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Some good clean fun?!

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Hey girlies!!


Chat-ness was so fun last night!! :hug:hug :clap:clap:cheer:cheer

I won't be able to start WIP week until the 5th, as we are having a bbq for Eva's and my birthday on the 4th and have to get everything ready, etc. But I will be there! As for the meet-up, I will have to see. Dh is actually planning a trip to Seattle to watch the Seahawks with his friend next year, so I may be able to use that as leverage. :devil:devil:devil It also depends on if I have to make that dreaded trip to MI next year.


Vicki, I'm glad things calmed down for you!


Beth, Marisa, and LeaAnne- I hope you all feel better! :hug:hug:hug I woke up with a scratchy throat and plugged ears, but it's my own fault because I sat outside with dh and Roomie while they had a smoke last night. :blush:blush I should have known better.


Shannon, glad to see you're back again! :hug:hug:hug


Sarah, glad to hear Keith is feeling better. :yay That puppy is too cute. Did you get it sewn together last night?


Mary, Leeann, Colleen, Scooby, Joanne- love and :hug:hug:hug to all of you!


Today we went to the open house at Eva's school. We met her new teachers (there is one main teacher and 2 aides) and saw her class. The new child center is awesome!! Lots of awesome toys- play-dough, blocks, tricycles, sand tables, even a little "creek" they will be able to play in! She had lots of fun and didn't want to leave- I only hope she is like that on Monday, too!

Then we went to Trader Joe's for dinner stuff- the girls wanted breakfast for dinner, so we got bacon and pancake mix. Went to get the hash browns, and they are gone!!! :cry I knew they were being discontinued, but it was all so sudden! :faint (Insert shaky, dramatic voice) :lol So we will just have scrambled eggs and grapes with it, instead.

I cleaned up a little after we came home, but it is still SO hot! :sweat The air has been running for almost 2 hours, and it is barely 1 degree cooler than when I turned it on!

I still have to go out and brave the heat to pay a bill, but it is only 2 streets away, so it shouldn't be too bad. Will BBL after dinner. :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi all,

So far so good on the Ville- seems to be working fine. Why did it act up last night????:think



Sarah- Hope you got some rest and that Keith is starting to get better:hug





If it was around midnight/1 am then that's normal. Ville ALWAYS acts up between midnight to 1:30 am (central time) =0)


Keith is still running a fever off and on today. But it doesn't change his behavior at all. Still wound up little boy but worse cause he couldn't go outside to run some of the energy off.

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Hey girlies!!


Chat-ness was so fun last night!! :hug:hug :clap:clap:cheer:cheer

I won't be able to start WIP week until the 5th, as we are having a bbq for Eva's and my birthday on the 4th and have to get everything ready, etc. But I will be there! As for the meet-up, I will have to see. Dh is actually planning a trip to Seattle to watch the Seahawks with his friend next year, so I may be able to use that as leverage. :devil:devil:devil It also depends on if I have to make that dreaded trip to MI next year.


Vicki, I'm glad things calmed down for you!


Beth, Marisa, and LeaAnne- I hope you all feel better! :hug:hug:hug I woke up with a scratchy throat and plugged ears, but it's my own fault because I sat outside with dh and Roomie while they had a smoke last night. :blush:blush I should have known better.


Shannon, glad to see you're back again! :hug:hug:hug


Sarah, glad to hear Keith is feeling better. :yay That puppy is too cute. Did you get it sewn together last night?


Mary, Leeann, Colleen, Scooby, Joanne- love and :hug:hug:hug to all of you!


Today we went to the open house at Eva's school. We met her new teachers (there is one main teacher and 2 aides) and saw her class. The new child center is awesome!! Lots of awesome toys- play-dough, blocks, tricycles, sand tables, even a little "creek" they will be able to play in! She had lots of fun and didn't want to leave- I only hope she is like that on Monday, too!

Then we went to Trader Joe's for dinner stuff- the girls wanted breakfast for dinner, so we got bacon and pancake mix. Went to get the hash browns, and they are gone!!! :cry I knew they were being discontinued, but it was all so sudden! :faint (Insert shaky, dramatic voice) :lol So we will just have scrambled eggs and grapes with it, instead.

I cleaned up a little after we came home, but it is still SO hot! :sweat The air has been running for almost 2 hours, and it is barely 1 degree cooler than when I turned it on!

I still have to go out and brave the heat to pay a bill, but it is only 2 streets away, so it shouldn't be too bad. Will BBL after dinner. :hug:hug:hug:hug


No I still have 1 paw, ears, spots to make and then have to do the eyes before I sew it all together. =0( sorry your hash browns you liked were discontinued. Glad Eva likes her school and hope she doesn't give you trouble going on Monday.

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Good evening ladies :hi


Got in a little bit ago from work, which went fairly quickly today :clap


Mary - I agree on Boston and the cabin idea :D


Shannon - :yay 2 days in a row!!!! Let's shoot for three :think:xfin


Sarah - Glad to hear Keith's temp is trying to come down :hug Sorry you won't be able to meet up with us :hug


Joanne - Enjoy that Chinese food (now I'm hungry for it) ;) and I'm sure you'll get that sunflower round that's tripping you up :xfin:hug


Stacy - Glad to hear Eva's enjoyed her school, hopefully it goes that well next week :yes I love bfast at any time of day, it's my favorite!!! :drool


LeaAnne - Now I'm off to try the round that was troubling me....I'll let you know how I make out :D

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Well, I did the best I could for now on the sunflower! I stopped at round 9 cause when I did round 10 it really curled up so I just frogged it and ended it.


Something is still not right with it, but for now, it is what it is.


LeaAnne- I think the pattern is great and I love it comes out when someone more experienced than me makes it. I'm sure if I keep practicing, it'll come together!


Hope everyone is having a good night!


I'm going to read some of my book and then call it a night! I'm tired- very busy today at work and now that I've really taxed my brain, I need a break!:lol


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Good evening all!


400 posts??? wowza! I don't think I will ever get to reading all of it...sorry.:D


Our kiddos had a lot of homework last night, dd is in 4th grade and ds is in 7th. They both kept me hopping back and forth. We didn't finish until after 9 then had to finish folding laundry, pick up the house and get ready for today. Didn't have the energy left to crochet.


LeaAnne-how do you do it with four chickens in school? How does homework work? We try to tag team but mostly it's just me...dh somehow wiggles out of it.:blush


Joanne-sorry that you are having stress with your pattern, that happens to me sometimes. I like brainless projects...they just make my heart patter!


Beth-how are you?


Mary-how's the crocheting going?


Stacy-so glad that your dd liked her new school. That makes the transition smoother.


Shannon-welcome back!


Vicki-glad that things are settling down for ya.


Colleen-how was your day?


Sarah-hope Keith's fever goes down so that he can play outdoors. It is difficult to keep little one's entertained.


LeaAnne-weren't your just exhausted from the sleep over?

Marisa-glad that work went by fast! I love those days!

The WIP week sounds like an excellent idea!


back to homework...Hugs and squishes!

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OK, now I'm really going to the couch to finish my sunflower square :xfin


I got held up, a friend called and was having trouble with his internet so I had to log in to his fantasy football for the draft so he can form a good team. lol We were late though and he already had gotten stuck with a couple players that were automatically given to him.

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Good morning and Happy Friday!!!!!


Its shaping up to be a gorgeous day and weekend!!!


I'm hoping that the day goes by quickly so I can enjoy some of the beautiful sunshine!!


Wishing you all a wonderful, fantastic Friday!


Cya later!

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LeeAnn- Ahh, homework------I surely don't miss those days! How much homework are they getting so early into the school year? At least today is Friday and maybe you'll get in some time to do some crochet then. Have a good day at work today!!!


Vicki- It's FRIDAY!!! And you made it through.....


Beth- Hope the sinuses have calmed down a bit and you are feeling a little better today


Stacy- Fingers crossed for some cooler temps for you! I hated the days it was over 100 here! We have 80's sunshiny weather on tap for today and tomorrow! Perfect weather!


Well, I'd better scoot and get ready- wishing you all the bestest of bestie days!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Trying to wake up here.


Well, I didn't finish my sunflower square last night :( I did get 1 of the last 2 rows I had to do done :clap And yes LeaAnne, it's definitely better that way and looks nice :lol Thanks for clarifying that row for me :D Now I just have the last row to do and I'll take a new pic to share. I still think this will just be a practice square though. I think I'm going to use a smaller hook with it and get a bit of a tighter stitch and I think it will look better :think


I hope everyone has a great day today......after all, IT'S FRIDAY :clap

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Hi everyone! I hope your day is going well.


LeaAnne, your time for the WIP-week sounds very good. I will be preoccupied the first part of that time frame since DH comes home on the 3rd, but I may still get some crocheting in...:manyheart


Three out of four Jordans are working long shifts today. I hope my dd doesn't get bored or lonely.


I need to find some :coffee



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:hi everyone!


Busy busy here. I didn't get to come say hi to you at all yesterday.


I'm loving the sunflower squares and the background colours. Very nice!


LeeAnn - Ah homework. :sigh I was just talking to my friend yesterday who has a DD in Grade 5 (this is the 10 yo whose birthday gift we delivered yesterday and it was a hit :tup). Anyway, she finds that she does best with her homework if she does it right after school. Otherwise if she unwinds for a bit and tries to pick it up later, it is too hard to get her mind back into it. Just thought I'd share that in case it helps. I'm not looking forward to those days, but I only have one so I can focus on one grade at a time :whew


Boston sounds good to me. I think a house/cabin would be funnest. Then we're together and can relax. I'll have to talk to DH about it first. If only I were crocheting like a fool then I could do a Christmas craft show and make my plane fare. :think I'll have to think about someway to fund it.


It hit single digits (Celsius) here last night. But the days are sunny and warm still. Slowly creeping into fall.


Tomorrow is the big garage sale here. Forecast is perfect, so I've got a big day ahead of me. And, we're going to a friend's for dinner tomorrow and I'm bringing dessert. Going to go check out Marisa's peach cake which has been on my mind since she posted it. Have a great day!

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Good morning, my peeps! It was 71 degrees here when I dropped DD off at school. Brrr!:wlol


I have some housework to do today. I'm telling you this so that I stick to the plan and get it done!


I'll be back during break to talk to you individually!!


Love you guys!:manyheart

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OMG!! I came on here two days in a row!!! WOW!!!

Things are SLOWLY calming down. People are still coming to me for every tlittle thing and there are still bugs and kinks in the schedules and the case manager lists, but we are working through them and I do not have a major migraine, so this is a good thing!!! I need to start some paper work on a new student who needs to have an ARD. That will be started today. UGH!

I see i missed a rather long chat the other night! Hope it was a good one. I will have to go back and breeze through it. I seem to see something about a besties trip next summer? I don't know if I can do that. We are going on a cruise in August, so that is where my money would be going. Let me see what I can do though.

Have a great rest of the day all and I will talk to you all later!


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Good afternoon!


Well, I've got everything out on tables in the garage all ready for tomorrow. I just need to price a few things. DH is going to pick up the signs and then we're all set. I must say, our house is as decluttered as it has ever been and I am very happy. The clutter really gets to me and I feel like after tomorrow I'll have done all that I can. This is part in thanks to you ladies for all the encouragement. Now if I could just stitch up all my yarn so I don't have it hanging around life would be good. Maybe that will be my fall project. :hook You know, it was 9 years ago this weekend that we bought our house. That's 1/4 of my life I've been in this house :eek No wonder it feels like home. :manyheart What better way to celebrate than with a garage sale :lol


I washed our quilt and blankets and they are drying on the line. :c9 I've got to jet to the store this afternoon. I have never heard of cook n' serve pudding for Marisa's cake. :think Might be an American thing. If I can't find it I'll have to substitute instant :shrug I also need to do a quick dust, pick up and vacuum so that the house is tidy for the weekend.


Shannon - I hope you get all your cleaning done. Go girl!


Vicki - :hug Glad things are settling down.


Stacy - I'm so glad Eva liked her school. I bet she's going to love it!


:hi to everyone else! I hope your Friday is going great!

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I found the cook-n-serve pudding. I guess I just don't read pudding boxes very often. :lol The cake is in the oven, but I'm almost certain I forgot the baking powder :oops So, my family might be eating a flat but tasty cake for dessert and I'll be doing something else for the dinner tomorrow.


House is vacuumed and tidied up. Bills paid, phone calls made. I am on a roll today! :clap

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Hi everyone!

Marisa- your square came out great!!!!


Colleen- You have been on a tear with the decluttering- Good luck with the garage sale!!! Glad the weather is going to cooperate for you! Let us know how the peach cake turns out!


Shannon- Did you get your cleaning done?


Vicki- Welcome to the weekend!!


Stacy, Mary, Beth, LeaAnne, LeeAnn, Sarah-- Hope you had a wonderful Friday!


I'm going outside to enjoy some of this nice weather and do some weeding!

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Hi Ladies

Iam just popping in to say Hi. I got a few things done today but not really alot. It was just one of those days.

Glad to hear everyone is having a great day. Hope you all have a great weekend also. It is suppose to be very warm here for the next 5 days......Stacy I told you NOT to send the warm weather here :eek thanks.

If there is chat tonight then someone phone me please. thanks.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Quiet here today! How is everyone doing?


My cake is baked. Thank you Marisa for the recipe. I can't wait to taste it :yum I had a busy day and accomplished a lot. I am exhausted. It is a good tired though. Tomorrow will be a big day - early start and a late night at our friend's place to end it off. We haven't seen these friends all summer, so I am really looking forward to catching up.


Joanne - Happy weeding!


Mary - Enjoy the nice weather. It may be hot, but it isn't going to last for much longer. Soon we'll be complaining about the s... about the sn... I can't say it :lol


Shannon - Haven't you taken a break yet?:think


Happy start of the weekend everyone! :clap:yay

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Weeding is all done! And now I'm ready to sit down and enjoy some Yankees!


Colleen--Enjoy your garage sale- hope DD makes lots of money on her items! (and you do too on yours- put it in the Bestie Boston Fund!!!


Shannon- you must be lost in all your cleaning! LOL


To everyone else- I'm off for the night and will cya in the morning! And I'll really see Marisa tomorrow!!! Yipee!!!

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Evening all!

Marisa-Your square is lovely! I am going to try the pattern out tomorrow..have to look in my stash for "just the right colors":manyheart Any big plans for the weekend?

Colleen-soo happy that you were able to declutter-I go thru the house about every 4 months and get rid of things,...seems like I just keep collecting tho.:think Well yarn, but I would never ever get rid of yarn! :lol:lol:lol Homework has been pretty intense. I pick the kiddos up from dh's work at 4:10 then zoom home to start dinner. The kiddos have to feed the cats but start homework right after while I am cooking, they eat then go back to homework. They have an early bedtime 8:30, so it just seems like we do not have enough time, they also take their baths and get ready for the next day. I think once we get into the routine of it, things will calm down. The first week is always the hardest.

Joanne-how's the game? and the rr? did you start something else?

Vicki-:hug and oh so happy that things are settling down more and more.

Shannon-Did you get all of your chores done?

LeaAnne-how was your day?

Beth-did you get all of your ds's to the correct places?

Mary-hope it cools down some for you.

Stacy-how ya doing?

going to sit and crochet...yep! I said CROCHET!!! Happy dance Happy dance!!!

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Hey, friends!


today was nuts... all kinds of running around-ness! I am sitting with my guys, switching between the Sox and the Saints:c9


Mary - :rofl:rofl your post cracked me up! This puts a whole new spin on "calling chat" :D


Colleen - you got so much done today! :nworthy... good luck at your garage sale... I hope DD reaches her goal, and that you get some money for your piggy bank:devil


Joanne and Marisa - Your squares came out really pretty! Have fun at your meet up tomorrow!:hug


LeeAnn - I agree...first week is always hard. It's all about reprogramming to "the routine" . I have 9th, 7th, 5th and 3rd graders this year. Homework is harder for some than others, but some nights my mind goes:loco:confused


Vicki - I hope you have some fun plans for this weekend that include relaxing and crocheting!:hug


Beth - How did your 3 of 4 Jordan's survive the day? I hope that you were 4 for 4 on great days had! :hug:hug:hug


Sarah - I hope you and Keith are doing well, and that you all enjoy a fun and happy weekend!:hug:hug


Shannon - Did you get a lot done? Are you planning to share a pic of sissy's blankie? :hyper


Stacy - How are you all holding up out there in the heat? Is your break from it still coming tomorrow? when does roomie leave for the desert?

I hope that everyone under your roof is happy and healthy, my friend!!!! :hug

I am really :tired.... All of these stayupovers are catching up with me, I think:think ...anyhow... I am off to slumberland :night....


see you all tomorrow.


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Good evening ladies :hi


I'm soo excited it's the weekend, I can't wait to relax!!!! It seems like something keeps coming up.....how does that happen to a single girl with no kids :think Makes ya wonder :lol


Colleen - I hope your garage sale goes well tomorrow :xfin and I'm waiting to hear how the cake turned out :think:drool


Shannon - Did you get your cleaning done?


Vicki - Glad things continue to calm down a bit for you :clap A cruise sounds wonderful :manyheart


Mary - I think it's supposed to get warm again here too, granted not as warm as for you, but still warm for us :think


Joanne - See ya in the AM :clap


LeeAnn - I am meeting Joanne and 2 other ladies from a different CAL tomorrow morning and that is my only plan all weekend :yay Since I've already decided to make the sunflower squares with a smaller hook, I'm also going to pick up a lighter green so the leaves stand out better against the blue :think


LeaAnne - Mary loved the square and was surprised by it when I showed it to her at work today :clap:yay Just wanted to let you know :D

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Good morning and welcome to Saturday!!!


Got some cleaning to do before heading out to meet Marisa and 2 other Viller's! Then this afternoon, we have a BBQ @ my DD's MIL's house! And the weather is supposed to be ideal today!


Beth- How did the working Jordan's do yesterday? And was DD able to amuse herself? When does she start up with dance again? Hope you hangin in there- DH will be home soon.


Vicki- hope that you get to find some "me" time this weekend- you've had a very busy couple of weeks with the start of the new school year! Does DD have TKD this morning!


Shannon- I was thinking the same thing as LeaAnne- do we get to see pics of your granny stripe??? How did the cleaning go yesterday?


LeeAnn- What did you work on last night? I'm going to get some assistance with the RR today when I meet up--for some reason it is curling up and I'm probably doing something like adding a stitch where I shouldn't or something silly like that, but I need an expert to assist me- I'll get a RR yet!!!


Colleen- Happy Garage Sale Day!!!! Hope it goes well and is successful!!!


Mary- Hope you have a good weekend! That's cute- call if there is going to be a chat! LOL


Stacy- How was the concert at the Bowl last night? I would have loved to see John Williams and the Philharmonic !!!


LeaAnne- Hope you have a relaxing weekend- and congrats on the Sox win against the Rays! Yankees looked terrible last night-esp AJ Burnett- I'm getting a little worried about the pitching on the Yankees! And it's almost time for the reg season of football. Rutgers plays their first game Thursday night I think--you know fall is here when college football starts!!!


Marisa- I'll see you in a few hours- can't wait to meet you!!


Off to get some coffee so I can get my cleaning done!

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