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Glad you had fun at the movies and the the library Colleen!


We enjoyed Salt- it was a good movie- lots of action! Then we went to the library and got "The Mephisto Club" by Tess Gerritsen-my friend at work was supposed to lend it to me before vacation, but she hadn't finished it yet- so rather than wait till Monday, I thought why not get it out of the library?


LeaAnne- I just looked at the preseason schedule- Saints vs Pats isn't on till August 12th! I think you are just getting a little too bit excited for some football!:lol:lol And yay for the treadmill- and yes, it is way to yucky out today- just talked to DD in Boston- she said some boomers were moving through- hopefully they head this way and cool things off


Beth- And you win the grand prize of friendship for the 6,000th post!!!!:hug:hug


I hope the humidity goes down some- I don't even want to go in the pool!!!


Well, off to read for a bit- I want to finish Mountains Beyond Mountains-it is an excellent book- about Dr. Farmer and Partners in Health.

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Hi Ladies

Another hot one here today. I had alittle nap this afternoon, I was a little tired today. I think it is because I have not been sleeping to well with all this heat at night.

Beth congrats on the 6000 post and congrats on the afghan. I just love it.

Joanne glad to here you are enjoying your vacation.

Colleen :cheer for dancing DD's in dresses.

LeaAnne I here you about the bike. It is way to hot for that.

Marisa :cheer for not being overworked.

Leeann I want summer to stay but just wish the humidity would go away.

Stacy how are the girls?

Shannon have you lost your way here?

Vicki :angry for not being able to go to the zoo.

Thinking about everyone

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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I guess I should have re-checked the schedule... back in early June, I had printed the schedule out for my "little friend" and hung it on their fridge. :think I was sure that it was the 5th... Dratted Menopause! LOL!


my Bad!!! :lol:lol:lol

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:hi friends!


Beth, that 'ghan is gorgeous!! :drool Your SIL is going to love it. :yes Congrats on the 6000th post. :h5


Colleen, :woo for dd finding a dress she likes! I know she is picky about clothing, so you must've been pretty happy that she found something. My Mia is a dress girl, too- it is so nice to have a girlie girl! :manyheart Except when she insists on wearing her plastic dress-up heels to the store. :lol Glad you and dd both enjoyed the movie. Have you read the books to her? I used to read them when I was younger, too, and enjoyed them.


Joanne, :yay for ice cream sundaes! Yummm!! Sounds like you are enjoying every minute of your vacation! :hug


LeaAnne, are the chickens still on track with their regimen? Hope you can get some use out of that treadmill soon. :hug Will you be watching your little friend again once school starts?


Mary, sorry to hear you're not sleeping well. Sleeping in the heat is the pits. Prayers that everything is okay with dh's MRI.


Vicki, boo for no zoo!! What is dd doing when you're at Prof. Dev. days? Is she sad that summer break is almost over? Or happy to go back to school?


Scooby, Shannon, Sarah, Leeann, Marisa...lots of :manyheart:manyheart:manyheart and :hug:hug:hug to all of you!! (Well, squishes for Leeann, since she seems to prefer them. :lol)


Mia was super-excited about our trip yesterday! :cheer Well, she was a little ticked when we first arrived because I "lied to her" on Tuesday night when she asked if we were going to Universal. :lol We had lots of fun, though, saw a bunch of shows, lots of cartoon characters, and played in the water area for a couple hours. We left at 3:30, which she was very sad about, but the other two were supposed to come home, so I wanted to be there in time. Turns out, they decided to stay another day! :eek I can't believe they've been gone for almost a week. MIL really seems happy to have company, though. :yes I think they might stay with her until Saturday, when we meet up at dh's aunt's house for a birthday party.

Today we went to the mall for a magic show, and of course stopped by See's Candies for a free sample. :D Then we went to the grocery store for a few odds and ends, and came home to have lunch. Now Mia is playing games on the laptop while I am on the desktop. We might go to the park for an hour or so. I'm also planning to call my old-man friend to see about swimming tomorrow.


Well, that's all the news from here. Gotta get the laundry from the dryer. BBL!

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Evenin all!


I just had an entire post and poof! It vanished! :angry


Joanne-so glad that you had another relaxing day! Salt sounds like a good movie-dh wants to see it, but I am such a chicken, I will not watch violent movies.:yes


Marisa-sounds like you are going to have a busy weekend! Fun fun! Thank you for the pattern for the socks, what kind of yarn do you use? Is it mainly sock yarn? I have some thinner yarn that I thought would work.


Vicki-bummer! Can you go to the zoo on Saturday?


LeaAnne-I have not walked this week! :eek I have been too tired and lazy, I am hoping to get back to it next week.


Mary-I am glad that it was somewhat cooler for you. It rained today! :cheer:cheer so excited! For once I wasn't roasting.:lol


Stacy-I bet Mia is loving all of the "mommy" time she is getting. How fun! I always say hugs and squishes because when the kiddos in my class give me a hug they always squish me too! It's soo cute! I just love it!


gotta run, dh just got home and the kiddos are starved..we were waiting for him to eat dinner!



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Sorry not on much right now. Trying to finish afghan for Keith's b-day so have a little over a month and a half to finish a rectangle granny afghan and then sew a piece of fabric around a travel pillow (that can be done in one night, though less if I can learn how to use the sewing machine I got before then)

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LeeAnn- Glad that it rained today and that you weren't sweating! It was so hot/humid here today- I can't wait for some rain to come through and cool things off. And I don't normally like violent movies either, but I do like Angelina Jolie- so off we went to the movies- it was really good!!!


Do you check the "remember me" box when you log in? I've found that if I do that, i don't lose posts in cyberspace- just a thought- I know how frustrating it is when you type something and then poof! It's gone!


Stacy- Mia is going to get used to all this alone time with Mommy!!!! So glad that two of you are having a good time together- and MIL must be loving the time with Isabella and Eva!!


Sarah- What colors are you using for Keith's afghan?


I'll cya in the morning.

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Mia is actually begging for her sisters to come home! :lol She really misses them.


Sarah, good luck getting Keith's blanket finished in time! :cheer You can do it!


Joanne, glad you liked the movie. My MIL saw it and said she wasn't too excited about it. She really doesn't like violent movies.


Leeann, how cute that your kiddos in your class always squish you. :manyheart


Mia and I went to the park for almost 3 hours! She had a bunch of fun. I worked on the sock monkeys and talked to my mom on the phone. Dh had a meeting in Anaheim so he got home late, we had a quick dinner, and now we are just relaxing. Have a good night, all! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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LeeAnn- Glad that it rained today and that you weren't sweating! It was so hot/humid here today- I can't wait for some rain to come through and cool things off. And I don't normally like violent movies either, but I do like Angelina Jolie- so off we went to the movies- it was really good!!!


Do you check the "remember me" box when you log in? I've found that if I do that, i don't lose posts in cyberspace- just a thought- I know how frustrating it is when you type something and then poof! It's gone!


Stacy- Mia is going to get used to all this alone time with Mommy!!!! So glad that two of you are having a good time together- and MIL must be loving the time with Isabella and Eva!!


Sarah- What colors are you using for Keith's afghan?


I'll cya in the morning.


Red Heart Multi Shaded Dusk, but these are older skeins from when Red Heart wasn't so scratchy (and were larger)

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:birthday:bday:birthday:bday:cake:birthday:bday LeaAnne!!!!


Hope you have a wonderful relaxing day and that the chickens wait on you hand and foot!! May your day be filled with doing whatever it is YOU want to do!!!!

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Good morning! :morcoffee


Sarah, I find that Red Heart is less scratchy depending on where you buy it. The Red Heart SS at WalMart is like sandpaper, but the ones at Joann's are softer. Still not super soft, but they wash up nice. Also, washing the finished project with conditioner, like you use on your hair, will soften it up.


Stacy, how sweet that Mia misses her sisters. How do you handle them being away?


Joanne, I hope you are enjoying your vacation. It sounds like it's been a lot of fun. Let me know how you like the book.


Mary, I hope your weather gets cooler. It rained really hard here yesterday. I think it will be better today. It was up to 95 in the afternoon before the storm came through. And thanks for the compliments on the afghan. I'd like to see how nice it would look if you made it -- and how quickly it would get done!


LeaAnn, it's frustrating when you lose posts, particularly the long ones. Since my internet has been going down periodically, I'm trying to keep my posts short and sweet!


LeaAnne, Is your child watching scheduled for next school year already?


Colleen, hooray for daughters! I am so lucky to have one! I love my sons, too, and am very proud of them, but there are some things you can only share with another girl.


Vicki, I am so sorry that you and your dd will miss your date at the zoo. I hope you get something else fun to do very soon.


Marisa, I make slippers, but I've never tried socks. I think it would be so hard to get them even. You are much braver than I.


Shannon, thinking about you. I hope you are not melting.


My dh called me from work yesterday. They are changing the next scheduled shipcheck from September to August. It will be in Seattle, instead of while the ship is underway, which is a good thing, but he isn't sure which session he will be going. He may leave on the 16th of August, and come back early in September, or he may leave the 7th of September, and come home 3 weeks later. Worst case scenario, he's gone for the whole time. If he has to go, I prefer the first session. I don't work and the kids don't have school, so there's less going on.


Well, I need to get going. We have homeschool bowling, homeschool game day, both sons work, and I have a list of errands to run. Have a huggy, less muggy day!

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Good morning all,


Sarah- I looked up Multi Shaded Dusk and it's really nice colorway!!! You can finish this!!!


Stacy- That's so cute that Mia is missing her sisters!! And 3 hrs in the park sounds so nice!!!


Colleen and Mary- has it cooled off any where you are? Still muggy out there this morning and it's only 6AM!!


Vicki- Day 3 of Prov Dev Day is here!!!! You can do it!!! And then you are off for the weekend! Game 1- Yanks/REd Sox tonight and even though it's LeaAnne's birthday, I'm still rooting for the Yankees!!!


LeeAnn- Hugs and squishes to you- for a not so hot Friday!!!


Beth- How is the shawl for your Mom coming along? Did DS go on a date yet?


Shannon- Missing you around here- hope all is well.


Well off to grab a cup of coffee- Have a wonderful Friday........And remember your vitamins! (that means you too LeaAnne! :lol )

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Good morning ladies :coffee


It was pretty busy in here yesterday :D Welcome to Friday!!!! :clap


Colleen - I'd like to see Ramona and Beezus myself, I think it looks really cute.


Beth - :yay for post 6000 :D If you can do slippers, I'm sure you can manage a pair of socks :yes I'll try anything, just give me a pattern :lol


LeaAnne - :bday You're just a bit early on the preseason...but I understand your excitment :yes


Mary - You're right, I have not been overworked this week :clap But, just found out yesterday that the doc at another office will be on vaca next week, so it was shortlived.....I'll be alone next week again!! :eek I can't wait until vaca season is over!!!! :lol


Stacy - Glad Mia had fun at universal with you and then at the park too :yay


LeeAnn - I usually try to use the same type of yarn called for in a pattern if I can. So for those socks, I did use sock yarn :yes I don't remember if it was RH heart and sole or a different type, but it was sock yarn nonetheless.


Sarah - WTG :cheer you can do it, you can do it!!!!!!!


Joanne - Sounds like you're having quite the relaxing vaca :clap Did you start your new book yet?


Gotta run and shower for work

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Marisa- I am almost finished with Mountains Beyond Mountains! Should finish it today and then start on The Mephisto Club!


Wow- that was short lived!!! Nuy all you can do is take it one day at a time!! You'll get through next week and then will you have another doc with you the rest of the summer?


Have a good day and safe travels to your folks tonight!!!

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Marisa- I am almost finished with Mountains Beyond Mountains! Should finish it today and then start on The Mephisto Club!


Wow- that was short lived!!! Nuy all you can do is take it one day at a time!! You'll get through next week and then will you have another doc with you the rest of the summer?


Have a good day and safe travels to your folks tonight!!!


The only time I don't have my doc is when someone else needs off and he has to cover their office and we have 4 offices. But I think all the docs are covered for vaca now. My guy took a couple days back in February so he may take something for himself yet. I won't take a whole week, but I do have friday the 20th off :lol


gotta run or I'll be late for work, need to be there by 8.


See y'all later

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:bday:bday:birthday LEAANNE!!!:bday I hope you have a wonderful day! :flower:hug Any big plans for your birthday?


I ordered new glasses last night. Finally!!! I should have them in a week or so.


It is cooler here today :faint We never did have rain or a storm, but it's supposed to be a high of 23 today. That's only 73 F, so that is much more comfortable. I think I'll turn off the a/c and open the house up for some nice cool, fresh air. Although yesterday the neighbourhood smelled like manure from a nearby farm, so we'll have to see just how fresh the air is :lol I'm washing sheets today, so hopefully it's good. It's supposed to be the same tomorrow, which will be just perfect for an outdoor wedding. :clap


DD and I are doing our nails and toenails today and I've a little dress and some shirts to iron. Otherwise just keeping busy around the house. Maybe a trip to the park to enjoy the nice weather. Have a great day!

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Has anyone told you all that you are the bestest today?


Well, you are!!!!!


thanks for being such wonderful friends... I am blessed that you are part of my life:manyheart


I hope you all have a fabulous day today, and want each of you to spend a little time doing what YOU want to do today! That's my birthday gift :gift:c9 ....knowing that my best friends are all having fun doing something great!


DH is taking me to lunch and then we are going browsin' at Home Depot. Then, I will likely spend my evening on my deck with my :hook:yarn. ...after :cake with the chickens, that is!!!


Love you all!!!!


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Hope your day is going well LeaAnne!!!


WE went to the ocean- and to a Greek Restaurant for lunch- it was delicious!!! We sat on a bench on the boardwalk for a while reading our books and then went to get a coffee at a little cafe! It was a very relaxing afternoon.


Back home now- going to crochet a bit- I started a turn on itself potholder this morning- and gearing up for the Yankee Red Sox Game!


Go Yankees! (sorry LeaAnne- I know it's your birthday and all, but I still need to root for my Yankees!)

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:bdayHappy Happy Birthday LeaAnne!:birthday You are an amazing mother and friend! :rock I am greatful to be considered one of your friends:flower!:hug:hug:hug:2hug:laughroll:dance:heart:applause:hyper:2blush:mdust

hugs and extra squishes!

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Hello there!!!!


Soo glad that it is Friday~!:cheer:clap:yay I am dancing a happy jig! This week flew by, but I was tired. Tomorrow I am going to rest and clean...and maybe crochet.:devil I am going to finish the granny ghan, I have 56 squares connected and think it is big enough. I am going to try one of the borders that Lucy uses-wish me luck!


Joanne-another fantastic day! Awesome! I stopped at the library the other day for books for my classroom and forgot to check one out for me?? silly silly!


Marisa-have a safe drive to your parents house!


Stacy-my kiddos miss each other too. That is so sweet of Mia! 3 hours at the park sound heavenly!


Beth-I hope that your dh gets to go first. Do you homeschool all year round? How does that work?


Colleen-:cheerfor new glasses! what color did ya get? I am still waiting for mine to come in. I can't wait!


Mary-did you have a cooler day?


Sarah-I have made a ghan using those same colors for my sister-she loves it! I have found that Red Heart will soften with Downy and dryer sheets.


LeaAnne-do tell us all about your day!


we are having pizza and a movie. The kiddos picked A Bug's Life. I love that movie! Other than that, work went well. Two of our kiddos are moving on to the public Head Start-so sad to see them go, next week we will looose more, I know that is the way that the program works, but I will miss them!



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LeeAnn- YAY you made it through the week!! Enjoy your movie night! Good luck with the border!!!


Not liking this yankee/red sox game right now! But I'm sure the BIRTHDAY GIRL is very happy!!!!

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