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Dishcloth I made. Super Easy!!!


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I need a very simple slipper pattern too. I don't know if I'll try that one or not - me and rounds don't get along very well.

I also have problems with rounds but this one is very easy. You work a continuous round and just use a safety pin or other marker to mark the end of the row. There is no joining (I never know for sure where to join on those patterns and my count always turns out off). I have confidence in you--You CAN do it!:cheer

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:wavingThanks everyone for the nice comments. These patterns are super easy--if they weren't I wouldn't be doing them because I just don't have the patience to learn complicated patterns.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I like those slippers. DH may just get some in his team colors for Christmas!

These slippers are great for using more than one color. If I know I am a little "short" on one color, I use one color as my main color mixed with another color for the foot part and a 3rd color for the ribbed part. I love this pattern because I can turn out at least a pair per night. I bet your husband will love a pair. They really keep the toes warm during the winter.

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