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Awesome- I saw it right away on the flannel'ghan CAL ! Great job!!! Love the NY Yankee colors!!


Worked on 10 saltines for another CAL and now am heading up - 5AM will be here soon!


Night all!

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Hi all!


I had a really long post typed out yesterday, but then DH decided to talk to me in the middle of it (the nerve!:devil) and I lost the whole thing! Blech!


LeeAnn- Your flannelghan is beautiful, and your day sounds wonderful! I hope you have a great day at work tomorrow!


Joanne- How's the granny stripe coming? I'm just finished stripe 33. I had no idea that random would be so hard for me. I knew it would be challenging, but good grief! Have fun with your Wii! I love mine!


Sarah- I've been meaning to ask you, what kind/color yarn are you using for the wall hanging? I can't wait to see it! I LOVE the pic of Uncle Keith!:lol He sure is a cutie!!


Vicki- I'm so glad you went to the doctor and he was able to give you something for your migraines. :xfin that it works great for you!


Stacy- Olive is so pretty! I hope the training goes smooth for you. I can't wait to see your cushion. I need to find some sweaters for the backs of my pillowcases too.


Mary- I'm so glad your show went well. Are you getting ready for the next one already? It sounds like you'll have to replenish your inventory!:yay


Beth- Welcome home and :birthday to your DH, a little late. I'm sorry you have to share the TV again! Bummer!


Marissa- That peach cake does sound yummy! Thank you for sharing the recipe! And I may have told you this already, but I love all your projects. You do beautiful work!


Scooby, Colleen, and LeaAnne- I hope you are all enjoying your summer!! Miss you!


I think that's everyone. If not I'm so sorry. My brain isn't functioning lately. My dog has been getting me up every night, and I'm wide awake. So annoying!


The floor guys are now MIA. I don't know what to do. At least we're getting a discount on the flooring. Now I just have to find someone to install it!


Have a great night everyone! Big day tomorrow, and I'm exhausted! Sweet dreams!:manyheart

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Thank you Joanne! Have a good night! Sweet dreams. :-)))):hug


Shannon-hugs and prayers that the flooring people will get it together and get the job done! :hug


finished cleaning the bathrooms and ironed my clothes for tomorrow. I guess I'm ready. :lol

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Good night everyone,


LeeAnn - your flannelghan is great...I love it (Joanne - I prefer to think of it as Penn State colors ;):lol )


Shannon - thank you so much sweetie!


I hope y'all enjoy the peach cake as much as I do :D


Good night :c9

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Good morning!


Shannon- good to hear from you and hope that you can find some floor installers. Wonder what happened to the guys you had from before--don't you just love when they go MIA? NOT! My granny stripe is at 27 stripes and I just noticed last night that on one of the rows I must have missed a stitch and that was 9 stripes ago (18 rows). I'm not frogging it and I will figure something out when I border it to even it up:devil And if I keep it, I won't care, but I was thinking of giving to my oldest DD for her birthday in August since she doesn't have an afghan from me yet. I was thinking since that happened with the edge, I may not make it that big and then turn it vertically- more of a throw and then start another one- I have plenty of yarn!


Marisa- Hope you have a good Monday at work- your receptionist is out this week, correct? Hope it is not too crazy for you!


Have a good work week LeeAnn- you got a lot done this weekend, plus had fun with the family--and I do love your flannel'ghan ---in Yankee/PennState colors!!!:lol


Off to get ready!!!


Make it a good day everyone!

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LeaAnn, great flannelghan. What an awesome gift for your dh. How big is it?


Marissa, thanks for sharing the peach cake recipe. Makes me :drool


Shannon, :hug for the floor situation. :hug for the lack of sleep situation. Why is the dog getting up? Is there something in the neighborhood, or is he/she needing to go outside? If it's the second, can you feed her/him first thing in the morning, and withhold liquids after dinner time? Some people just put ice cubes in the water dish, so the dog can get a little water during the night, but not enough to need to go out. My dog eats ice cubes, so that wouldn't work for us.


Wow, Joanne, you get to sleep in until 5 a.m. How do you manage that? I am really happy that I jumped right back into the routine of getting dh off to work this morning, without too much trouble.


Stacy, :eek for spiders! and what's with kids wanting to eat? You have to watch that. Next thing you know, they get all big on you, and want to drive, and work, and you never see them any more.


Too early to think. And the coffee is still all in the pot, so I'll just send hugs to LeaAnne, Mary, Colleen, Vicki, Scooby, and everyone i can't remember because it's not 6 a.m. yet.:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!


Shannon- good to hear from you and hope that you can find some floor installers. Wonder what happened to the guys you had from before--don't you just love when they go MIA? NOT! My granny stripe is at 27 stripes and I just noticed last night that on one of the rows I must have missed a stitch and that was 9 stripes ago (18 rows). I'm not frogging it and I will figure something out when I border it to even it up:devil And if I keep it, I won't care, but I was thinking of giving to my oldest DD for her birthday in August since she doesn't have an afghan from me yet. I was thinking since that happened with the edge, I may not make it that big and then turn it vertically- more of a throw and then start another one- I have plenty of yarn!


Marisa- Hope you have a good Monday at work- your receptionist is out this week, correct? Hope it is not too crazy for you!


Have a good work week LeeAnn- you got a lot done this weekend, plus had fun with the family--and I do love your flannel'ghan ---in Yankee/PennState colors!!!:lol


Off to get ready!!!


Make it a good day everyone!


Sorry you missed a stitch soooo long ago :( You're probably the only one that'll ever know about it (and us :devil ) But I'm sure it'll look fine once you put the border on and will only be able to see it when looking for it :hug


Yes, my receptionist is out this week :eek Just me and the new girl :( I was really hoping he'd send her to the other office and bring my guy back to me for this week :think But, we'll make it work.....now it's really time to sink or swim and since I have to be up front, I can really make sure she knows everything.....but, it will be crazy :yes



Marissa, thanks for sharing the peach cake recipe. Makes me :drool


Too early to think. And the coffee is still all in the pot, so I'll just send hugs to LeaAnne, Mary, Colleen, Vicki, Scooby, and everyone i can't remember because it's not 6 a.m. yet.:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


You're welcome :D Use it well ;)

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Hi everyone! It has been a couple of days since I have been here! We have been busy here - cleaning the back yard for a bbq that we are having on Saturday. Then we went shopping for some food for the bbq. And we had tkd practice Saturday morning.

I need to go back and read what everyone has been up to the last couple of days so I can't respond to everyone individually. Hope everyone had a great weekend and I will talk to you all later! We are going out with a friend today!

TTFN besties!

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Hi girls! I'm so excited, I'm about halfway there! The picture's a bit blurry, but you get the idea. I hope you are all having a Magnificent Monday!


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Hi Ladies

Quick post here. Still hot here but we are suppose to get rain tonight :cheer LOL cheering for rain.

Leeann and Shannon your afghans look great. I love seeing pics of what everyone makes.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Hi girls! I'm so excited, I'm about halfway there! The picture's a bit blurry, but you get the idea. I hope you are all having a Magnificent Monday!

Shannon- it's coming along beautifully!!!! And look at you with the fancy photography!!!:)

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Hi all,

A busy day at work- and it is hot/humid here again- Oh, I so wish we would get some rain already!!!


Not much on the agenda for tonight- other than cooking dinner and then sitting down to crochet a bit- I'm kind of bummed about the missed stitch- but I can't see myself frogging that many rows-


Hope everyone had a good Monday- I'll try and BBL!

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Hi friends!


Shannon and Leeann, your afghans are beautiful! :manyheart Great job, girls!


Shannon, I can't believe the floor guys are MIA now! How frustrating.


Joanne, sorry about the missed stitch! I'm sure you're the only one who will know, even if you give it to your dd. :yes


Marisa, I hope the week goes smoothly for you, and that the new girl learns what she needs to know.


Vicki, welcome back! :lol Good luck getting everything straightened up for your bbq.


Mary, it's great to see you! Hope the rain cools things off for you. :hug


Beth, LeaAnne, Sarah, Scooby, Colleen- happy Monday! :hug:hug:hug Hope you all had a pleasant day.


Roomie treated me to lunch as a thank you for watching her kids. We went to a Cuban bakery/cafe. Sooooo yummy! I had a grilled veggie sandwich and a blended dulce de leche latte. Seriously the best coffee I've ever had! :drool I brought a bunch of pastry home, also, and dh has already gone through half of it. :blush Guess I'd better get dinner going. :lol

The older girls are with MIL for a few days. She asked if they could stay for 2, but FIL said they will probably stay for 3 or 4. Eva misses them terribly. :( But I slept (on and off) until 10 this morning. :devil:manyheart


Well, the timer just went off so I have to go check on dinner. BBL! Oh, and I finished both sides of the E pillow. Guess what? They don't match up!! :bang I think I can just frog it in sections, though, to see what happened. I am hoping that will work anyway. Will post a pic of both sides after dinner.

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Hello there ladies!

Is it possible to think of one self as the luckiest person in the world? I do so love my job! I am having a great time. This morning I walked too, had to motivate myself.:cheer Dinner is in the oven, lasagna-made a fruit salad and a veggie salad.:lol both the kiddos and dh had an excelent day. What more can a gal ask for? I tell ya, compared to Feb. of this year, I never thought I would feel so wonderful.

Ok..enough about me.

Joanne-I bet the border will hide the stitch, so sorry to hear that my friend.:hug:flower

Marisa-how was your day with the new gal? I hope that it went well and that it wasn't too stressful.:hug

Stacy-bummer about the corners not matching up...that always happens to me when I sew...guess I had better stick to crocheting.:hug

Shannon-beautiful ghan! Lovely! So want to make one! I loved the photo too..very nice.:hug

Vicki-a BBQ sounds lovely! Do you feel better?:hug

Mary-will hope you get rain too!:hugare you already replenishing your stock of crochet goodies?

This weekend we were supposed to go camping, but the campground that we are wanting to go to is booked up, so.....dh brought home tickets for a train ride! :clap:clap It is thru La Veta Pass and around the mountain to a concert, so excited!

ok best get off the :c9 and get diner on the table. hugs and squishes!

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Oh Stacy- that was nice of roomie to treat you to lunch-and that blended dulce de leche latte sounds like something I would love!!!!


How nice to have only 1 child for a couple of days- but I'm sure she does miss her sisters! The stitch I missed was at the end of a row so you can see where it goes in , but I'm thinking that I can fudge it with the border. I'm also thinking of making this a vertical stripe blanket- I saw some that folks did on Ravelry like that- this way I can finish it sooner- and then start another one!


Off to crochet some stripes!!


Have a good night everyone!

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Your post made me so happy- It is good to hear that you love your job- and your dinner after working all day, amazes me!!


Have a fun time on the train ride- that sounds like so much fun!!!!


So good to hear you so "happy":manyheart

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Good evening everyone,


I hear the couch and tv calling my name :lol Work actually went quite well today, although it was also a bit slower than usual. One down and four to go :lol


Vicki - Having a bbq sound like such fun :D


Shannon -Your granny stipes look great :clap


Mary - We got a little rain earlier....it poured for maybe a half hour and is now done :eek


Joanne - I have to admit that I'd be bummed about the stitch as well, but I really think you should be able to cover it :think I surely wouldn't frog that many rows, esp if it took you that long to pick it up :hug :hug


Stacy - Sound like a great lunch, and coffee, and patries :drool Now I want some junk food :lol


LeeAnn - Glad to hear you're having such an amazing day :yay And the train ride does sound like alot of fun :clap

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Good morning all and Happy Tuesday!


Another muggy day here in NJ- At least it's not 100 degrees and muggy!


Not much to report since last night- so just stopping in before getting ready for work to wish you all a pleasant day!

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:hi everyone! I'm back and missed you all!!! :hug:hug:hug


I have skimmed through the posts while the washing machine chugs away at the mountain of laundry I have and I sip on my coffee :c9 We are more or less having a PJ day. DD is playing barbies and watching TV. She's been invited for a playdate this afternoon where they are doing "science experiments" (science experiments with two 6 year olds, two 5 year olds, and a 3 year old :eek....that mom is either very ambitious or insane :lol). DD will love that, though, because she loves science.


OK, where to begin? I worked 3 days last week and that went great. Spent my evenings packing. We camped for two days in the Niagara region and attended my cousin's wedding. The ceremony was in a vineyard (this is in wine country) and it was 1000 degrees and we sat out in the sunshine. Luckily the ceremony was a short one and no one fainted. The reception was at a 5 star fancy dancy restaurant (top 5 in Canada or something) and it was just wonderful. I spent those two nights sweating it out in the tent. On the third day we packed up camp and travelled to Allegany State Park which is in New York State near the border of PA. Beautiful hilly country. We had rain on Friday, but Sat. and Sunday were just gorgeous. Went for a hike (or half a hike for me and DD because she got spooked), spent some time at the beach, and enjoyed seeing my extended family from Ontario, Ohio and even my sister from Oregon (what is it with the Provinces and States that start with O? :think:lol).


Not much on this week but unpacking, laundry, and errands.


Beth - I'm so glad your DH is home. Enjoy...even if he is hogging the TV :lol


Joanne - Your 4th BBQ sounded fun and I'm so glad you got yesterday off. Did Belle ever come over for a swim?


Stacy - Olive is a very big dog. I'm sure she'll fit in great once she learns the rules :lol You have had lots of fun outing with your girls. They are very lucky to get to enjoy the museums, etc. of LA.


LeeAnn - Your flannelghan is gorgeous :drool This one was for DS right? Does he like it? I'm so glad you are enjoying your job and good job on the walking :tup My vacation put a crimp in my routine, so I'll have to get back at it this week.


Shannon - :drool I LOVE that granny stripe! :drool It is gorgeous and sister is going to love it! Good luck getting the flooring sorted out.


Vicki - The baby sweater is just beautiful (and so is Aurora :wink).


Mary - I'm so glad to hear you had a successful sale. Are you still hanging out in the basement or has it cooled down enough to come up for air?


Sarah - I love that pic of Keith all dressed up for the 4th. So cute!


Marisa - I am enjoying getting to know you through your posts. I hope your week is going smoothly with your receptionist away.


LeaAnne - I hope you are having a great time at the Cape!


Sorry if I missed anyone. I'll be back later! Laundry calls! :hug to you all.

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I had to :lol when you said about you all being from 'O' states/provinces. My brother is in Phoenix, my sister is in Pittsburgh, and I'm in Philadelphia....so we got the 'P's covered :D Sounds like you had alot of fun this weekend and yes, that is a gorgeous area!!!! :manyheart DD's playdate sounds really fun (I love science too) but I agree that the mother must be insane :eek I hope she has help!!!

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HI gang! I have a sun burn! DD and I went to the water park in Galveston with a friend yesterday and my legs got quite red because dopey me didn't put sunscreen on them! Yes, go ahead, tell me I'm a dope! I've beentelling myself that since yesterday. But we had lots of fun and we have decided that we need to make that trip a tradition. We always have fun when we go!

Now I need to motivate myself to clean! I need to get up and dust! Then after lunch I am going to go in the pool and vacuum that. DD has an appointment with the orthodontist this afternoon to see if we need to start braces. Her teeth are coming in crooked because her mouth is too small for all her teeth and her baby teeth just don't want to fall out to make room for her adult teeth. Just like her mama. That apple isn't falling far from the tree!

Leeann and Shannon - the afghans are just GORGEOUS!!! Love them both!

Marisa - Hope the week goes smoothly without the receptionist!

Joanne - How is the heat up there? It makes great pool weather though! Did you hear about George Steinbrenner? Very sad, but he had been rumored to be sick for some time now.

Collen - Glad to hear the camping trip went well! Now the clean up from it! Glad you enjoyed the wedding as well and seeing family!

Beth - How is it having hubby home? Hope all is well in the land of Virginia!

I need to go get myself moving. I will put on another cd and that should help me!

TTFN besties!

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Hi all!


Colleen is home! :clap So glad to hear you had a wonderful trip. Did dd handle all of the activities well? Hope she has fun at her play date. I agree- that mom must be nuts! :lol Or maybe "science experiments" means the same thing it does here- playing in the dirt with a shovel and a bucket of water. LoL That wouldn't be too difficult to keep track of.


Vicki, sorry to hear you are sunburned! :eek Make sure to use aloe...it will help keep it cool. :yes Or just go swimming. :lol But make sure to use sunscreen because water magnifies the sun! Have you heard when dd's next belt test will be?


Leeann, your post was so happy and upbeat! It made me happy just reading it. :yay I'm glad you are enjoying your job and that your family is in good spirits. Oh, and I also made lasagna last night. :lol


Shannon, Mary, Beth, Scooby, Sarah, LeaAnne, Marisa, and Joanne- hope you're all having a great day! Does anyone know when LeaAnne will be home? :think


No sleeping in for me today. Dh called at 6:30 to say he forgot the ladder he needed to take to work, and wanted me to take it to him. After we dropped it off, we made a side trip to the Cuban bakery. :blush:rofl It IS only another 10 minutes away from his building. :devil Then we went home and cleaned out the car. I had planned to wash it but our new hose won't reach to the garage. Then Eva and I went to the indoor play area at the mall for an hour. She wanted to go to the playground but by 10 a.m. it was already 95! :eek Afterward we went to Joann's for more polyfil, and they had a ton of yarn on clearance, so naturally...I got 2 bags full. :blush I rarely feel guilty about buying yarn but today I do, just because I really don't need anymore. (Well, except maybe the dark purple...:lol) But they were 97 cents each!! Really I would have been dumb to not get it, right? Right? :lol Anyway, we came home for lunch, and the insurance company called to say they needed pics of my car for the new coverage. So...out into the heat we went, and barely got home a few minutes ago. Now Eva is napping and all is quiet, except for the a/c. :lol

I'm planning to call the girls tonight- Mia got sick twice yesterday and MIL didn't call because she didn't want to bother me. :angry Dh called to check on them yesterday after work (which was when he found out about the sickness) and she was feeling better by then and wanted to stay.


Well, enough :blah :blah...I need to go take the salmon patties out of the freezer for dinner. I will leave you with :photo of the E pillow, and my cushion cover. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug










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