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Some good clean fun?!

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Joanne - Exton is about 40-45 minutes from where I live and Malvern is about 10 minutes closer. I don't typically head in that direction though. It sure is a small world :lol


Good night everyone, I'm headed up and trying to stay awake to read at least a few pages of my book :D

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Hi, Friends!


Stacy - I was so glad to read that you had a super "family fun" weekend! ...and I agree... :yuck for vacuuming!:lol


Marisa - Glad today was a bit slower for you, so your poor muscles could have a little break. enjoy breakfast with your Dad!


Joanne - glad you made it home safe and sound! Nice pics!


Colleen - the book you are reading sounds really good! Glad you had a nice, relaxing day! ... I bet you'll be itching to do some stitching come autumn, when it's a little cooler... let's face it, yarn plus hot weather just doesn't always match! :lol


Sarah - Good Grief, lady! :nworthy... looky at all you got done! I am impressed and inspired, but most of all, I am Proud Of YOU!!! And you got time for :crocheting?! ... only 1 word for you, girl: AWESOME! :hug:hug


Beth - when will you start "classes" with your inventions? and WTG :tup for Amanda changing that fuse! I am proud to say that I am this house's handyman!! I learned what I know around the house from my mom, and what I know about cars, I learned from my dad (he was a mechanic). anyway, that type of knowledge is truly priceless!


Miss Mary - is the heat sneaking back up your way, too? It is supposed to be around 90 and humid here for the rest of the week. I hope you are staying cool, and getting lots of little sweaters done.


Vicki - How was move in day? I hope you didn't overdo it!!! When is the first day?


LeeAnn - did you stay awake for your loooonnnnng day? I was thinking about you!


Shannnnnnnoooooonnnnnn! We miss you! Tru dat!:yes Hey, the Pats are hosting the Saints in preseason football this Thursday night! Yes!!!:cheer



Well, Ladies... I am off to dreamland... I will see you all tomorrow!



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Good Evening friends!


Feel drained, work went well but Family Night felt like forever! I had to run an errand and didn't get home until 9, then dd wanted to have a tea party before bedtime, so had to do that too...soo cute! Just going to shower and hit the sack. Will post to everyone tomorrow, but please know that I am thinking of all of you often!


Hugs and squishes!!!!!

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Good morning :hug


I'm not able to greet everyone right now -- that would involve my brain working, and it's not awake yet. :morcoffee


Joanne, your pictures are very nice. I am glad you had such a nice trip.


:hug :hug :hug to all.

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Good morning!

Up bright and early even though I don't have to go to work! It's that internal alarm clock of mine that doesn't realize I don't have to be up. But I'm wide awake and know that if I tried to fall back asleep I'd feel worse if I did fall back asleep!


Have a good day everyone- off to have a cup of java and shower and then I'm going to go to our favorite bagel shop and bring home some bagels for breakfast!



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Good morning everyone :hi


My dad should be here in about an hour, I just spoke with him and he's about half way. So, I decided to check in before going for my shower :D


I hope everyone has a great day today :yes:hug

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Hi Ladies

Just checking in. Yesterday I felt better so off to cleaning I went. I got my yarn room about 3/4 done and the little bedroom about 90% done. I then had lunch and then it got hot so that was the end of cleaning. This morning I was up and ready to start again and guess what????? yup it got hot this morning. With the humidty today it is suppose to be in the 100's today and close to that for the rest of the week.

I think tonight when it cools down I will try and finish the yarn room.

I have piles of things in the livingroom upstairs that will be taken to good will as soon as I can get there.

Joanne I love your pics and Iam glad you had a good time.

I hope everyone has a great day and try and stay cool, I know I will be doing that.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love

:hug:manyheart PS. I will try and be back after supper tonight and see who is around for a chat.

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it's getting muggy and hot here, too!


My purging project might have to be delayed a little...


The rest of the regimen is on track! :tup I know, it's only day 2, but after all, life is to be lived one day at a time, right?


All of my daily chores (including lunch and clean up) are done.


The kids all got their reading done for today... Jamie has to have 2 books read by the start of school: "Dark Tide: The Great Molasses Flood of 1919", and "Edith's Story" about a Jewish girl from Holland during WWII. Lindsey has to read "Three Cups of Tea". Krissy needs a minimum of 500 pages, and Peter a minimum of 300 pages (they can choose their own titles).


They have been making their beds when they get up, and are doing a fairly decent job of keeping their rooms picked up. Later this week, I will be letting them know that there will be one additional chore added to their list, which will be rotated between them:

1. set the table

2. clear the table

3. vacuum the living/family room

4. wipe down vanity, and put dirty clothes in the laundry room


Finally, I have decided that this is just all too much fun to not share it!!! :rofl


anyway, I gotta go for now... will try to be back for chat tonight:)


Luv you guys!!!


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:hi everyone!


I finally got my kitchen drawers cleaned out, vacuumed out the crumbs, wiped down, and took out all the unnecessary gadgets for donation (no one really needs 5 corkscrews in a house where no one drinks wine :rofl).


LeaAnne - I love the sound of your new plan! :tup I think in a house with that many chickens, many hands make lighter work for all, so go for it!


I've done 2 loads of laundry, folded 3. I'd do more, but it looks like it might storm. Hot and sticky here too. This has certainly been a summery summer.


Off to find a bag for my donation stuff and maybe another drawer to clean out :D By the way, I'm thinking of you ladies while I do this and thinking that you'd be cheering me on. Thanks for being there :hug

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Hi everyone!


Had a fun day at the outlets today- And I found out before I went that on Tuesday's you get additional 10% off at some stores if you are over 50! My age came in handy today!!!! I bought a pair of slacks, 2 cardigans and a shirt! All on clearance and an additional 10% off!! It was a successful excursion!!!:clap


On the way home we stopped at Wally World- and I got some Vanna's on clearance- the7 oz skeins for $4.00 ( I know, I don't need more yarn--but who can resist a yarn sale- surely not this lady):lol


LeaAnne- Yes, Yes, Yes, you should share the fun with the chickens!!!!:yes And the heat, humidity are creeping back here too---dog days of summer---although the weather forecast for the weekend is supposed to be better! But I won't complain- since I don't have to work this week, I don't care what the weather does---as long as I have my AC


Mary- Glad to hear you are feeling better!!! And WTG on getting some cleaning done- i'll try and be here for chat- usually it's 9:30 EST


Colleen- I :lol:lol about the corkscrews!!! Isn't it funny how we tend to accumulate "stuff" we don't need or use? I'm tempted to declutter some more this week, but am talking myself out of it since I'm on vacation! Just because I'm home, doesn't mean I should be cleaning!!!!!:lol


Vicki- How was the school shopping expedition today?


Stacy- Did you only have 1 child today? Or are you back to your normal 3?


Beth- Hope you had a good day today!


Shannon- Where are you?


LeeAnn- Hope you had a good day and weren't too tired- That was so cute about DD wanting to have a tea party last night!


Marisa- Hope you had a great day at work today- bet it was nice to have the other doc back!!!


Well, off to make breakfast for dinner!


Try and BBL!

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Hello everyone :hi


Work was WONDERFUL today!!!! My doc is back :clap:woo Me and mary tackled him when he walked in and the patient's were excited to see him back as well :D It was still a busy day, but much more bearable with being able to break up the tasks :clap I actually wasn't drained leaving work today :yay


It sounds like everyone is on a cleaning kick :think Well, I did mine on sunday and since I live alone and don't have a dh or kids....it'll last a couple weeks until the dust starts to settle again :rofl I leave my shoes at the door so the floors keep better ;)


LeaAnne - giving the chickens more chores and seeing #2 on your list made me think back to when I was a kid.....and I am the youngest of 3 so always had the 'lighter' chores.....But, I was always very good at disappearing just in time for supper clean up and they never realized it until they were done! :eek They called me Houdini :lol


Joanne - Breakfast is my FAVORITE meal :manyheart

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:hi friends!


Joanne, you got some great deals at the outlets! :h5 I miss the outlets...in MI they were only 20 minutes away, but here they are almost 45...plus it's just not the same when you have 3 little chickens following behind. :lol so are you on vacation the rest of the week? I loved your pics, btw...they look just like postcards. :dreaming


Marisa, :clap for the doctor being back! Surely that will be a huge help. :yes Sounds like your paintball excursion was fun. How are your thighs feeling today?


Colleen, WTG on cleaning and purging! I am all for kitchen gadgets but 5 corkscrews is a bit much. :lol How is dd today?


LeaAnne, your new regimen sounds wonderful. Glad to hear the chickens are keeping up with it.


Mary, yikes at that heat!! :eek:eek Hope you can keep cool. WTG on getting your rooms cleaned up.


Everyone else- sending lots of love and :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug your way!


I'm here...waiting to see if anyone shows up for chat! I sure could use another one. :lol

I'm still only with 1 child. We had to take MIL to pick up her car from the mechanic today. It was quite the fiasco...Eva wanted to come home until she saw Isabella getting into MIL's car. Then she wanted to go with them...Mia was sad because she couldn't go (even though she said before she didn't want to.) So I told her we would do something super-fun tomorrow, which made Isabella sad because they are "only" going to McDonald's tomorrow (which I know is not true- MIL takes them shopping every chance she gets :lol) which made Mia sad that she wasn't going to McDonald's...and on and on it went. :rofl Anyway, we got it sorted out, Eva and Isabella went back with MIL, and I am surprising Mia by taking her on the bus to Universal Studios tomorrow. :clap:clap:clap She is going to be so excited! There is an express route with it's own private track, that starts by the college 3 blocks away, and ends in Universal City. We will take our own lunch so all I will have to pay for is bus fare. I am so excited! :rofl


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Good Evening all!


I am finally able to get on here and chat up a storm! Gosh! I miss posting and couldn't wait to read what everyone was up to.


LeaAnne-You are on the ball! WTG! My kiddos make their beds every day and keep their rooms tidy, they also wash laundry too...they are wondeful! I usually have to check dd tho' she's a bit of a pack rat and can stack things to the ceiling!:lol I haven't been in there in a few days...:thinkreminds me, I should get in and give it a check.


Joanne-your pics were lovely! your vacation sounds just :c9! I can never resist yarn, I keep telling myself, "no more" but then, it just kinda happens:devil:devil what is on your agenda for tomorrow?


Stacy-that is soo good that you were able to have family time! Are all of your gals home?


Colleen-you have been on a declutting spree!!! you go! I agree, I have lots of kitchen gadgets that are never used,...I should get rid of them. I think I will declutter in October-that will be the end of the season, I try to keep up with things, but sometimes feel too tired and just plain lazy.


Beth-how was your day? I never repair anything, isn't that terrible? dh and father in-law are experts and fixing things and I have become spoiled. Sad to say, but I can't remember how to fix a flat tire...:yes


Vicki-did you get dd all ready for school? I have a few things left to buy the kiddos-shoes and underwear and a new backpack for dd, but other than that, they are ready.


Mary-so very sorry that it has been so hot and muggy in your neck of the woods. I work in an old building without a/c and am usually roasting by 9...it makes it for an uncomfortable day. I wear powder and take two showers a day...:(


Marisa-so glad that work went smooth, how was breakfast with your dad? are you working on anything now?


I am going to shower then plan on sitting and :crocheting. I worked on a baby ghan on the drive to and from Wyoming, can't decide if I want to finish it or work on the grannies-just know I must get some hook time in.


BBL! tomorrow we have to stay for lesson planning, another long day,,,but if I get my tush in bed early I should feel better.


Hugs and squishes!

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How are you? Have you found out about your test results yet? What are you working on these days?


No news on the test means good news here. The family doc would have called my by now if there was something wrong. Iam working on kids sweaters right now.

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No news on the test means good news here. The family doc would have called my by now if there was something wrong. Iam working on kids sweaters right now.


That's wonderful! :yay

My hats aren't coming along very well. I have a few made but am having a heck of a time trying to find an affordable mannequin head. I really need to get some pics to put them in my Etsy shop. I have some interest but people want to actually see them first. :lol

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