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Top of the morning friends!


Joanne-I forgot to mention in my post yesterday, that is wonderful that you were able to meet with the ville friends! How neat is that! Relaxing today sounds like a good idea, I am worn out...been having too much fun and not enough rest. :lol


Beth-I am glad that your dd likes to hang out with mom, dd likes to be around us, but ds at times wants to be alone. I try to give him space, but I miss him. I hope that it doesn't get worse as he gets older. He is turning 13 on the 24th of this month...next weekend.:eek


Vicki-I am so happy for you that your BBQ was fun and enjoyable. Now you get to enjoy the left overs:devil have you had time to crochet?


LeaAnne-thinking of you and wishing I could relax for one whole day...but I think cleaning is calling my name. I got up super early yesterday to do some tidying up, but now have to work on laundry and bathrooms.:blush


Colleen-hope your weekend was :c9


Stacy-I bet you are realaxing at the beach:cheer:clap How's Olive?


Mary-what projects are you working on?


Shannon-where are ya?


Scooby-we miss you!


Sarah-how's it going on your end?


Marisa-how are you today? any big plans?


I bought a whole bag of yarn on Friday at Wal-mart, they had lots of yarn on clearance so bought 8 skiens of RH Melonberry and 2 skiens of baby yarn-it is sport yarn and will make lovely socks...now if I can just get to it. Was thinking of going back,...but I better stop myself:devil


going to drink more coffee and try to get myself motivated...I may be coming down with a cold, I feel exhausted, with a runny nose and headache.

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Vicki- glad to hear you had fun at the bar-b-que!


LeeAnn- rest up today- you've been doing ALOT! have a cup of coffee, and relax!!!


Watching the Yankees lose right now! And middle DD is coming over to join me in the pool- so that's where I'll be this afternoon as soon as she gets here


Have a wonderful rest of Sunday all!

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Hello everyone,


I'm soo late today, I was having internet issues and had a really hard time with it today. I've now tweaked a few things and it seems to be working fine :xfin If it falls into a relapse I'll probably have to call the cable company, but will try everything to not have to do that. Because I'd have to fish out my old laptop and pray it will turn on so I can get into my router settings :( Which I don't want to have to deal with :xfin


I finished my bag, except for the lining and am attaching pics. Keep in mind it is bigger than expected since I bordered each square in black after they were done. Had I known sooner I was going to do that, I would've used the black for the last round instead of an extra one :think Ahhhh, such is life


Stacy - I hope the kids are acting better for you today, did you go to the beach?


LeeAnn - I still have 12 saltines to go, I didn't do anymore yesterday since I wanted to get this bag done. Now I'm going to line it so it's really finished. I'm giving it to my sister next weekend when I go to Pittsburgh. So glad to hear the train ride and concert were awesome!!!! :D


Beth - I always enjoyed being with my whole family really, even to this day :clap I'm sure I did go through a phase, but it was more on a day to day basis as opposed to a yearly age related time frame :lol It was my sister and I that had the problem. With 6 years between us my parents always wanted to strangle us because we NEVER got along. Well, not until she left for college, once we were separated....we became like best friends and have been ever since :lol It's amazing what a little space will do :D


Vicki - Glad to hear the bbq went well and was a huge success!!! :clap I always have way too much food too ;)


I hope everyone is having a great day today wrapping up the weekend. Back to the grind tomorrow :lol




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Think we've got where the ants were coming in at covered. Have gone through 2 cans of ant spray. We deal with this every summer but Doug always forgets about needing to have the yard sprayed until we get invaded. =0(


Back to trying to get things organized. AGAIN. When we sold the couch and loveseat everything that I'd taken into the living room to be sorted for garage sale/donation got taken BACK into the bedroom so I've got to start all over again.


I was going to get a doll face and make an angel tree topper (but was going to set it on the counter instead of on the tree) but not finding a doll head I like and don't want a crocheted head. But then I looked at my basket of bears and one of them will work to turn into an angel for Christmas so I'll be working on that once I finish the hat I'm doing. Should have enough red yarn leftover for what I want to do.


Not making the wall hanging yet as money has been tight so haven't been able to buy the yarn I want for it (going to make it out of lionbrand homespun)


Been being anti-social lately and Doug's family is starting to comment on it. But I really don't feel like going and visiting them every single weekend like he does. Once a month is fine to me.


Hope everyone has had a good weekend.


:hug:hug:hugto everyone

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Hi friends!

Sarah-sorry to hear about the ants and wanting to stay home. I like to visit my family, however I can do a while without seeing some family members, just the way it works I guess. I noticed a little ant village out on the sidewalk, dh is going to address it this week before they make their way indoors.

Marisa-I love and mean love your bag! I am a bag freak! The black really makes the colors pop! Great work! What color of fabric are you using to line it? I can't wait to see it lined.

Joanne-did your dd come over for pool time?

I have been cleaning off and on today, got all of my chores done but just feel tired. I think the day home has helped, I am connecting grannies. I have about 4 rows to connect. Will show ya all as soon as I get them done.

have a good night friends, back to laundry and crocheting!


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Had a wonderful afternoon with my DD- we finished watching the Yankees win!!!! YAY!!! She is working on making a journal for her BF- all handmade- right down to making the paper for it! It's really quite amazing! She handsews the binding --there's a whole process to it that is beyond me- but I can't wait to see it when it is done!


We spent about an hour in the pool- and then grilled chicken and veggies! She is a vegetarian- and I did have some veggie burgers in the freezer so she had one of them. It was a nice relaxing afternoon. I made one of "Bev's Turn on Itself Potholders" today and didn't do anything more on my granny stripe ghan. DD saw it and LOVED it- said she loved all the bright happy colors (of course- she is an artist) She wanted to know who I was making it for and I told her I didn't know yet. But seeing her reaction to it, I think it will be one of her gifts for Christmas!


Marisa- the bag is GORGEOUS!!! Your sister is bound to love it!!!!


LeeAnn- Laundry and crocheting- that's pretty relaxing- I did another load myself today Hope you have a good rest of the evening and enjoy working on your grannies!


Sarah- I understand the not wanting to see them every weekend- and I don't think that is being anti-social- Happy to hear that you may have the ants under control.


Stacy- I saw on Fb that you forgot your towel- and camera battery--but you made it to the beach- hope you had fun (and not too much sand in your suit)


Colleen, Mary, Beth, Vicki, Shannon, LeaAnne- hope you all had a wonderful Sunday.


Time to get ready for bed- and finish my book!!

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:hi everyone!


Sorry I haven't been around. Not much to say I guess. I'm also feeling guilty here on the ville because I am not crocheting at all. :shrug It seems as if I only enjoy crocheting when I have a regular job. :( Being a SAHM is not good for my crochet mojo. Reading lots of books though :devil


DD is finally feeling better. She was 3 days or so where she'd feel sick in her tummy now and then. But today she was good all day, so I hope that's it for that bug! She enjoyed soccer yesterday, had playdates both yesterday and today, and she and I had a blast decorating the driveway with sidewalk chalk this evening. That was my weekend. The vacation bible school is this week, so DD will be doing that and I'll be working in the kitchen. Hopefully it will be fun for both us.


Beth - That afghan is gorgeous! I like the colours of that one even better than the first. What lucky nieces! And just think, you never had to make that pattern again :clap BTW, cute model :wink


Marisa - I love your bag! I love the colours with the black! Good job!


Joanne -Glad you had fun with your DD today. :hug


LeeAnn - I like those pics of the train ride! Sounds like a fun day!


Stacy - How was the beach?


Vicki - Glad your BBQ was fun and leftovers mean you can be a bit lazy for a couple days :wink


:hi Shannon, LeaAnne, Mary, Sarah, and anyone I've missed :hug

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Good morning and welcome to Monday!


Colleen- Hope that Bible school this week goes well! Glad to hear that DD is feeling better and I remember decorating the driveway with my DD's with sidewalk chalk- fun times! You shouldn't feel guilty about coming to the ville cause you lost your crochet mo-jo. But you are reading a lot! I just finished my book last night and am eager to start another one. But then I want to crochet too- it's always a toss up!


To EVERYONE!!! Make it a good day and I'll cya on the flip side as Vicki would say!

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Good morning everyone!


Marissa, I love your bag. Lots of pretty colors.

Joanne, so glad your dd loves the afghan. How could she not? It's beautiful.

Colleen, have a good time with Bible school.

Sarah, glad you got the ants conquered. I need to do some of that around here.

LeaAnn, any plans for today?

LeaAnne, thinking of you at the Cape. Whoosh! That's the beach breeze blowing through your hair.

Mary, I hope you aren't too hot.

Vicki, I hope you are enjoying your summer vacation.

Stacy, any plans for the girls today?

Shannon, what's going on in NO?.


Today, my dd and I volunteer with the kitties. My sons both work, then do private swim lessons for my friend's two sons. I work while my dd dances. My younger ds has a swim meet. I have resumed my sil's Christmas afghan. I have 14 more squares to finish, and all of them have 5 rows of 10 done. It's sheet washing day, and I need to clean my kitchen.

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Good morning friends :coffee


My internet is giving me trouble again :eek so am doing a quick check in on my phone ;) I will call the cable company later :(


Getting ready to leave for work....have a great day everyone and i'll catch y'all later :D

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Good Morning friends!


Now ya may ask, what am I doing here? I would normally be walking, but I had a rough night sleep, just tossed and turned, didn't feel like I slept at all and so of course when it was time to get up, I felt tired and not with it...so here I am drinking a cup of coffee getting ready to head out the door.


Joanne-your dd's journal sounds :c9 making her own paper? Now that's cool! I read a little bit last night too, had to put the hook down my wrists were starting to hurt, but connected 6 squares. Have an awesome day at work!


Marisa-hoping that your internet problem gets fixed soon! Have a great day! what are you going to work on next?


Colleen-how long have you been a SAHM? It's hard work being a mommy, I miss staying home but like working :think


Stacy-hope the beach trip went well.


Vicki-whatcha up to today?

Sarah-hope your day goes well!


Mary-you doing alright?


Beth-your day sounds jam packed! whew! How do you do it?


best get myself out the door...be back later this evening!


hugs and warmest of wishes!

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Morning glories! I did not want to get up today! I was so nice and comfy in my bed!

Marisa - Hope the internet problems get fixed and it's nothing too serious. Hopefully it is something on their end and they can fix it without having to come out to you. That would be nice! And your bag is just beautiful!!!


Joanne - glad you had fun swimming with DD and had a n ice BBQ with her! How did she make paper? That sounds very interesting. Glad you had a good day with her! And the Yankees won!!


Stacy - YAY for fun at the beach - minus the camera and the blanket! Did the girls have fun? If so that is all that matters!


Colleen - Don't feel guilty about coming here and not crocheting a lot. I haven't been doing much on my hook either and I have the baseball ghan to finish and slippers started! It's the summer! There are other summery things to do! Besisdes we talk about LOTS of other things besides our yarn!


Sarah - Glad the ants are at bay finally! I hate finding their nests. And no, I would not want to spend every weekend with my in laws either. That is not anti-social. That is sanity!

Beth - How did the swim meet go? How are things at the dance studio? Hopefully all is well in Virginia and the inventions are doing well. How is your back feeling? Better, I hope.

Leeann - I hope you sleep better tonight. Have a great day with the kiddies today!

Today I get to continue to study for my generalist test. I went to the book store to exchange the book I had gotten for the correct one, and I was reading it for about 2 hours last night. It was a little overwhelming, but I will keep plugging away! I need to go get dog food and fold some laundry today. And rain clouds are moving in! Good day to stay indoors!


TTFN my besties!

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Vicki - good luck on your test and YAY for getting the right book =0)


LeeAnn - hope the coffee is working and you're feeling more awake and can sleep better tonight.


Beth - yike busy day. Hope things go well for you.


Marisa - the bag is lovely. Hope you get your internet


Colleen - sorry you've lost your crochet mojo. Mine comes in spurts depending on what's going on and how Keith is behaving (whether or not he'll entertain himself is a big factor) :hug Glad DD is feeling better and you both had fun with the sidewalk chalk.


Joanne - sounds like you had a great weekend. =0)


hope everyone else is doing good and has a good week.


:hug:hug:manyheart:hug:hug to everyone

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As for me my day will be spent doing laundry, some dishes, try and work some on the hat I've got going. Keith is in his room pouting cause I won't let him bring any toys in the living room right now as I'm trying to organize stuff.

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Hi all,

another hot/sticky day here in NJ- it did rain a bit this morning- but didn't do anything for the humidity!


LeeAnn- Nothing wrong with taking a day off of walking- hope your day went well. My dd told me that to make paper you take anything with fiber and cook it down- it takes a long time to cook down in to a pulp. I don't really understand the process, but the paper she made is beautiful!


Colleen- Hope the first day of Bible school went well.


Vicki- Good luck with the studying! And yes, it's the summer and the living is easy- and doing whatever you want when you want---unless of course you are like me and have to go to work every day. But when I come home, it's different in the summer-way more relaxed and laid back- I think it has alot do with having it light out till 8:30 or so!


Mary- I see you one one of the hooks that Crochetville was giving away. Congrats- you'll have to let us know how it is.


Sarah- Did Keith get over his pouting? Really, what were you thinking not letting him bring his toys into the living room while you are trying to organize! LOL Were you able to get your cleaning done?


Beth Sounds like you have a busy day- by now you are probably working at the ballet studio- Which ghan are you making for SIL?


Shannon, LeaAnne, Mary, Stacy- hope you had a good day-


Off to make leftovers! LOL

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Sarah- Did Keith get over his pouting? Really, what were you thinking not letting him bring his toys into the living room while you are trying to organize! LOL Were you able to get your cleaning done?



no he didn't. He kept trying to bring stuff in the living room and getting upset when I wouldn't let him. Got a little done but not as much as I'd like.

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Hello everyone :hi


Work actually went really well today, and it was kind of a slow day, which was a nice coincidence :whew


My internet is working fine now this evening, so will see what happens. I kind of need it to be messed up when I call :think


LeeAnn - sorry you slept poorly last night, I hope the coffee got you going and you sleep better tonight :D:hug


Vicki - WTG on your studying :cheer Keep it up!!!


Sarah - you got quite a bit done today :yay


Joanne - I gotta tell you, every time I hear talk about your dd making the paper and the journal.....I keep picturing a notebook like you'd see in the flinstones :eek:rofl I'd love to see a pic of it when she's done so I can reprogram my brain on that thought :think If you can get one that is :lol

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Hello everyone :hi


Work actually went really well today, and it was kind of a slow day, which was a nice coincidence :whew


My internet is working fine now this evening, so will see what happens. I kind of need it to be messed up when I call :think


LeeAnn - sorry you slept poorly last night, I hope the coffee got you going and you sleep better tonight :D:hug


Vicki - WTG on your studying :cheer Keep it up!!!


Sarah - you got quite a bit done today :yay


Joanne - I gotta tell you, every time I hear talk about your dd making the paper and the journal.....I keep picturing a notebook like you'd see in the flinstones :eek:rofl I'd love to see a pic of it when she's done so I can reprogram my brain on that thought :think If you can get one that is :lol


LOL actually about all I got done was making my son mad at me. And a tiny bit of organizing.

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Evening friends!

How is everyone? Hopefully well!

Joanne-making paper does sound time consuming but anything worth having is:lol I love home made goodies, much better than store bought, except for coffee.

Marisa-I will keep my fingers crossed that your internet stays up and running. Glad you had a good day.

Vicki-sometimes I loose my crochet mojo but you all are such an inspiration to me! How was your day?

Sarah-sometimes us mommies have those days with our kiddos. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!

Work went well, I was kinda draggin...I did something crazy! I stoppd after work and got my hair permed! :eek I love it! I have naturally curly/wavy hair, but the longer it gets, the more unruly it becomes. Some spots like the front are curly while the back is straight. I had it permed so that it can be curly thruought. It came out nice, not curly kinky but curly. I think I will only have to gel it and be on my way....Oh yeah!

Other than that, nothing new...going to sit and read as my head is getting heavy.

Have a good night friends! I will try to pop in here to see how everyone is.

Huggers to all!

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Pretty looking ghan Beth


Wow- a perm- that sounds like it will be nice and easy to take care of LeeAnn- do we get pics?


Have a good night all- Watching Rizzoli and Isles- good show on TNT!

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Here's the hat I was working on. Did something wrong so it looks funky when I put it on so I'm either going to frog it or turn it upside down and put a poinsetta in it...



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:hi besties!


I am tired but wanted to stop in and say hello. We had a blast at the beach yesterday. We ended up at the wrong one- supposed to go to the one with the tide pools and ended up at a major surfing one. We started to walk toward the tide pools, when a lifeguard came by and stuck a sign in the ground that said "surfboarding only beyond this point." Hrmph. :angry We also saw a dead lobster and a dead jellyfish! :eek I almost stepped on the jelly. :yuck Anyway, it was only a 20-minute ride! I expected it to be about 45 minutes or so- I told the girls since it is so close we will definitely go back soon. :yes

Today we went to the zoo. I had planned to go to the science center but decided at the last minute I didn't want to drive that far. :blush Anyway, we only stayed for 2 hours because diva Mia didn't want to walk, didn't want to be in the heat, didn't want to listen...so we had lunch with the chimps again :lol then worked our way toward the exit. Afterward, we went grocery shopping and picked up more canned food for Olive. Now dh took the girls out for a bike/scooter ride and all is quiet. :manyheart


Beth, I always need a cup of coffee just to get through your to-do list! :lol I don't know how you manage it. How did ds do in his swim meet?


Marisa, sorry your internet isn't acting up like it should be. :lol Doesn't it always work that way- it won't work until you make the call? Hope you can get it all straightened out.


Joanne, how cool that your dd is making a journal with homemade paper! I'd love to see a pic of that. We made "paper" when I was in girl scouts, but it ended up looking like a kaleidoscope, and being about as thick as construction paper. :lol


Sarah, sorry that Keith is being a stinker. Kids love to be right underfoot while we are trying to clean or be productive. :yes I hope you get more done tomorrow.


Leeann, how neat that you got a perm! Got pics?? :D:lol You know someone will ask. :yes


Vicki, did the rain arrive? How did the studying go?


Colleen, I'm losing my crochet mojo right now, too. It seems to come in spurts lately- I finished the front of the pillow cover, now don't really feel like making anything else. :think Just need some inspiration, I guess. How was bible school/kitchen duty?


Mary, congrats on winning a hook! How neat. You'll have to let us know how you like it.


Shannon, LeaAnne, Scooby- Miss you guys! Hope all is well. :hug:hug:hug


Well, my dh and kiddos are home, so I'm going to take a shower and get ready for bed! I am tired!

Love and hugs!!

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Hi Ladies

The humidity is gone and my back is out again. Iam not to sure what I did this time. I think it just decided to go out so I would have to take it easy.

I hope everyone is having a great week. I love the pics that everyone is posting of their projects. You all have done a great job.

Iam thinking about everyone even when Iam not here.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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