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My Gray Trench Jacket/Recycle for a purse


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I decided to stop putting this jacket on hold that I have been working on and off of for about 2 months now. So after getting inspired I decided to finish it up.


Loved how it turned out. It's light weight so I can wear this around spring time.


Oh by the way no pattern used I mainly just used a old jacket as my guildline and took what I know about sewing and just went for it.















Ok I did a recycle project also took some old jeans these here.



And made this here purse








It came out nicely well. I have a zipper for closure. 2 buttons to hold up the strap I did something totally different then I ever have with that. :)


So what you all think of my latest sewing projects.:)


I am trying to bring in the new year with a blast.:):cheer

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WOW. :eek That jacket is awesome, well; so is the purse. I get so frustrated trying to sew. You do such great work. Congratulations! :clap They both look fantastic.



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What a wonderful jacket! You will really love wearing this — very practical but the sense of satisfaction that you did it yourself will be best. The purse is very cute. I see people do these all the time but have never tried it myself. Congratulations on such well-executed projects, Lesa!

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Aww thanks everyone. I totally love it when you can make something and wear it and be the only one with what you have on I don't never have to worry about no one else having on this jacket like mines.:)


Thanks for the kind words.:)

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