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Stitch Markers?

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How do you use stitch markers? For the longest time I just used those little gold colored safety pins. Then I was looking in my beading box and realized i had some beads i would probably never use for anything, and had some extra head pins and earring hooks.


So, I put them together. Now I'm wondering, how do you really use them? When I used safety pins, i put them through the top of the stitch. So, I experimented with that, and then just putting it around the post of the stitch. (dc)


How do you use them?

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Lever Back and top stitch here too :lol

I have found that lever backs are a lot easier to get on and off. Lobster claw clasps are tricky...especially if you have long fingernails.


Just make sure your beads aren't too heavy.

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Are you asking how you place them into the work or are you asking why you put them there, i.e. what do you use them for?


How do I use them? My daughter gave me pretty beaded markers for my birthday which are perfect for knitting, in which case you just slip them onto the needle. They weren't working so well for crochet though, so I have slipped them onto the little plastic safety pins where they dangle and let me use my gift. The plastic pins clip right onto the correct spot.


Why do I use them? I like to see how far I've come since the beginning of the round (I work mainly thread doilies these days) so I clip one onto the beginning spot. The second plastic pin goes on because I am unfortunately highly distractable and prone to stupid mistakes. I choose a different color plastic safety pin to mark every few inches AFTER I have thoroughly checked my work to see that there are no errors. The next time I am ready to check I check only from the spot where the little green pin is resting instead of needing to check the whole, growing round each time. The green pin follows my work all around as it grows.

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I use the little plastic circular markers by Boye. I made some out of beads out of my bead stash but they were too heavy and pulled on the yarn.

Right now I am using them on the side of a afghan to count the rows progressing. I put one on the end stitch of every 10th row so I do not have to constantly repeat counting the same rows over and over. Much more accurate and faster. ;)

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I generally just use a piece of yarn between stitches as markers. I've tried safety pins but don't like them. Someone recently made me the most adorable stitch markers with black kitties on them; But they are for knitting. I like them so much, however, that I am thinking of somehow stringing them up and making it into a necklace.

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I was away for a couple of days. DS has bronchitis, but is through the worst of it now. I'm getting over something too. Doctor said bronchial infection, DH has some sort of viral cold thing, and my mom is sick too! :-) Gah! So, this past week DS was at my mom's so I could work. I took one sick day, should have taken more but don't think I have much of those.


Anyways, we're up and around again!


Thanks everyone for your input on the stitch markers. I haven't really used mine since the other day. I've just done some easy hats. The professional, and the x's and o's hats.

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