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Some good clean fun?!

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Welcome back Colleen!!! Sounds like you had an awesome time away:) --- that is beautiful country! Hope the science experiment playdate went well- and my first thought when reading your post- was that mom is insane!!!:eek that's funny about the O's- Ontario, Ohio and Oregon!!


Belle hasn't been over into the pool yet- maybe this weekend! It will be fun to see what she does in the water!


Stacy- Love the cushion cover and the E pillow! Were you able to match it up? Salmon patties sound yummy- did you get them at TJ's?


Vicki- What were you thinking not wearing sunscreen? A co-worker of mine went to the beach last week on a day off with her DK's and she got sun poisoning on the tops of her feet- boy were they swollen. I agree with Stacy- aloe is wonderful- I have an aloe plant that middle DD gave me and the aloe is so soothing. Did you hear about George Steinbrenner? I'm sure you did- sad day for baseball and for the NY Yankees!

Remember- Sunscreen- never go out without it!!!:D


LeeAnn- Hope you had a great day at work today! What magnificent dinner are you making tonight?


Marisa- So you have the P's covered- Pittsburgh, Philly and Phoenix:lol. I don't have anything like that- brother in PA, other brother in CT and me and 2 DD's in NJ. DD in Massachussets. So no fun thing going on there! Hope you had a great day at work. Did the Dr. just love the chocolate cake you made?


Everyone- off to make dinner- and then listen to some more of the coverage on remembrances about George Steinbrenner-


Have a good night

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Good evening everyone,


I'm anxiously awaiting joining my couch, but wanted to stop in to say hello first :D Sounds like everyone is doing well.


Vicki - how'd the orthodontist appt go? And yes....aloe aloe aloe, it works wonders and I highly do not recommend a cold shower!!! If your not laying down on any furniture, I'd recommend a damp tshirt :lol


Stacy - I wanna go to the cuban bakery!!! :yes And I agree, I would've snatched up that yarn as well :yes The E pillow and cushion cover are great!!! :yay


Joanne - he didn't get the cake today :angry I don't know what happened but he said he was trying to get there no later than 3 and then we never heard from him again nor was he answering any calls.....I sure hope everything is ok :think He does have 3 young children at home with his wife. I shall find out tomorrow.


Have a great evening!!!

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:hi everyone!


I got 4 loads of laundry done today, a quick grocery shop, and some tidying. I am really tired of tidying. Does anyone else ever feel over-run by stuff? :bang I got one phone call made and did a bit of exploration. Home from vacation, time to find me some income :( Keep your fingers crossed that I can figure something out that will let me still be home for DD. :sigh Life!


So, I didn't walk today (not yet anyway). DH has gone out to practice golf, so I can't go until he gets back. It threatened to rain all day today, but never has. I did, however, do some exercises while watching Losing it with Jillian Michael's. Time to get back on track!! The good news...I didn't gain back any of my weight (not that I've lost much :P). :tup That's a miracle :rofl All we do with my family is eat. :lol


DD enjoyed the science experiments. They made a volcano, they made snow, and they played around with food colouring and water and coffee :shrug That's one ambitious momma! I sent fruit kabobs as a treat for the kids. I put a marshmallow, a strawberry and 2 pieces of honeydew melon on each skewer. What a fun, easy, healthy (except for the marshmallow :wink) snack. I think I'll be using that one a lot!


Stacy - I love your cushion cover and your E pillow. Eva's I assume? Does the cushion cover have a fabric back or a crocheted back? Very cute!


Joanne - I thought of you when I heard about George Steinbrenner. :hug


Marisa - Two days down and 3 to go before your receptionist is back :clap


Vicki - Oh dear, take care of that sunburn :hug


See you later alligators!

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Did 3 1/2 rows- that is 1 1/2 stripes probably going to finish the 4th row before heading upstairs.


Colleen- i feel overrun by tidying stuff alot- If I had my way- I'd declutter more than we already did! Stuff gets in the way- LOL. While you were away I moved all my yarn into clear totes and they are now out in the garage on shelves! sorted by type of yarn- and easy to see what I have (which is too much). That doesn't count the yarn that is in my attic24 bag that I'm using for the granny stripe ghan and the 10 or so skeins I have in another basket and 10 skeins in my tv cabinet- so I can see the pretty colors!


Marisa- glad you had a good day- sorry that he didn't get the cake- hope all is well with him and that he'll be by to pick it up tomorrow. Enjoy your couch!!


Calling it a night! And I'll probably be the first to post tomorrow!:lol

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Good evening friends!


Whew! Looong day but fun! Busy day at work, we are up to 15 preschoolers! wowza! makes it for a super busy and action packed day. After work I raced home to make tuna salad sandwiches and fresh lemonade before gathering the kiddos and rushing out the door. Dh and I bought bikes today. :cheer I have not had my very own bike since I was 17. We took our dinner to the park then all went bike riding. What fun! I felt like a kid again. :devil dd and ds are very competitive and were trying to leave me in the dust...they did! :yesThis morning I walked too, I think I went around the park 8 times which is 4 miles total. Oh my gosh, I am sore.


Colleen-Welcome back! So glad that you had fun at the wedding and were able to go camping too. Dd's afternoon sounded fun!


Stacy-the indoor park at the mall sounds :c9, We do not have a mall close by, but I would sure love it! What a great and I mean great deal on yarn! I wouldn't have passed it up either. :devil


Joanne-are you working on your stripey blankie? I bet ya are. :yes Are you excited for the weekend? Any big plans?


Marisa-you made chocolate cake? :drool I love chocolate! I bought cookies for desert but am too tired to eat them, crazy huh?


Vicki, Vicki, Vicki-my dear friend, does your sunburn feel better? I hope and pray that you feel relief soon. I am burnt to a crisp. Being outdoors at least 2 hours a day doesn't help, but I never wear tank tops and always use sunscreen, a few years ago I burned and was sick for a month.


before I forget, Scratchy our cat had 6 kittens last night! Adorable! I will take pics as soon as I can.


Mary, Shannon, Scooby, Sarah and LeaAnne, hope all is going well.


off to soak in the tub, I hope I can walk tomorrow.


hugs and have have a good night dearest friends!

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Just wanted to stop through and say good night before heading up to hit the hay ;)


I worked on my bag and have the 12 squares sewn up together and now am thinking I will add those other 4 squares back into the mix. At this point I won't get my original color pattern, but it's ok since I made it up anyway :lol since the pattern had all vareigated squares of the same color and mine are several solids :D


Catch y'all in the AM

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Good morning!!


LeeAnn- how fun getting a new bicycle! And a 4 mile walk! You are sure on an exercise roll!! Dinner in the park sounds wonderful! Congrats on the six new kittens- did the whole family get to see the birth? You sure do have your hands full!!


Colleen- WTG on not gaining wt while on vacation! You are ahead of the game now! The science experiments were very ambitious for that mom! Glad that DD had fun.


Marisa- WTG on the bag- I can't wait to see it when it's finished!!! I ended up going upstairs after doing few more stitches on the granny stripe. Hope that the Dr likes his chocolate cake today.


Stacy- Hope you had a good rest of the day yesterday- when are Isabella and Mia coming home? How is Oliver doing these days- is he doing any less begging?


Vicki- Sure hope that your sunburn is feeling better. Did you watch the AllStar game? Can't believe that the National League won this year. (but I'm sure that Marisa is happy since her Philly's manager was the one managing the NL)


Mary- Hope it is cooling up somewhat for you!!


It rained last night and is raining again now- we really needed it! However, it is very muggy out there- hopefully it will cool off some- but I know my lawn and plants are happy for the water---and I remembered to turn off the sprinkler system so it didn't go on at 4AM this morning- nothing sillier than for it to be raining outside and the sprinkler system also watering the lawn!


Beth- hope it's cooling off somewhat by you too- Are you getting to watch any of your TV shows yet?


Shannon- How's the granny striping coming along? Did you have a nice time at Honey and Big Bob's?


Thinking of you LeaAnne at the Cape---miss you


Sarah- Hi to you too


Well, time to start getting ready- I need my coffee!!!


Have a great Hump Day


PS Colleen- what kind of job are you looking for? Good luck!

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Good morning! :morcoffee


Rain would be very nice. We could use it - the lawns are all brown around here. So, Joanne, send it my way!


Stacy, love the pics. I am envious of the yarn purchase. I have been avoiding stores that sell such things. I really do have enough, but it would be fun to have something new to play with. Is your dd doing OK now?


Colleen, welcome home, sweetie! I've missed you. I am glad your trip was good. It sounds just lovely. Good luck job hunting.


LeaAnn, congrats on the new bike, and all the exercise you've been doing. Running after 15 kids all day, then exercising all evening -- you go girl!


Marissa, thanks for stopping by after a busy day. Is it going well with the receptionist on vacation?


LeaAnne, thinking of you and your chickens.


Mary, I hope your weather is breaking, so it's a bit cooler up there in God's country.


Shannon, I hope you and Janna-ness are having an awesome summer.


Vicki, Ouch to the sunburn! I hope it heals quickly. Is your dd OK, or did she burn too?


I hope you all have a good Wednesday. Let it rain!


Oh, I only have one more row of motifs, and the edging to finish the second Christmas afghan!!! I think I can, I think I can...

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Good morning everyone :tired:coffee


I'm trying to wake up and my eyes don't seem to want to cooperate this morning :eek


Colleen - WTG by not gaining any weight :clap I love fruit as a snack too and I'm sure the kids loved that marshmallow that was added in ;)


LeeAnn - :cheer You've been an exercisaholic lately :yay It's nice that hubby got a bike too and you guys can all go together, that way it's more of a fun activity than exercise :devil


Joanne - Of course I'm stoked that the NL team won last night, but unfortunately....I missed the game :eek Completely forgot about it and you think it may have sparked a brain cell when you said you were watching it!!! :eek I guess I was too caught up in my bag and importing cd's still. We sure needed that win since we haven't won in like, 14 years!!! :eek Huge victory :clap


Beth - Work has gone quite well the past 2 days :clap However, today should start the 'busy' days for the week :eek So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed in hopes that it continues to go well.


Have a wonderful wednesday everyone and I'll see y'all later :D

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Hi gang! This is a quick fly by! I gotta get in the shower. Purple Heart is coming soon and I have to finish getting all the stuff together for them!

The sun burn is better. It wasn't a bad burn, just very red. DD never burns! I lather her up good! She tans so beautifully! She has the best looking skin I have ever seen!

Don't have an exact date for her belt test yet. Just some time in August. I'll let you all know when I know!

I need to clean today some more. Yesterday I dusted and vacuumed the pool. Now it is a little cloudy. Boo. Today I need to clean the little bathroom and vacuum the inside of the house. I have laundry to fold too! Later we will clean some chairs and I can start to spread them out on the lawn now that the lawn guys have come and gone!

Ok, gotta run! Talk to you all later!

Have a great day my besties!

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Hi, all!


I am home for a couple of days. The chickens were missing their friends, and quite honestly, so was I! So here i am :lol:lol:lol


I need to run to the bank and to the pool store for Shock (we are a cloudy light green, but not bad considering being gone for 2 weeks). Then to grab a few groceries, and will be back to say my proper hello's!


Man... I missed you girls!


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LeaAnne's back!! :clap:clap:clap I'm sure you had tons of fun at the Cape, but you were missed! :hug:hug:hug:hug Can't wait to hear all about it.


Vicki, so glad you are feeling better today. :yay My kids tan wonderfully, too, thanks to their Mexican blood. :lol I am envious.


Leeann, how nice that dh got a bike for you, also! Family bike rides are fun, aren't they? I barely got a bike a couple months ago, and it was the first time I had ridden in probably 15 years or so! :lol How cool that your cat had her kittens. :manyheart Are you planning to keep any?


Joanne, :clap for the rain! Hope it helps the weather to cool off. Rain sounds so nice right about now- it is 102! But at least it's dry heat. :yes We didn't have the salmon patties last night- I talked dh into Chinese instead. :devil But, yes, they are from TJ's. :manyheart


Beth, :cheer:cheer:cheer you can do it! How exciting that you're on the last row of motifs! 2 Christmas gifts down. That will feel so nice, I'm sure. :yes I talked to the girls last night, and Mia is feeling much better. Thanks for asking. :hug


Colleen, sounds like the science play date was a success! Neat experiments. The fruit kabobs sound yummy! WTG on not gaining weight on vacation. That can be difficult, but sounds like you did a great job. :yes


Marisa, hope today wasn't too busy. :hug WTG on almost finishing your bag! :clap


Mary, Scooby, Shannon, Sarah- happy hump day!! Halfway through the week. Hope all all are going well! :hug:hug:hug:hug


Thank you for the compliments on my pillow and cover. Eva loves her pillow. :D

It is 102 outside, so I made an executive decision to stay indoors with the a/c. :lol Eva has been busy, playing with her stuffed animals and books. I cleaned all morning! Cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom (minus the appliances- I really hate stainless steel cleaner. :yuck) I took all of the stuff off the counter and re-organized it, threw away some stuff, swept and mopped all of the floors, cleaned my bathroom, cleaned the girls' room and made their beds, hung some pictures they wanted on the walls, and cleaned some stuff off my dresser and bookshelf. Then Eva and I braved the heat and took 3 bags of clothing and shoes to the donation box down the street. I also needed to pick up our concert tickets for next week, but the store has closed! :eek:eek Now I need to check and see where the closest Ticketmaster outlet is. We came home and ate lunch, and now we are just watching Snoopy cartoons. Even the dogs are just lying around. :lol

The older girls were supposed to come home today (they were meeting FIL at his building for lunch, then coming back here.) But I haven't heard anything. Maybe they decided to stay another day. I will wait for dh to come home to see if he's heard anything, then I will call them. I don't mind them staying, I'd just like to know what's going on.

Olive is fine. She has learned very well to go in her crate at night, and she will sit as long as she thinks we have treats. :blush I told her "down" twice today and she lay on the floor both times, so I think that might be the next command. She's getting better about begging, but still hangs around the kitchen while I'm making food. If I put her outside, she stands up against the door and looks through the window. She'll get better with time, I'm sure.


Well, enough :blah for now. I'm going to get some water and lay on the couch. :lol BBL!

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Welcome home LeaAnne!!! Good to have you back---if only for a few days! Hope all is well


Stacy- It rained all day today which is good- but it's not going to cool things off unfortunately- we're supposed to be heading into another heat wave!!! Hot/Humid!!! And I see mushrooms growing on a part of my lawn. What's up with that???? I like your executive decision to stay indoors in AC!!!!


Vicki- Hope the cloudiness of the pool is cleared up soon- and that you got all your cleaning done that you had scheduled today.


Marisa- I'm not stoked that the NL won last night!:( I was hoping for an AL win- you know to remember George by! It was a good game- although I fell asleep in the 8th and had to read the final score this morning! Hope your day went well.


Beth, Colleen, LeeAnn, Sarah- Dinner is ready so gotta run.


Plan on reading tonight I think - taking a break from the hook- I started a book today on my lunch break called "The Sinner" by Tess Gerritsen- it's about the characters Rizzoli and Isles (did anyone see the new show on Monday @10 on TNT? It's good and based on the those characters)


Seems like a good night to put pj's on, and read!


Have a good night everyone!

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Hello hello!

Joanne-rain? that sounds wonderful! It has been hot here too...I have to take two showers a day-not fun, but it is still better than winter. Are you getting close to finishing your stripey ghan?

Marisa-I didn't want to wake up either, I kept hoping and wishing for more sleep, but was up at 5:00 and at the park by 6:10 walking....:blush I keep telling myself, "this is a good thing" most days I feel wonderful but by this afternoon I was dragging. I can't wait to see your bag.

Stacy-Olive sounds like she is doing so much better. :D Did your gals come home? How nice to spend one on one time with the littlest.

Beth-you are on the ball! I haven't thought of Christmas.:eek:eek I need to get it together. :yes What colors are you using?

Mary-has it cooled down?

LeaAnne-Welcome back! We missed you! What all do you do while at the Cape?

Vicki-glad that your sunburn feels better. Have you worked on your baseball ghan?

The new kittens are adorable! I think we will keep them for as long as we can..they are family. :lol Dh is cooking this evening, I have enlisted him since I do most of the cooking and feel like :hook. We will see how that works out. :devil going to relax for a few.


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Joanne-we seem to be post at about the same time...how cool is that? A good book sounds wonderful! What is the name of the new show on TNT? I haven't found anything worth watching...too busy, but I miss T.V. :-)))))

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:hi all!


LeaAnne, it's good to see you. Good luck reading through what you missed! :lol


Joanne- mushrooms?! :eek That's crazy. We had some growing around the tree in the backyard this winter, but we picked them and threw them out because we were afraid the dogs would try to eat them.


Leeann- walking by 6:10! You are motivated. :nworthy:lol What is your dh making? Mine surprised me last week (I cannot believe I forgot to tell you all this, because I was ecstatic! :lol) and made dinner on the day the girls and I went to the Science Center. I came home and he had made rice, orange chicken (from frozen,) and a salad! That's the first time he's ever made dinner for me! :rofl Does your hubby cook often?


Speaking of dinner, I guess the salmon patties aren't going to cook themselves. I will check back later!

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Hi LeaAnne and Stacy- Going to get off the computer- An "angels are bowling" storm is starting- and the sky is getting dark- so I'd better go


LeeAnn- the show is called Rizolli and Isles- on TNT --Mondays at 10- based on Tess Gerritsen book the Apprentice- ( I read that one and started another today called "The Sinner" with the same characters.


Ok- gotta go- thunder and lightening have started!!!

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Good evening everyone,


My day went well and my boss got his chocolate cake today and of course loved it!!! It got really busy at the end of the day but was otherwise comfortably manageable :lol This girl is doing really well catching on with 'our ways' and paperwork. I think she'll be heading out next week maybe. If not then definitely by the last week of July because another doc has vaca that week so my guy will have to cover that doc which leaves the office I'm training this girl for will need her :yes Of course my paperwork is getting backed up, but no getting around that :eek


Vicki - did you get everything together in time for the purple heart guy?


LeaAnne - welcome back and :hi I don't think I've acutally met you yet :lol


Stacy - Wow, you got alot of cleaning done :clap I need to clean as well.


Joanne - I still have that show on my dvr, I'll get to it by the weekend if not sooner and then I'll let you know how I felt about it :lol


LeeAnn - WTG :cheer you are doing great with your exercising routines!!!


Not sure I feel like working on anything tonight so may just lay on the couch while I watch tv :think

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Hey Marisa


Well that was a short lived thunder storm! But it is still raining!!! and I guess it's getting dark out cause its 8:30 already:eek


Where does the time go? This working thing just sucks too many hours out my day:lol


Glad to hear that doc liked his chocolate cake- really- what's not to like about chocolate cake!!!


I'm with you- I'm not in the mood to do much of anything tonight- except I'm going to read some more of my book... taking a break from hooking of any type:lol (oh that didn't sound good did it? :lol

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Welcome home Colleen and LeaAnn

We had storms Monday and Tuesday but it didn't seem to cool anything off yet. And yes Iam still in my basement. Iam thinking I will be here all summer.

Yesterday I cleaned out the closet downstairs by the door. I will be taking 6 big bags of stuff to the church. I can't beleive I had that much stuff in there.

Iam just chilling tonight. I might do a little crocheting after.

I hope everyone is having a great week.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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:hi everyone!


Did more laundry today (lucky me!). I think I have most of the camping stuff cleaned up and put away. DD and I went to the library and then to a farmers market for corn on the cob. DD splashed in her little backyard pool this afternoon and I crocheted :faint I've almost forgotten how to crochet I do it so rarely now. I'm making a little sweater to go with the pink and brown RR. I know I still need to finish my flannelghan but it's too hot to take that outside.


I think I'm going to go to bed with my book here soon. I'm :grumpy Behind a book is the safest place to put me :lol


LeaAnne - Welcome home for a bit! You were definitely missed! I hope you are having a great summer :hug:manyheart


Stacy - Wow! You are amazing! You got a lot done today! Hooray for your DH making you dinner. Mine would never do it without me asking him to. Never.


Mary - Good job decluttering. I need to do some of that. Enjoy the basement, the heat is going to stick around for a bit.


Joanne - Enjoy your new book.


LeeAnn - WTG with the walking. I had my alarm set for 6:20 this morning to walk before DH leaves for work, but I hit that snooze button :blush I did go out this evening though and I'm getting back on track. Swing by and pick me up tomorrow at 6:10 and we'll walk together :wink:lol You'll have to share pics of the kittens. Are you naming them?


Marisa - I'm glad the doc liked the cake. Good luck with the paperwork.


Beth - WTG with the Christmas 'ghan #2! Two presents made! :clap


:hi Vicki, Shannon, Sarah, and anyone I missed. Have a great evening.

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