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I put so many projects on myself for Christmas I dread doing them.....

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I have an afghan I must finish for my 14 year old brother he will get his gift on Christmas Eve. That gift is not a problem I love doing it knowing it will keep him warm since he requested the afghan.


I have gifts I need to do for my step-mom a set of coasters, my mom (undecided) and my Grandmother (several dishcloths).


I am also working on an afghan for my neighbor since she is like a grandmother to me.



I just feel so much pressure for the other gifts that I put off working on them. I will either crochet something else or practice my knitting.


How can I get motivated to doing those gifts?

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Keep high hopes for yourself. Tell yourself that you will accomplish what you set out to do. We're here to :cheeryou on!



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Well, I'd say alternate between doing the smaller projects (dishcloths & coasters) with your brothers afghan.


Tell yourself that it's ok if you can't finish the biggest projects. For instance for your neighbor if you don't think you can get done in time, give her a card letting her know that her gift was delayed in the workshop by the elves and that you'll get it to her asap. :) You need to take the pressure off yourself. Crochet is supposed to be enjoyable, or else you'll burn out from fulfilling what you feel are commitments.


I only make one large afghan as a gift per year. If I gave everyone in my family an afghan at once it would devalue them as it would seem like I just crank 'em out.

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Since for your mom you're undecided, you have no pressure there. Maybe something you knitted or crochet inestead of the gifts will be good enough.


You could practice knitting dishclothes. Maybe do some in different styles and patterns to practice (crochet or knitting) and then you get some of those done. Or just do some simple dc ones. I've done those. Actually my favorite is one row dc, one row sc and alternate throughout. Makes it fast and easy and they work great.


How about putting in a movie (maybe a Christmas one) and while you watch that you work on a gift. Then you're sitting down for at least 90 minutes.


Also realize you have a little less then a month, plenty of time to make all these things!


PS: Check out the Crochet Along section, there are some great ones you can join to get your Christmas projects done.

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I am in your same boat, I still have several scarfs to make, and a baby sweater, and some wrist warmers.


I finally got my nerve up to start them yesterday, the hubster suggested going to get new hooks, maybe that would help me want to do it? and it did lol, so im knocking each thing out as fast as I can, I have my headphones on and hubster has the kid duty, its actually super nice to just sit here with no distractions and crochet.



You can do this!

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I don't really ever make anyone gifts so I can't help you. I guess you could think about how happy they will be to get your beautiful work. I would be happy if someone made me an afghan! It's nice that you are doing this. I did make a few ami's for my son. I am trying to finish a lapghan for my new neighbor but like you I just can't seem to get it done.

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I'm in the same boat. And the thing is that I never even gave anybody Christmas gifts, so I think I took the season as an excuse to buy yarn.:lol I do want some people to have something made by me, that much is true, but I'm running out of time fast and seem to spend more time on the computer than sitting and stitching, and when I do, sometimes I end up frogging so much I don't make significant headway :bang or work on something that could actually wait. I'll just have to whip myself into submission and commit to at least a couple of hours of stitching each day.


Ah, to help myself with this, I checked out of the public library a couple of books on CD so I can keep my eyes on my project but not feel bored while doing it, maybe that could work for you...


And now I'm outta here!

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I do have to say that I've found myself in this boat alot, mainly with baby blankets that i try to make each time one of my co-workers has a baby. They really are a fertile bunch:lol! Sometimes I do wish I had never started doing this project. I'm going to have a new grandbaby myself in May (hoping for a girl this time). The guys that I work with are very appreciative and some have actually asked if I was going to make their new arrival one. So, I know that most people do like to have handmade things.

So, keep yourself going knowing that what you do will become (in most cases) a cherished gift from you! I was delighted last Christmas when i recieved a crocheted scarf and hat from my DIL, especially since I taught her to crochet.

Hang in there Girl:cheer You can DO it!!!!!!

Gentle hugs,


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