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Yarn on my cat

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This isn't really a crochet topic but it was so cute! I started a new afghan today and my cat is always at my side on the couch. He was between me and my yarn so when I pulled out a bunch of yarn it covered him while was sleeping and he slept right through it. I got a pic. Thought I'd share. :lol



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I looked all over for a place here to talk about new projects being started but couldn't a place so I thought I'd continue in my cat thread haha.


I'm almost done with a granny ripple afghan that my friend asked me to make for her. Just working on the edging. After finding this forum last night I really wanted to start a new one so I went to Michaels today and picked out colors for an afghan just for me. (Imagine that, actually making something for myself).


So I just wanted to post about it. I'm almost done with the first color sequence. The pattern calls for colors going from light to dark and back again but my friend only wanted a variegated and a solid on hers. I decided to go by the pattern but instead of pinks I'm doing greens. Its such a joy to start a new project, and this forum inspired me to start another. ;)

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I'm moving in with my boyfriend's two cats this month. I don't think I'll be able to leave yarn laying around like I do now. My cat is 17 so he doesn't care much about yarn anymore haha. Jack Russels are so cute!

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Hahaha like in Patch Adams, instead of pool of spaggeti, a pool of yarn? Tee hee!


How do ya'll store your yarn? I'm gonna need to keep it put away at the new place with my bf's cats. I have a big "road box" my uncle gave me from when he was doing theatre. It's cleaned out now, was used for storage. I think I'll make that my yarn station. It's not a box with a lid, its a big verticle box with a door. Thats what I'm thinking. How do ya'll keep yarn safe from pets?

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The best part is if I crochet in a chair, I put the yarn on a tv tray and it'll dangle on the floor. One time my cat got it wrapped around his leg and went for a walk before I noticed! I had plenty of unraveled yarn to work with after that!!

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My chihuahua lays beside me while I crochet, but she doesn't like when the yarn touches her, so she tries to get under it. If I'm working on an afghan and it's big enough, I let her snuggle under it, and when I go to turn it, it wakes her up. But the

cats never bother my yarn, unless it rolls off onto the floor... then they might chase it or swat at it or something.

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I have a one of those baskets that's a folding frame with a cloth bag attached. I took it with me to friends house, and her cat tried to get in it. The whole thing tipped over, the yarn balls rolled out and the cat crawled in. She didn't care for the yarn :lol. We didn't think to get a pic :(.

Ellie 13

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Awwwwww....love it...my kitty is such a fan of yarn...unless she was really zonked out though, if I put yarn on her, she'd wake up and wanna play...

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My furbabies love my yarn. I will keep it in a bag on the floor next to my chair as i pull from the skein they watch it then all of a sudden i get a wet section that is when i realize that one of them tasted the yarn. They also love to sleep in boxes (see my avatar) and their favorite is my box of fiber fill. one burrows down deep thae other lays on top and the dog just looks at them like they are insane. The dog ( a chihuahua mix) loves to sit and try to "protect" the yarn from the kitties by growling at and pouncing on them.

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  • 1 month later...

What a cutie! I usually have a cat either on my lap or sleeping next to me. Makes it a bit challenging but I couldn't live without them!


My cats don't bother my yarn unless it is dangling, but my year old lab mix will steal balls of yarn if I don't watch her.


Blue Ridge Mountain Girl

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Furbabies love the yarn....but this is the first under the yarn furbaby I have seen, mine are usually running with the ball of yarn ....very cute picture!!


I was just wondering what type of 'furbabies' you have? I used to have sugar gliders.

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Bruttis, he loves to catch me just crocheting away and not paying any attention to him, because he has a bad habit of chewing and breaking the yarn as I crochet and then all of a sudden I have a wet end. Of course with 5 cats in the house don't usually pay attention until it has already happened.

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