday, but every kid needs cupcakes on their birthday. :lol


Joanne- a pumpkin spice latte! I can't believe they're out already. Well, I should believe it, though- Michael's already has their Halloween stuff out! :eek


Vicki- :hug:hug:hug to you!! I hope tomorrow is better for you.


LeaAnne, good luck to you dd! I hope she gets her reading finished- it is so hard to read something when you're just not interested.


Colleen, :cheer for getting the swimming class you wanted, and for dd choosing science. Is it an extracurricular science class? :think Glad you had success at your yard sale.


Everyone else- please accept :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug and lots of love! I have such a headache right now. Hopefully after a good dinner I will be good as new. :yes

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Glad to hear that the first day of school went well!!!


Now I am confused- on FB you said that Isabella had a great birthday and then here you posted that the birthday girl had a good day at school (which I assume is Eva).


I'll just say Happy Birthday to the Birthday Girl!!!!


Hope your headache clears up quick!!!!!

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Good evening ladies :hi


Busy day today and I'm having blood work in the morning, so have to fast tonight. Therefore, I must eat soon....I just don't feel like making anything. Maybe just a grilled cheese sandwich :think Then to change and take my eyes out :eek


Colleen - :yay for getting the swim class you wanted and for science :D I like science so let me know if you need any help ;)


LeeAnn - I hope your day went well and you get to relax a bit tonight :hug


LeaAnne - I'll try to be here to chat on wednesday :xfin The scarf would make a wonderful gift for Krissy's teacher, it worked up quickly :D


Mary - I hope you're staying cool in your basement :hug


Joanne - Too bad you had to catch up with the laundry today, but at least the pool will be waiting for you tomorrow ;)


Vicki - Sorry you had such a frustrating day :hug :hug :hug


Stacy - Glad your first day went well and :bday to Eva. Gotta love cupcakes :drool

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Stacy - :hug I am so glad you had a great day! Good luck adding the class tomorrow and I hope Eva loves her cupcakes. DD's class is an extracurricular science class. It's called Science Hands On or something like that and it's for 4 to 6 year olds. It's just one evening a week for 6 weeks. It will be good for her. She loves science. Her favourite TV show is Popular Mechanics for Kids. :lol


Marisa - Eat something filling to get you through till your bloodwork is done. :yes


I think I'll be going to bed very early tonight. These allergies have me feeling very tired and, quite frankly, very grumpy. Goodnight Besties! :hug

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darn! I can't stay and play tonight... got chickens to gather from their friends' coops:lol


Wednesday will for sure work for me... I won't have wheels:lol



Stacy - :cheer:cheer:cheer on your first day, and that you have the chance to pick up another class!



:waving, all! see you tomorrow.



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Hi all!


Quick post, had a super busy day and just got home! It's after 9, had to go pick up my dad in New Mexico, he is very sick and couldn't drive. Will post to everyone tomorrow after work, hugs and squishes! Miss you all!

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a little late but :birthday:bday:birthday to Eva


Haven't heard back from the designer about the puppy. I DID managed to figure out a pattern for the ears (and I ACTUALLY wrote it down as I went along, well kinda necessary if I want both ears to match LOL) Which leaves just the tail to figure out but need to do another ear first. That leaves me with just an ear, tail and the spots to make. Then I can put this poor dismembered puppy together LOL.

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Stacy------:bday:bday :birthday:bday:cake:cake:cake:cake Enjoy your day- hope you get the other class that you want and that your birthday is fabulous!!!!! (oh, and thanks for clearing up the confusion on which daughter had a birthday yesterday:lol )


LeeAnn- Sorry to hear that your Dad is sick- here's some :hug and I'll keep him in my prayers!


Colleen- that is so cool that DD likes Popular Mechanics for Kids! Didn't even know there was a show like that! Science Hands On sound like it is going to be lots of fun!!!! Hope that your allergies aren't wearing you down too much and that you feel a little better today:hug


Marisa- Good luck with the blood work and then you should eat a nice big breakfast!!! (it is after all, your favorite meal;) )


LeaAnne- So did you get all the chickens rounded up and back in their own coop? :lol Enjoy the day!


Sarah- Good for you for figuring out the dog ears and good thinking to write it down! Matching ears is always a good thing!!!:yes Is Keith better now?


Beth- How's life in Va- are you getting the heat that we are having? It's going to be hot again today and tomorrow. Have you had a chance to get together with the GF's mom's? And how's DD's clay masterpiece coming along?


Vicki- Today will be a better day- Repeat that to yourself!!! Today will be a better day!!!:)


Shannon- Glad you stopped by- but is there a significance to your post? b???

Did that mean BRB? and then you got side-tracked?:lol


Mary- I'll try and be here Wednesday night- what time are we doing? 9:30 EST?


I hope I didn't forget anyone, but I need another cup of joe and then need to hop in the shower and get ready for another day in paradise!


Again :bday:birthday:bday:birthday:cake STACY!!!!

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Stacy :bday:cake:yay I hope your day is as special as you are!


Joanne, I hope you have a great day at work.


Sarah, sounds like you are progressing quickly on that puppy. Impressive, particularly since you are making up the pattern as you go.


LeaAnn, :hug I hope your dad feels better soon.


LeaAnne, I hope you got all your chickens in the right coop by the end of the evening. :lol You crack me up!


Marisa, I hope your blood work gets done early, so you can enjoy your day.


Mary and Colleen, I hope the heat wave goes away soon. It's almost September, didn't anyone tell the weather that?


Vicki, I'm sorry work is so stressful right now. :hug I hope things settle into a good routine soon.


Shannon, Here are some :hug:hug:hug for you.


I would really like to spend a day at home, getting some housework done, crocheting, relaxing... instead, my oldest ds (bless his disorganized heart) couldn't find his wallet today, so I had to drive him to work, and I'll have to pick him up this afternoon. My younger son has work today, too, so I get to drive him around. My dd will probably want to go to the pool, but won't want to stay more than 2 hours, so I'll be taking her back and forth as well - hopefully one of those trips will overlap with the son's schedule. I have 5 sunflower squares made so far. I would like to make 24, do a 4 x 6 grid. Thanks again, LeaAnne, for letting me test the pattern. I was crocheting on it in front of my IRL crochet buddies, and they all want the pattern. Let me know when you have it published!


See you all later...:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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:bday:bday:birthday DEAR STACY! :bday:party Oh dear, I hope I didn't sing that too loud and wake Stacy's neighbours. After all, it is only 5:00 am in California :blush Anyhoo, Stacy, I hope you have a wonderful day. And I hope you get to add your course as a birthday gift :D


LeeAnn - :hug I hope your Dad is feeling better. :hug


Beth - I hope your driving schedule works itself out today.


LeaAnne - I hope all your chickens made it safely back to the coop.


Sarah - WTG figuring out the puppy's ears. You can do it :cheer


Joanne - I hope you have a great day in paradise. :wink


Vicki - :hug Joanne's right, today will be better.


Shannon - k?


Mary - Another roaster day. Drink lots of cool drinks and stay cool.


Have a great day everyone! It's Tuesday morning in the park, so I better go get dressed. This afternoon we need to get groceries.

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:bday, :bday, :birthdayDeeeeear Staaaaaaaaacy!:bday I hope you have an awesome day! I will be thinking of you on Day 2 of school! I hope you get that extra class:tup


LeeAnn - i hope your dad is ok:( here are some extra :hug:hug:hug:hugfrom me, too!


Joanne, enjoy your pool tonight! I hope you have a good, quick and AC filled day, my friend!


Marisa - How's everything going with you this morning? I hope you got your blood work done early, and that you got a lollipop afterwards:heehee What do you and Mary do to beat the heat?


Colleen - I :lol about you waking up Stacy's neighbors! You are too funny! What are you and DD doing today to beat the heat?


Beth - so glad to read that I could make you :lol! After all, :lol is food for the soul, right? Good luck today with your taxi service! Did you ever get that raise?:devil HOw is your dad doing? oh, and I will be sure to let you know when the pattern is "available":wink Here are some :hug:hug:hug, I know you never have enough of those!!!


Sarah - :cheer:clap for figuring out the puppy-ness on your own! I can't wait to see him!


:waving Mary! :sweat... is it hot enough for ya?! :yuck with no AC!!!! I hope you keep nice and cool today! :hug:hug:hug


Vicki - I hope you have a better day:hug


Shannon-ness - Whassup, GF?:lol Did you lose your internet last night? How has your weather been? How was Janna's day at school? Are they discovering how advanced she is?



...well, all, it's gonna be "wicked Hot" today (did you hear my accent?:lol)

We don't really have too awful much planned. Krissy wants to go browsing and price comparing for some school clothes. She has figured out that she can get more if she spends less:tup. Other than that, Jamie has reading to do, Lindsey needs to start making notes on her book (she has a test on the first day), and then it's pool time!:yay I did a good job of vac'ing it yesterday, and today it's sparkling! I normally don't go in too much, but it sure is hot enough, and the water is nice and warm!


I hope you all have a fantabulous day! Especially our :birthday girl!!!!

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Wow, has it been busy this morning :hi


Stacy - :birthday:bday :bday :birthday Hope you have a wonderful day and get the other class you want :D


Back from getting my blood work and they'll have the results ready hopefully this afternoon. I've heard this place is quick :)


LeeAnn - I hope your dad feels better soon :hug :hug :hug


Sarah - WTG figuring out the puppy ears :cheer


Joanne - Sure did have bfast when I got home :D And it was yummy too!!! Enjoy your pool time after work ;)


Beth - I remember my parents made a magnetic sign when we were younger to put on the car because they often brought us lunch to work when mom cooked :lol Maybe you need a taxi service one :think Hope it all works out well with the timing :hug :hug :hug WTG on the sunflowers.


Colleen - Have fun at the park and grocery shopping today ;)


LeaAnne - Me and Mary beat the heat by staying in the AC at work all day :lol By the time we get out the sun's going down :eek Oh, and I definitely heard your 'wicked' accent....loud and clear :rofl


Shannon - Have a great day and hopefully you'll have time later to post more than 'b' ;):lol

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Stacy - :birthday:bday:birthday:cake

Keith is still sick. Still running about 100 degrees temp wise. Plus last night he had an upset stomache so it was another tough night for me cause he whimpered half the night (I've got the baby monitor set up so I can hear him)

But it was really cute cause when his stomache wasn't hurting he was talking in his sleep. From the sounds of it he was dreaming about Mickey and Thomas the Train. =0)

Hope everyone has a good day and hopefully Keith will take a nap so I can take one.

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Sorry you are so hot, Mary! :(


Sarah - I hope you got that nap in!


Marisa - :tup for a nice breakfast after blood work... I hope your results come back quick :xfin


:waving, to the rest of you besties out there! :hi! and very much not sweaty cyber :hug:hug:hug to you all!


We did a little bit of school shopping today. Krissy and Pete have a couple of things to start the year off with. Jamie and Lindsey will have to go later. Also, we have a few supplies yet to grab. It won't be too bad, though, I have been squirreling stuff for a while:devil


I gotta go get dinner done early... I have a meeting tonight with the new PTO prez and new treasurer. They asked me to come, so that they can be comfortable to start the year. After this, they are off and running!


and last but not least.... Stacy! I hope you had the very best of possible days today! I am thinking of you!

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:hi everyone!


Mary - Sorry you are so hot. Cool showers are good. Sleeping is good. I hope you get some cool air in through the night. Phooey to the heat! :rant


LeaAnne - :clap for getting ready for back to school (and for squirreling :wink).


Marisa - I'm glad you got your bloodwork done and had a good breakfast afterwards :tup I hope the results come back quickly.


We had a great day. It was the regular Tuesday morning in the park and after playing at the park our neighbour invited us for a swim. There were 4 families, 7 kids, and 3 other moms to :blah with. It was :c9 for me and the kids had a blast! :clap We went for groceries this afternoon and then I suggested we go out for a burger because it is too hot to cook today. I'm waiting for it to cool down later and then I'm going for a good walk to burn off that burger :lol We don't have a van tomorrow because it is going back to the shop to get the a/c fixed (again, different problem this time :rolleyes). So, it will be a great day to get things done day at home tomorrow :tup


Have a great evening everyone!

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Hi all,

Take this heat and send it back from where it came- 100 degrees F on my way home from work and I did go in the pool for a bit when I got home! It was great! i figure only a few more times to go swimming and then it'll be shut down for the winter!


Stacy- Hope you had a fantabulous Birthday!!!:hug:hug I stopped at Starbucks and tried a new drink- toffee mocha- Since it was so hot, I had an ICED Toffee Mocha!!! It was good!!!! I drank it in your honor for your birthday!:)


Mary- I feel for you in this heat with no AC!! Keep as cool as you can downstairs, drink lots of fluids, and yes, a shower (or two or three) will help keep you cool!


Colleen- Sounds like you had a :c9 day!! And I'm having a burger for dinner too- but I'm not going out walking tonight! I'm going to be :crocheting instead. does that burn off any calories? :lol


LeaAnne- So did you get in the pool today? My DH hasn't been in the pool once since we've lived here (6 years). Silly man- he doesn't know what he's missing! Good for you squirreling away the school supplies- I used to do that too.


Speaking of school supplies- DD took the school supplies to JerseyCares today- she said they were most appreciative. They have another collection going starting after the 3rd- looking for Halloween costumes to give to the kids that live in shelters- I know I have some things in my attic that will never be used- so I'll get them down and give them to her to bring over there.


Vicki- I hope beyond hope that TODAY WAS A BETTER DAY FOR YOU!!!!


Beth- Wow- lots's of taxiing today for you! Wish I could see you to help me with the square- Mine didn't turn out like yours, or Colleen's or Stacy's or LeaAnne's or Marisa's!:lol Again, just like the RR, I'm probably just missing something and once someone shows me, I'm good to go!:)


LeeAnn- Hope your Dad is ok and that you didn't have too stressful of a day.


Sarah- Did you get to nap? Sorry to hear that Keith is still running a temp- seems like an awfully long time to me- maybe he needs something for it.


Marisa- Hope your day went well and that the results were ok on your tests!


Well, my friends, off to watch the Yankees and work on the RR!!


have a good evening!:hug

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Good evening :hi


I hope everyone had a good day and found a way to keep cool :think My blood work results did NOT come back today :( Should be there tomorrow though :xfin Their paperwork says within 24 hours so if it's not there in the morning, I'll call over to check on it.


Sarah - Sorry to hear that Keith is still sick, at least he's having good thoughts of Mickey and Thomas though ;) Did you get a nap?


Mary - I hope you kept yourself cool in the basement :hug


LeaAnne - Some school shopping out of the way :yay Hope the meeting goes smoothly tonight :)


Colleen - The park and swimming, sounds like a fun day....esp with all those people :yes


Joanne - Enjoy that pool while you have it open!!! You know, saying your dh doesn't go in made me think of when we were younger we had a pool and my dad never got in :think

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Good evening all!

Let me just say that I feel so very behind, like I have missed so much:lol

Joanne-your iced coffee sounds :c9. I am so glad that you are into the swing of the RR. :clap They are addicting!

LeaAnne-I did buy yarn on Sunday, funny story...I looked up the colors that I would need and made the treck to Wal-mart, I was so upset, they didn't have the tea leaf green that I needed. I was going on and on about it..dh said, "did you check your stash at home?" to which I replied, "uuuuhhh no, but I would know if I had this yarn." guess what???? I had the yarn at home! :lol:lol:lol I tell ya, I am loosing my mind, can't remember what I have and don't have? has this happened to any of you?

Vicki-sure hope that the week gets better.:hug

Colleen-I am so very happy that your garage sale was such a success! Swimming lessons sound like so much fun!

Mary-3 ghans? oh my! You must crochet super duper fast!

Stacy-hope you had an awesome day!

Shannon-how goes it?

Beth-your kiddos are very lucky that you drive them wherever they need to go. Did you ever get time to :hook?

Marissa-did you get your blood work back? I just adore your scarf! Love the colors! what is on you crochet agenda?

My dad is still not feeling well, my mom drove him half way to Farmington New Mexico on Thursday- his older daughter lives in Farmington New Mexico and had borrowed his Durango to move, he had to drive up to pick it up. Anyhow, by yesterday he was extremely sick, he missed dialysis on Saturday. We had to meet him in Dulce New Mexico, about 2 hours away. My mom drove him back and I drove her car. He had a rough night but will go back to dialysis tomorrow.

work has been good, except all of my kiddos have moved on to HeadStart and Preschool, they are moving me to a toddler classroom tomorrow. They have a child that needs extra help, she cries all day long, she is new and is having a difficult time transitioning-----so they thought I would be a good match for her. I only hope and pray that I can get her calmed down, the teachers in her room have become frustrated and it is not helping. I will keep you all posted. :)

going to sit and :hook, homework done, dinner done, laundry going...must relax!

thank you all for the hugs and prayers, I do not know what I would do without all of you!

extra extra hugs and squishes!

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