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All dogs...and pretty much all animals for that matter :lol But it's to the point where she will check the sidewalk for dogs before she'll ride her bike or go for a walk to the mailbox. And she just freezes.

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hmmmm.... well, at least she is cautious? It's hard to know what to do. every child is so different. do you know anyone with pets that you could visit? or an animal shelter? Maybe if she is with you and sees how you react? :think

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Thank you, too, Colleen, and Joanne, and Marisa for the chat! :hug:hug:hug


:hi to Beth, LeeAnn, Sarah, Stacy, Mary, Vicki and LeeAnn!


Shannon - have a great trip! Hope you get to tell us all about it when you get back next week!


:hug:hug:hug to you all! You are the BEST friends in the world, and I :manyheartYou!

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Hello all!

Must have missed chat, I logged on and was trying to catch up on all the posts, but missed all of you.


Joanne-the weekend is almost here! Yippee! Your granny stripe sounds delicious! can't wait to see pics of it.


LeaAnne-I want to crochet, it's terrible, but haven't had a moments peace in a few days, maybe this weekend. That is so wonderful that your dd is having a friend over.


Colleen-loved your dd's Humpty Dumpty story, very cute!


Mary-how was your day?


Marisa-a bat? Ohhh my gosh! I would be terrified! I am such a chicken! So glad that Mary found it. What a great friend.


had an ok day at work, it seemed to drag on then my mom gave me a little project to do. Not happy:blush I sound like one of the kiddos,:lol but just wanted to sit and :hook She had a picnic basket that she wanted a liner for,...so two hours late, Viola! I just wish for once that one of my sister's would step up and help with the parents, it is always just me, I usually do not mind, but sometimes I feel like they take advantage of me....sorry to be such a downer.


anyhow, I am enclosing pics to share with all of you, what do you think?





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LeeAnn - sorry that you missed chat. One of these times, you'll make it:wink

You are so NOT a downer! and what a marvelous job on lining that picnic basket! and it's wonderful that your parents have you to lean on, even if it is burdensome once in a while.

I have my grammy's picnic basket, and would love to line it like that to use for my :crocheting basket!

I hope you get a good sleep... speaking of which...



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Good morning! I'm typing quietly so as not to disturb you Colleen!!!:lol:lol:lol


Thanks for the chat last night Colleen, LeaAnne and Marisa!


LeeAnn- I love the lining that you did on the picnic basket!! Sorry that you feel that you are sometimes the one taken advantage of. And no place better to vent then here! Here's a few :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug and hope that today you get some :crocheting time after work to feel better!


Beth- Have you started the countdown till DH's return?


Mary- Hope you were able to get some rest. Can't wait to hear what colors you chose for LeaAnne's pattern.


Stacy, Shannon, Vicki, Sarah, - Hope you have a good day.


And Marisa- if I don't "see" you later- have an awesome weekend!!!!

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:morcoffee:hug :hug :manyheart


I just read through last night's chat. I couldn't get near the computer at that time -- the kids were communicating with friends. And my dh has my laptop with him, so he can e-mail me. He sends very nice e-mails! :heart


We had a lot of rain last night. It's a lot cooler here now.


I am currently working on two projects: sunflower squares and a vest for my mom for Christmas. The yarn for my mom is a light blue wool/silk blend, very soft, very silky. I am really enjoying working with it, but the pattern is mind-numbing, so I'm not enjoying the project. On the other hand, the sunflowers are fun, and go together very quickly. I have some leftover yarn in burgundy, tan, and Pittsburgh Steeler yellow. I may use those as the backgrounds for some of the sunflower squares. What fun! It will almost be like a patchwork quilt! But I need to make sure the colors all match nicely.


Marisa, I feel so bad for wildlife when it gets stuck in a house. I hope your "bat-ectomy" goes well. I'm sorry it freaked you out so much.


Well, I'm off to poke the sleeping 17-year-old, get him ready for work. Wish me luck!!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I went to bed when I left here last night, which I thought was around 10 but now see it was closer to 11 :think But, I slept GREAT and was out until 8 this morning :D I feel well rested and now am going to have coffee while I fold the clothes that I left in the dryer last night :eek


I don't think I crocheted since sunday or monday :think Hopefully over the weekend I'll get in some hook time and I'm also hoping to be passing a craft store to be able to pick up yarn for my sunflower squares, otherwise I'll pick it up on sunday when I get back.


Colleen - you see how I reacted to a bat, but, I don't like animals either. I can deal with regular house pets, but I have to get comfortable with each specific one. For instance, my friend has a dog and I'm ok with him, but that doesn't not affect how I react to all dogs. And cats, can't stand them :( I can deal with animals of friends and they always seem to flock to me like they know I don't like them and they're coming by to say 'see, I'm not so bad' :lol It's been all my life and I usually have to talk myself through each individual experience at the time :think Try taking a trip to the zoo and see how she is with the caged animals. I now have 2 turtles that I had to get comfortable with too to pick them up when I clean them. But, I got them because I wanted life in the house without really having a 'pet' :lol Now they're getting too big for me to care for and am trying to figure out what to do with them now :( I hate to say it, but I don't think there's really anything you can do for this. Maybe go to the pet store and ask the associate to see a 'calm' dog and see what happens. Maybe she'll warm up if she's standing back and see's you cuddling him all up :think Good luck!!!! :hug


LeaAnne - I don't know how to get them over being afraid to be alone :( That's a tough one. Maybe they'll grow into that since there are often many times through life we have to be alone. Good luck with that one :hug :hug


LeeAnn - your picnic basket lining is amazing :clap Great job!!!! I t hink me and my sister do well at sharing doing things for my parents :yes My brother?! Well, he's a boy, enough said :lol Plus, he lives in phoenix while we're all in PA. Maybe instead of dropping everything your doing, just tell her you'd love to do it, but that you'll finish and bring it back in so many days :think That way you don't really feel so burdened by it :think Just a thought :hug :hug :hug


Joanne - I sure do hope for a relaxing weekend. I'm not really a big beach person, but will head down a bit anyway. I'm really just needing some R&R :D


Beth - I hope you were able to get the 17 yo moving :D


I hope everyone has a great day :ghug Now, going to fold my laundry ;)

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Good morning friends! :coffee


Thanks for those who stopped by to chat last night. It was fun!


Another beautiful day here. It might rain later, but we desperately need some rain, so I don't mind. The grass is getting brown :( It's grocery shopping day and continuing to declutter.


LeeAnn - :hug We are always here to "listen". The picnic basket liner sure did turn out nice. I hear you about the parents. My only sibling is in a different country. My parents aren't any burden at all (and my mom does sewing for me :wink), but when the time comes that they are not so capable and independent I will be the only one here. My MIL though...that's a different story. :ohdear I won't even get started.


Beth - Glad you've got e-mails from your DH. Enjoy your two projects. :hug You seem to be very good at managing your WIPs. I need to stop starting new projects until others are done like you do.


Joanne - :lol Thanks for typing quietly this morning.


Have a great day everyone!

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Afternoon, Peeps!:lol


thanks again for the chat last night. It was fun! (as always:wink)


Stacy - I am thinking about you, and hoping that things are going well for you:hug:hug:hug


Vicki - are you surviving your week? Are things getting less stressful? :hug:hug:hug


Marisa - I sure hope the landlord got rid of your bat!


Colleen, Joanne, Beth, Mary, LeeAnn, Sarah, Shannon - You are all in my thoughts today, and know that :U wishes are going your way!


I don't really have time to post properly, please accept my apologies?

I spent the morning on the phone with the cable company to fix our internet, and now I am behind with the rest of my day... :irk


anyway, have a fabulous day, and I will try to be back later (if the chickens give me a turn, that is:devil)


:hug:hugto you all!

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Ok Here's the Elmo someone wanted a picture of and also my latest finished project my fall lapghan.





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Sarah- I had seen them on Ravelry, but again, I must comment that the afghan is beautiful and I love Elmo!!!!!


Hope you all had a good day--mine went by quickly- but it's hot again here- enough already- and we need some rain too, but only if it comes at night!:lol


Colleen- How did the search for additional garage sale items go today?


Vicki- Hope all is well and that the week is going by quickly- saw on FB that you had a headache. Hope it's gone by the time you see this!


LeaAnne- How annoying having to spend time on the phone with the cable co- Crossing fingers, we haven't had any trouble with ours!! I take it since you posted that it's all straightened out. How was the rest of your afternoon? Did you get any :crocheting time?


Stacy- How are you- ?


Mary- Hope you got a good night's rest and that you are enjoying the cooler temps!


LeeAnn- Hope today was a GOOD day for you!


Marisa- Enjoy your R&R!!!! You deserve it. Hope the bat is gone by the time you get home this evening. Safe travels.


Well, I'm off to a candle party hosted by my boss, so I'd better get going!


Have a good evening everyone!

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Good evening all!

Just got home! No time to crochet..:blush but am determined to get to it this weekend...this not crocheting leaves me grumpy!:lol

Joanne-a candle party sounds like so much fun! I adore candles! My friend was selling candles and the warmers and such...can't remember the name, but the warmers are wonderful, you just plug them in and add a cube of wax..delicious smells!

Sarah-thank you for posting a pic of your ghan and Elmo, love them both! What pattern did you use for the ghan? Great job!

Colleen-decluttering is one of my fav things to do! When I get in the mood to clean, watch out! :yes

LeaAnne-glad that the cable and internet is fixed, as Joanne said, "did you get any time to crochet?"

Marisa-how is the bat thing? I am such a chicken, all animals scare me. The kiddos are the ones to take care of our dogs and cats..I wil buy the food and make sure they are treated well, but freak out if I have to hold them. You are so right, I should have told my mom that I would get to her project over the weekend, I do need to stand up for myself more often. I have a difficult time with that, but know that I need to work on it. It wasn't the fact that I didn't want to sew the liner for her, I just didn't want to do it after a long day of work.

Today went by smoothly, after work I drove home and picked up the kiddos. We went shopping, had to buy a new ice tea maker and toaster..both died. And also the last of the school supplies, stopped for dinner and now am going to give myself a pedi and mani and polish my nails with a new color. It's the small things.:):lol

have a good night friends! hugs and extra squishes!

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Good evening all!


Just got home! No time to crochet..:blush but am determined to get to it this weekend...this not crocheting leaves me grumpy!:lol


Joanne-a candle party sounds like so much fun! I adore candles! My friend was selling candles and the warmers and such...can't remember the name, but the warmers are wonderful, you just plug them in and add a cube of wax..delicious smells!


Sarah-thank you for posting a pic of your ghan and Elmo, love them both! What pattern did you use for the ghan? Great job!


Colleen-decluttering is one of my fav things to do! When I get in the mood to clean, watch out! :yes


LeaAnne-glad that the cable and internet is fixed, as Joanne said, "did you get any time to crochet?"


Marisa-how is the bat thing? I am such a chicken, all animals scare me. The kiddos are the ones to take care of our dogs and cats..I wil buy the food and make sure they are treated well, but freak out if I have to hold them. You are so right, I should have told my mom that I would get to her project over the weekend, I do need to stand up for myself more often. I have a difficult time with that, but know that I need to work on it. It wasn't the fact that I didn't want to sew the liner for her, I just didn't want to do it after a long day of work.

Today went by smoothly, after work I drove home and picked up the kiddos. We went shopping, had to buy a new ice tea maker and toaster..both died. And also the last of the school supplies, stopped for dinner and now am going to give myself a pedi and mani and polish my nails with a new color. It's the small things.:):lol


have a good night friends! hugs and extra squishes!


I didn't use a pattern. It's just granny squares and then a larger granny square border with reverse single crochet for the final border.

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Hi friends!!!


Marisa- yikes @ that bat!!! :eek I would have freaked out. I think you handled it quite well. :hug:hug:hug:hug to you!


Leeann, the picnic basket lining came out beautifully! Sorry your mom was such a stickler about the time frame. My dh is like that- when he wants something done- it needs to be done right away. Never mind anything else. Drives me, well, batty! :lol


Sarah, your blanket is beautiful and Elmo looks great!


LeaAnne, thanks for thinking of me! :hug:hug:hug So, still with the internet problems? How frustrating. I hope you can get it all straightened out quickly. How is your regimen going?


Joanne, a candle party! How fun. Did you buy anything?


Colleen, sorry to hear about dd's fear. It seems a lot of kids have fear of animals. All I can think is to just let her grow out of it. Keep talking to her about why she doesn't like them, and assure her that not all dogs are dangerous, etc. Isabella is terrified of the tram ride at Universal Studios, despite knowing that it is all fake and that she is just on a tram. :shrug


Vicki, I hope your headache is better! :hug:hug:hug:hug


Beth, how sweet that dh sends you nice emails. :manyheart I must've missed that he left. I will have to go back and re-read.


Mary, Scooby, Shannon- love and hugs to you! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Mia woke up with an earache yesterday, so I gave her some Tylenol and she was fine. FIL picked her up for a sleepover, and about 1/2 an hour later, MIL called to say they were bringing her home because she was in pain and wouldn't eat. Well, when she woke up this morning, her left ear was oozing. :yuck We saw the dr. and she has a double ear infection, plus possible perforation in her left eardrum. There was too much pus to see it completely so she has to be on ear drops and antibiotics for 2 weeks, then we will go back and see how she is. We will possibly be referred to the ENT (finally!!!) because of her speech and mouth-breathing issues. I was so irritated when the dr. said that she could need her tonsils and adenoids out- I've been pushing for her to see one for the past 3 years...but at least now she sees it, right?

Anyway...aside from that, things are starting to look up, I think. Dh and I are still having some problems, but they seem to work out little by little. :)


Well, I am off for the night, hopefully to do some :crocheting. I had the whole day to do it yesterday, and I read HP 3 instead. :lol


Love and hugs, besties!!

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Night friends!


Gave myself a mani and pedi and feel much better!


Beth-forgot to tell you, that is super sweet of your dh to send you lovely emails. :-)))


Stacy-Poor Mia! She must have been in pain. My ds had his tonsils removed as well as his nasal passage cauterized. He had speech problems before, slowly they have worked themselves out, but like you, we had been on the doc's for a few years before they decided to do something. Hang in there!


to bed with myself, talk to you all tomorrow! TGIF!

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Good morning!

I did buy something last night- Its a glass candle holder that you can fill with different things - i.e. shells in the summer, pinecones, little ornaments, etc. I thought it would be good since you can change out what you fill it with for the seasons. Also got a bunch of tea lights.


Stacy- Glad to hear that things are working out little by little with DH. Hang in there. And, poor Mia- she must really have been in pain!! Hugs to her!!! that's good that she'll finally be going to an ENT!!!


LeaAnn- Yes, you are right- it is the little things! Glad you feel better after giving yourself a mani/pedi! Hope your Friday goes by quickly!


Hope all of you have a wonderful Friday- time to get this badorkus in gear for another day! Cya later!

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Leaving in a little bit to take my son to his college to hopefully get the last of the paperwork straight. He starts on Monday. We need to get his ID, parking decals, and texts. It seems like a lot of effort for one class....


I hope you all have awesome days. I started mine off special -- I took said son out for breakfast, just the two of us. The restaurant was basically empty when we got there. The food is very homestyle, very good, and the coffee is :c9 Have a great one!:hug:hug:hug

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:coffee Good morning! Another sunny, beautiful day here today :c9


I was just enjoying the new Fall Mary Maxim catalogue while drinking my coffee when I saw this new afghan. It made me think of you baseball fans and I had to come share it with you. Here's the link hope it works :xfinhttp://www.marymaxim.ca/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_10003_50001_3074457345616945272_-1_3074457345616686294_3074457345616686295



Stacy - It is nice to "see" you. Poor Mia :( I'm sure the drops and antibiotics will do their thing soon and she'll be feeling better. Unfortunately sometimes that's what it takes to get into a specialist and get to the bottom of things. How long until you can get into the ENT? :hug that things continue to get better and better with DH. Marriage is like a career, it has it's ups and downs. :yes Hardest job I've ever had.


LeeAnn - :hug Glad your mani pedi helped you feel better.


Joanne - Your glass candle holder sounds nice. What a nice idea to change it with the seasons. My DD had allergic reactions to candles (severe coughing), so I don't have any in the house.


Beth - Good luck at the college! Hooray for breakfast with your son :yay Those are exactly the kind of fun things you need to do to keep your spirits up while DH is away.


The decluttering went VERY well and I have a fairly good selection for a garage sale. Maybe DH will add some things too it. The garage and workshop must have some goodies that could use a new home :wink At any rate, my house is getting tidier :D:clap I'm thinking next weekend maybe.


Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning, besties!


Colleen, what an awesome afghan! So detailed. Glad your de-cluttering went well. Good luck with your yard sale! Has dd started back to school yet?


Joanne, glass candle holders are so pretty! Dh's aunt has a couple and she always fills them with colored-glass stones. So pretty!


Beth, your breakfast sounds nice! Good luck getting everything straightened out for college. There is an awful lot to do, isn't there?


Leeann, glad your mani and pedi helped you feel better! I did that 2 or 3 weeks ago, and felt so much better when I was done. :manyheart


LeaAnne, thanks for the chat this morning! :hug Hope you got the chickens fed before they complained too much. :lol I received the pattern and can't wait to try it!


Marisa, how's the bat situation?


Shannon, Joanne, Mary, Vicki, Sarah- happy Friday! Hope it's a great start to your weekend. :hug:hug:hug


We didn't get much sleep last night. Mia woke up every couple hours with ear pain, and right before we fell asleep the first time, a huge spider fell onto dh's pillow. When he tried to squash it, it got away, and I had a terrible time falling asleep, thinking it was going to crawl into my mouth or something! :eek:rofl

Anyway, we are going to the library today, and maybe the park, depending on the heat. I'm going to take my yarn and sunflower pattern with me, just in case. :manyheart

Gotta go get the kiddos ready. BBL! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi Ladies

Just wanted to let you all know Iam still here. Today is not a very good day for me. Iam kinda feeling down today. I miss youngest DD and GD very very very much. Today I think Iam going to get my crochet and sit out on the deck for awhile. Maybe I will feel better then.

Iam thinking about everyone today and keeping you all close to my heart.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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