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Blankets for NICU babies


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I got a phone call yesterday that the surrogate mother of some dear friends of mine delivered their twin boys this weekend at 27w gestation. The boys were just over 2lbs each and are doing well right now. They are on ventilators and feeding tubes and have a very long road ahead of them. Prayers, thoughts, positive energy - PLEASE!



So I spent all day yesterday making these blankets for them:




If anyone would like to send hats or blankets or booties or cards - anything - I know their daddies would love it! Just PM me!

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My 3 1/2 year old son was born at 29 weeks gestation. He had to stay in the NICU for 7 weeks but he came home almost 4 weeks before they said he would. He had a few ups and downs but he made it through fine. He had to come home on an apnea monitor and oxygen. He also had to have caffeine put into his milk every 4 hours, 24 hours a day for almost 4 months. All in all it was a trial to endure but he made it just fine. And while he was there, someone crocheted some little hats and blankets for the babies and I still have his. It was a big comfort knowing that my baby was there being warmed with his own little blanket. They are in my prayers. It is a long road but prayers help you along the way!

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Thanks, everyone!


Christine - that really lifted my spirits. Thanks so much for sharing!


And thanks to the ladies who PMd me and offered so send hats and blankets - I know they will be greatly appreciated.

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