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Some good clean fun?!

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Had a wonderful day- lots of food, and fun- 2 of my 3 DD's were there. son-in-law, his Dad, other DD's BF, and some of their friends. It reminded me of when they were teens and they would have their friends over.


My SIL's mom didn't make it- her AC died this morning. A guy came to look at this afternoon- supposed to get there @ 2- didn't arrive till 4- and it turns out she needs to replace the whole thing- so that means the furnace too- This is NOT the week to lose AC- I think she is going to spend the night with DD and SIL- she lives bout 5 min away from them (I live about 10)


I am tired from being out in the sun- but it is a good tired- maybe if I get myself to bed I'll have a good night's sleep.


DD is going to come over tomorrow after work- she and SIL are going to bring Belle (their bulldog pup) to see how she likes the pool!


Mary- I hope that your headache is gone by the time you read this and that you are keeping cool in the basement- the coolest part of a house (that is if you have a basement!!)



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Nothing new to report since posting last evening.


Wishing everyone a good day- to those of you in the current heat wave- stay cool and drink lots of fluids!!!


Time to get ready! Make it a good one!

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Good Morning Everyon :coffee



Marisa-your job sounds wonderful! I am a preschool teacher, I love it! What else do you like to do for fun?


I like to read and am a huge Nora Roberts mystery fan, I love mystery novels! Have to stop at the library for the secon book to the Circle Trilogy, can't wait!


back to folding laundry. Hope everyone had a great day!


Talk to you all tomorrow!:hug:hug:hug


I do enjoy reading as well :) I am a puzzle-aholic :eek I like many kinds but crosswords and sudoku are my favorites :yes I like riding my motorcycle, going to the movies, playing wii....:lol I sound like a kid :think Well, at heart anyway!!! I love to cook and bake, but find it more difficult to do for just myself. I like sports, going to games or watching on tv :yes Ummmm........ still thinking :lol

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Joanne - OOOHH, I bet Belle will love the pool! Take pictures of her in it! It is going to be cute! Stay safe in the heat!

Mary - Hope your headache is feeling better today. Now you can begin to get ready for your next sale! Are there places you can go to get out of the heat?

Marisa - You have lots of hours during the week! I hope that leaves the weekend to play and have fun! I am a teacher so I get to play for the summer. We were in some stores yesterday and they are already getting ready for back to school! School supplies are coming in! AAAHH! I don't want to think about it!


Leeann - YAY for a new lamp! How are the kiddos doing in your class doing? Are you loving it there? I hope so. It sounds like it.

Today DD and I are going to begin to clean some resin furniture that we have outside. We are supposed to be having a bbq in 2 weeks and I need to get the chairs cleaned off.

Puppies Jasmine and Aurora tried to be little escape artists again by digging under my fence to get to my neighbor's yard. They know that they can get out of the yard if they get into his yard. They are too smart for their own good these two. Luckily I came outside yesterday and saw them digging and yelled at them. We covered the hole quickly. Dopey pups.

I need to fold the laundry and get the dish washer unloaded. The pork chops are defrosting on the counter for dinner tonight. We are supposed to get some more rain this week. We were supposed to go to a water park on Thursday, but I think we may need to change those plans. We may get rained out!

Have a great day all and I will talk to you all later!

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Hi again. Here is the picture of the baby sweater that I made for my niece. I had a picture of the blanket too, but I lost it somehow. I need to see if I can download it again because it came out cute! I put stripes in it!

I also am showing you a picture of my puppy Aurora. This is the one that needs surgery. She actually sat still and let me take her pitcure!

Talk to you all later!



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Vicki, Awwwwwww, Aurora is So cute. Your baby sweater is awesome, too. I love the bright, cheery colors.


It is almost 100 degrees in this room, so I won't be here long. I am thinking of all of you! Lot of :hug to all of you!

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Vicki- love the sweater and Aurora is so cute!!!


It is Hot Hot Hot here today ===104 degrees!!!! DD is not coming over tonight with Belle- it is just so hot- she came from work and took a shower and put her pj's on and that's exactly what I'm going to do in a few minutes


Marisa- How's the heat in Philly? As long as the AC keeps cranking, I'll be fine!


Beth- WOW 100 degrees inside? Stay safe, and drink lots and lots of water!!!


Mary- Hope your headache is gone and that you are doing ok.


Colleen- Missing you- hope all is well.


LeaAnne- thinking about you at the Cape! Are you having a wonderful time?


LeeAnn- How was school today with the kiddos?


Stacy- Stopped at Starbucks on my way home from work and got an iced coffee and also picked up some of the Via Ice coffee (with a $1.00 off coupon) to try- I'm bringing it to work tomorrow!!!


Well, off to grab a bite to eat and get in my comfy pj's!


Have a good night all!

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:hi everyone!


Sorry I can't catch up right now and I'm just dropping by to say hi quickly. I have been so busy! Working and packing. :whew It is so hot here. Unbelievably hot. I sure hope it cools down.


:hug:hug:hug:hug for everyone! I'll "see" you next week!

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I guess you are going camping soon Colleen? Was wondering where you were!!! And yes it is unbelievably hot here too- I can't wait for this heat wave to break!


"see you" next week!!!

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;)Evening friends!

Today was nice, the kiddos are getting used to the daily routine and schedule, I am struggling a bit with the language barrier, but am working on it.

Joanne-Oh my! You are having hot weather! what project are you working on?

Vicki-your Aurora is beautiful! I love her! She's adorable! I bet your dd is enjoying her summer off. ;) Your sweater is fantastic too! I love the colors!

Marisa-we have a lot of hobbies in common, except for sports, I'm not very good at them-and don't quite understand what should be happening. After work I took the kiddos to the library-found the sequel to the Nora Roberts book...oh yeah! So excited!

Colleen-have fun on your camping trip!

Beth-your room sounds very hot, I hope that it cools down for you. Dh is almost home!

I think I wil go work on the flannelghan, dh bought me a pound of black yarn to finish it. I kept forgetting.:think Have a great night friends!

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Hi friends!


Vicki, your sweater and pup are so cute! Are all of your puppies named after Disney princesses? Did you find out when dd will test for her purple belt?


Mary, hope you're feeling better and :clap for doing well on your sale!


Colleen, have fun camping!


Joanne, enjoy your iced VIA! It's my new morning coffee. :blush I know it's way more expensive than TJ's, but lately it's been really yummy first thing in the morning. :c9 Dh even felt bad for me after the Spill :lol and bought a new package. So glad you had fun with your dd and SIL yesterday. Did Belle like the pool?


Beth, dh will be home very, very soon!!!! :cheer:cheer:cheerI know you cannot wait! Yikes @ how hot your room is! Do you have fans, or a window a/c?


Leeann, dh must really want you to finish that flannel'ghan if he even bought you yarn for it! :lol I'm happy that you're liking your new job! :clap

Marisa, how cool that you are a chiropractor!!! I wish you lived closer, I really need to see one. :lol And you have a motorcycle- you daredevil! :devil


Shannon, Scooby, LeaAnne, hope you all are having a wonderful summer-ish time! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Whew, I hope that's everyone! I feel like I"m forgetting someone...my brain is shrinking as our group is growing! :lol


So, the news from here. The girls loved the fireworks and we did have a really nice time. FIL got sick so he ended up not going but we still went to his building and the girls got a kick out of them. We could see the shows all over the valley. :manyheart

Dh's cousin stayed for 2 nights and I took him home this morning. The girls really enjoyed having him here. His aunt is angling for me to let the girls stay there alone, but I won't- not even for a few hours. There is just too much drama. Even dh agrees with me.

My mom called this morning, and my grandma is not well. She is in an extreme amount of pain but refuses to have any sort of tests. The oncologist's best estimate is that she will pass by the end of the year. :( I am at peace with it, but my mom is a mess. :ohdear

Today the girls and I went to the Natural History Museum and the Science Center. We only stayed at NHM for about 1/2 an hour, as it was free admission and it was soooooo crowded. The Science Center has a new exhibit about ecosystems, so we went to explore that, instead. There is a simulated reef, complete with a tunnel to walk through and look at all the fish- and 2 baby sharks!! Isabella was on :c9!! Once she realized there were sharks, we stayed in that area for probably 2 hours. :lol It was really fun, though, and we will have to go back because 4 hours was not enough to see all of it.

And lastly...we got another dog. Not the cute little lab that I was hoping for, but a 1-1/2 y/o German Shepard. Dh's co-worker is moving from a house to an apartment that doesn't allow dogs, so he asked if dh would take her. She came to meet our dogs, and they all get along fairly well already! Sadly, it seems that she was neglected, as she is very skinny, full of fleas (which we didn't know until she was here for a little while) not trained in any way (not even house broken, as she was just left outside.) So it looks like I have plans for summer after all. :lol


Well dearies, time to get the kiddos off to bed. I'll be back later today or tomorrow.

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Night friends...too tired.


Stacy-what a great time you had with your gals, and hip hop hooray for a new dog It will be a lot of work but oh so worth it!


Marisa-get some rest, talk with you tomorrow.


To all my other friends, Mary, Shannon, Scooby, Joanne, Vicki, LeaAnne and Sarah-have a blessed nighty night!

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Stacy, details on the new furbaby, please? What's his/her name? How old? German Shepherds are very smart dogs. I hope you enjoy your new baby a great deal. Good luck with the training. The museum sounds like a lot of fun.


LeaAnn, I hope you are enjoying los hijos at the daycare. The language barrier would be a challenge, but it sounds like fun!


Marissa, I'm glad you got some rest. It sounds like you really needed it.


Joanne, early pj's -- that's a great way to spend an evening in this heat!!! We have window a/c in the bedrooms. Our house is so old, and the wiring can't take a lot, but we have window fans in this room. It only helps so much, though. It's miserable here! Oh well, what do you expect in July?


I need to get going, so here's hugs for everyone.:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Quick fly by to wish you all a good Wednesday!- Drink lots of fluids to all of you in the northeast--including Canada!!


Stacy- Oh my- you have been busy, busy, busy- and now a new dog on top of everything- I don't know how you do it!! Can't wait to try the iced via today. Prayers and comfort for your Mom as she deals with her mother's decline. Hugs to you too!!


Beth- only 2 more days--bet you and the DK's are getting really excited to have him home! Stay as cool as you can.


LeeAnn- I give you credit- the language barrier would be a tough one- but oh what a challenge- I agree w/Stacy- DH really must want that flannel'ghan!


Well, can't respond anymore now- running late as I just looked at the clock.


Vicki--did you see the game- I saw one inning and was asleep but see that the Yanks won 6-1


Cya later.

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Morning all. I have a headache and the word is spinning slightly on top of it. Not a good morning to say the least. The only good thing is that HSN is having their 24 hr. technibond event and I am Christmas shopping! I already texted my hubby to tell him he was buying me presents today while he was at work!!

DD is going to the dentist to get her teeth cleaned today. Then we have tkd tonight. I need to ask if a belt test day has been set yet. Don't know about that yet. Otherwise, it is very quiet here! It is supposed to be very rainy here the next couple of days.

Talk to you all later when my head feels better!

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Hi Ladies

It is still very hot here. I wish this weather would break soon. I like the warm weather but not this hot.

I have just been working on towels. It is too hot to work on anything else. Friday we have an app. in town so I will go and pickup so more towels.

I just about sold out of all my towels and the kids sweaters were a bit hit also. I had 30 sweaters and only came home with 2 left. People seemed to be buying baby items, I guess there will be alot of babies born this year.

I hope everyone is staying as cool as they can. I know when I got upstairs the heat just hits me like a wall. I love my basement :manyheart

I had my headache for a couple of days and Iam pretty sure it was from the heat.

Marisa sorry I didn't get to welcome you here. This is the nicest bunch of Ladies you will ever meet. I can't wait to get to know you better.

Stacy happy dog training ..... I know you can do it.

Beth so glad to hear that DH will be home soon.

Joanne how is the pool????? you lucky duck

Vicki I love the sweater you made.

Leeann you sound very happy in your new job.

Shannon, LeaAnne, Scooby and anyone I missed hope you are enjoying your summer.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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Vicki- hope your headache is getting better and that you had fun buying some jewelry- that was cute that you called DH and told him he was buying you some Christmas presents!!! I'll take a little TX rain - I can't stand this heatwave anymore!!


Mary- That is awesome that you sold so much!!! Kudos to you!!!! Amazing!!! Stay cool and hopefully this heatwave will break soon- thank goodness you have your basement! And I have my AC and my pool!!


Stacy- Tried the Via Iced coffee and I love it- thanks for the heads up about it. it's perfect to have at work!!! Hope you had a good day and that the fleas that came with your new pup are not too terrible- Me? I'd be freaking out!!! Just ask my DD's- I don't do well with stuff like that!!!


Marisa- Hope you had a good day at work-


Shannon- Are you back from New Orleans? Hope you had a good trip.


Beth- 2 more days, 2 more days till DH comes back home!!!! Hope you are surviving in the heat- I guess if it were me, I'd be living in my bedroom. I really am spoiled with central AC!!!


LeeAnn- hope you had a good day at work


LeaAnne and Colleen- thinking of you while you are on vacation


Sarah- How are you doing? And Keith?


Well, off to go grab a cup of iced via (I brought one home with me) and hook a while.


Stay cool!!

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Hello there ladies!

Had a super long day! We had to stay after work to figure out lesson plans, guess you have to stay every other Wed till 5:30, not really bad, I like that you can plan and get it out of the way and that you get paid for it too.:lol What a deal!

Joanne-your iced coffee sounds delicious! I love coffee! I called and asked dh to make a pot so that I could relax and enjoy a cup of java while reading all about ya all. :D I didn't get a chance to crochet last night, dd wanted to read to me, so sat and relaxed with her. :c9

Marisa-how was your day? do you see a lot of patients?

Stacy-how's the new addition to your family? Are your girls super excited?

Vicki-do you feel better? that is so cute that you told dh that he was buying you X-mas gifts. :(

Beth-we have window a/c too, they seem to cool our house well, but we have a teeny tiny house. :yes Are you excited about dh coming home?

Mary-Wow! You sold a lot of sweaters! How neat is that?

Shannon, Scooby, Sarah, and LeaAnne, hope you all had a wonderful Wednesday~!

Dh is cooking, gotta run! BBL~

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Marisa-how was your day? do you see a lot of patients?



Dh is cooking, gotta run! BBL~


Today we saw about 75 through the office. And thankfully my help is back from vacation :clap It gets crazy when there's only one of us there :eek But it's still fun ;)

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Glad to hear that you had a good day LeeAnn- and that's good that you get paid for working late-I am a salaried employee and so I essentially work for free when I work more than 40 hrs a week ( which is practically every week). Salaried employees are expected to do whatever it takes to get the job done- and we do get an extra week vacation- but sometimes, with the # of hrs I've had to work, I kind of wish I was an hourly employee!!!


Marisa- YAY for your help coming back from vacation!!!! That makes it so much better for you- and 75 is alot of patients!!! Have fun "hooking" tonight


I'm heading to bed to read for a bit b/4 heading off to dreamland.



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Marisa: love all your projects =0)


Joanne: yay for moving totes and giving you more room =0)


Mary: glad your show went well and hope you didn't get too burnt =0)


LeeAnn: glad your kids enjoyed the holiday =0)


Vicki: love the sweater you made and the pic of your puppy. Glad you caught the puppies before they got out. =0)


Colleen: hope you have fun on your trip =0)


Stacy: glad you had a good holiday and your girls enjoyed themselves. Hope the new puppy doesn't get into too much trouble =0)


LeaAnne, Scooby, Shannon, Mary and anyone else I missed hope you all are doing well and had a good weekend.


We didn't do much for the 4th here due to the rain. Didn't even go to our local fireworks show because it was too muddy, but we were still able to see it from our yard. Took a bunch of pictures of the fireworks and dressed Keith in his suit and a Uncle Sam hat I found at Target for $1 and took some pictures. Will post a link to the pics tomorrow sometime. Not much going on here except cabin fever due to all the rain and we're expecting more tomorrow =0( The ground is so saturated that the slightest amount of rain right now causes our yard to flood, which isn't helping our ant problem =0( Doug's step-dad was in the hospital for stomache pain and from what Doug has explained it was his appendix but there was also some talk of some scarring but not sure from what. Will get more info and explain more.


Hope you all had a good weekend and the week is going good for you all.


:hug:hug:hugHugs to everyone =0)

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Good morning


Sarah- Hope that Doug's step dad will be ok- and I guess while you have been getting tons of rain, we have been in the middle of a heat wave- A happy medium would be nice!!I bet Keith looked really cute in his Uncle Sam's hat!


Vicki- Hope that today finds you headache free!! How did it go at TKD last night? Any word on belt testing? Did you vote to send Swisher to the All-Star game?


Stacy- How's it going with the new pup? Is he (or is it she?) getting along with Klaus and roomie's dog? I keep thinking about the fact that the dog had fleas- hope not too bad and that things are working out.


Beth- Only 1 more day till DH comes home!!! You must be beyond excited!!!!


Marisa- Did you get to veg for a while with your hook last night?


Mary- The heat is not supposed to be as bad today- still not, but high 80's low 90 as opposed to 100 plus heat! How bout by you?


LeeAnn Hope today is a good day at work again- by the time you finish the summer you'll be speaking Spanish!! Does this job go year round or is just for the summer?


LeaAnne, Shannon, Colleen--thinking of you!


Have a good one!

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