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Some good clean fun?!

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Nice shawl, LeeAnn!!! :manyheart And Yippee:clap for not getting stuck in construction!!! So happy to hear that DD feels better after meeting the teacher!!! And :yay:yay for banana bread!!!


I'm thinking of doing a row of DC clusters all around and then some rows of SC- not sure yet- I'm going to let it sit till the weekend when I have more time to work on it. Tonight I'm just doing some squares.:hook

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OOOOHHHHHH!!!!! :drool:drool Looky looky at the eye candy! :D


Joanne - Your granny stripe is BIG! and Gorgeous-ness!!!!! WTG:clap


LeeAnn - I :manyheart your shawl! especially the colour! What pattern is that? It does look like fun!


Marisa - Your cardigan looks like it's going to be nice and yummy warm! and that scarf is Tres Chic!:wink very nice!


I did not get to :crocheting today... meddling kids!:lol Today was filled with "mom...mom....mama....mama....mom..." Made me think of that little cartoon Family Guy after a while:loco:lol Oh, well, it still was a good day, even if it wasn't productive. After all, I will be missing them to death in just a couple more weeks!


:hi to Colleen, Mary, Stacy, Beth, Shannon, Sarah, Vicki - Hoping your Mondays were as stellar as a Monday could be:think ...anyway, here are some big squishy bear :hug:hug:hug for you all to take from me!:devil


Have a great night, all... don't tell the kids... I am going to find a corner to hide in with my little hooky :heehee LOVE YA!

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Good evening ladies :hi


It was a long day at work today and we were late getting out. Then I had to stop for gas and at the grocery store since I was out of bread and milk from being away the weekend. I picked up an already cooked rotisserie chicken while I was there since I did not feel like cooking, not that it'd really matter since I live alone, but I needed some protein! :lol


LeeAnn - Glad to hear the construction wasn't a pain for you and that you got to help in another room today. It is nice to change it up once in a while ;) Your shawl is gorgeous, but I have to admit that I kinda missed that great model you usually 'hire' ;) Banana bread and coffee sounds :c9


LeaAnne - I hope you were able to find that corner tonight and crochet!!!! Since you didn't get to crochet this afternoon, does that mean the kids did not ready today?


Joanne - Work is a little harder to go back to after a 3 day weekend, but it wasn't too bad overall. At least not til it got busy at the end :(


I hope y'all have a great evening :D I'm supposed to clean the turtles, but it's soo late now I really don't feel like dealing with them so I think I'll leave it until the morning since it's my late day. Then, I'll just be upset with myself tomorrow that I didn't do it today :eek Oh well, lol

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Oh boy! Loving the pics today.


Marisa - Your cardigan and scarf look very nice. And my DD loved the pics of the catepillars.


Joanne - :drool that granny stripe is big and beautiful! Fantastic!


LeeAnn - Your shawl is beautiful. I love the colour too. And I'm so glad your DD feels better about her teacher. It's stressful starting a new year. I hope the first day goes well tomorrow. By the way, my DD now says "hugs and squishes" all the time :lol


Beth - yay for one-on-one time with DD! How did your college boy's day go? I know younger son is doing well in the romance department, how about the oldest? Any more dates?


LeaAnne - I hope you found a quiet corner.


Vicki - How was the first official day of school? How did DD's day go?


Stacy, Shannon, Mary, Sarah - :hi


Not much to report here. Laundry, laundry, laundry, some errands, swimming with DD, DD went to play at her friend's house and I had a nap (that's 3 days in a row :blush), and my walk this evening. As my DH always says after a day at work, "just another day in paradise". :lol

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Lovely lovely projects everyone! Thanks for sharing.


Marisa, are those Monarch butterfly caterpillars? They look like them to me, but I'm not an expert. I so love butterflies. I don't mind sacrificing the occaisional plant to enjoy the final product.


I am exhausted. I spent quite a bit of time at the pool playing "catch the Thomas." Thomas is 11 years old, with Down's syndrome. He loves to jump in, but needs someone to catch him. His laugh is so beautiful. I could listen to him all day.


Have a good night!

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Howdy doody!

Getting myself ready for bed, but first wanted to read what ya all are up to.

LeaAnne-I hope and pray that you will get some hook time in. :yes I get kinda grouchy when I do not get :hook thank you for the compliment on the shawl, the pattern is from a leaflet, but I have seen it on the next, I will look into it and get back to ya k?

Marisa-glad that today wasn't too busy, and am hoping for a calm Tuesday. I was going to have dd model for me, but then thought, "if I do, she's going to want to keep it!":lol:lol:lol actually she tried it on and it looks very lovely....one of these days I will keep something for myself. :yes

Beth-it sounds like you had a fantastic time with Thomas, I am so glad! How was ds's first college day?

Colleen-how adorable that your daughter says hugs and squishes! I love it! :clap:cheerAnything on the agenda for tomorrow?

Joanne-have a great Tuesday!:hug

best get my tush in gear and get ready for another day. Night friends and always "hugs and squishes!":hug:hug:hug

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Well, my turtles are now squeeky clean :D I just knew I'd be upset with myself in the morning if I left it for then. Now they are in their feeding tank eating up like crazy.


Colleen - I'm glad dd liked the caterpillars :yay I have to check on them tomorrow, but I only saw one after work....I hoping the others were hiding from the rain. I can't imagine they've cocooned and blossomed into a butterfly during a single work day :think


Beth - From what I've read online, they are black swallowtail caterpillars. Google them, they look really pretty :D


LeeAnn - I hope you get a good night sleep :D

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Good morning!


Colleen- Sounds like a "day in paradise" to me- (well, except for the laundry part:lol) Cute that DD has taken on the "hugs and squishes"!!!


Beth- I'm glad you had a nice day at the pool!!! How did DS do at college?


Marisa- You are going to be so happy when you wake up this morning and don't have to tackle the turtle tank!!! I hope you get to see some butterflies!


LeeAnn- Good luck to DD today on her first day! (also to DS) What's on the hook now?


LeaAnne- Did you get to :crocheting last night?


Everyone~~~~~ Have a great Tuesday!!!! Time to get this ole badorkus in gear!

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I slept so late, my son woke me up to get the key to go to work. He has date #2 immediately afterwards at the bowling alley next door. Her mom will drop her off when he gets out of work, and he will take her home... eventually. He really liked his first day of class. He says the teacher has a great sense of humor.


Today, I get to run around, enrolling son #2 in swim team for the year, exchanging the textbook I bought for the what son #1 is supposed to have.... (Never expect me to remember numbers!) and hopefully meeting with the moms of my sons' girlfriends for a girls day out. Do you see any time for housework in there? I don't. And I'm actually in the mood to clean. :faint Yesterday, I spent so much time on the phone with the mom of #1 son's gf, I didn't have time to do anything.


I'm off! I hope everyone has an awesome day!!!:hug:morcoffee

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:coffee Good morning besties!


Joanne - Yes, I'm sure my day did sound like paradise. I also mopped the floors, just so you don't get too jealous :lol Truthfully though Joanne, I found yesterday very lonely. Now that DD is old enough to go to playdates on her own I don't get to stay and chat with the moms. :(


Beth - Good for you sleeping late! Tonight leave the keys where DS can find them easy so he doesn't have to wake you :wink Good luck to him on date #2!


Marisa - WTG getting those turtles cleaned. :tup


LeeAnn - You should keep the shawl for yourself. I'm sure DD would be happy to share it with you :wink Enjoy the kiddos today.


LeaAnne - What are you and the chickens up to today?


Stacy - Was this the first week of school for you? Any luck getting into the 2nd class? How is it going? How is Mia feeling?


Vicki - Thinking about you :hug:hug:hug:hug You can do it!


:hi Mary, Shannon, Sarah and anyone I've missed. Have a great day!


DD and I are thinking about going to the mall today (shopping is always a good cure for loneliness :rofl). I need to see if I can find any t-shirts on clearance for me. I bought several this year from the same store and they've all stained. :grumpy Looks like grease or oil stains :think All of them the same...something makes me think it has to do with buying them all from the same store. :shrug Anyway, I'll see what I can find. DD wants to buy a book.

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Good morning ladies :waving


Last night I realized that I forgot to go get yarn for my sunflower ghan!!! :eek When I remembered it was too late to go :( I guess after getting out of work late and running to the grocery store, all I was thinking about was food :lol Hopefully tonight after work!


Joanne - You're 100% right that I was very happy this morning to not have to worry about the turtles.....and they look soo much happier :lol


Beth - I hope son's date goes well at bowling, I always enjoy bowling :D I hope you have a great and relaxing girl's day with the gf's mothers :yay That is soo nice that y'all get together :D


Colleen - a mall trip sounds wonderful right about now ;) Have fun spending time with dd!

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:mug.... morning!


It is chilly here today! only about 63! sheesh, you'd think it was the tail end of the summer or something:lol:lol Anyway, it sure is a nice and refreshing break... and we are supposed to have more rain, which we REALLY need!

No plans for us today... I need to finish my charity project, Jamie needs to finish a book, Lindsey is hooking up with a friend, and Krissy and Pete are just having fun! It's one of those kind of days... Oh, and I did get to hide a litlle and do a few rounds on that granny!:devil


Colleen - have fun at the mall! :hug


Marisa - :cheerfor happy :turtles!:hug


Beth - enjoy your time with your IRL's. I loved your story about catch the Tommy! :hug:hug


Vicki - :hug:hug:hug.... thinking of you! don't be nervous... you CAN do this!


Stacy - :hi! How is everyone this morning?


Joanne - i hope today goes quick for ya! did you finish those squares you were working on lastnight?


LeeAnn - Have a funtabulous day, my squishy friend! :heehee


Sarah, Mary and Shannon - :waving:hug:hug

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Hi, all!


we just baked brownies and chocolate chip muffins! :drool ...can you smell them?:devil


I have 6 rounds and a border to go on my charity ghan. tonight I will get it washed and tomorrow I will drop it off at Social Concern or the senior center. It will end up being a lapghan, as it's not too very big.


I also need to figure out what I want my yummy Vanna yarn to be, and get my Christmas list and WIPs in order:blush..... anybody up for a WIP week soon?


I hope you all had a great day! :hug:U

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Hi Ladies

I hope everyone is having a great day. I did 2 loads of laundry last night and put them out on the line this morning. Then it was off to the dentist for a cleaning. I just got home not too long ago and got my clothes in, all dry, and had a small but quick lunch. Tonight is bbq steak and salad for dinner.

I have been crocheting up a storm with this cool weather we have been having, but it is suppose to get hot again by the end of the week.

Let me know if you have any chats planned soon, I would love to join you.

Colleen I think I will be out that way for sept. 13. I will give you a call as we get closer to the day.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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:hi all!


LeaAnne, glad you got a bit of hooky time in! Sounds like we're switching weather- this week it is supposed to be 107!! :eek:sweat


Beth, good luck to ds on his date #2! I think bowling is an excellent date activity. :yes


Marisa, your caterpillars are beautiful. :manyheart Although not so good for your plants, of course. What ever happened with the bat?


Leeann, glad to hear dd was better after she met with her teacher. :yay


Mary, :yay for cooling off so you can :crocheting!!


Colleen, a day of shopping sounds :manyheart...how frustrating about those grease stains! I have a few shirts I bought from the same store and they've all gotten teeny-tiny holes around the tummy area after the 1st or 2nd washing. :think I hope you found some new ones.


Joanne, Shannon, Sarah, Vicki- love and :hug:hug:hug to all of you!


Yesterday I cleaned a bit and the girls and I ran some errands. Today I am babysitting Roomie's kids. Eva had a check-up this morning, so MIL came to stay with the older two while I took the others with me. I cleaned this morning, including 3 loads of laundry and loading the dishwasher, etc., because MIL always cleans when she comes. I didn't want her to feel the need to do it, but it didn't work. When I came home, Isabella had vacuumed, Roomie's oldest had dusted, and MIL had cleaned and re-arranged our front porch, including tossing some old things and cleaning the spiderwebs. :rolleyes

Eva was so funny at the dr. office today. She was supposed to take a breath, and she wouldn't do it. The dr. told her to pretend to blow candles (which she knows how to do) but she clamped her mouth shut with this tolerant little smile on her face. The dr. listened to her chest and said, "You know what? She's holding her breath!" :rofl I kept trying to get her to take a breath or blow, but she just kept smiling with her mouth shut. I was laughing so hard...I knew the dr. was getting frustrated but it cracked me up that Eva was playing with her. Finally she started laughing from seeing me laugh, and the dr. kept saying, "I can't believe she held her breath!" :lol


Well, anyway...I better go see what I can find for dinner. I have ingredients for at least 5 different dinners, but I just don't feel like cooking in this heat!

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Good evening everyone!


LeaAnne- Glad you got some hooky time in!


Beth- that is so cool that you are going to hang out with your son's girlfriends moms. Hope you had a fun afternoon!!!! And I love bowling too! What a great date activity!!!! Sounds like both of the sons are doing ok with their dating!!!!! And don't worry about the cleaning- it is ALWAYS there!


Mary- Glad that the cooler weather has you crocheting up a storm! I am enjoying our weather too- even though it's been raining on/off- it's been cool! And we need the rain!


Colleen- How did your shopping therapy go? Did you find any new t's? And please, please, please DO NOT send the bird down to NJ!!!!


Stacy- 107 degrees! YUCK!!!! But really you can't complain- cause you don't have to put up with a foot of snow in the winter!!!. That was too cute about Eva at the doctors. How are things going with roomie? Good think MIL came to watch your other 2 since you had to take roomies kids with you to the Dr appt!

What did you decide to do for dinner? I forgot to take something out, so I'm opting for breakfast for dinner- (eggs/english muffins/sausage) And good thing the eggs aren't recalled!


Marisa and LeeAnn- Hope you had a good day at work today!


Vicki= How did DD do with her locker? And how does she like her teacher(s)? How did you do today?


Shannon and Sarah- Hi!!!


Well off to make breakfast---I mean dinner--------

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:lol at Eva, Stacy! She is too funny! and :cheer for Isabella and roomie's oldest doing a little helping out! My mom does the same thing when she comes, and although it's a little :blush, I truly do appreciate the help.


Joanne - How was dinner... err... breakfast... errr.... brinner? :lol



I am getting :bumped... gotta go! :irk



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DH cleaned up after the bird. That window is too big for me to handle on my own and we needed to take the screen out too. I can't say where that bird is going to next, but if he's smart it will be far away from here :lol


Stacy - That is so cute about Eva at the Dr.'s. At least she was smiling. My DD has white coat syndrom and freaks out at the Dr's.


Joanne - I'm enjoying the cooler weather too...especially for sleeping :c9


LeaAnne - How were the brownies and muffins? I should bake some muffins. Might just do that here shortly.


Mary - Glad to hear you are crocheting lots!


We had an okay day. DD was a bit difficult this morning and I ended up turning the van around and not going to the mall. After lunch she was behaving better so we went for groceries and when that went well we went out to the mall quickly. Didn't really walk through, just popped into a couple shops on the edge. I got 1 new t-shirt (not on sale of course :rolleyes).


I got the bathroom cleaned, the kitchen, and 1 load of laundry done. We bbq'd steak and I made potatos and cold veggies and a plate of fruit for dinner. I did my exercise DVD and went for a bike ride today. Not sure how my legs will be feeling tomorrow, but it felt good today.


Stumped on a gift for a 10 yo girl. I got her a movie pass, but I want something small to go with it. She's getting to that age where she's too old for toys but not too old to be a kid. Any ideas?


Have a great evening all!

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:waving Colleen -


here are a couple of ideas for that 10 y/o girl

-nail polish set

-hair goodies

-art supplies

-gift card for iTunes or Build-a-Bear


My 10 y/o still also loves her American Girl Doll. Do you have those? Maybe if this little girl has a special doll she is holding onto, you could make her an outfit for it?


If all else fails, a skein of yarn, a hook, and a coupon for a :crocheting lesson has been a big hit amongst some young ladies around here


I hope these ideas help you! when is the party?

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Thanks LeaAnne! Those are great ideas! I knew you might have an idea or two :wink I think I'll lean toward art supplies or naill polish. No party, just my DH's Goddaughter, so we always get her something. Her birthday is tomorrow. You can get American Girl's here, but there is a Canadian version too called Maplelea Girls. One of them plays hockey. DD has been starting to show some interest in them. :hyper I can only hope :lol (someone in this house secretly wants one :rofl) I actually made a first communion dress for the 10 yo's doll when she got her first communion, so I've done that idea.


Thanks again!

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