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Some good clean fun?!

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Hi all


Yes, DD and SIL came swimming today- and I jumped in too after work. We then had burgers and sweet potato french fries for dinner with watermelon for dessert! We had a nice visit- and they have gone home now. It looks like it might rain/thunder tonight- we could use the rain- and I like when it happens at night- instead of during the day!


Beth- hope all went well with the mole removal today!


Marisa- That's nice that you got to have lunch with your Dad and then he liked the bag- really- what's not to like?


Mary- Hope your back is feeling better each day. Don't forget to let us know how the new hook is when you receive it!


Stacy- What fun activity did you partake in with the kiddies today? You always seem to do lots of fun things with them!!


Vicki- I'm not a fan of math either so I can empathize with you. And isn't it always the way when you make plans and cancel because of the weather forecast that the forecast is wrong?? Did it ever rain?


LeeAnn, Shannon, LeaAnne, Colleen, Sarah- thinking about you and hope you are having fun.

Colleen- how is Bible school going this week?


Shannon- any word on the flooring being installed? How's the granny stripe coming along?

LeaAnne- I hope you are enjoying your time at Cape Cod- it's nice to be able to spend so much time at the beach.


LeeAnn- waiting for pics of the perm!


Sarah- How's the ant situation? hopefully all under control.


Hope you all have a good night!

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:hi all!


Sarah, why the sad face? I hope everything is okay and that you are winning your battles with the ants, and keeping Keith's toys where they belong. :hug:hug:hug


Joanne, so nice that you spent some time swimming with dd and SIL. Did you have Trader Joe's sweet potato fries? They really disappointed me. :( No matter how they are cooked or how long they are cooked, they always come out soggy for me.


Beth, I hope all went well with the mole removal. :hug:hug:hug Just to let you know- my car doesn't have a name, either! :eek I usually just call it, "My car," and dh gets really upset. :devil


Colleen, I hope your dd is enjoying VBS. :hug:hug


Shannon, how are you and miss Janna-ness? Have you heard anything from the flooring guys?


Marisa, how cool that you and your sis surprise each other with little gifts. Glad you had a nice lunch with your dad and chatting time with your work friend. :yay And yes, Up is the kids movie with the house and the balloons. :yes


Leeann, how are you? How is work going? Are you kiddos enjoying the kittens? Are you able to pick them up yet?


LeaAnne, I know you won't read this but I sure hope you're having fun at the shore. :manyheart


Mary, has it cooled down? How is your back feeling? I hope you are listening to the dr. and taking it easy. :hug:hug:hug


Scooby, how's it going, girl? I see you all the time on FB, but I do wish you would stop by here to say hi! :hug:hug:hug:hug


Vicki, sorry you canceled your plans only for the rain to be delayed! Just be sure when you do finally get to the waterpark- wear sunscreen!!!! :lol Sorry you are having trouble with the math studying...I find math difficult, too. Good luck getting all of your little stuff taken are of. :hug:hug


Whew...you all sure are a busy bunch! :lol Nothing fun happening today, just lots of frustration, and driving around. I had to pick up some concert tickets for this weekend, well the store down the street went out of business, so I went to a store on the other side of the Valley, only to be told that their ticket printer wasn't working and no one really cared enough to fix it. So we ended up driving all the way to Burbank to pick them up. Of course, on the way home, I HAD to stop by the Cuban bakery. :devil Then on to Target for a few things. Once we got home, I started to open the mail and found the insurance company never added the extra coverage to my car! Dh came home right at that moment and told me to go down there instead of just calling. So I went and it turns out they did add it, but it is going to take 2-3 weeks to process and mail the new cards. :think Makes no sense, but the manager gave me her direct extension, so the finance company can call to verify coverage. :whew


Thanks for the word of support about Mia. Unfortunately, it is not a hold-over from Grandma's house, but more of her true personality. She is mischief on legs. :yes And no form or amount of discipline will change it- it's just who she is. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't restrain herself from doing naughty things sometimes. I need to keep reminding myself of this.


Anyway, now we are home and I don't plan on going anywhere else tonight. I need to figure out dinner, but dh is sleeping, so we will eat a little later. Maybe I will bbl. I really want to :crocheting but don't know what to work on. :think Looking through my patterns didn't help, either. Maybe I'll go check out CPC. :yes

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Hi Ladies

Tomorrow I go and get my colon checked. I found out at the doctors yesterday that the doctor and the surgen both are worried about me. They don't seem to understand why the polups I had removed last year were in cancer. They said for the size of them they should have been cancer. Sooooooooo Iam a little worried about tomorrow. Please say a prayer that the polups didn't come back. Thanks

We had a little rain this morning and then a thunderstorm this afternoon and it turned hot again :( I think that is how Iam lost my 6 lbs.......... sweating it off LOL.

Beth I said a little prayer for you that the mole being removed went good today.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Hello All!

So sorry that I have been MIA. It has been extremely busy here in my neck of the woods. Yesterday I had a Home Visit in the evening so didn't get home till 5:30, then the in-laws came over for dinner...after I cleaned up, I was just exhausted. Today had to stay till 5:30 for Lesson Planning...I walked yesterday and today and feel a little bit better but will not be riding bikes this evening. I am going to sit and :hook

Joanne-that is so nice that you were able to spend time with dd and her huney and get to swim and enjoy dinner. The weekend is almost here. :cheer How's the stripey ghan coming along? Glad to hear that you were able to get your car in and out in 20 minutes. We do not have to do anything like that here in CO..lucky us. :D

Sarah-So sorry to hear about your stress, raising children can be trying....being in a classroom with 17 little ones is exhausting and definately teaches you patience and self soothing techniques!:lol Did you decide on a new project?

Marisa-so glad that your "Mary" is back and able to help. I am sure that your sister will cherish her new bag! Lucky girl! Your weekend trip sounds :c9 And I absolutely adore your new yarn! I love scarves and have quite the collection. :devil

Mary-Good work on loosing 6 pounds! WTG! Do you feel a little bit better? Did you start :hook? Hug and extra squishes that all goes well at your dr. appt tomorrow. Please keep us posted.:hug

Stacy-you ok? I hope things are looking up for ya!:hug:hug

Beth-curly hair is much easier! I am loving it, I can style my hair in 2 minutes! whoohooo!!!

Vicki-did you get all of your to do's done? Studying is the pits! I feel for ya! When do you go back? Our kiddos start the 24th of August.

Colleen-where are ya? How's dd?

Shannon-how's it going?

The kiddos like my new do, they said it looks like I have a wig on! The kiddos in my class were freaked out! They are so adorable!

here's a pic of me, I look like a dork, but thought I would post anyway.

hugger and squishes!

i missed all of you!


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Joanne - Sounds like you had a relaxing evening :D


Stacy - Good luck keeping Mia on track ;) Kids will be kids. What did you decide to have for dinner? And your next pattern?


Mary - I surely will keep you in my prayers. I hope your dr visit goes well tomorrow :xfin


LeeAnn - I love the hair and NO you do not look like a dork :2nono We won't stand for talk like that in here :lol But, I also like to have an easy 'do' ....I can't be bothered to spend time on it :eek


I'm going to head up to bed and read some of my book :D Good night everyone :c9

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Leeann, you are beautiful, girl! I love your cut- it looks so cheery and carefree. :manyheart Sorry to hear you got out of work late- I hope you have some time to relax tonight. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Mary, lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug and prayers for your doctor visit tomorrow.


I am in such a :crocheting slump! I suppose I could make more hats...just to have a supply. :think I should actually get a start on Christmas gifts, but I don't even know what I'm making for those, either! :lol

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Marisa - love how the bag turned out.


Beth - hope everything went well with the mole removal.


Mary - hope your back feels better and your tests come up clean.


Joanne - sounds like a fun day =0)


Stacy - sorry you had a frustrating day. the sad face was cause Beth was trying to figure out who she left out and one of them was me (lack of sleep when I was on here = silly Sarah LOL)


Vicki - sorry your plans fell through and good luck with the studying.


LeeAnn - your hair looks nice. As for stress with Keith that just comes with the territory of trying to keep up with him being too smart for his age. Normal methods of discipline/reward don't work. So have to be creative in getting him to do things when he doesn't want to do them cause he's able to figure out the loopholes in the normal methods.


LeaAnne, Scooby, Colleen hope all is going well with you guys.


We've sorta got the ant problem under control. Have to wait on the weather to cooperate to get the yard sprayed. I frogged the hat as I really didn't like it. Right now I'm fiddling around with crocheting an outfit for one of my teddy bears and making it up as I go LOL


:hug:hug:hug to everyone.

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Good morning!!!


LeeAnn Love the new do- and no, you are not a dork!!! It looks perfect!!!


Mary- Good luck the Dr today- hugs and prayers!!!


Beth- Hope all went well with your mole removal yesterday!


Stacy- Yes, the Sweet potato fries were from Trader Joe's (How'd you guess? LOL) He cooked them on the grill, and they tasted good, but I agree a little soggy. Did you decide on anything to make?


Sarah- Glad to hear the ant prob is under control. I liked the hat, and it would have made a great planter- but see that you frogged it- Good luck with the teddy bear outfit!


Marisa- The bag is gorgeous!!! LOVE the lining!!!! Your sister is so lucky!!!! She is going to love it!!!!!!!


To EVERYONE- Have a great Thursday!!

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:hi Sarah, I didn't forget you today. Sorry. I had a lot on my mind yesterday, and I was pretty darn tired when I posted. I can actually use the computer if I get on before the 3 teens are up.


:hi Mary, I hope your doc visit goes very well, and you get good news. :hug :hug :hug :hug You are in my thoughts, dear Sister.


Good morning, Joanne. It's so nice to hear your cheerful greetings bright and early. I hope you have a great Thursday. The weekend is almost here!


Hello LeaAnn, isn't curly hair the best? I think it's funny how people react to a new 'do. Especially the little ones. It sounds like your job is busy, but fun.


:hi LeaAnne, thinking of you at the beach. I hope you are using sunscreen and staying cool!


Stacy, :hug for dealing with little personalities! Gotta love them. Sometimes the most challenging little one becomes the most amazing teen.


Colleen, I am thinking of you. I hope your crochet slump is over. Have you been checking into before and after school care? Make contracts with the parents. Make sure they will pay you extra if they come to get their child late. Trust me on this!


Shannon, thinking about you, too. I hope all is well in Louisiana.


Marissa, your sister is lucky to get that awesome bag. What a lovely gift! While you're in Pittsburgh, look west, and yell a big "hi" to my family, an hour away in NE Ohio.


Scooby, where are you? I hope things are going great for you.


The mole removal went well. It's a lot easier than the melanoma removal from my leg with the skin graft. I was out of there in an hour, and spent time at the pool and went to work, so I'm pretty much back to normal.


Today I get to play chauffeur for my kids and some of their friends. It's a busy day, but all good. This morning, my dd is dancing at a nursing home. I'll be transporting one of her friends, who lives around the corner, so it's not at all out of the way. My son is going to his friend's house for a few hours this afternoon. After that I take him, pick up another firend, and drop them at the pool. My son is coaching the friend in swimming. then I go to work for about an hour. Then I go pick up the son. I think that's about all.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Thanks for your wonderful compliments :D


Sarah - glad to hear the ants are finally under control :hug


Joanne - have a great day today :yes


Beth - I sure will look west and yell a great big hello to your fam in ohio ;)

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Happy Thursday to all! It is sunny outside. Yes, the rain eventually did come, but it came late! So I canceled my plans for nothing! Oh, well. Today we are going to the movies instead. We are going to see Despicable Me in 3D. DD and I are going to get new glasses this morning before we go to the movies. YAY!

Marisa - The bag is wonderful! I love the material you lined it with! I hope your sis likes it and enjoy your trip! Glad you were able to have lunch with your dad.

Joanne - YAY for jumping in the pool! Glad you were able to have the cook out before the rain came! And yes, the rain is better at night!

Leeann - Love the perm! It looks so cute! And yes, the kids will say the cutest things about it.

Mary - Hope all goes well at the doctor today. Let us know what happens!

Beth - Glad he mole removal was easy to do! Have fun in your day today!

Shannon - How are you doing? Hope all is well by you.

Stacy - How is Mia today? Hopefully she will have a good day today, and Isabella and Eva too! What do you have planned today?

Nothing else going on here. I am going to get up and get some stuff done before we head out for the day. I will talk to you all later! Have a great day all!

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:hi everyone,


Sorry I've been MIA too. It has been so busy with the VBS this week. You'd think half days for one week should be a piece of cake :no Didn't really factor in helping with snacks for 200 kids (3 hours in the kitchen a day...and then cooking at home). By the time we get home have lunch, have a rest, do any essential errands or outings, the day is done (and me too :lol). That said, DD is really enjoying it. It's been great for her. I've enjoyed working with the ladies too.


Mary - :hug and prayers to you, my friend for your test. :hug


LeeAnn - What a cute pic! I like your hair.


Beth - Thanks for the advice on the after school care. I've got the contract drafted up and plan to charge the same rate for a whole or part hour, so I think I've got it covered. That said, nobody has signed up yet :(


Marisa - I love your bag! I love the lining fabric! You are one artsy, talented lady!


:hug to Joanne, Vicki, Stacy, Shannon, Sarah, LeaAnne and anyone I've missed. I'm all scatterbrained today :lol


Have a good one and hopefully I'll have more time to chat soon.

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Hi friends!!


Beth, I'm so happy that the mole removal went well. :hug:hug:hug Good luck with the chauffeuring today.


Colleen, it's good to see you! Glad to hear VBS is going well.


Marisa, the bag is beautiful! I love the lining. I know your sis is going to love it, too!


Joanne, I bet grilling them would be great! Maybe we'll try that next time. :yes Last night we had mini chicken tacos with chimichurri rice. I think I could live on that rice! :manyheart


Mary, thinking of you and praying that all goes well with the dr. today! :hug:hug:hug


Shannon, Scooby, Vicki, Leeann, LeaAnne, Sarah- hope you all have a nice day. :hug:hug:hug


We are just relaxing at home today. We watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs earlier, and now it's Beverly Hills Chihuahua. I need to do a little cleaning, but that's about it. Tonight is spaghetti with meatless meatballs. :devil I just told dd I bought a different kind and he's fine with it. Men. :lol We also picked some tomatoes and peppers from our "garden." They are going to be so yummy in a nice salad. :yes


I'm off to do some cleaning! BBL!

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HI all,


Colleen- That's ok that you've been MIA- you've sure been busy- 200 kids!!!! Glad to hear that DD is enjoying VBS!!!!


Beth- I'm glad that the mole removal went well yesterday! How did the chauferring go today? Did the DK's drive?


Mary- I was thinking of you today and hope all went well with your appointment!


Vicki- How was the movie in 3D? I love seeing movies in 3D- the last one I saw was Alice in Wonderland!


Stacy- I think I would buy the sweet potato fries again and grill them- I would spray something on the tin foil though so that you an keep turning them! Your day today sounds very relaxing. And love that you told DH you are having 'new ' meatballs!


LeeAnn- how did your day go today? Did you get your walking in this morning?


Marisa- You are off work now that you are reading this!!!!! Enjoy your weekend with your sister. I can't wait to hear all about her reaction to that gorgeous bag you are giving her.


Shannon- Missing you around here!


Everyone else not mentioned individually--hope you are having a good day


Tonight is a relaxing night- some Yankees, some reading of my book, and sleep!

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Hi Ladies

Iam back home again. I went to the Dr.s he found another polup and he removed it right away. He is going to have it checked and then he will get back to me and I have to be checked every year from now on. I also have to go and see another Doc. that I saw before and have a few more tests done. Sooooooo please keep me in your prayers that today's test comes back clean, thanks.

When I get my brain working again I will post to everyone. Thanks for putting up with me. This is just tooooo much stress.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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:hi Mary!


Big :hug:hug:hug:hug to you! I will keep you in my prayers, that the polyp test comes back clean. Did the dr. say how long it would take?


Joanne, enjoy your relaxing night. Thanks for the tip about the fries. :yes


We watched 3 movies today- after Beverly Hills Chihuahua, we watched Bolt. I didn't like it much. Then I took a shower and the girls got dressed and cleaned their room. I took another look through my books and magazines, there is one pattern I've wanted to try for years, but it requires a lot of sewing and end-weaving. :blush I'm trying to figure out a way to do it so there's not a lot of sewing, so that's probably what I'll work on tonight. :yes

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Good evening everyone :hi


Work went pretty quick today :clap I got home about an hour and a half ago and have been playing on itunes and reading posts :D I still need to pack my weekend bag and I'm planning on leaving early morning :woo I will keep in touch on my phone because I won't be able to resist knowing what everyone else is up to, but my posts will probably just be quick check ins.


Thank you all for your compliments :D


Colleen - I don't really think I'm very artsy :( The lining was easy, but my creativity is sorely lacking in that I can't come up with new things :lol But give me a pattern and there's no stopping me!!! :eek:rofl


Stacy - Sounds like you had a nice and relaxing day :D How was the meatball movie? I have it sitting here, my dad made me a copy but I haven't watched it yet.


Joanne - I'm off!!!!! :clap It's soo nice to say as it happens so rarely :lol


Mary - I will surely keep you in my prayers :hug :hug :hug

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Hiya friends!

Can't believe it is 8:00:eek:eek:eekthe days sure seem to fly by and are so jam packed that I really do need to slow down.

Joanne-so glad that you are having a relaxing evening. Any big plans for the weekend? We had sweet potatoe fries the other day at work, they were kinda soggy...but I ate 'em anyway! :lol

Stacy-what a great way to spend the day! Watching movies and crocheting is my fav pastime, aside from spending time with my family.

Marisa-your bag is super delicious! I'm so envious of your sister! I have two sisters and neither one of them have ever made me anything. Your sister is one lucky gal! Have a great weekend! I look forward to checking in every day and get really cranky when I can't. I miss all of you!:hug

Beth-glad that the mole removal went well and that your day wasn't too busy. Did you get any me time in? :devil

Vicki-Oh my gosh! Ds wants to see Despicable Me too,...this weekend is his birthday-he will be 13 on Saturday! We are taking him out to dinner and a movie. Was it good?

Mary-my dear friend, I am so sorry that you are stressed. Please take lots of hugs :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug and warmest wishes!

Sarah-your little Kieth sounds amazing! It is difficult to challenge children that are so much more advanced, maybe you can chat with a kindergarten or first grade teacher? I liked your hat, so sad that you frogged it. Did you get your teddy bear outfit made?

Colleen-So happy to read your post! You have been busy! Is tomorrow your last day?

I walked this morning but did not go for a bike ride instead we joined my aunt and mom for fajitas and spanish rice. Yummy! We just got home awhile ago, it was so nice to sit and relax. Tomorrow I am getting off early, since I had a home visit earlier in the week, we have to flex our time...perfect! I get to start the weekend earlier! :D Other than that, not much have not had time to crochet or energy but I am missing it. I think I will go work on my grannies before juming in the shower.

Hugs and squishes besties!!!!

LeaAnne, Shannon and Scooby where are you? we miss ya!

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Can I just say that I love the soggy fries :rofl sweet potatoe or regular!!! Those are the ones I pick out of the bunch to eat and then after I finish everything and I'm not full....then I'll pick at the crispier ones :eek:lol

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