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My Bra Purse!


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If you have a photobucket account, or other photosharing (I use Village Photos),highlight, then copy the http: link they provide. When you want to put the photo in the message, click on the yellow picture that looks like a postcard. A little window will appear, right click on that, and paste what you've copied, then click OK, and the picture will be inserted.

Photo size limits can be seen here: http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=28913


I'm looking forward to seeing this, I had an idea for a bag, it calls for an old bra (figured it'd be good to recyle!), just haven't started yet.



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Wow girl that bra purse is awesome... I love it and let me tell yiou I'm 47 and i have one that is a panty i bought it in fashion bug not crocheted but it sure is the talk every where i go and i even took it to church, and you know their faces droped.

Love your purse

do you have a pattern for it.. I'd love to make me one too

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