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Anyone tried Alli?

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I am using it and I lost 20 pounds then stopped but that was my fault not the Alli as long as you watch the fat and portion size you lose with very little bathroom effects. Try it I think you will be pleased. Wal mart here has the best price on it.

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I haven't tried it, but I've thought about it....

I did a little research and decided not to use it, though.

These articles made me leary:




I'll be watching this thread to see what people say about it. I'd definitely like to boost my loss, but I don't want those side effects! :yuck

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Before DH was laid off last year, I used it quite successfully. Now that he's working again and we can afford it, I told him this morning that I was thinking of starting it again.


I never had any trouble with the side effects that some people have. However, I was always very careful not to go over the fat intake limit.


I'm normally a miser, so taking Alli motivated me to stay on the eating plan. I couldn't stand the thought of wasting the moeny on it if I wasn't going to follow the guidelines. I lost about 20 pounds using it. I've recently joined a gym and haven't lost that much weight even though I am exercising 4-5 times a week. I know it's the way I am eating...so I am thinking about trying it again.

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I started using it on this past Monday. In addition to following a low fat diet (don't want to have any of those nasty side effects), and walking for an hour at lunch (which i can do easily in AZ), i have lost 3 pounds. we'll see how it does for the long run. Good luck!!

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While I like that Alli is FDA approved I haven't been able to get past the side effects to try it.


I lost 20lbs a few years ago and kept about 15 of it all since then. I did it by giving up cokes and replacing them with water, walking on the treadmill every day and watching what I eat. I never gave up things I loved, I just cut back my portions and tried to add in healthier options.

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My sister in law takes it, for her the results were slow and she was very cautious to follow the plan....although one evening she went out to a special dinner and didn't realize the sauces (she thinks thats what it was anyways) would cause a...um...stir? She spent a couple of days with side effects which she later told me the Alli support group members call "Alli OOPS!" days. She hasn't given up yet though. Just be careful!:(

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It seems that the Alli tablets are taken with watching what you eat and exercising...I would think that if you just did those two things consistently, that you wouldn't need the pills. There really is only one way to lose weight safely and keep it off. Diet and exercise. If you are morbidly obese, then surgery is an option.


I'm not knocking anyone, but this is too scary!!! Who knows what's going to happen down the road? FDA approved...we can't even be sure what going on with the foods we eat!:)

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My feeling on diet pills, with which "sensible eating and exercise" is necessary is this: skip the pills, eat sensibly and exercise. I'm honestly not being snarky, but if taking pills helps a person to feel that something outside of themselves is giving them the willpower or providing "the magic ingredient" to losing weight, might as well pop 2 m&ms or jelly beans before every meel and at at least enjoy them, with diet and exercise, of course. Most likely, if one could stop at 2 little candy bits three times a day before meals, combined with sensible eating and exercise, one would lose weight.

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What worked for me with Alli is that it kept me on track. I had read about other people having "side effects" if they went over the fat limit, and I didn't want that to happen to me. So, I didn't let it happen. I followed the plan. I like the fact that I can lose more weight with Alli than with just eating sensibly and exercising.


I am morbidly obese, but surgery isn't an option for me. My insurance doesn't cover it, and I can't afford it otherwise. The way I look at it is if I could control my weight without help, I wouldn't be obese in the first place. :lol I've fought this battle all of my life (and spent the majority of the time losing the battle :D,) and Alli is the first pill I've ever taken to help with weight loss. I like it, and it works for me.


I'm happy to see everyone's different opinions and weight loss plans that work for them. In the end, each person has to find whatever he or she is comfortable doing. For me, the fear of continuing down this same path is greater than the fear of a few minor "side effects." :hug

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Thanks everyone! I think the "accountability" thing would be the key for me. Don't want the side effects so will stick to the plan. If it was as easy as eating sensible and exercising I wouldn't be where I'm at. So...thanks all...I think I will try Alli but wait until after Easter dinner! LOL

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