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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning everyone,


Yesterday, I helped rescue a feral kitten, and got my fingers bit, so it hurts to type. This will be brief.


Sarah, love the bear. It's gorgeous.


LeaAnn, Joanne, and Marisa, have a great time on your trips.


Mary, Collelen, Shannon, Stacy, Vicki, Scooby, LeaAnne, and the rest of our family, :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning all! It is cloudy here this morning. There is no rain in the forecast, so maybe it is just an overcast morning.

I still need to change my sheets. Yes, I have been quite bad about getting it done. We hae been busy and I just haven't had the chance. I have been going out with a friend and she has been helping me do some stuff. I has been nice tospend some time with her. Epsecially since hubby has been working a TON of hours and really hasn't been home. And summer vacation is almost over. I can play a little!

Joanne - Did yo hear about the trade? Lance Berkman is to become a Yankee? Hubby and DD are sooooo not happy! The Mets are doing nothing and Berkam is DD's favorite Astro. I have some disgruntled baseball fans in my house right now! Glad the weather is great and have fun at the party!

Marisa - Have fun at the paint ball day! You will have fun once you get into it! Enjoy your weekend off and have fun with your friend!


Beth - I hope your finger feels better! Where were you rescuing a feral kittie from? Be careful!

Sarah - The Christmas bear in her finery is gorgeous! Love her! Hope all is well down by you!

Mary - How ya doing? How did everything go this week? Hopefully all is well and DD and the kids arrived safely!

Colleen - How are things going by you? What has DD been up to? Hope all is well by you and you are enjoying you days!

LeaAnne - How are things with the chickens? Are they getting ready to go (dare I say it!?!?) back to school? I was just looking at what I need to do before I go back and I am SOOO not happy that summer is over already! I need to go school shopping! I haven't even done that!

Leeann - Have fun on your trip this weekend!

Shannon - Hope all is well!

Stacy - Thinking about you and hoping that those fires are not near you!

I need to go empty my dishwasher. Have a great day all and I will talk to you all later!

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hey, all!


Like Joanne said.. the New England weather is just lovely :dreaming today!


Today is exactly the 1/2 way mark of summer vacation. we will celebrate by doing our daily summer reading assignments, and then chill at the pool.


Hugs to you all!



have a spectacular day!

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Good morning, friends! I hope your Sunday is as magnificent as mine. My dear hubby made me gluten-free pancakes from scratch this morning!!!:manyheart It was actually a mistake -- he meant to grab the wheat flour, just picked up the wrong container. (And they are in very different parts of the cabinet!) It was very nice, though, and they were yummy!


:hug:hug:hug:hug to everyone. I hope our travelers are safe, and having a great time. I hope everyone at home is enjoying their families. I'm going to work on the squares for my sil's afghan! TTYL

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Ooohh, slow weekend here! Happy Sunday to all! Hope everyone's absence means a great weekend is being had by all!

I have two loads of towels folded and the first load of laundry in the washer. I still need to change my sheets. I've been very bad at that.


We are going to look at a new bicycle for DD today. We told her that she has to pick it out and then tell us which one she wants so Santa has enough time to make it for her. She is still young enough to believe. I can't take that away! I know. Eventually she has to know, but she's only 10! Keep it going a while linger is what I say.


Hope everyone has a great day and I will talk to you all later!

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Hi all,

Having a magnificent time up here in NH! We had a great day yesterday- went to Portsmouth- a farmers market, Ft Constitution, Prescott Park -where there are the most beautiful flower gardens- and the water! Arts festival/music festival going on- we are heading back there today with books (and me with hooks) to chill and hang out listening to some music by the water.


The cousins party was great!!! Had lots of fun, talking, eating, looking at old pics- a great time!!!


Weather is once again PERFECT!!!


Vicki- I didn't hear about Berkman- just read about it after reading your post! They got 3 players at the deadline. Let's Go YANKEES!!!


Have a splendid day everyone!

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OK, this was a long post and didn't want to type twice so I copy and pasted again between my two threads :eek


Good morning ladies :hi


I got home about an hour and a half ago, did my banking and decided to check in before I get moving (I tend to procrastinate when it comes to cleaning :lol ) However, it needs to be done and today's the day it's going to get done :yes


Paintball was alot of fun and I'd surely do it again. We had 8 in our group and they kinda threw us in with EVERYONE else, must've been at least 50 people out there easy :eek We were nervous since we've never done it before and just had a quick briefing.....so, it was sink or swim!!!! :lol The forest was our battlefield and they divided us into 2 teams for each game. The playing area was roped off and I did pretty good. Each game went 10 minutes. Once you get hit you're out for that game. I managed to stay alive until the end :clap But, that didn't give me any break time before they started the next game so I sat our 2nd game out. My legs were sore for crouching and kneeling for 10 minutes :lol Plus I had used half of my paintballs already. So the next game I played I got hit with just a couple minutes left and it didn't hurt :no No battle wounds for me, but some in my group had a couple spots. Our friend brought her 16 yr old son and he was trying to go home with battle scars :rofl Boys will be boys!!! Then we played another round and we each only had a handful of paintballs left so we gave them to a guy and called it a day.


The guy that got our was hit by one of our girls (we were the only girls there in our group for a total of 6) But anyway, this guy was out and when you get hit you yell out and hold your hands up as your leaving the playing field to avoid being hit again. Well minnie saw him walking and started shooting at him, so then he was trying to dodge them and was yelling at her that he was on her team!!!! It was hysterical....that was the game I sat out and when he came back to netted area he was telling his friend "she unloaded her gun at me!" I said "she", which one because I knew it was one of ours. He wasn't mad though and laughed it off but she felt sooo bad then :lol So we gave him our leftover paintballs when we left :D


Went to a grill/tavern for lunch, which was sooo slow and not quite accurate, but our options were limited and next time will try the other place.


Went out to a lounge last night and got up early to head back. Now I have to do laundry and clean. I may get some company later, but this particular person is not very reliable so I don't make my schedule around it. I'll do what I have to do and if I'm here great and if not, oh well.


I'll be back later :waving

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Hi Ladies

Just a quick post to let you all know everything is OK here. Thursday and Friday were very stressful days but we got thru them. After we got home on Friday and all day Saturday we didn't do too much of anything. We just relaxed and had a quiet time. Today I started cleaning up the small bedroom. I didn't get alot done but there is always another day.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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hi, gang!


I hope you all enjoyed this most splendiferousness of Sundays!

I have all of my windows open:c9

this weekend was mostly spent cleaning. I have started cleaning things out for the yard sale. Garage organized... check. Master bedroom purged... check. caught up on my laundry... check. beds changed, and unpacking (FINALLY) finished... check!


I am tired, but in a good way. anyway, DH told me I need to stop now, and put my feet up and :crocheting the evening away! Well... :shrug who am I to argue??!:devil:lol


:hug:hug:hug:hug to all of you, my dear friends! Make it a great night!


Beth - Hooray for gluten free pancakes!:clap How many squares did you get to make for the SIL 'ghan? That pattern remains on my WIM list! It's just lovely! Is your back feeling better, and are you sleeping better? Have things cooled off at all for you all down VA way?


Joanne - so glad you got the perfect weekend for your cousin party and happened to be up here for the Portsmouth Folk Festival... when are you headed home?


Marisa - glad you enjoyed the paint-balling! It's good to go goof around with friends... you sure earned the playtime, friend!


LeeAnn - can't wait to hear about Wyoming and Alan Jackson!! :drool


Mary - :hug glad you got a nice quiet weekend with DH! sounds like a little slice of heaven up there in God's country and well deserved!


Vicki - sounds like you had a pretty terrific day, friend! I am :U for you!


Colleen, Stacy, Shannon-ness, Scooby, Sarah... I miss you guys:(

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:hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA. I've been thinking about you. We went away for a few days visiting family up north. Did some fishing, the kids did some swimming, just relaxed, had great weather, and now we are all REALLY happy to be home.


I can't possibly catch up on everything.


LeaAnne - I'm reading some irish book right now, can't remember the name.... Past Secrets by Cathy Kelly I think...very light and relaxing. But I just finished reading the Island trilogy by Gordon Korman. This is Junior Fiction and something your chickens might like. It was great! Kinda like Lord of the Flies meets I-Pods :lol I've heard the kids like his stuff so I thought I'd check it out. Thanks for thinking of me friend :hug How is your lace and bobbles 'ghan coming?


LeeAnn - I am so glad you found your rings :whew


Sarah - Love your Christmas bear. Cute!


Marisa - I gather you had fun paint balling!


Joanne - Glad to hear you are enjoying your trip to NH and that the weather is good.


Vicki - I hope DD found a bike she liked.


Mary - :hug Hope you are finding some relaxation after a stressful few days. I didn't see what happened, but you are in my thoughts and I hope everyone is okay. :hug


Stacy - How are you and your family this weekend?


Beth - Mmmm pancakes sound yummy! Gotta love good mistakes :yes We had pancakes for supper when we got home. There wasn't much in the house.


Shannon - How are you girl?


We've got one more day of a long weekend here tomorrow (it's a civic holiday :clap), so a quiet day to look forward to.

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Hi all

It has been a wonderful weekend and we'll be heading home tomorrow morning.


DH and I headed to Portsmouth for the afternoon after going to a coffee shop this morning with my two brothers and their wives and to a bookstore across the street. They headed home today. We walked around some of the shops we missed yesterday, then had lunch at an Irish restaurant. It is housed in what was, until 1998, the oldest bank building in the United States continuously used as a bank . It was built in 1803 for the New Hampshire Bank. It is a gorgeous building with a stained rotunda- all mahogany furnishings, marble floor! The food was yummy.


Then we headed down to Prescott Park and I crocheted a dishcloth while DH read a while. There was a band playing- show tunes and patriotic songs and it was a lot of fun. I read a little bit of a book recommended to me by one of my brothers and that I found at the bookstore--"Mountains Beyond Mountains" by Tracy Kidder. It won a Pulitzer Prize and I can see why- it is a really good book.


We went to dinner with my cousin and her DH and now we are back in the hotel. DH has gone to bed and I am checking in then probably going to read some more.


Colleen- Glad you had a nice time up North and enjoy your quiet relaxing day tomorrow.


LeaAnne- Hope that you are crocheting or at least relaxing now after getting all that work done today- I've been reading about closures of beaches on Cape Cod due to white sharks! I heard Chatham but not sure if there are any other beaches affected. I guess it's because of the warmer than normal temperatures?


LeeAnn- Hope you had a great time in Wyoming!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!!


Mary- Glad that you made it through the week and hope that the days ahead will be less stressful for you!!!


Beth Hope you continued to have a splendid day- after the great start you had!! Was it cooler in Va these past few days? I'm telling you- the weather up here was PERFECT!! I looked at the forecast and looks like it is going to be warming up with change of showers each day till the end of the week, both here and back home (but not as hot here).


Vicki- Hope you didn't get too stressed watching the Yankees- I read how they lost and that the Rays pitcher got 11 strikeouts against the Yankees- glad i wasn't watching!!!


Stacy- Hope you are having a good weekend!!!


Marisa- Glad you had fun paintballing!!!! Hope that this week is so much better than last (which it should be since your other doc is back Tuesday!!!) Oh, my brother was wearing a Phillies cap (he was born and raised in NJ, but ever since college has lived in PA except for the few years he attended NE School of Optometry and they lived in Boston) So he is true blue PA sports fan now! When I saw the cap, I thought of you! Thank goodness by other brother (who lives in CT) is still a Yankee fan!!!


Well, off to read a little before calling it a night!!!


See you when I return to NJ!

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Greetings dear friends!!!!!

I'm back! Boy oh boy did we have fun!!! :clap:clap:clapWe had the best of times, what a great weekend! The drive up to Fort Collins on Friday was relaxing and enjoyable-I was able to crochet and visit with my mom and dh. Dh and I took turns driving, Friday evening we stopped at our hotel to drop off our luggage then headed out to a small diner and then shopping. We found a Michaels! Of course I found 2 skiens of yarn that I just had to have-Impeccable-Luxury Ombre. It has shades of lavender, green and blue and is oh soo soft. I can't wait to make a scarf out of it.

Saturday we got up extra early went out to breakfast and then drove up to Cheyenne Wyoming. Beautiful country! It was a georgous day, sunny and clear. We were early which was great, they had a carnival going on as well as a Rodeo, shows, booths and best of all an Indian Festival complete with dancing and story telling. We were able to walk around and take as much as we could in then relaxed before the concert. I must say Alan Jackson was amazing! As was Josh Turner-he opened for him. We sang along and bopped like crazy school girls-we didn't get back to our room until 1:30 a.m.:eek:eek:eek:eek I am tired, but it was so worth it. The traffic on our way home was terrible, it took us an extra three hours to get home.

LeaAnne-wow! you accomplished alot! Your sure do deserve extra :hook time. WTG!

Mary-glad that you are feeling a bit better.

Vicki-that is wonderful that your dd belives in Santa-our dd does too, isn't it just so magical?

Joanne-your vacation sounds :c9 I am so glad that you had a fantastic time at the party!

Marisa-paint balling sounds like so much fun! My dh and ds would love it! I would love sitting and watching them. Did your friend make it to your house?

Colleen-that is wonderful that you and your family can rest and relax tomorrow. Have you had time to :hook?

Stacy-how was your weekend?

Beth-pancakes sounds delicious! We may just have them for diner tomorrow! How's your finger?

guess I should get to unpacking..but I would rather go to bed. Tomorrow we have Family Night, will not get home until 8:30...uggghhh...can I just call in tired? :devil

have a good night friends!

Hugs and squishes and extra hugs again!

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Yipppeee! Colleen and LeeAnn are home!!!! I missed you girls!:hug I am so happy that you both had nice family vacations. ...and @Colleen: we were all more than ready to come home, too! :wink

LeeAnn - Wyoming is a place I have always wanted to visit. Sounds like it measured up for you guys! Good luck tomorrow with your long day!


Joanne - yes, they are closing beaches on the Cape due to Great White Sharks that have been sighted and/or successfully tagged. They closed a couple of beaches in Chatham that are on the outer edge of the cape... on the "elbow" if you will. The water has been incredibly warm this year: 70 - 75 degrees!

Anyway, I am so happy that you got to enjoy Portsmouth. Safe travels tomorrow, friend! I will be thinking of you!


I hope everyone has an amazing and trouble free Monday.... I will see you after my chores are done. Tomorrow, I am starting a new "regimen" with regards to cleaning, excercising, "chores for chickens" and eating. :xfin. Wish me luck!

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Hello everyone :hi


Can I just say that my thighs are KILLING me!!!! :eek Y'all should see me wobbling around in here and the steps have become a chore :rofl I guess squatting and crouching for a half hour in 3 straight 10 minute increments at paintball was not something they were excited about :lol Oh well, I guess that just tells me I need to get more squats and lunges into my exercise program :( I think I'll take a pain reliever before I head to work since I need to be able to move aroun alot ;)


Mary - It's nice that you got a quiet day after the stressful 2 :hug


LeaAnne - WTG getting so much cleaning done and prepping for your yard sale :D And yes, when dh tells you to stop and go crochet.....I'd recommend not choosing that point in time to not listen :lol Good luck with your new regimen at the house, the first week will be the hardest but then downhill from there :D:hug When it comes to the chickens, stick to your word ;)


Colleen - Glad you were able to get away a few days and relax with your family :yay


Joanne - I like your bro already ;) Where in PA is he at now and what college did he go to (just curious)? Have a safe trip back today!!


LeeAnn - Sounds like the concert was great :clap I'm glad you had a wonderful time....well, until the car ride home anyway :( I love indian food and would have loved to see the indian festival that was going on :D Have fun at family night!!!


Oh and to LeeAnn and Vicki - I believe in Santa too!!!! :yes You see, he continues to bring me gifts every year....I guess I must be a good girl :lol But, who am I to question a man's existence when he comes and leaves me presents under my xmas tree :think And to include that I never have to see this man....even better :lol that means I don't have to get any gifts in return nor do I feel obligated to him in any way :rofl


Have a great day everyone!!!

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Good morning all! It will be another :hot day here in Texas! I am going to go to school today and begin to move all my junk to my new room. It's going to be a pain! I have to empty the file cabinets before I can move them! UGH!

Glad Colleen, Leeann, and LeaAnne had good trips!

Marisa, I am glad you believe in Santa too! It is wonderful when you can get presents from a man and not have to give anything in return!

Mary - Hope you were able to relax a little bit. Enjoy your day!

Beth - YAY for gluten free pancakes! How do you make them?

Has anyone heard from Stacy? She hasn't been on here in the last couple of days.

Have a great day all and I will talk to you later!

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good morning, all!


well, I am here... beds made, house picked up, ribs for dinner in the crockpot, and breakfast done. I even spent some time on the job search (to no avail:blush). I told DH that I want to go to Michaels and Joann's and put in an application...maybe tonight? I know they aren't looking for anyone as of today, but it wouldn't hurt to get my name in there.

The kids have picked up their rooms and are finishing up today's reading assignment.

This is niiiiiiiiccccccceeee! :U:c9


I have the following left on today's agenda:

1. walk for 30 minutes

2. clean out under my bed

3. crochet!!!


.... i could get used to this!:devil



Vicki - good luck with moving into your new classroom!


Joanne - safe travels


Marisa and LeeAnn - good luck for a work day that goes by quickly


Beth, Colleen, Mary, Stacy, Sarah, Shannon - I hope you are all having a great day!


I will drop by again a little later on... meanwhile, please take as many hugs as you need:


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Hello, my friends,


I'm having a good day, too! It's cool, gray, some would say ugly because of the clouds, but I find it relaxing and refreshing. Joanne, the weather has been in the 70's here! It's so nice, after those 100 degree days.


My dryer has been out of commission since Thursday. I needed time to take it apart to get to the thermal fuse, which I took in to be checked, (it was bad), got a replacement, and coached my dd while she replaced it. :cheer I beleive so strongly that women need to know the basics of home repair, mostly to avoid being ripped off by repairmen, but for the self-esteem. It feels so empowering to be able to replace a fuse from inside the dryer. And turning the switch, and it comes on... :c9


LeaAnne, great whites way up there? I thought they liked to hang out in Australia! Your new regimine sounds like a plan. I will get my kids back on a schedule soon. Things have calmed down, now that swim team and dance are both done for the summer.


Joanne, your trip sounds awesome. I'm so glad you got a chance to relax and enjoy yourself. You deserve it.


Mary, Thinking good thoughts about you and your family I hope all is well up there.


LeaAnn, your trip sounds like fun, too. So nice to see the parents. And everything around you just sounds beautiful. Pics are not only allowed, they are appreciated, hint hint.


Vicki, I got my kids' grammar text today, and of course, I thought of you. I am excited for another school year, but a little sad, since it's my oldest son's last year of high school. Good luck moving to another room. Do you have to move often?


Gluten-free pancakes: I have a mix of flours that I buy at an Oriental market: rice flour, sweet rice flour, tapioca starch, and potato starch. I keep it in a canister in my cupboard, 2 doors away from the regular flour. Well, my dh was making a pancake recipe that he found on-line, and grabbed my flour by mistake. The results were really good. He's an excellent cook, but doesn't make things often.


Marisa, I always want to double the "s" in your name. I'm sorry if I don't catch it and fix it. I think all that crouching would be quite painful the nexty day. I hope you don't have any problems from it at work.


Colleen, I hope your trip went well. It sounds like a lot of fun. Welcome back. I'm glad you made it safely!


Shannon, Stacy, Scooby, and the rest, :hi

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I'm home!!! And it is hot and I can feel the humidity creeping up! So glad that the weekend weather was so gorgeous!!!!


i have the laundry on and the suitcases unpacked and need to grab something to eat soon--my stomach is growling- but wanted to stop in and let you all know I'm home!


Marisa- My brother went to Villanova- and he is a die -hard VU basketball fan- he didn't play basketball- he ran track- but he has had season tix to the VU BB games for as long as I can remember!! Hope your thights aren't barking too much!!!


LeaAnne- Good luck with the new regimen!


LeeAnn- glad you had fun!!!



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:hi friends!


Sorry I haven't been around in a few days. Dh had Thursday and Friday off, which I didn't know until Thursday morning. :lol Anyway, we've been doing family stuff all weekend, and I am wiped out. :whew We went to the beach, Universal Studios, and fishing at the park. Isabella went to sleep over at MIL's yesterday, and FIL is picking up Eva on his way home today. Mia didn't want to go this time. I texted her friend's mom and I think we might get together tomorrow- she will be so excited! :yay

Anyway, I had planned to stay home and do some cleaning today but dh told Mia I would take them to the park to get ice cream. :lol So we did that. Now we are home and I have 2 loads of wash going. I've dusted a bit but could do more, and I do need to vacuum. Olive sheds so much!! :eek I vacuum about 3 times a week now. Thank goodness we have hardwood floors, and there are only 2 rugs to clean. :yes


I will have to go back and read what everyone has been up to, but right now I have to pay a couple bills. I just wanted to pop in and say hello to my besties! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug Be back later!

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Hi all,

Beth- that is awesome that you are teaching your DD home repairs! Each of my DD's got a basic tool kit from me when they left home!!!


Stacy- sounds like you had a great weekend


Here are some pics of the Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse and the gardens at the park and the water.







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2 large kitchen trashbags, one bulk size diaper wipes box of clothes and one shopping bag of shoes later I have now cleaned out pretty much everything that no longer fits Keith with the exception of a few outfits that are sentimental (like the santa outfit we dressed him in for his first Christmas) and it will be on it's way tomorrow to one of Doug's co-workers who has a child 1 1/2 years younger than Keith. Since the sizes range from 2t to 4t and shoes from 5 to 9 she won't be needing anything other than socks and pajamas for awhile LOL


Have done 3 loads of laundry and have folded more than that since Doug did laundry a couple of days ago but never folded any of it. Just have towels left to fold and stack on the coffee table since the bathroom remodel still isn't done so I can't put them in the bathroom. Though weather permiting Doug is going to try and get the bathroom done next weekend since he did a side job on Sat and was able to buy the rest of the stuff we needed.


Also since I needed to remake Keith's bed as I washed his Thomas the Train sheets I weeded out the number of stuffed animals in Keith's bed AGAIN to bring it back to managable numbers. Maybe this will get him to sleep in his bed. Lately he's been sleeping on the crib mattress that we put next to his bed at night to catch him when he falls (he likes to sleep on the edge of the bed which means if he rolls over the wrong way he falls off)


Still have a bunch of stuff I'm trying to find places for. Then need to vacuum the living room. Get Doug to clean out the carpet cleaner so I can see if we can salvage the carpet we were given or not. If not we'll be stripping it out and just painting the wood on the floor until we can get some new carpet. We didn't realize how bad the urine spots from the dogs his grandparents had/have were until we already had the carpet put in.


Then need to sweep and mop the kitchen floor... Yeah this has been a busy day.


I also have been trying to be a good girl. I have not signed on Facebook today at all to play my game. Last night I finished off the second skein of yarn for Keith's blanket and started with number 3. Which leaves 3 skeins after I finish the one I'm using. Once I'm done with those we'll see if it's big enough or if I need to buy more. Trying to get it done for his b-day. Also going to make him another pillow to play with since I found some thomas the train fabric in the remnants at Hobby Lobby that's just big enough to cover a travel pillow. He sets up his stuffed animals with a tavel pillow and one of his blankets and says they are taking naps or gone to bed. It's really cute =0)


Hope everyone had a good weekend and my break time is over. Will try and respond to everyone later tonight after Keith is in bed and I'm limited in what I can do cause of noise.

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Hi all,

Beth- that is awesome that you are teaching your DD home repairs! Each of my DD's got a basic tool kit from me when they left home!!!


Stacy- sounds like you had a great weekend


Here are some pics of the Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse and the gardens at the park and the water.


Love the pictures =0)

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Joanne - Beautiful pics! I am thrilled you had a good trip.


LeaAnne - WTG on the new regime....I mean regimen :rofl What have you got those kiddos reading? Good luck with the job search. I haven't got anything yet either, but I'm hopeful. I had an interview request but the details were sketchy, I ended up going away for a few days and my call wasn't returned. I'm going to chalk that one up to a dead end.


Beth - WTG to you and DD on changing the fuse! I think that is a great lesson for your DD.


LeeAnn - I'm glad your trip to Wyoming was fun and that the Alan Jackson concert was great!


Stacy - Yay for days off for DH and for family time. I feel for you with the vacuuming. I don't like vacuuming and usually leave it until it drives me nuts or DH does it. He doesn't seem to mind vacuuming but doesn't do it as readily as he used to.


Vicki - How did your day at the school go? Do you have your own class this year or will you still be doing special education? I know you had a change, but I wasn't sure what it entailed.


Marisa - I hope your muscles are feeling better and that you survived the day at work.


:hi to everyone else!


I went for two long walks today, did one load of laundry but the skies were threatening, relaxed a lot, DD had a friend over for a bit this afternoon, and that's about it. I needed a quiet day like that. It was nice. I think it was LeeAnn who asked, no I'm still not crocheting. I've decided to let it rest and it will come back to me someday.

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Hello friends :hi


Work went very smoothly today and was quite slow, which I welcomed :yes Tomorrow my dad will be coming down in the morning to pick up a cousin from the airport so we are going for breakfast before he gets her since she gets in at 10:30 and I have to be at work for 11 :yes


Vicki - Good luck with you move to a new room, I hope it goes easily for you :hug


LeaAnne - Good luck with your apps at Michaels and JoAnn :xfin


Beth - WTG fixing the dryer :cheer I love fixing things, but have never been faced with the dryer. If I have to fix something new, I call my dad and he walks me through it :lol But, even growing up I always got mad at him for fixing things or putting new things together without me, so he always waited if he was able to :D Oh, and you can put 10 "s"es if you want, I won't take offense and I'll still answer :lol


Joanne - I live about 20 minutes from Villanova :yes I don't go to any of their games though :(


Stacy - Sounds like you had a busy yet enjoyable family weekend :clap


Catch y'all later

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