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Some good clean fun?!

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Hi everyone! I have been very MIA the last few days. It has been a very busy, frustrating, STRESSFUL week. Way too much stuff and it is ALL crashing down now. UGH!

I have already been busy this morning. I have the dishes in the dish washer. The garbage taken out and the pails put out for collection.The towels folded and the other load of towels in the dryer. I have spare ribs out for dinner. Today is my last free day of summer vacation (sniff, sniff) so we are going to the zoo today. I need a fun day! It will be hot, but hopefully we will have fun.

Tomorrow is the certification exam. I was studying for that for two hours last night after tkd. I think it will be okay. I am just worried about the math section. But if I can kill the other sections and I don't do as well on the math section it will still be okay. Then belt test is on Satruday. Purple belt, here we come!


I have missed coming to see how everyone is and I need to go back and catch up on what I have missed. Once I do I can respond to all my besties. I hope you all have a great day and I will be back once things calm down!

TTFN my friends!

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morning, all!


Marisa - ohhhhh.... a colposcopy! :oops I must have read too quickly. And here I was trying to figure out why you were going to your gyno for a colonoscopy! DUH! Well, I sure am thinking of you this morning, and hoping that all goes well.


Joanne - :yes, it's the sunflowers from last summer that I finally finished! I also got the pattern written up while at the beach last month. Last thing is to test it, and type it up! DH thinks I should sell the pattern.


Mary - you go, girl! WTG on those sweaters!


Sarah - feel better!:hug


BethAnne - how are you holding up today? Is DH all set to go? How long will he be gone this time? Now that those ghans are all done, what are you :crocheting?


Colleen, Vicki, Stacy, Shannon, ScoobyDoo.... I have you all in my prayers:U I miss you!


hey... I got some pretty exciting news to share! (no, it's not a new job yet, which I need to find:blush) I am going to my sister's for a sleepover with her and my neice AND my mom on Friday night!!! I can't wait!!! My sister had invited my chickens to come up and stay, but I pulled the ole switcheroo:devil. Saturday is her annual pig roast, so the rest of my clan will head up for that. Uncle Art and Aunt Sue will also be there! I can't wait to have a real "family" day.


I promise I will be back with ghan pics in a little... I need just a bit more natural light in here to get a good shot of it... I will say that I am pleased with how it turned out:tup

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:waving, Vicki!


so glad you stopped in to let us know what's going on... we were worried. Have a fabulous time at the Zoo, and enjoy your last day. Most importantly, :xfin:xfin:xfin GOOD LUCK on that exam tomorrow!



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Ooooh LeaAnne, your 'ghan is beautiful!! I'm with dh- you should definitely sell that pattern! :clap It's for your sis, right? She is going to love it! :manyheart Have fun at your sleepover and the pig roast. A family day sounds wonderful. :yes Oh, and I would love to be a pattern tester. :devil


Vicki, enjoy your day at the zoo. Good luck to you and your dd on both of your tests. :hug:hug:hug


Sarah, hope you feel better soon. :hug:hug:hug


Marisa, good luck with your colposcopy. I also wondered why you would go to your gyno for a colonoscopy. :blush:lol Guess I need to read a bit slower.


Joanne, Mary, Leeann, Beth, Colleen, Shannon, and Scooby- hope you all are having a great day! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


I'm still in a funk. Things aren't going too well here and I haven't been sleeping well. Mia is also up to her usual tricks which I can handle under normal circumstances. But with the lack of sleep, my fuse is very short. :(

Anyway...we went to the Science Center on Tuesday, and yesterday we went to the library and park. Today we might go to the park again, so they can run off some energy. I've been working on baby sock monkeys while they play. Already have 3 made. I'll post pics soon. They are pretty cute, IMO. :D


Well I'm off. Hope everyone has a great day! Love and hugs all around. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug



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Hi Ladies

Just popping in to say Hi. We have to work bingo tonight so I wont be home. Iam going to take my crocheting with me so I can do that when we are not working.

Hope everyone is having a great day.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Oh, LeaAnne- that sunflower ghan is GORGEOUS!!!:manyheart ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!!!:manyheart What talent!!! And DH is right, you probably should sell the pattern (and Stacy can test). Looks a little too difficult for this novice hooker! Your sleepover sounds like so much fun! And the pig roast too- have a great weekend!!


Vicki- Hope you had fun at the zoo and good luck to DD on her PURPLE belt test!!!!! Sounds like you had a very rough week- and I'm sure you'll do fine on your certification exam :cheer:cheer


Stacy- Don't mean to pry, but are the things not going well with DH or with roomie- you don't need to go into specifics- Your outings that you do with the girls sound like lots of fun- and my middle one was the one that tried most of my nerves--really, I think it's a middle child thing- Here's some :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for you!!


Mary- have fun working bingo tonight you will since you are bringing:crocheting


Marisa- hope the test went well today and that your day wasn't toooooo longggggggggg


LeeAnn, Colleen, Beth, Sarah, Shannon-:hug:hug:hug Thinking about you-


time to get dinner finished. And then tonight it's FOOTBALL!!!! SAINTS VS PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!!


OH, last minute decision today- I'm heading to Boston Saturday morning to visit DD for her birthday- Her roomie will be away at her brother's wedding so I decided to head up- was able to get Monday off work so I'll drive home after she leaves for work. It'll be some nice mother/daughter time!!! I am probably going to go up again Labor Day weekend since I was able to get Fri and Tues off that weekend.

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:hug:hugHello hello!

Vicki-soo good to hear from you! Sorry to hear that your week has been stressful. Good luck on your certification tomorrow and good luck also to your dd! :hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart


Joanne-love the ghan! Beautiful! dd was sitting here next to me and said, "gee mom, that's cool!" I love the colors! It looks soft and cuddly, just what a ghan should be.


LeaAnne-Fantabulous ghan! What beautiful colors and desing. I agree with everyone else, you should definately sell the pattern. What will you work on next?

Marisa-I will keep my fingers crossed that your test will come out normal. How was your day? I hope that you were able to at least have lunch.


Mary-Bingo reminds me of my granparents-they have both passed on, but they adored BINGO! That was their "job" as they put it.:yes


Stacy-so very sorry to hear that things are not going well. When will school start? dh was on my nerves the other day, he can be extremely bossy-we have talked about it and he is going to work on it...and I will try to stand up to him in a positive way...the joys of marriage...:think


finished all of my paper work! yippy skippy! Tonight I get to read and crochet can't decide which one I want to do first????

Beth-how ya doing? all our other friends MIA-please post soon,...and I hope all is well!


BBL hugs and squishes!

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Thanks for the compliments LeeAnn- and glad that your DD liked it- hope mine will too- it's the perfect size to throw over your lap while watching tv or reading so I'm sure she'll like it- and it's the colors she wanted.


I'm trying to decide if I want to read or crochet- and I think crochet is going to win out- the granny stripe has been sitting there so neglected!!!:lol


Have a good night everyone:hug:hug:hug

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Hey, all!


just stopped by to say hi, and say GOOO PATS!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer




Joanne - nice job on the ghan! the weather is supposed to be really nice again up here. I hope you have a great momma/daughter sleepover! If you get some extra time on Sunday or Monday, I will be around :wink


LeeAnn - WTG on finishing the paperwork! I hope you have a great, relaxing evening off!


Mary - have fun at bingo... so nice to hear you talk about the club again:manyheart


Sarah - hoping you are feeling better!


Stacy and Vicki - extra :hug:hug for you girls! ( and prayers, too)


Marisa- I hope your test went well.


Colleen, Beth, Shannon :hi! and :hug


Only trouble with tonight's game is I don't know who to :cheer for.... the Pats and the Saints are my 2 fave teams... any ideas? Shannon? :lol

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:hi everyone! I have to catch up sometime soon.


I am done work for the week. I work another half day on Monday and then I am done indefinitely. It was great to work and make some money, but my house and my family certainly missed having me here :yes There just ain't no happy medium, you know what I mean?


Anyway, I'll catch up soon. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for everyone!

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Go Saints!:lol:lol


I'll let you know if I have any free time- this is going to be a quick trip- but I'm coming back up Labor Day weekend and have more days- Sunday we are going to the North End I think for dinner and dessert (you can't beat a good italian pastry!!) I'm leaving Monday around 9AM- I like to get home before the traffic- but let me look at the map to see if a trip to Woburn puts me too much out of my way;)


Night all!

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:hi everyone! I have to catch up sometime soon.


I am done work for the week. I work another half day on Monday and then I am done indefinitely. It was great to work and make some money, but my house and my family certainly missed having me here :yes There just ain't no happy medium, you know what I mean?


Anyway, I'll catch up soon. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for everyone!

Treat yourself to something nice with some of the $ you earned:yes


and I know what you mean- it's hard to be a supermom, superworker, superwife, supercleaner- You know- it's hard to be a woman!:lol:lol:lol

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Treat yourself to something nice with some of the $ you earned:yes


and I know what you mean- it's hard to be a supermom, superworker, superwife, supercleaner- You know- it's hard to be a woman!:lol:lol:lol


Amen, Joanne, Amen. I think we all do a good job of it though :wink:rofl

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night friends!


Joanne, I couldn't agree with you more, it is like walking on a tight rope, all this and you are supposed to be energetic and happy all the time? ????? but I wouldn't trade it for a minute!


hugs night...back to my book!

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This was my day yesterday, and since it's such a long post....you got it, I copied and pasted again with the other thread :lol So Joanne, you'll see it twice.


So I never made it back on last night to check in with you ladies.


I went to my test, which went well. They snatched 2 pieces of cells and it didn't hurt at all, just felt a bit of pressure. Then everything was done :clap He told me I could sit up so I sat up for a second and the room started to spin :eek So I said I don't feel so well I need to lay down (I was still on the exam table) and the next thing I remember he was standing over me asking if I knew where I was and I was saying 'nope' :eek So, I passed out right there. Then he asked if I knew who he was and I looked at him and said yeah and gave him his name then asked if I passed out. He said yes and asked some more questions and thanked me for kinda warning him. He said I had some posturing and lost my bladder control so was asking about any history of seizures, which I don't but do have family history. However, I told him I do have a history of passing out with the first time in 2nd grade but they put me through all sorts of tests. I've learned to control it over the years and can prevent it from happening and as I think back, I remember passing out a total of 6 times in my life with only 2 kind of unexplained. I also told him I didn't have breakfast since I was already a little anxious about the test. He didn't think it was related to that just because of how I was when I passed out. He also said that I didn't wake up with the smelling salts :( and I usually do. So he asked if there was someone I could call to come pick me up and he didn't want me to go to work. Well, we already know my help is already covering someone so my boss would have to close a whole office for me to call out, so in book, it's not an option. Anyway, I had Mary come and get me and meanwhile called my boss. I asked if I could go to a different office for the day and told him what had happened so I went to the office the new girl I just trained is at and she covered mine :clap So this way, I sat and read my book most of the day and chatted with that receptionist and only had to see 20 patients instead of about 70!!!


Anyway, he made Mary come in to get me to make sure I wasn't lying about having her come. So, I left my car at the hospital and she took me to the other office which was open 10-6 yesterday while ours was open 11-7. I had a friend pick me up there at 6 and take me back to get my car. Then he followed me home and hung out watching tv and we ordered some chinese food.


At any rate, it speeded me up finding myself a primary doc that I had already printed a list of docs off the insurance website to call for an appointment. I have a check up scheduled for sept 2 and will go to work late that day. But it was the earliest morning appt I could get. I hope I like him or even if I don't like him then he needs to be really good :lol


Today I go back to my office and so far am feeling fine....maybe a lil tired yet, but fine nonetheless.

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I hope everyone has a good day today and I'm hoping it goes quickly.


Vicki - I hope you had fun at the zoo yesterday and I'm sure you'll do great on the certification exam today :xfin Hopefully you're stress level will drop when it's over :D


LeaAnne - I love the sunflower afghan and I would love to be a tester :D That's a pattern that I would buy too, so I agree you should sell it!!!!! I love pig roasts, take some pics for us and you are going to have such a great time with the 'girls sleepover' :lol


Stacy - I hope you got a good night sleep last night :hug Do you drink caffeine later in the day? Just an idea.....I know if I have it after about 2-3 in the afternoon I will toss and turn all night instead of getting a sound sleep :think


Mary - How did bingo go last night? I used to play with my grandma before she passed, I loved it and always had fun :D


Joanne - Again, the lapghan is gorgeous and I love the colors she picked for the ghan she didn't know she's getting :think:lol


LeeAnn - Well as for my day, you read about it in my previous post :eek Today will be better!!!! :yay for finishing your paperwork, so which did you choose first.....to read or crochet?


Colleen - Only one more half day and then your done :clap It's hard to find a happy medium for work and being home. All employers these days want to work you into the ground and don't care if you have a home life :(


I hope everyone has a great day!!!! I will try to check back later after work. I'm heading up to my parents again and Mary's coming with me this time. We'll probably leave about 8-9ish so the traffic's died down for the weekend. Tomorrow my hometown has an event called the Trot-n-Brew ;) It involves 5 bars in my neighborhood and it's a race!!! :rofl You start and go to each bar, drop off a quarter and drink a larger shot glass of beer then off to the next until you do all 5 and come back to the finish line!!! :lol Only in my town!!!!! Anyways, it's alot of fun and you can sign up as a serious runner or a serious drinker......well, I don't run :D


It's been going since I was a child, the route goes right past my grandparents house and I always remember seeing some of the guys running and stopping to throw up along the way :rofl Anyways, later I grew to know that they just drank too much BEFORE getting going :no Too funny. Anyways, I'll try to see y'all later.

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:hi everyone!


It's another :hot:sun day here. Sure has been a summery summer. I'm working around the house today. But I'll fit some goofing off in too. DD and I went through her toys in the playroom and she picked out a few to toss or donate. I'm proud of her. She doesn't let go of things easily. I dusted the living room, dusted and vacuumed our bedroom, and gave the kitchen sinks a good scrub. I'm planning on decluttering bit by bit over the next few days. I'm ready for some order!!! And, besides my half day on Monday our schedule is free and clear until school starts after labour day :tup No more busy-ness for a while!


Marisa - :hug You take it easy after fainting. :hug


Stacy - :hug Hope the funk lifts soon. :hug


Vicki - :hug Good luck on your test and good luck to DD on her belt test too. I hope you enjoy(ed?) the zoo! :clap


Joanne - Your lapghan is so pretty! My gosh you really crank out those afghans. Can't wait to see your granny stripe finished :hyper Enjoy your weekend in Boston.


LeaAnne - Your sunflower afghan is gorgeousness! I love it and :manyheart the colours! How big is the square? I'm thinking that would make a lovely pillow for my pew for this time of year :D


Mary - Enjoy sweater making! You go girl!


Beth - I might have missed the post...how did the date go? Any more love blossoming? Is it Virginia that is for lovers? :think:rofl How did your work at the studio go?


LeeAnn - :hi friend! :hug I hope your schedule calms down soon. It's such a big job to be a mom and work full time. I don't know how you do it. How did the back-to-school shoe and backpack shopping go? When do your kids start back?


Shannon - How is Janna doing at school? How are YOU? Missing you very much, my friend. :hug


Sarah - How is everyone feeling at your house. I hope your blahs have gone. :hug


:hi to anyone I've missed!

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Hi everybody!


I'm recuperating from pulling a muscle in my back weeding the ballet studio garden. I am still as busy as usual, though. And that was Wednesday, so I'm feeling a lot better now. I'm using the exercises my dd did in PT for her back, and they feel GOOD!!!


I am thinking of all of you. :hug :hug :hug

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:waving, and TGIF!!!!!!!


Beth - :(:( I hope you take it easy, and that you are ok. please, take some extra cyber:hug:hug... they don't hurt!


Marisa - Yikes! that is scary! I hope that you are able to figure out why you have those spells.... and i hope you have a great weekend!! The Trot n' Brew sounds like an interesting event! :lol I certainly would want to be the one to have to clean up my lawn the next day though... :yuck:yuck:lol

anyway, have fun! ...and you are more than welcome to come to the pig roast! 2nd Saturday of August, annually, at my sister's in New Hampshire. Next year will be the lucky 7th! thanks for wanting to test my pattern for me!


Colleen - I am so happy that you will be getting some play time for the rest of the summer! :clap Will you be volunteering again this year? ...and I have you down as a pattern tester. I used a 6.5/K, and my squares came out at a nice 12"! Good size for a pillow. I will bring my pattern with me to test at sis' tonight (I wrote it AFTER:oops), and then type it up.


Joanne - TGIF, sistah!!! be safe tomorrow, I will think of you on the road to Boston. ...and let me know if or not you will have time to meet.


Vicki - I hope your test went well today, and Good Luck to DD for her purple belt test tomorrow!:clap


LeeAnn - You did it!!!! you made it to the weekend! I agree with everyone else here... :nworthy... I really don't know how you do what you do! It must be all of that nice, clean Colorado air!:wink


Stacy - I hope you are having a great day! thanks for wanting to test my pattern for me... I have you down! :tup:wink


:waving, Mary!!! how's life in God's country? Did you have a fun time at the Bingo?


Sarah - How are you feeling today, hun? :hug:hug:hug


Shaaaaaaannnnnnnonnnnnnn! Hi! :lol


Have a great night, all... I gotta boogie, and finish getting ready for my momma and me sleepover! :devil:c9



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Hi all,


Colleen- YAY for no busyness after 1/2 day Monday- enjoy the rest of the summer!!!


LeaAnne- Have fun at the pig roast- and the sleep over- sounds like a great weekend ahead for you!!!!


Marisa- That Brew Trot sounds interesting to say the least- have fun with it- and have a safe trip tonight. About DD's lapghan---I had asked her once if I was to make her a ghan, what colors would she want--that's how I knew what colors- she doesn't know she is getting it. But I really want to make a large afghan for her- it gets cold in Boston in the winter!!!!


Beth- Sorry about the back!! Glad to hear it's feeling better.


LeeAnn, Stacy, Mary, Sarah, Vicki, Shannon- Have a GREAT weekend. I'm leaving around 5AM tomorrow so I should be in Boston by 9:30 or so- praying for no traffic!!!!


Hugs to all

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