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Would you use the yarn or get rid of it???

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I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your mother, I know just how you must be greiving. I think I would put the yarn away for now and then one day you might want to make something very special with it to remember your mom by. You are in my thoughts and prayers:hugSherri

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I am so sorry for the loss of your mom. It's just hard to lose a parent no matter how old you are. I would also suggest putting the yarn away for now. You can always get rid of it at a later date when you are thinking more clearly, but you can't get it back if later you decide you should have kept it. :hug:hug

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My deepest condolences in the loss of your beloved Mother.:hug


I will agree here with everyone else. Keep the yarn. It will be such a comfort to you once the initial shock and grief has waned. The scarf will warm your body and soul as you remember your mother. You will shed tears in it and it will help assuage your grief.


Many hugs to you and your family.

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:hug Sorry for your loss :hug. Save the yarn for something to remember her by. I have granny squares my grandmother made. The 1st time I tried to put them together, I cried. It's been a few years, so after the holidays I'll get them out and make an afghan. :hug :hug.

Ellie 13

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I agree. When my dad died almost 2 years ago, my parents had purchaced an elk and my dad really wanted the hide. My mom hasn't decided what to do with the hide (I'm not sure that she's ready yet), but she does know that she wants to keep it. At first she tried to back out of the deal, but I think that in a way she's glad that she didn't.

You'll get through it. It might take a while, and you may even decide to have someone else work with the yarn to make something for yourself, but eventually, you'll probably be glad to have kept it.:rose

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So sorry to hear about your loss. IT is never easy to lose a loved one.


Your best bet for right now, is to put the yarn away, as it is painfull to see it. At a later date, take the yarn and make yourself something with it. Since your Mom picked out the yarn, it will be like a gift from her and something you could hand down, as something your Mom gave you.


Take heart friend, the pain does ease, and when you remember your Mom, it will be with love, laughter and fond memories.:hug


:hug I'm so sorry to hear of your loss - :hug


I think Tampa Doll said it very well

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Thank you everyone for your support, kind wishes, thoughts & prayers.


I am learning I have good days & bad days. Some days I can get thru thinking of happy, warm memories. While other days, I'm all tears.


With the holidays coming up I know it will be hard. My dad is coming out to spend Christmas with us. I have planned on decorating our home to the "hilt" as my Mom used to do hers & will bake several of her favorite foods.


I will take all your advice (as it seemed unanimous) and put the yarn away for now so I can one day, make something special for myself.


Thank you again. It is such a wonderful feeling to know I have such heartfelt internet friends surrounding me. Group hug everyone :ghug



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I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. It must be a terrible shock to everyone.. I know I felt it just reading your post.


After a traumatic event, it's usually best to defer decisions. Unless this was very expensive yarn and you need the money.. I would lean towards putting the yarn away for a while and see how you feel later. If you still can't look at it without pain, then return it, sell it or pass it on.


But, since your Mom loved the yarn, you might come to a place in time where wearing a scarf (or other item) made of it will bring you pleasant memories ...


Again, my sympathies on your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you're going through right now, but lisaizme is absolutely right. Maybe hold off on the decision and some time down the road you will be able to use the yarn for a personal scarf and have happier memories of your mom through wearing it?

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I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family. :hug


Something similar happened to me earlier this year with my mother-in-law. I was making an afghan for her for Mother's Day. My MIL was sick the week before Mother's Day, but we had planned to go to see her on that day. (She was in an assisted living home.) I didn't finish her afghan, and my MIL got shingles the day before Mother's Day. DH was sick so the staff suggested that we not come for a visit since his immune system could have been compromised. We had planned to go the next weekend. On Tuesday, the home called and told us that she was going pretty quickly. She died on Wednesday.


I ended up finishing the afghan anyway. I had in my mind all along after she died that I would give it to DH. He was asleep on the couch when I finished it, so I put it over him and went to bed. He commented the next morning that he thought that was sweet, and his mother would have been happy. I told him then that the afghan was for him.


I have happy thoughts of MIL every time I see the afghan. It lives on the back of our couch. Someday, when you're ready, you'll finish the scarf (Or something else) and it will make you smile when you think of your mother.



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My sincerest sympathies to your loss Marie...


I would like to think I'd tuck that yarn away and eventually make something out of it to remind me of my mom when her passing wasn't so painful...but then again, maybe not. Maybe because I bought it and tried to use it at the time I found out she didn't make it might be exactly the reason why I'd give it away. It wouldn't yarn that she had bought for me at another time, or a color that she loved or whatever...


In the end, only you can answer the question of what to do with the yarn.


My sincerest sympathies for your mom's passing.

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I agree with everyone - keep the yarn and when the time is right, you can make yourself something lovely to remember your mom by.


When my grandmother passed last year, my mother and I split up her craft things. She had started crocheting herself a dishcloth and was only about halfway through it before she got too sick to work on it. It took me a few months to even go through all the stuff when I got back home, but when I did, I sat down and finished that dishcloth. Grandma and I never really did any handiwork together (she wasn't a patient woman as far as teaching went!) so it's been a big comfort to me to have that one little item we 'made' together. It's just a dishcloth, and it will eventually wear out, I know, but the memory will always warm me.

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Hi Marie. I am sorry to hear about your mom. I had a similar situation. My late husband had picked out a nice yarn for me to make an afghan for myself. I had started it, then he passed away. I did not know what to do either. I held onto it. About a year-and-a-half later I finished the blanket and gave it to my late husband's favorite doctor. It's up to you, but you may want to hang onto it, maybe make the scarf and give it to your mom's favorite person or charity. That helped for me.

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