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I've Lost My G Hook!!

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I can't find it anywhere! I've been working on this


for my friends baby and when I showed it to her she seemed less that excited. I honestly think she was expecting something summery (which I can understand). I can't get it to sit right, it wasn't what I had intended for the squares but her birthday is this weekend and I started to panic and threw them together - So this morning I decided I would make the baby a summer set BUT after carefully choosing the yarn from my stash and thinking long and hard about the pattern I went to begin and :yell I CAN'T FIND MY G HOOK!!!! Well, not my Susan Bates hook - I can find the Boye one but I HATE that hook....


ugh, now I have to go to the craft store JUST to buy a new hook cause I hate the one I'm using.....(hehe the craft store....yay!:clap)

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I have an extra one....let me know if you want me to send one to you!!!!!


This is why you needs lots, and lots, of HOOKS!!!!! Sometimes they just disappear!!!! :mdust:mdust


No joke! We have this recliner that eats hooks..and pens... and needles...Everything dives down to the right side and the stupid chair has to be turned up to retrieve it again. But, I like to crochet (and read) with my feet propped up so certain sacrifices and irritations are necessary:lol

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I JUST replaced my G and C hooks because the Borrowers took them!! The borrowers also like to use my steel crochet hooks... can't tell you how many of my steel hooks have up and disappeared!


Have fun at the craft store, say hello to the Simply Soft for me!

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I JUST replaced my G and C hooks because the Borrowers took them!! The borrowers also like to use my steel crochet hooks... can't tell you how many of my steel hooks have up and disappeared!


Have fun at the craft store, say hello to the Simply Soft for me!


Have you ever heard of Socksnatchers?


We have a whole colony at our house:lol

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This is why I own approximatly 5 each of g, h, and K. I can never find my hook when I need it. So, I go out and buy another.....then I find the original.


I hear you about the boye hook....I'd rather not crochet than use one of those....Bates are my favorite!

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I hear you about the boye hook....I'd rather not crochet than use one of those....Bates are my favorite!


I can understand, too. I have a very nice Boye I/9 hook that is over 25 years old. A couple of months ago, I decided I needed a back up and purchased another Boye hook. Arrg! It was impossible to use - it was so rough:angry I tossed it in the trash and e-mailed my complaints to Wrights.


Can you believe it!? They sent me a replacement that was as smooth and easy to use as my old standby. :yay They also mentioned that they were aware of the problem.


Who knows? Maybe they'll actually fix the problem.

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When I was younger, I thought it was absurd to have more than one of each hook size. Little did I know!


Now I have doubles of everything in Susan Bates from B to K in aluminum, and extras in J, my favorite.


I just added the B to E when I discover Jo-Ann's On-line has them. I haven't seen them in years in stores. I wanted them for work with sport weight.


A few months ago I added a set of Susan Bates Crystalites L,M,N,P. Are they ever pretty! With some practice, they're aren't bad to use ~ just awkward because they are so big.

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Can I come too??:lol


I love how my hooks vanish when I need them fastest.


What is scary is I was in Michael's today (with coupon in hand) and walked out with absolutely nothing.

Admittedly I made sure to just drive by the acmoore on my way home from work(have only set foot inside that store once and not come out with something for me or my dd).:eek

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I wonder of the yarn will soften up once it is washed and lay better. I've made some for toddlers from a pattern I found (which is no longer online:shrug). It was very similar to this one though if you want to try some modifying for size. http://www.geocities.com/crotiques/ponchoset.htm I made them from simply soft and they laid really well, and the girls wear them a lot. The holes might also make it more summer appropriate in a cotton type yarn.


Bummer about the lost hook...and having to take a trip to the store. :hookThe only downside I can think of is that for the same price you could get maybe a ball of cotton yarn. I'd rather buy yarn than,..well almost anything.

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Well! I went on ACMoore after writing about my poor lost hook and when I printed out the coupon... SCORE!!!

55% off ANY ITEM!!!! till today only

AND a free white pine tree in honor of Earth day for the first 100 customers!!


AND Sugar & Cream was on sale for 99 cents a skein!





$40 dollars later..........


I had 10 skeins of sugar & cream

1 pair of foldable scissors


foam core for my daughters school project ( but that really doesnt count)

and I used my 55% coupon on a new Crochet Lite "I" hook!!!!




oh ...and a tree :yay

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hehe did you check your big balls of yarn? My hook disappeared tonight, I looked everywhere. My darn huge yarn ball ate it!


Mind you, any excuse for the yarn store works too! lol



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