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I have an idea for a square-pattern. But I haven´t made many squares before so I have some questions.

What kind of yarn do you prefer to make squares in? I´m thinking dk, sport, fingering, or maybe thread for my square.

How big should it be?

One or several motifs/stitch patterns in one square?


I call it squares, but they can have many different shapes (round, hexagon etc), what shape do you prefer?

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My personal choice is for squares that are about 8 inches. I just find that that size goes quickly but it lets you have some interest in the details as well.


12" squares are good too but I find they can take a while to get one finished.

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Agree....8 inch squares seem the happy medium. They are big enough that when you have as many as you need for an afghan it doesn't seem like it takes forever to sew together and weave in all the ends, but small enough that it doesn't seem like each square takes forever to finish.


I also prefer WW for a regular adult afghan or baby weight for a baby blanket.


I prefer one or two colors per square to cut down on weaving in ends and all the stopping and starting. However, if it was a particularly stunning square and was going to someone special I would do more colors.


Good luck!

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8" gets my vote as well; not too small so you don't have to make 92387492437 of them, and not too big so that you run out of steam before you get one done :)


And WW yarn is definitely my preference with squares! :yes

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The type of yarn would depend on what the finished item is to be...for example thread for a doily, fingering for a sweater, dk for a baby blanket, worsted for an afghan, would be possible. If a square is pretty, I will usually think of a lot of different ways to use it.

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