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Hand pain

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I am starting to think I may see my last days of crocheting really soon.

Yesterday I made four hex's and this morning I put together the first part (all but the triangles) of my Rose afgan.

My left hand is killing me. Not sure why. I am only 44 years old. Can't go to a doctor about it no insurance.

It really makes me sad to think this might be my last large project.:(

Anyone else have hand problems and maybe some tips?

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I have the same problem going on. I had to go to the corner drug store and buy a wrist brace. It is tendinitis and the brace helps but makes it **** to crochet while wearing it. I take Aleve and use the brace whenever it flares up. I switched to holding my crochet hook like a handle bar of a bicycle and that helps immensely


My entire blanket I am posting today was made while using a brace.



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I wear a brace all the time on my right wrist while crocheting. It's one I found that's for wrist only, doesn't have any supports going onto the palm of the hand. Otherwise I can't crochet if I use that kind.

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Hey ... We're in the same boat again ... I'm 46 and have just begun having

pain in my right hand only but pretty bad. But it happens when I do a

ton of work with my hands, whether outside in the yard, inside cleaning or

doing a lot of crochet ... and yep ... no ins. here either. Figure it's just

good ole arthritis setting in and so it's been good that I've had little time for crocheting lately - to let them rest. Ibuprofen seems to help out tho ...

Good Luck again with finding some relief!! :hug

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Hi..I too have quite a bit of pain when I crochet..mines due to good ol'arthr and I use Castivia (found in most drugstores) and rub it into my joints at night then put on gloves (that aren't too restricting) to help control the swelling I experience. It takes awhile for the Castivia to start working(up to 2 weeks) but it, along with the gloves has given me some relief.

Good Luck...My thoughts are with you.

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are you holding everything with a tight grip? are your hands/arm/shoulder muscles totally relaxed while you crochet? i was doing that and not knowing i was doing it. now my hands don't hurt.

maybe only crochet for 15-30 min at a time per day? try that.


i wouldn't quit over it. try what works best for you.

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Try a different hook, and don't crochet more than an hour without taking a break to flex and stretch the fingers. I found wooden hooks are so much lighter and warmer they really helped me crochet again after I thought my days as a hooker were over.

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i had a tendency to grip it to tight too, i found when i changed how i crocheted made a huge difference. i now use the knife method and is so less stressful on my hands and wrists. i also crochet loose so it isn't over doing the muscle pulling. and as kathy said wooden hooks (also plastic) are so much lighter to use, even if you get one of those bamboo handle ones from susan bates or use crystalight hooks they will help,. course if your lucky enough to own a jimbo hook you are already in high gear as that hook is truly a blessing, i wish you the best of luck in getting it to work for you:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Thank you for all the tips. I don't think I crochet to tight or I wouldn't need to use needles 2 times smaller then what the pattern calls for to get the guage. So I must be too loose. lol

I do have a wrist band but ya mind goes around the hand and wrist. I do wear it a lot even when not crocheting these days.

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Be careful, those of you who are 'self medicating' with a wrist brace. It MIGHT make some problems worse. There are different treatments (and different braces) for different types of wrist/hand pain.


I had to wear a compression sleeve a few years ago, which restricts movement like a brace, and it CAUSED my tendonitis. The only thing that will make tendonitis go away is rest--for weeks, unfortunately. That doesn't work for arthritis or carpal tunnel.


Try putting your crocheting down for a couple of weeks (I know, it's hard) or at least cut down on the time per day. Try using the mouse with your other hand, and if you have a touchpad, get a mouse (touchpads are wrist killers).


I'm going through the same thing, I did something that brought my tendonitis back and I'm having to abstain from crochet for a while. :(

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I just went to the dr today because I haven't been able to crochet for two weeks and the pain in my hand has gotten so bad I'm having problems taking notes in meetings at work. He thinks it might be carpal tunnel and gave me anti-inflammatory meds and told me to get a wrist brace. If this combo doesn't help by the time I go back to see him in two weeks, he will refer me to a nurologous (sp?). I was hoping that by giving myself a break from crochet and anything else I could would help but the pain just kept getting worse. Of course it's my right hand and I'm right handed. I'm 39 and man I'm starting to feel that I'm now 29 anymore!

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The odd thing is my wrist are not in pain it is my hands and fingers.

I do have an appointment for my 15 year check for my liver transplant. If they don't want money up front to do it I am going to see if he can set me up an appointment for my hands. Unless he think it is pointless cause of my medication.

Heat helps and so does wrapping my hands with an ace bandage. And so does ben gay.

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