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Ugliest Skirt

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My little sis asked me for a skirt. No problem there. I decided to just make a wrap skirt.


She wanted it to be all kinds of random colors, so I started saving scraps. Again, no problem.


A few days ago I made balls of yarn from the scraps. She wanted it to be a loose crochet, so I decided to use a big hook and double crochet it. I also decided to used two strands, to make it even more variegated.


I crocheted quite a bit of it and it is just terrifying looking. I couldn't imagine anyone wearing it. It is just too busy for a skirt. And I think that she is even underestimating the overall effect of thirty or so different colors all jumbled together. It wouldn't be a big skirt. She wants a mini skirt and she is a tiny girl. I just don't think she would wear it.


I sort of want to make it into a bag, and just send her that. I think as an occasional accessory it would be okay, a little funky but okay. As a skirt I think that it would be too much.


As a crocheter, would you make something that someone asked for even if you realize it is just something that shouldn't be crocheted? Or do you take artistic license and make something that you can be proud of?


I will post pics of the offending object as soon as I get it a little longer and weave in some ends. I really think that it will become a bag. It is too obnoxious.

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I like the picture idea. Don't tell her you don't like it, just ask what she thinks of it and say you also thoughtit could be a bag. Or maybe it could become a poncho with maybe a decrease in the waiste/neck area (I read where some took ponchos and made them into skirts).

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yeah, def email her a pic of it.... it also depends on how fashion conscious she is... if you are more so and just know that she shouldn't wear something like what it would look like, I would make it so that you can be proud of it and it will look good on her...(I have older sisters who have so little fashion savy sometimes its not even funny)

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Sending her a pic is a good idea (and now I'm curious to see it too!).


I think the idea of random colors all mixed up sounds better than it works out to be in reality. When I think of lots of colors I usually think they need to be divided and framed by black or white/ivory--then they look like jewels or stained glass, not like a mixed up jumble. Of course that might not be the look you want at all;)

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I did email her, and I asked her if she was sure that she wanted a skirt like this. And if she would really wear it. I did offer to send her photos of what I have finished.


She is a brave girl, but her tastes change really quickly. Maybe a few years ago she would have worn it, but now I think that she would only wear it once for some kitsch value but would then toss it aside. I don't know, she may really like it. It is hard to say.


And for the photos...




This is a segment of it.




And this is a close-up of another part.

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Hey, nice job! the way you combined the colors made it all tie together, and each section of color is small enough that it does seem to work. It looks a lot better than i thought it would from your description...I mean that as a compliment! :)


I don't know what I would do. You may be right that she would wear it once and forget it. But will she use a bag?

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Hey, nice job! the way you combined the colors made it all tie together, and each section of color is small enough that it does seem to work. It looks a lot better than i thought it would from your description...I mean that as a compliment! :)


I don't know what I would do. You may be right that she would wear it once and forget it. But will she use a bag?





I understand what you mean, no worries:D.

It is sort of growing on me. It is a lot to look at though.


She is still in college, and walks/rides a bike everywhere, and she carries a lot of art supplies with her. I think she could always use another bag. It is her decision though. She still hasn't emailed me back yet.

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Actually it is kind of cool. I can see it paired with a simple black t-shirt. Maybe, since it will be a wrap skirt, you could send the skirt and offer to restyle it as a bag when she is done with it as a skirt.

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I think the sending it to her and then offering to restyle would be a good idea. If she's an art major i think this would be a BOOHYAH look at MEE type thing. I had an art teacher who was like that, wore the most obnoxious things she could find but she made them look awesome. I sure would wear it, over jeans. She sure would get a lot of attention for it, to say the least. But I dont know i'm crazy with no fashion style so maybe you shouldn't listen to me. But I really do like it. I was thinking about making something for my self like that to wear under my gown for graduation XD

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I sent her photos, and am waiting to hear back.


I like the idea of offering to make it into a bag when she is done wearing it. I will have to do it.


And at the very least this project got rid of tons of scraps. It really is growing on me, as a bag. I could never wear it as a skirt, but as a fun bag I could maybe do it. Hmmmmm.

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I think it's pretty cool. I'd wear it with a black bodysuit (Do they even make those anymore?) and black leggings or tights....that is, if I was young and thin, which I am not. :lol

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I actually kind of like it.. in the way that that you used two stands at a time and such. Definatly agree that it's really busy with lots of crazy colors. But you did a good job on it!

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I say totally gooo for it! It actually is really pretty amazing! and it would look totally sexy with tights and heel or boots, with either a really blousy loose top or an uber tight one! I am somewhat obsessed with fashion... if that gives me any credentials, and I'll be a freshman in college next year!...I think its cool.

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I think it would make a great funky miniskirt for a teen, and I'm a 26 year old who wouldn't wear anything that funky, but I can absolutely see how she might like it.

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