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Another FBB - is this what it's supposed to look like?


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My first FBB - did I do it right? LOL! Well, for whatever reason it won't let me post the pick so here's the photobucket link.




and the lining part here:




Thanks for looking please let me know what you think as these will be gifts for the project managers in my dept for Christmas....



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Thanks everyone! I feel A LOT better about gifting it now! I was a LOT nervous. This was the first kind of purse I've ever made so I needed a bit of comforting about it. I showed it to my grandma and now she wants one too! Hehe! Of course, she's my grandma so I'll have to! Thanks again everyone for checking it out for me!!! :hug

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Wonderful job! I think I could make the FBB in my sleep now that I have given so many as gifts. Your lining is perfect! I love the bandana looking fabric, if you don't mind can you tell us where you got your fabric? Do you need another Project Manager, I have yet to make myself a FBB!;););)

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I actually raided my grandmother's fabric stash... so I'm not sure where she got it from. She took my mother out bday shopping today so when they get back I'll ask her. :) I had a bunch of the stuff I made (and am working on) at her beauty shop yesterday and some of her customer's saw them and are going to be bringing me their yarn and fabric stashes!!!!! Yay me!!!! :cheer Told the boyfriend he couldn't say anything about that b/c it's FREE!!! LOL! :lol

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I have no idea if you did it right or not as I've never done one myself, but it looks wonderful to me!


Oh, and both links are the same picture, but once you get to one you can backspace and see the other on photobucket. Nice!


Thanks for that! Here's the right link:



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Thanks! I guess part of the reason I questioned if I did it right is I just had the impression that it would be bigger for some reason. Afterwards I went back and read what the finished measurements were but I really thought it'd be bigger. But I'm still happy w/the way it came out. I plan on going to the dollar store and finding a matching pin to put on it. So for those who are used to "bigger" purses, this may not be your everyday purse, but your matching essentials-only type purse. I'm sure w/a different type of yarn and/or bigger hook it could be bigger though. I used the recommended I hook and used "I Love this Cotton" yarn from Hobby Lobby.


For those that asked about the fabric lining - I did ask my grandmother where she got it from but she doesn't remember b/c it was so long ago and I just pulled it from her stash. LOL! Sorry everyone.

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I love your bag. I am actually making my very first one now in ILTY forrest green for my MIL for christmas.

If I may ask, how did you do the lining? I don't have a sewing machine and I think that may be a problem.



I hand-stitched the lining using this tutorial. It was really easier than I thought!


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