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To Frog or not?

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I'm debating whether or not to frog the front portion of a sweater. There's a major mistake in the cabling pattern, but at this point I honestly don't care about the sweater or the recipient.


But I'm probably going to end up looking at this sweater often and seeing it will jump out at me.


Do I rip it down to the mistake (1/4 up from the beginning) or skip it and deal?

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I would frog it. I had to do that the night before giving an afghan. I didn't see it until I was on the last round of the edging. It was a good 1/4 back.


You will feel better after you do it and know the mistake isn't there.


Sorry to hear it and GOOD LUCK!

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The way I would look at it is I might not care about the sweater or the recipient, but I care about my reputation and my craftwork, and I wouldn't want it to seem as though I was willing to let something like that go. It still reflects on the person who made it, whether that person likes what they made or the person it went to. For what it's worth, though, I do tend to be overly picky with my own work, so even one little mess-up would make me frog no matter how far back it was when I found it.



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Definitely frog. You would always look at it knowing the mistake is there and would not be happy with yourself. I am now frogging an entire afghan because the second loom I wanted to use is not the same size and the stitches would not go together. That is what I get for not checking sizes before I started. It will look much better when I am done though and your sweater would be the same. It will look much better after done correctly.

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yes i agree with the frog lol

personally, i hate mistakes in my work and will rip out all my stitches if i have to. that's just me though, i'm really compulsive lol

but i agree with the other posters, it will definitely be worth it. (hopefully) :D

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:frog:frog:frog Definately...sorry :( I work mostly with amis and they are very forgiving, but if I make a mistake on something else it :bee:dragonfly:ladybug me to no end. I did leave a mistake in a graphghan once because I hardly ever see it...out of sight out of mind!
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